Plotting the difference of two columns in the same file - plot

I have a file with 12 columns. I'd like to plot the data with x axis being my 1st column and y axis being the difference between the 2nd and the 8th columns.
I tried plot "test.dat" using 1:(8-2) but naturally, it is interpreted as 1:6. How can I do this?

You are missing $, just add them and they will allow you to reference the column contents
plot "test.dat" using 1:($8-$2) w linespoints
$1 is a shortcut for column(1) and if the column numbers are stored in variables i and j you must use the column statement to select the respective columns:
i = 8
j = 2
plot "test.dat" using 1:(column(i)-column(j)) w lp

plot "< awk '{print $8 - $2}' test"


Multiple Gnuplots within figure giving incorrect colors

I'm trying to plot 3 data sets, each a different color, on one plot, but my code coloring seems to always incorrecty assign the last set's color also to the middle set:
set terminal png
set datafile separator ","
set title "Hours slept"
set xlabel "Date"
set ylabel "Hours"
set output '1.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%m/%d/%y"
set xrange ["09/17/22":"11/12/22"]
set format x "%m/%d"
set style line 1 lt 1 linecolor rgb "blue" lw 2 pt 1
set style line 2 lt 2 linecolor rgb "red" lw 2 pt 1
set style line 3 lt 3 linecolor rgb "yellow" lw 2 pt 1
plot "< grep -e '\*' fraction.csv | sed 's/*//'" using 1:($4) title 'weekends' ls 1 with points, \
"< grep -e '^[0-9]' fraction.csv" using 1:($4) title 'weekdays' ls 2 with points, \
"< grep -e '\^' fraction.csv | sed 's/^//'" using 1:($4) title 'fridays' ls 3 with points
There are suddenly no reds (the middle plot).
When I remove just the 3rd friday plot (last line), it looks like this:
So clearly I'm doing the coloring wrong? With three plots, all the weekdays become yellow instead of red.
This weird bug is driving me crazy. I initially did it like this without the explicit styles:
"< grep -e '^[0-9]' fraction.csv" using ($1):($3) title 'weekends' with points lc rgb 'blue'
And the same exact problem happened.
When I run each of the 3 grep calls they are all distinct data sets and there are far more weekday points than the other two.
I don't have your data, so, the following script creates some random test data.
Why do you use grep and sed if you can do it with gnuplot only?
Check help tm_wday which returns a number for the weekdays (0-6) for Sunday to Saturday. Define a function which sets the color accordingly.
For the legend you can use keyentry (check help keyentry).
Addition: more explanations
I didn't have an clue about your gnuplot level, I thought you could adapt the example to your case.
Well, there is for almost every command, function, keyword a help entry in gnuplot. In the gnuplot console type help <keyword>.
myColor(t) = ..., defines a function using the ternary operator which returns a color in the format 0xRRGGBB depending on the weekday, check help ternary, help tm_wday, help colorspec.
set format x "%m/%d" timedate will format the x-axis as time axis, check help time_specifiers.
...(t=timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt))... in gnuplot date/time is handled as seconds passed since1970-01-01 00:00:00, check help timecolumn. rgb var, sets the color from the data (or function), check help lc variable.
list your weekday categories in a string and address them by index via word check help word.
for the keyentry use a loop (check help for and help keyentry) and get the color from the weekday number. 1970-01-01 was a Thursday (=4). So, subtract 24*3600 seconds (=1 day) in order to get from the indices 1,2,3 to the weekday numbers 4,5,6 (Thu,Fri,Sat) (=weekdays, fridays, weekends) which will return the colors (red, yellow, blue).
Ok, so I modified the code such that you just have to
skip the random data creation section
replace $Data with '<YourFilename>', i.e. in your case 'fraction.csv'.
### color days of the week differently
reset session
myTimeFmt = "%m/%d/%y"
# create some random test data
set table $Data separator comma
t0 = time(0)
plot '+' u (strftime(myTimeFmt,t0+$0*24*3600)):(invnorm(rand(0))+7) w table
unset table
set datafile separator comma
set key noautotitle
set yrange[0:12]
set format x "%m/%d" timedate
myColor(t) = (d=tm_wday(t), d==5 ? 0xffff00 : d==6 || d==0 ? 0x0000ff : 0xff0000)
myDay(i) = word("weekdays fridays weekends",i)
plot $Data u (t=timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt)):2:(myColor(t)) w p pt 13 lc rgb var, \
for [i=1:3] keyentry w p pt 13 lc rgb myColor((i-1)*24*3600) ti myDay(i)
### end of script

