Common lisp CLOS dispatch - common-lisp

Is there a good way to get a generic function to dispatch on the car of a list?
I've been working on a symbolic algebra program, and at the moment am storing a lot of data as lists with different keywords as the cars to indicate type. For example, I have simplices stored as '(:simplex #(0 1 2)), and I have something I'm calling steps for the time being stored as '(:step #(0 1 0 1)). I would like to be able to take the dimension and boundary of both of these, ideally using some built in dispatch mechanism.

Bit hacky, but you can do this with eql specialisers.
(defmethod foo ((first (eql :simplex)) (thing vector))
<method body here>)
You'd then have to call that as either
(foo :step #(0 1 0 1))
(apply #'foo '(:step #(0 1 0 1)))
So, for your situation, you'd do something like
(defmethod dimension ((type (eql :simplex)) (thing vector))
;; calculate dimension of a SIMPLEX here
(defmethod dimension ((type (eql :step)) (thing vector))
;; calculate dimension of a STEP here
and the same for boundary.
If the things you're processing are really meant to be different structures, you might consider defining structs or classes instead of using raw lists. At that point, you could easily just define methods on the appropriate type, which would let you sidestep the awkward calling requirements of this approach.


How to understand clojure's lazy-seq

I'm trying to understand clojure's lazy-seq operator, and the concept of lazy evaluation in general. I know the basic idea behind the concept: Evaluation of an expression is delayed until the value is needed.
In general, this is achievable in two ways:
at compile time using macros or special forms;
at runtime using lambda functions
With lazy evaluation techniques, it is possible to construct infinite data structures that are evaluated as consumed. These infinite sequences utilizes lambdas, closures and recursion. In clojure, these infinite data structures are generated using lazy-seq and cons forms.
I want to understand how lazy-seq does it's magic. I know it is actually a macro. Consider the following example.
(defn rep [n]
(lazy-seq (cons n (rep n))))
Here, the rep function returns a lazily-evaluated sequence of type LazySeq, which now can be transformed and consumed (thus evaluated) using the sequence API. This API provides functions take, map, filter and reduce.
In the expanded form, we can see how lambda is utilized to store the recipe for the cell without evaluating it immediately.
(defn rep [n]
(new clojure.lang.LazySeq (fn* [] (cons n (rep n)))))
But how does the sequence API actually work with LazySeq?
What actually happens in the following expression?
(reduce + (take 3 (map inc (rep 5))))
How is the intermediate operation map applied to the sequence,
how does take limit the sequence and
how does terminal operation reduce evaluate the sequence?
Also, how do these functions work with either a Vector or a LazySeq?
Also, is it possible to generate nested infinite data structures?: list containing lists, containing lists, containing lists... going infinitely wide and deep, evaluated as consumed with the sequence API?
And last question, is there any practical difference between this
(defn rep [n]
(lazy-seq (cons n (rep n))))
and this?
(defn rep [n]
(cons n (lazy-seq (rep n))))
That's a lot of questions!
How does the seq API actually works with LazySeq?
If you take a look at LazySeq's class source code you will notice that it implements ISeq interface providing methods like first, more and next.
Functions like map, take and filter are built using lazy-seq (they produce lazy sequences) and first and rest (which in turn uses more) and that's how they can work with lazy seq as their input collection - by using first and more implementations of LazySeq class.
What actually happens in the following expression?
(reduce + (take 3 (map inc (rep 5))))
The key is to look how LazySeq.first works. It will invoke the wrapped function to obtain and memoize the result. In your case it will be the following code:
(cons n (rep n))
Thus it will be a cons cell with n as its value and another LazySeq instance (result of a recursive call to rep) as its rest part. It will become the realised value of this LazySeq object and first will return the value of the cached cons cell.
When you call more on it, it will in the same way ensure that the value of the particular LazySeq object is realised (or reused memoized value) and call more on it (in this case more on the cons cell containing another LazySeq object).
Once you obtain another instance of LazySeq object with more the story repeats when you call first on it.
map and take will create another lazy-seq that will call first and more of the collection passed as their argument (just another lazy seq) so it will be similar story. The difference will be only in how the values passed to cons are generated (e.g. calling f to a value obtained by first invoked on the LazySeq value mapped over in map instead of a raw value like n in your rep function).
With reduce it's a bit simpler as it will use loop with first and more to iterate over the input lazy seq and apply the reducing function to produce the final result.
As the actual implementation looks like for map and take I encourage you to check their source code - it's quite easy to follow.
How seq API can works with different collection types (e.g. lazy seq and persistent vector)?
As mentioned above, map, take and other functions work in terms of first and rest (reminder - rest is implemented on top of more). Thus we need to explain how first and rest/more can work with different collection types: they check if the collection implements ISeq (and then it implement those functions directly) or they try to create a seq view of the collection and coll its implementation of first and more.
Is it possible to generate nested infinite data structures?
It's definitely possible but I am not sure what the exact data shape you would like to get. Do you mean getting a lazy seq which generates another sequence as it's value (instead of a single value like n in your rep) but returns it as a flat sequence?
(defn nested-cons [n]
(lazy-seq (cons (repeat n n) (nested-cons (inc n)))))
(take 3 (nested-cons 1))
;; => ((1) (2 2) (3 3 3))
that would rather return (1 2 2 3 3 3)?
For such cases you might use concat instead of cons which creates a lazy sequence of two or more sequences:
(defn nested-concat [n]
(lazy-seq (concat (repeat n n) (nested-concat (inc n)))))
(take 6 (nested-concat 1))
;; => (1 2 2 3 3 3)
Is there any practical difference with this
(defn rep [n]
(lazy-seq (cons n (rep n))))
and this?
(defn rep [n]
(cons n (lazy-seq (rep n))))
In this particular case not really. But in the case where a cons cell doesn't wrap a raw value but a result of a function call to calculate it, the latter form is not fully lazy. For example:
(defn calculate-sth [n]
(println "Calculating" n)
(defn rep1 [n]
(lazy-seq (cons (calculate-sth n) (rep1 (inc n)))))
(defn rep2 [n]
(cons (calculate-sth n) (lazy-seq (rep2 (inc n)))))
(take 0 (rep1 1))
;; => ()
(take 0 (rep2 1))
;; Prints: Calculating 1
;; => ()
Thus the latter form will evaluate its first element even if you might not need it.

