Meteor.user() not fully loaded after login - meteor

I am using Meteor 0.8.2 with accounts-facebook. I set up a limited publication for the users this way:
Meteor.publish('users', function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {'profile.picture': 1, 'profile.gender':1, 'profile.type':1}, sort: {'profile.likes': -1}});
Now this works great: when I requests a user list from the client I get a list of all users, with the current user's fields all shown and only the 3 published fields for the others. Except: right after login.
When I login and type Meteor.user(), here is what I get:
_id: "uACx6sTiHSc4j4khk"
profile: Object { gender="male", type="1", picture="http://....jpg"}
This stays like that until I refresh the page using the browser button. After refreshing, Meteor.user() gives all the fields available, while Meteor.users.find() still gives the correct restrictions. (except for the current user of course)
Why does my current user not get all its fields right away? I read about a Meteor.userLoaded() method used to wait for the user to be loaded, but it seems to be obsolete in the latest version.

You're running into an interaction between the restriction of merging fields across publications, and the default user publication which sends the profile field.
First, note that there is a built-in publication that always sends the currently logged in user's entire profile field to that user:
Second, merging of fields at more than one level deep is currently not supported:
What you currently have is an issue where the default publication is sending something like the following
username: ...,
emails: [ ... ],
profile: {
... all fields ...
whereas the publication you have set up is sending
profile: {
picture: ...
gender: ...
type: ...
These get merged on the client according to the rules for how subscriptions are resolved ( In particular, see the last paragraph. Meteor knows to merge the username and email fields with the profile field. However, it doesn't do this merging at the inner level. So one of the profile fields will get chosen arbitrarily to show up in the client's collection. If the first one wins, you will see profile.likes. If the second one wins, you won't.
It's likely that this behavior is somewhat deterministic and changes depending on whether a normal login handler is called or a resume handler (i.e. when reloading the browser). Hence why it looks like it hasn't loaded.

As Andrew explained, and as I kinda thought, what happened is that there is another "hidden" publication for the current user, which conflicts with mine. All I had to do in order to fix this was to simply exclude the current user from my publication, since it is already fully published by default:
Meteor.publish('users', function () {
return Meteor.users.find({_id:{$ne: this.userId}}, {fields: {'profile.picture': 1, 'profile.gender':1, 'profile.type':1}, sort: {'profile.likes': -1}});
This simple $ne does it for me.


Setting up 'Trigger Email' Firebase Extension

I learned about firebase and cloud functions recently and have been able to develop simple applications with them.
I now want to expand my knowledge and really struggling with Trigger Email Extension.
On a specific event on my firebase, I want to fire an email to the user in a custom format, but I am unable to even activate the extension for now.
Can someone please explain with example please about these fields marked in the picture?
I had this question too, but got it resolved. Here's your answer:
"Email documents collection" is the collection that will be read to trigger the emails. I recommend leaving named "mail" unless you already have a collection named mail.
"Users collection (Optional)" refers to a collection (if any) that you want to use in tandem with a user auth system. I haven't had this specific use case yet, but I imagine once you understand how Trigger Email operates, it should be somewhat self-explanatory.
"Templates collection (Optional)" is helpful for templates in which you can use handlebar.js is automatically input specific information per user. (eg. <p>Hello, {{first_name}}</p> etc.) Similar to the previously mentioned collections, you can name it whatever you want.
How to create a template (I have yet to actually implement this, so take this with a grain of salt):
In your templates collection, you want to name each document with a memorable ID. Firebase gives the example:
subject: "#{{username}} is now following you!",
html: "Just writing to let you know that <code>#{{username}}</code> ({{name}}) is now following you.",
attachments: [
filename: "{{username}}.jpg",
path: "{{imagePath}}"
...specifying a good ID would be following. As you can see, the documents should be structured just like any other email you would send out.
Here is an example of using the above template in javascript:
toUids: ["abc123"], // This relates to the Users Collection
template: {
name: "following", // Specify the template
// Specify the information for the Handlebars
// which can also be pulled from your users (toUids)
// if you have the data stored in a user collection.
// Of course that gets more into the world of a user auth system.
data: {
username: "ada",
name: "Ada Lovelace",
imagePath: "https://path-to-file/image-name.jpg"
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have an issues getting this set up.