Plotting multiple sets of information from file with Gnuplot

I have a file that looks like this:
0 0.000000
1 0.357625
2 0.424783
3 0.413295
4 0.417723
5 0.343336
6 0.354370
7 0.349152
8 0.619159
9 0.871003
The last line is the mean of the N entries listed right above it. What I want to do is to plot a chart that has each point listed and a line with the mean value. I know it involves replot in some way but I can't read the last value separately.
You can make two passes using the stats command to get the necessary data
stats datafile u 1 nooutput
stats datafile u ($0==(STATS_records-1)?$1:1/0) nooutput
The first pass of stats will summarize the data file. What we are actually interested in is the number of records in the file, which will be saved in the variable STATS_records.
The second pass will compute a column to analyze. If the line number (the value of $0) is equal to one less than the number of records (lines are numbered from 0, so this is the last line), than we get this value, otherwise we get an invalid value. This causes the stats command to only look at this last line. Now the value of the last line is stored in STATS_max (or STATS_min and several other variables).
Now we can create the plot using
plot datafile u 1:2, STATS_max
where we explicitly state columns 1 and 2 to make the first plot specification ignore that last line (actually, if we just do plot datafile it should default to this column selection and automatically ignore that last line, but this makes certain). This produces
An alternative way is to use external programs to filter the data. For example, if we have the linux command tail available, we could do1
ave = system("tail -1 datafile")
plot datafile u 1:2, ave+0
Here, ave will contain the last row of the file as a string. In the plot command we add 0 to it to force it to change to a number (otherwise gnuplot will think it is a filename).
Other external programs can be used to read that last line as well. For example, the following call to python3 (using Windows style shell quotes) does the same:
ave = system('python -c "print(open(datafile,\"r\").readlines()[-1])"')
or the following using AWK (again with Windows style shell quotes) has the same result:
ave = system('awk "END{print}"')
or even using Perl (again with Windows shell quotes):
ave = system('perl -lne "END{print $last} $last=$_" datafile')
1 This use of tail uses a now obsolete (according to the GNU manuals) command line option. Using tail -n 1 datafile is the recommended way. However, this shorter way is less to type, and if forward compatibility is not needed (ie you are using this script once), there is no reason not to use it.
Gnuplot ignores those lines with missing data (for example, the last line of your datafile has no column 2). Then, you can simply do the following:
stats datafile using 2 nooutput
plot datafile using 1:2, STATS_mean
The result:
There is no need for using external tools or using stats (unless the value hasn't been calculated already, but in your example it has).
During plotting of the data points you can assign the value of the first column, e.g. to the variable mean.
Since the last row doesn't contain a second column, no datapoint will be plotted, but this last value will be hold in the variable mean.
If you replace reset session with reset and read the data from a file instead of a datablock, this will work with gnuplot 4.6.0 or even earlier versions.
Minimal solution:
plot FILE u (mean=$1):2, mean
Script: (nicer plot and including data for copy & paste & run)
### plot values as points and last value from column 1 as line
reset session
$Data <<EOD
0 0.000000
1 0.357625
2 0.424783
3 0.413295
4 0.417723
5 0.343336
6 0.354370
7 0.349152
8 0.619159
9 0.871003
set key top center
plot $Data u (mean=$1):2 w p pt 7 lc rgb "blue" ti "Data", \
mean w l lw 2 lc rgb "red"
### end of script

Exclude data in gnuplot with a condition

I have a data file with 3 column and I want to plot with 2 of them. But I want to use the third with a condition to exclude or not the line from the plot (For example, if $3 < 10 the data line isn't valid). I know there is set datafile missing but this case is somewhat peculiar and I don't know how to do that. Any help is appreciated...
You can use conditional logic in the using expression in the plot command:
plot 'data.dat' u 1:($3 < 10 ? 1/0 : $2)
This command plots 1/0 (it skips that data point) if the value in the third column is < 10, and otherwise plots the value in the second column.

Combine multiple data files in a single plot

I have several data files produced from a Fortran code. All the data files are following the same style regarding their names, that is: data###.out, where ### starts from 001 and ends to 500. I know that in order to read and plot several data files in gnuplot I must use
plot for [i=1:500] sprintf('data00%i.out', i) u 1:2 w d lc rgb 'black'
However, this only works until data009.out. For 010 to 099 it should skip one zero and from 100 to 999 two zeros. How can I obtain this?
To pad with zeroes an integer printed with three digits, the correct format is %03i. Try:
plot for [i=1:500] sprintf('data%03i.out', i) u 1:2 w d lc rgb 'black'

gnuplot plot difference of 2 columns

I have two files A and B. Both files contain 2 columns, x and y.
Now, I want to plot a graph for x vs (yA - yB). Does gnuplot provide a command for the same ?
One more thing, lets say xA and xB are not same. How should I plot a graph where x-axis contains all elements which are in both, xA and xB and y-axis is the difference is the corresponding y-components ?
First, preprocess the files with join in bash:
join <(sort -k1,1 file1) <(sort -k1,1 file2) > file3
Sorting the files is essential, otherwise join would not work.
Then you can use the result to draw the graph:
plot '< sort -n file3' using 1:($2-$3) with lines
Again, numeric sorting is needed here, because join uses alphanumeric sorting which makes the lines cross each other.
I think this might be a good job for paste.
plot "<paste A B" u 1:($2-$4) w points #whatever line style you want...
#xA #yA-yB
For the file where xA != xB, I'm a little unclear whether you want to plot only the set of points with are common to both (the intersection of the two sets) or whether you want to plot all the points (the union of the sets). The union is easy:
plot "<paste A B" u 1:($2-$4) w points ls 1,\
"<paste A B" u 3:($2-$4) w points ls 1
The intersection is hard using only unix commandline tools (especially if you want to preserve the order of your input)
using Python though, it's not too bad...
import sys
xA,yA=zip(*[map(float,line.split()) for line in f1.readlines()])
xB,yB=zip(*[map(float,line.split()) for line in f2.readlines()])
for i,x in enumerate(xA):
if(x in xB):
sys.stdout.write('%f %f %f\n'%(x,yA[i],yB[i]))
and then from gnuplot:
plot "<python A B" u 1:($2-$3) #...