Nondestructive setf?

Common Lisp seems to go to great lengths to provide both nondestructive functions (like subst & remove) and destructive functions and modify macros (like delete & rotatef) for general use. Presumably this is to effectively support both functional and nonfunctional styles of programming. But there also seems to be a particular bias toward the nonfunctional style in the design of the ubiquitous setf. The setf macro, incorporating generalized reference, is apparently flexible enough to modify any specifiable place (except perhaps for immutable integers and characters). This power probably accounts for its widespread useage in spite of its nonfunctional/destructive behavior.
The question is why there is not a corresponding "functional style" nondestructive operator, patterned after setf (call it put, since set is already taken), analogous to other nondestructive/destructive lisp operator pairs. Such an operator would probably take the same arguments, a place and a value, but would return a copy of the object in which the place was embedded, instead of the new value at that place. It also would probably involve a universal copier of some sort, with the standard setf simply modifying the copy before returning it. The nondestructive operator then could be used in lieu of setf for most assignments, with setf being reserved for really large objects. Is such an operator feasible (or even possible) given the (presumed) requirement for a universal copier and the need to recover an object from an arbitrary place embedded in it?
Common Lisp has no universal copier for the same reason it does not have a built-in printable representation of CLOS objects (see, e.g., Saving CLOS objects): the power of MOP.
Specifically, object creation can have arbitrary side effects whose replication is hard to guarantee. E.g., define initialize-instance for your class to modify slots based something fluid (e.g., tides or just random). Then the result of make-instance called with the same arguments twice may be different. You might argue that this is an argument in favor of a memcpy-style generic copier. However, imagine now a class which does instance accounting (an :allocation :class slot which contains a hash table mapping unique ID to instance). Now, the round trip from the copied object via the table will get a different object (the original, not the copy) - a major contract violation. And these examples are just the tip of the iceberg.
However, I would not agree that Common Lisp encourages imperative style more than functional style. It merely discourages the style you describe (copy+setf). Think about it this way: from the functional POV, a copy is indistinguishable from the original (because everything is immutable).
There are also "small hints" showing a clear preference for functional style.
Observe that the "natural" names
(e.g., append) are reserved
for non-destructive functions; the destructive versions
(e.g., nconc) are given
obscure names.
Additionally, pathnames, characters and numbers (including composites like ratio and complex) are
immutable, i.e., all pathname and number functions create new objects (functional style).
Thus, IMO, Common Lisp encourages programmers to use functional style while still making imperative style feasible, in conformance to the slogan "simple things should be easy, hard things should be possible".
See also Kent Pitman's writeup.
There is no universal setter either, but with SETF you are supposed to provide one when you use DEFINE-SETF-EXPANDER. I suppose you could define the equivalent of lenses/functional references. For another approach, Clojure defines an update function (borrowed from other languages, I know it exists in Prolog), which is not universal either. The FSET library provides some functional structures, notably associative maps which work like the ones in Clojure.
Suppose for a moment you limit yourself to structures:
(defstruct foo a b c)
(defstruct bar x y z)
