How to change IDLDE background color? - idl-programming-language

I was just wondering if/how I could change the background color of IDLDE, to avoid having a white screen all day long, and use a less exhausting color for my eyes like brown/grey...
Thanks a lot
EDIT : IDLDE (the IDL IDE) not IDLE, my bad, I'm working with IDLE and IDLDE...

Try right-clicking on the editor window, and hit Preferences. At the bottom, under Appearance color options select Background color and uncheck System Default. Then, you can play with the little color box just above it.
Works for me in IDL 8.3.0.


CSS: Browser shows a different color code than the one set on CSS stylesheet

I have a div with the property:
background-color: #327EB2;
When I open the page on a browser I notice that a different color is shown. If I capture the screen and open the captured image on Photoshop, I can see that the color code captured is actually #437BB6. I have nothing set with that color in my CSS stylesheet.
I've tested on different monitors, different color resolutions, different browsers and versions from FF 4+ to IE8+, Opera, Chrome, Safari, etc...
Actually I don't think that's a problem of the monitor, resolution or browser version, because the problem is that the code of the shown color is actually a totally different one!
Also, Photoshop warns me about #327EB2 which is not a "Web Safe color", but I don't think this is the problem because I often use non-websafe colors in my sheets and I've never had an issue like that.
** Fiddle:
The problem is that the div has a background image and a background-color. The background color has to match the last pixel's color of the background image (as usual), which is #327EB2.
Anyway, I can see a different color from the last pixel of the image to the background-color:
You can see the page here, the problem is shown after the "Top Marchi" list on the left side:
I've left the plain CSS and JS (not compressed) to let you see all the properties.
I use Mac, but we can see the problem also on Windows.
You problem has nothing to do with the CSS, the problem is in the image!
This is because the examples supplied by you show the correct #327EB2 at the extra background (the one "coloured" via CSS), and that is enough to know that the CSS part is ok.
Beware of colour corrections/management done in the file exported via Photoshop.
If you can't colour manage/revert to the desired colour, another solution is doing the opposite, change the CSS colour to match the last row of the image.
As far as I can see, everything works correctly. Your image at the bottom has color with code '#1080b3' - I just downloaded that picture (gradient_box_emboss.jpg) and took a color with colorpicker in GIMP. When I modify css like this:
.embosser {
background: #1080B3 url('/images/gradient_box_emboss.jpg') right top no-repeat;
color: white;
padding: 5px 6px;
Difference is missing. When I printscreen your site and paste it into GIMP, color picker shows color of that "wrong" background is #327eb2. When I open your image you have in your question, color of background is #307db7. It is in jpg and I suppose some color information were lost while compressing raw data to .jpg. Possibly, something similar happens when you are trying to get color in photoshop.
Possibly problem rise when you convert images from one format to another. Simplest fix is above - change color of background to one you have on your image.

How to get the dialog background color (window color) in a Qt Gui application?

My Qt version is 4.7.1 and I want to set the background color of a QLineEdit the same as window color, and I use this way:
QString bgColorName = palette().color(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Window).name();
QString strStyleSheet = QString("QLineEdit {background-color: ").append(bgColorName).append("}");
I tried to get the background colors name and then set the stylesheet of the QLineEdit, however, after running the application, I found the QLineEdit's color is a little different, that is, if you look at it carefully, you can see the difference, both on Win7 and Mac.
Could anyone help me to find a way to get the right background color of the dialog, thank you in advance.
The code you posted actually works for me (using Windows 7). Have you verified with an image editor such as Photoshop that the background of the line edit isn't the same as the dialog? Sometimes the mind plays tricks and can think the background color is different (due to the border) when in fact it isn't.
By the way, you can just make the background of your QLineEdit transparent using style sheets like this:
QLineEdit le("Line Edit with transparent BG");

Changing the color of the highlighted line in debugging mode

Thing is, after applying a new color theme for my Flash Builder enviroment, the only thing I couldnt find was an option to change the color when you enter in debug mode. When you have a brakpoint there, the color of that line change to light green, and I got dark background and white characters.. so, I dont see anything, I have to manually highlight the line.. really annoying.
I spend some minuts trying to change that color, but no luck so far, do anyone know where can I change that color?
Thats is simple goto windows->preferences->Genral->Editors->TextEditors->Annotations where you can find the Debug Current Instruction Pointer. there you can find the color value for that.
change and Enjoy.

Is it possible to emulate Mac Osx Finder search highlight in HTML + CSS?

Mac OSX Finder has a search feature that darkens everything but the part that matches.
Is there a way to emulate it via CSS? I was thinking about adding a semi-transparent black div with opacity 50. But how then do I cut a hole in it?? and possibly make the edge fuzzy?
Any suggestions?
Check out the Expose jquery plugin from the jQuery TOOLS collection. I think it will accomplish exactly what you are looking for. They even have a demo of styling the mask with a background image.
Due to the irregular shapes, you're probably looking for an image. And due to the need for varying levels of transparency, you probably want a .png that would just be stuck over the selected item.
Good question, one way would be to have a "selected" png that had the glowing circle cover the selected one, and a different just dark png cover everything else.
EDIT: But you would probably want to use a library like jquery rather than coding everything from scrath your self, as to not reinvent the wheel and save TONS of time :D
maybe a PNG image will work, a square with hole

How do I get the hexadecimal code of a color on my webpage?

I have a web page which has a picture. That picture has a color.
I need the hex code of the color in that picture. How can I get it?
Get Firefox. Get the ColorZilla plugin. Click on ColorZilla. Move over the color you want. Voila! You have the hexadecimal codes.
Another program to use is ColorPic.
ColorSchemer ColorPix is another good option. Light weight, and it gives you (among others) the RGB as well as the Hex for a given color.
The Internet Explorer developer toolbar (F12 in Internet Explorer 8) has a colour picker in the Tools menu that should help you.
Firefox has a few add-ons available that do the same thing.
If you want to do this in software, rather than manually, you could use a canvas element in supported browsers - draw the image on the canvas, then extract the colour information of the desired pixel. See this related question for how.
You can try Pixie from Nattyware. That is free and they also have a portable version.
Take a screenshot and open it in a regular or sophisticated paint application to get the color. Or better: download the picture and open it in a paint application.
Take a screenshot of the page, open it in Adobe Photoshop and select that color with the dropper tool.
The Color dialog will show you the hexadecimal code, the RGB color and the CYMK color code for that. You can do the same in GIMP if you don’t have Photoshop.