How to get Iron-router query parameters in server hook

I am trying to add a referral system to my project, so currently I am basing it off of this package. The issue I am running into is my project only uses accounts-google and not accounts-password. The way this package works is it adds the iron router query parameters for the referrerCode (/register?r=ReferralCodeHere)through a preSignUpHook. I believe this only works with accounts-password wont work when creating an account with an API such as accounts-google.
My idea around this is to use a Meteor.users.before.insert hook to grab the iron router query parameters and insert them into my referrerCode field in Meteor.users since I'm already using Meteor Collection Hooks for a couple of other things.
The issue is I havent been able to find a way to get the query parameters on the server, I was hoping to do something like this:
Meteor.users.before.insert(function(userId, doc) {
doc.referrerCode = Referrer._referrerCode; // Link 1
(Link 1)
But this will just come up as undefined.
If I'm at my register page and it has a query like this for example: Then I run Router.current().params.query.r on the client it returns 12345. Basically I just need to have that saved to the referralCode field in Meteor.users when a new user creates an account, if a referral code exists in the register URL.
I'm a bit lost with this one. I thought about setting it as a Session variable and then getting that in the before.insert hook, but that again only works on the client side. I'm thinking a meteor method might be best for this, but I'm not exactly sure how I would structure it. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Put the referral token into profile
Use that in your hook
Below I've copied some code that I've used before. It is built around an Invitations collection that tracks who invited who:
var profile = {};
... any other profile settings you've captured
if ( token ) profile.referralToken = token;
Accounts.createUser({ email: email, password: password, profile: profile }, function(err){ ...})
if ( options.profile.referralToken ){ // referral case
var invitation = Invitations.findOne({ token: options.profile.referralToken });
if ( invitation )
user.invitationId = invitation._id; // the invitation used
user.invitedBy = invitation.userId; // the referring user
delete options.profile.referralToken;
return user;

Meteor utilities:avatar data

I'd like to use the utilities:avatar package, but I'm having some major reservations.
The docs tell me that I should publish my user data, like this:
Meteor.publish("otherUserData", function() {
var data = Meteor.users.find({
}, {
fields : {
"services.twitter.profile_image_url_https" : true,
"" : true,
"" : true,
"services.github.username" : true,
"services.instagram.profile_picture" : true
return data;
If I understand Meteor's publish/subscribe mechanism correctly, this would push these fields for the entire user database to every client! Clearly, this is not a sustainable solution. Equally clearly, however, either I am doing something wrong, or I am understanding something wrong.
Also: This unscalable solution works fine in a browser, but no avatar icons are visible when the app is deployed to a mobile device, for some reason.
Any ideas?
Separate the issue of which fields to publish from which users you want to publish data on.
Presumably you want to show avatars for other users that the current user is interacting with. You need to decide what query to use in
Meteor.users.find(query,{fields: {...}});
so that you narrow down the list from all users to just pertinent ones.
In my app I end up using reywood:publish-composite to publish the users that are related to the current user via an intermediate collection.
The unscalability of utilities:avatar seems, as far as I can tell, to be a real issue, and there isn't much to be done about it except to remove utilities:avatar and rewrite the avatar URL-fetching code by hand.
As for the avatars not appearing on mobile devices, the answer was simply that we needed to grant permission to access remote URLs in mobile-config.js, like this:

Secure way to store pending user's password in Meteor

For my Meteor application, I would like to have the following signup process:
User registers username, email and password. (He's not able to log in yet.)
Confirmation email sent [Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail]
User confirms email [Accounts.onEnrollmentLink]
User is created. [Accounts.createUser] (He's able to log in.)
In order to achieve this, I feel like I would have to store the plain text password in a table of temporary users (step 1) in order to create the actual user later (step 3). Obviously this is a horrible idea.
I could of course only ask for the password as of step 3 and create the user at once - but it's not the behavior I would like to achieve.
So: Is there a proper way to store the password securely to later pass it to the user creation? Or is there a way to create a not-loginable users?
There is not much you have to do yourself as Meteor brings everything you need for save password storage when you create a user with the built in methods. So you should use these methods from the beginning (Your step 1: Accounts.createUser, step 2: Accounts.sendVerificationEmail, step 3: Accounts.verifyEmail, step 4 isn't necessary anymore).
Now to get where you want to be you can use an approach like David Weldon suggested but use Accounts.validateLoginAttempt on the sever side. That is a little easier and the login isn't allowed in the first place.
For example you could have this code server side:
if (!loginAttempt.allowed) {
// Only tell the user that something went wrong but not what to enhance security
throw new Meteor.Error(901, 'Your login credentials are wrong. Try again.');
} else {
// In some cases this method isn't invoked with a correct user object...
if (!loginAttempt.user) {
throw new Meteor.Error(902, 'No valid user object. Make sure to validate your email address first.');
// If email verification is required check if the user has a valid email address and don't allow the login if he has none
if (!loginAttempt.user.emails[0].verified) {
throw new Meteor.Error(902, 'Your email address has to be verified first.');
// We have a correct login!
return true;
And now on the client side you can use a logic like this for the login
Meteor.loginWithPassword(email, password, function(callback) {
if (callback === undefined) {
// Your login logic
} else if (callback.error == 902) {
// Your "not verfied" logic
} else {
// Your other login errors logic
Note that you may have to adjust the registration process a little bit, too, as Meteor per default tries to login users directly after registration but this will not be possible anymore.
Also note that you may use Accounts.validateLoginAttempt for more than just that. For example you also could implement a logic here to only allow a certain amount of bad login attempts from the same IP.
We've used a slightly different pattern in our app based on the accounts package
User registers
User is logged in normally
Out main site template conditions content with
<template name="main">
{{#if currentUser}}
{{#if verified }}
Notice to user to look for their verification email
Based on a helper function
verified: function() { return Meteor.user().emails[0].verified; }
This meets the requirement that the user can't do much if anything until they have been verified yet uses the accounts package in a simple and secure way.
I could see taking a related approach using iron:router as well.

Meteor not publishing all user fields with autopublish package

I have not removed autopublish nor insecure package but when I run Meteor.user() it shows the services. Facebook object but not the object (nor the services.password but I don't need that one).
The Google and Facebook objects are definitely both in the database, why would it only show one? How would you go about troubleshooting? I thought all fields were puckishness when autupub was on.
First, make sure "accounts-base", "accounts-facebook" and "accounts-google" are listed in your ".meteor/packages" file. Everything indicates that you don't have the "accounts-google" package added to that file.
The "accounts-base" package, which publishes "Meteor.users", overwrites the default autopublish functionality (
To see which fields get auto published refer to the source code at accounts_server.js, starts at:
You'll see the following (read the comment):
// If autopublish is on, publish these user fields. Login service
// packages (eg accounts-google) add to these by calling
// Accounts.addAutopublishFields Notably, this isn't implemented with
// multiple publishes since DDP only merges only across top-level
// fields, not subfields (such as 'services.facebook.accessToken')
var autopublishFields = {
loggedInUser: ['profile', 'username', 'emails'],
otherUsers: ['profile', 'username']
Which means "Accounts.addAutopublishFields" method will be called by the "accounts-google", "accounts-facebook", etc packages to add fields to that publication.
Now for example if you look at the "accounts-google" package, in the "google.js" file, it has the following:
// publish access token since it can be used from the client (if
// transmitted over ssl or on
// localhost).
// refresh token probably shouldn't be sent down.
Google.whitelistedFields.concat(['accessToken', 'expiresAt']), // don't publish refresh token
function (subfield) { return '' + subfield; }),
// even with autopublish, no legitimate web app should be
// publishing all users' emails
_.without(Google.whitelistedFields, 'email', 'verified_email'),
function (subfield) { return '' + subfield; })
Which means that if you have the "accounts-google" packaged enabled, it publishes the following fields to "Meteor.users":
When logged in: 'profile', 'username', 'emails' and all "" fields except 'accessToken', 'expiresAt'
When logged off: 'profile', 'username' and all "" fields except 'email', 'verified_email'
Same thing for the "accounts-facebook" package.