(defparameter *test*
(make-foo :a (make-bar :x 0 :y 0 :z 0)
:b 100
:c "string"))
;; *test* is now
;; #S(FOO :A #S(BAR :X 0 :Y 0 :Z 0) :B 100 :C "string")
The following approach makes a copy, it relies on copy-structure and slot-value, which, while not standard, is well supported:
(defun update (structure keys value)
(if (endp keys)
(destructuring-bind (key &rest keys) keys
(let ((copy (copy-structure structure)))
(setf (slot-value copy key)
(update (slot-value copy key)
You can update *test* as follows:
(update *test* '(a z) 10)
Here is a trace:
0: (UPDATE #S(FOO :A #S(BAR :X 0 :Y 0 :Z 0) :B 100 :C "string") (A Z) 10)
1: (UPDATE #S(BAR :X 0 :Y 0 :Z 0) (Z) 10)
2: (UPDATE 0 NIL 10)
2: UPDATE returned 10
1: UPDATE returned #S(BAR :X 0 :Y 0 :Z 10)
0: UPDATE returned #S(FOO :A #S(BAR :X 0 :Y 0 :Z 10) :B 100 :C "string")
In order to generalize, you could accept a function instead of a value, so that you could implement the equivalent of incf by partially applying the update function with #'1+ (the resulting closure would accept a list of keys).
Also, you need to generalize the copy operation, which is possible with generic functions. Likewise, you could use other kinds of accessors, and replace slot-value with a generic access function (for which there is a (setf access) operation). This generic copy/setf approach could be wasteful, however, if you want to share some data. For example, you only need to copy the part of a list which leads to your data, not the cons cells that are following it.
You could define some facility for defining custom updaters:
(defmethod perform-update (new (list list) position)
(nconc (subseq list 0 position)
(list new)
(nthcdr (1+ position) list)))

operation between two lists

In common lisp there is map, which lets you do this kind of thing:
(map (lambda (x y) (/ x y)) (list 2 4 6 8 10 12) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))
returning (2 2 2 2 2 2)
However now I am working at ACL2 and there is no such a thing as map.
So in my mind the only choice left I have is doing recursion to calculate what I want, unless there is another simpler and/or more efficient way of doing it.
... Which is exactly my question. Is there a better way of doing it than to create a recursive function called something like divide-two-lists? It just feels like something that a lisp-based language should naturally do instead of having you to create another function specifically just for it, hence why I am asking.
You could pretty easily write your own map. From the GNU Emacs guide:
(defun mapcar* (function &rest args)
"Apply FUNCTION to successive cars of all ARGS.
Return the list of results."
;; If no list is exhausted,
(if (not (memq nil args))
;; apply function to cars.
(cons (apply function (mapcar 'car args))
(apply 'mapcar* function
;; Recurse for rest of elements.
(mapcar 'cdr args)))))
(mapcar* 'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3 4))
⇒ ((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
I'm unfamiliar with acl2, so you might have to change some functions (e.g. memq), or deal differently with how apply or &rest arguments work, but this is the meat of the code.
ACL2 is based on first order logic. In first order logic, statements like
(define (P R A) (R A))
are not allowed because R is being used as both a parameter and a function.
It is theoretically possible to get around this limitation by literally defining your own language within first order logic that includes the constructs for higher order logic. Otherwise, you are correct, your best option is to define something like divide-two-lists every single time you want to use a map function.
That's tedious, but it is how ACL2 was meant to be used.
This isn't exactly suitable to your question, but it's related, and so I mention it in case it helps someone else who is looking at your question.
Consider the book "std/util/defprojection", which provides a macro that lets you map a function across a list.

