Not able to run Scriptcs scripts in Atom using atom-runner - atom-editor

I am trying to setup Atom editor on Mac for use with ScriptCs scripts. So I followed the guide to do that.
execvp(): No such file or directory
I have scriptcs as an alias in my .profile. Running scriptcs test.csx in the terminal used to launch Atom, works. It seems like Atom is not aware of the profile alias.
What should I do to make this work in Atom ?

Atom-runner is using a call to exec to invoke scriptcs directly, rather than going through a shell, so it won't be able to pick up anything that you have in your dotfiles. You'll either need to:
Put scriptcs on your $PATH normally, rather than using an alias. Sometimes you can do this with symlinks or changing its installation directory, for example.
Specify the absolute path to your scriptcs executable in your Atom config, instead:
'csx': '/full/path/to/where/you/installed/scriptcs'


How to set default folder in JupyterLab file browser?

I was wondering if there is a way to set a default folder every time I open JupyterLab. Is there any command I can run through Anaconda PowerShell Prompt? Or a JSON property I can modify in settings tab? Thanks in advance!
If you want to open specific file in directory a, say a/notebook.ipynb but then navigate the file browser to directory b, relative to the root directory, you can use file-browser-path query in the navigation URL (documented here):
You can use this method from command line thanks to LabApp.default_url traitlet:
jupyter-lab --LabApp.default_url='/lab/tree/a/notebook.ipynb?file-browser-path=/b'
You can skip the opening specific file part:
jupyter-lab --LabApp.default_url='/lab?file-browser-path=/b'
If you want to change the root directory, please see this answer which explains how to do so with ServerApp.root_dir traitlet (in older versions of Notebook<7.0 and JupyterLab<3.0 used to be named NotebookApp.notebook_dir). Again, you can use it from command line, and even specify an absolute path:
jupyter-lab --ServerApp.root_dir='/home/user/project/'
# or on Windows say:
# jupyter-lab --ServerApp.root_dir='C/users/user/project/'
You can combine the two approaches, e.g.:
jupyter-lab --ServerApp.root_dir='/home/user/project/' --LabApp.default_url='/lab?file-browser-path=/project_subdirectory'
If you want to persist the changes (for either default URL or root dir), see the previously linked answer which details how to persist configuration.
Follow the answer . Just edit the alias alias my_jupn='source /home/$USER/anaconda3/bin/activate && conda activate MyPy38 && jupyter-notebook --notebook-dir=/home/$USER/Documents/Jupyter_Notebook'
and for JupyterLab alias my_jupl='source /home/$USER/anaconda3/bin/activate && conda activate MyPy38 && jupyter-lab --notebook-dir=/home/$USER/Documents/Jupyter_Notebook'
N.B. Here MyPy38 is your active environment name. and if any error occurs then change $USER to your UserName. Lastly, /home/$USER/Documents/Jupyter_Notebook will be change according to your choice.
According to the
I configured like this.
Terminal command active your envirnment by conda activate Your_env_name and then jupyter lab --generate-config. should be created in dir /home/$USER/.jupyter directory.
# c.LabApp.app_settings_dir = '' and uncomment.
Then give your directory like this.
c.LabApp.app_settings_dir = '/home/$USER/Documents/Jupyter_Notebook'
Similar for jupyter notebook. jupyter notebook --generate-config and then nu-comment and edit like c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '/home/UserName/Documents/Jupyter_Notebook'
**NB: /home/$USER/Documents/Jupyter_Notebook is my changed default dir. Change it according to your need. **
The command
jupyter notebook --generate-config
will create a config file.
The path to this file is displayed in your terminal or PowerShell.
Set the desired folder path as the string c.ServerApp.root_dir in this file and make sure you uncomment the line after you set the string.
Windows users will have to use double backslash in paths, e.g.:
c.ServerApp.root_dir = 'C:\\YOUR\\PATH'

Vim claims Eclim’s ProjectCreate is not an editor command

I followed eclim’s installation instructions, but when getting started I can’t even create a project :
:ProjectCreate /path/to/project
E492: Not an editor command: ProjectCreate
What’s wrong ?
Did you use the eclim installer suggestion to install vimfiles in ~/.vim/bundle/eclim ? By default (at least on Debian) vim won’t look into this directory. You have to move eclim’s vimfiles (directories eclim and plugins) directly into ~/.vim/ (merge plugins if it already exists).
Alternatively, I didn’t test it but the "build from source" tutorial suggests to
create a file at the eclim source root and put all your properties in there:
$ vim

How to change working directory in Julia Jupyter?