Scheme: Procedures that return another inner procedure

This is from the SICP book that I am sure many of you are familiar with. This is an early example in the book, but I feel an extremely important concept that I am just not able to get my head around yet. Here it is:
(define (cons x y)
(define (dispatch m)
(cond ((= m 0) x)
((= m 1) y)
(else (error "Argument not 0 or 1 - CONS" m))))
(define (car z) (z 0))
(define (cdr z) (z 1))
So here I understand that car and cdr are being defined within the scope of cons, and I get that they map some argument z to 1 and 0 respectively (argument z being some cons). But say I call (cons 3 4) are the arguments 3 and 4 evaluated, when we immediately go into this inner-procedure dispatch which takes some argument m that we have not specified yet? And, maybe more importantly, what is the point of returning 'dispatch? I don't really get that part at all. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
This is one of the weirder (and possibly one of the more wonderful) examples of exploiting first-class functions in Scheme. Something similar is also in the Little Schemer, which is where I first saw it, and I remember scratching my head for days over it. Let me see if I can explain it in a way that makes sense, but I apologize if it's not clear.
I assume you understand the primitives cons, car, and cdr as they are implemented in Scheme already, but just to remind you: cons constructs a pair, car selects the first component of the pair and returns it, and cdr selects the second component and returns it. Here's a simple example of using these functions:
> (cons 1 2)
(1 . 2)
> (car (cons 1 2))
> (cdr (cons 1 2))
The version of cons, car, and cdr that you've pasted should behave exactly the same way. I'll try to show you how.
First of all, car and cdr are not defined within the scope of cons. In your snippet of code, all three (cons, car, and cdr) are defined at the top-level. The function dispatch is the only one that is defined inside cons.
The function cons takes two arguments and returns a function of one argument. What's important about this is that those two arguments are visible to the inner function dispatch, which is what is being returned. I'll get to that in a moment.
As I said in my reminder, cons constructs a pair. This version of cons should do the same thing, but instead it's returning a function! That's ok, we don't really care how the pair is implemented or laid out in memory, so long as we can get at the first and second components.
So with this new function-based pair, we need to be able to call car and pass the pair as an argument, and get the first component. In the definition of car, this argument is called z. If you were to execute the same REPL session I had above with these new cons ,car, and cdr functions, the argument z in car will be bound to the function-based pair, which is what cons returns, which is dispatch. It's confusing, but just think it through carefully and you'll see.
Based on the implementation of car, it appears to be that it take a function of one argument, and applies it to the number 0. So it's applying dispatch to 0, and as you can see from the definition of dispatch, that's what we want. The cond inside there compares m with 0 and 1 and returns either x or y. In this case, it returns x, which is the first argument to cons, in other words the first component of the pair! So car selects the first component, just as the normal primitive does in Scheme.
If you follow this same logic for cdr, you'll see that it behaves almost the same way, but returns the second argument to cons, y, which is the second component of the pair.
There are a couple of things that might help you understand this better. One is to go back to the description of the substitution model of evaluation in Chapter 1. If you carefully and meticulously follow that substitution model for some very simple example of using these functions, you'll see that they work.
Another way, which is less tedious, is to try playing with the dispatch function directly at the REPL. Below, the variable p is defined to refer to the dispatch function returned by cons.
> (define p (cons 1 2))
#<function> ;; what the REPL prints here will be implementation specific
> (p 0)
> (p 1)
The code in the question shows how to redefine the primitive procedure cons that creates a cons-cell (a pair of two elements: the car and the cdr), using only closures and message-dispatching.
The dispatch procedure acts as a selector for the arguments passed to cons: x and y. If the message 0 is received, then the first argument of cons is returned (the car of the cell). Likewise, if 1 is received, then the second argument of cons is returned (the cdr of the cell). Both arguments are stored inside the closure defined implicitly for the dispatch procedure, a closure that captures x and y and is returned as the product of invoking this procedural implementation of cons.
The next redefinitions of car and cdr build on this: car is implemented as a procedure that passes 0 to a closure as returned in the above definition, and cdr is implemented as a procedure that passes 1 to the closure, in each case ultimately returning the original value that was passed as x and y respectively.
The really nice part of this example is that it shows that the cons-cell, the most basic unit of data in a Lisp system can be defined as a procedure, therefore blurring the distinction between data and procedure.
This is the "closure/object isomorphism", basically.
The outer function (cons) is a class constructor. It returns an object, which is a function of one argument, where the argument is equivalent to the name of a method. In this case, the methods are getters, so they evaluate to values. You could just as easily have stored more procedures in the object returned by the constructor.
In this case, numbers where chosen as method names and sugary procedures defined outside the object itself. You could have used symbols:
(define (cons x y)
(lambda (method)
(cond ((eq? method 'car) x)
((eq? method 'cdr) y)
(else (error "unknown method")))))
In which case what you have more closely resembles OO:
# (define p (cons 1 2))
# (p 'car)
# (p 'cdr)

Permuting output of a tree of closures

This a conceptual question on how one would implement the following in Lisp (assuming Common Lisp in my case, but any dialect would work). Assume you have a function that creates closures that sequentially iterate over an arbitrary collection (or otherwise return different values) of data and returns nil when exhausted, i.e.
(defun make-counter (up-to)
(let ((cnt 0))
(lambda ()
(if (< cnt up-to)
(incf cnt)
CL-USER> (defvar gen (make-counter 3))
CL-USER> (funcall gen)
CL-USER> (funcall gen)
CL-USER> (funcall gen)
CL-USER> (funcall gen)
CL-USER> (funcall gen)
Now, assume you are trying to permute a combinations of one or more of these closures. How would you implement a function that returns a new closure that subsequently creates a permutation of all closures contained within it? i.e.:
(defun permute-closures (counters)
such that the following holds true:
CL-USER> (defvar collection (permute-closures (list
(make-counter 3)
(make-counter 3))))
CL-USER> (funcall collection)
(1 1)
CL-USER> (funcall collection)
(1 2)
CL-USER> (funcall collection)
(1 3)
CL-USER> (funcall collection)
(2 1)
and so on.
The way I had it designed originally was to add a 'pause' parameter to the initial counting lambda such that when iterating you can still call it and receive the old cached value if passed ":pause t", in hopes of making the permutation slightly cleaner. Also, while the example above is a simple list of two identical closures, the list can be an arbitrarily-complicated tree (which can be permuted in depth-first order, and the resulting permutation set would have the shape of the tree.).
I had this implemented, but my solution wasn't very clean and am trying to poll how others would approach the problem.
Thanks in advance.
edit Thank you for all the answers. What I ended up doing was adding a 'continue' argument to the generator and flattening my structure by replacing any nested list with a closure that permuted that list. The generators did not advance and always returned the last cached value unless 'continue' was passed. Then I just recursively called each generator until I got to the either the last cdr or a nil. If i got to the last cdr, I just bumped it. If I got to a NIL, I bumped the one before it, and reset every closure following it.
You'll clearly need some way of using each value returned by a generator more than once.
In addition to Rainer Joswig's suggestions, three approaches come to mind.
Caching values
permute-closures could, of course, remember every value returned by each generator by storing it in a list, and reuse that over and over. This approach obviously implies some memory overhead, and it won't work very well if the generated sequences can be infinite.
Creating new generators on each iteration
In this approach, you would change the signature of permute-closures to take as arguments not ready-to-use generators but thunks that create them. Your example would then look like this:
(permute-closures (list (lambda () (make-counter 3))
(lambda () (make-counter 3))))
This way, permute-closures is able to reset a generator by simply recreating it.
Making generator states copyable
You could provide a way of making copies of generators along with their states. This is kind of like approach #2 in that permute-closures would reset the generators as needed except the resetting would be done by reverting to a copy of the original state. Also, you would be able to do partial resets (i.e., backtrack to an arbitrary point rather than just the beginning), which may or may not make the code of permute-closures significantly simpler.
Copying generator states might be a bit easier in a language with first-class continuations (like Scheme), but if all generators follow some predefined structure, abstracting it away with a define-generator macro or some such should be possible in Common Lisp as well.
I would add to the counter either one of these:
being able to reset the counter to the start
letting the counter return NIL when the count is done and then starting from the first value again on the next call