How to change working directory in Julia Jupyter?
I tried and read everything, still have no idea how to do that. It only allows me to select directories under my home ~/ dir. I can't find any button to go up to /.
I'm pretty sure once you have started the server you cannot then go up directories, I may be wrong though.
So best thing to do is start the jupyter notebook server somewhere that contains all of the folders you might need -i.e. the root dir if you want to make sure you have access to everything.
You can use the --notebook-dir flag for this. Or you can set defaults in the config.
you need to create the config file, using cmd :
jupyter notebook --generate -config
Then, search for C:\Users\your_username\.jupyter folder (Search for that folder), and right click edit the
Then, Ctrl+F: #c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir ='' . Note that the quotes are single quotes. Select your directory you want to have as home for your jupyter, and copy it with Ctrl+C, for example: C:\Users\username\JuliaProjects.
Then on that line, paste it like this : c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = 'C:\\Users\\username\\JuliaProjects'
Make sure to remove #, as it is as comment.
Make sure to double slash \\ on each name of your path.
Ctrl+S to save the file !!!
Go back to your cmd and run jupyter notebook. It should be in your directory of choice. Test it by making a folder and watch your directory from your computer.
I use Jupyter Lab and start it from the Julia REPL (1.4) like this:
using IJulia
jupyterlab(dir=pwd(), detached=true)

Configure atom package options from command line?

I'm writing a shell script I can run on a new machine to install my apps, set preferences, arrange dock, and add homebrew packages, and I'd like to be able to configure atom packages within the script instead of manually. Is this possible?
Edit: Also I'd like to change the theme from command line, is that possible?
cd ~/.atom
echo "atom.config.set('core.themes', ['THEME_HERE', 'SYNTAX_THEME_HERE'])" >>
Atom configuration settings are stored as CSON text in config.cson in the .atom directory. So, for example, if you ran
atom.config.set('core.themes', ['THEME_HERE', 'SYNTAX_THEME_HERE'])
from inside Atom, in the config.cson file, you would see:
themes: [
So, you can write directly to this file from your shell script to configure Atom. You can also change config.cson to config.json and use JSON (instead of CSON) to configure the editor, which can make it easier to use things like jq to work with the file.

How do I install GHC 7.8.1 and assign it a different command?

I would like to install GHC 7.8.1, but would like to assign it different commands, so as not to clash with 7.6.3. For example:
runghc with runghc7.8.1
ghci with ghci7.8.1
Or similar. (ghci would be most important, for typed holes.)
Basically, I want to be able to use GHC 7.8 and 7.6, so if there is a more direct way to do this tell me (A-B problem.)
Note: Ubuntu 13.10
Because you are on a unix-like system (Ubuntu) you can do the following:
Choose a folder you like for installing ghc (e.g. in a subfolder of your home directory like $HOME/ghc7.8.1 or in a subfolder of /opt like /opt/ghc7.8.1 – I would prefer the later one if you are the only user of your computer and the first one if this isn't the case). See this wikipedia article for explanations about the unix directory structure.
Download the source code into that folder and follow the installation instructions:
See also
In configure setp its important, that you set the --prefix to the folder you have chosen above (if you don't do this, ghc will be installed in /usr/local/ which you do not want)! For example:
./configure --prefix=/opt/ghc7.8.1
After the installations look for the folder with the created binaries (it will be called bin if you did not use another name for bindir). Lets imagine this folder is /opt/ghc7.8.1/bin.
Now you have two possibilities:
Solution with creating symlinks: Create symlinks in a folder which is in your $PATH pointing to the created binaries (for example /usr/local/bin or $HOME/bin – I would use the first one, if you are the only user on your computer and the second if, if you are not). Therefore you have to use the command line tool ln. For example:
sudo ln -s -T /opt/ghc7.8.1/bin/runghc /usr/local/bin/runghc7.8.1
After this command there is a file /usr/local/bin/runghc7.8.1 pointing to the binary /opt/ghc7.8.1/bin/runghc. Executing /usr/local/bin/runghc7.8.1 via typing runghc7.8.1 will now execute the runghc binary created in /opt (Note: sudo is not necessary if you create your symlink in $HOME/bin – it is just needed because root can create files under /usr)
Solution with bash aliases: Write in your $HOME/.bash_aliases (#Others: you can alternatively choose $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.profile depending of your system/preference) the following line:
alias runghc7.8.1='/opt/ghc7.8.1/bin/runghc'
Now typing runghc7.8.1 in your terminal is an shortcut (alias) for typing /opt/ghc7.8.1/bin/runghc and will execute this binary.
Note, that with this solution typing runghc7.8.1 will just work, when you typed it into your terminal. There are cases, when it does not work (for example calling runghc7.8.1 in a script).
