Meaning of objects being masked by the global environment - r

When I load my package into the global environment, I get the following message
> library(saber)
Attaching package: ‘saber’
The following objects are masked _by_ ‘.GlobalEnv’:
load.schedule, teamStats
I don't know what that means, nor whether I should be concerned about it.
Why is this message being delivered, and what does it mean?

It means that you have objects (functions, usually) present in your global environment with the same name as (exported) things in your package. Type search() to see the order in which R resolves names.
The solution is to either,
don't create objects with those names in your global environment
rename the objects in your package to something that's less likely to create a conflict, or rethink your decision to export them, or
remember that you will always have to refer to those objects as saber::teamStats.
Probably (2) is best, unless the circumstances that led to the message are truly unusual.

There's a third implied question that I don't think has been fully answered for this particular case. How to fix it in the situation where an earlier version of your own function is stuck in the global environment and masking new versions you're trying to test?
Renaming your function with every rev is not practical in this situation. I had the same situation and found deleting the .Rdata file in the working directory before restarting R solved the problem.
This has happened to me only twice over hundreds of time assembling my packages. I'm still not sure how the functions are occasionally getting stuck in global.

This means that you have objects named load.schedule, teamStats in your workspace as well as in the library you are loading. It is warning you that when you call load.schedule it will use the one in your workspace (since it is first in the search path) rather than the one you are attaching. Try for example
ddply <- function(x) x + 1
# Attaching package: ‘plyr’
# The following object is masked _by_ ‘.GlobalEnv’:
# ddply
ddply(3) # the one we just defined is used, as global env is first in the search path
#[1] 4

The answers above give the low-level causes.
I just thought it would be useful to point out I got that message when I had a project open in RStudio and I loaded the "same" library of that project.
With the explanations above its obvious doing this creates some kind of conflict.

The reason is you used the above two variable as local variable in your Rconsole. Since it is global variable you need to clean your existing project if not necessary else rename the local variable
In my case:
I declared a time series as gas. Later During calling forecast package i encountered same error and i renamed the library and used the package

You can also use the conflicted package.
If you want saber to be used by default set:
conflicted::conflict_prefer("kbl", winner = "saber")
If you want your objects to be used, set:
conflicted::conflict_prefer("kbl", winner = ".GlobalEnv")


R Package Build/Install Error: "object not found" even though I have it in R/sysdata.rda

Similar Question
accessing sysdata.rda within package functions
Why This Similar Question Does Not Apply To Me
They were able to actually build it, and apparently it was a Github error for them (not related)
3.4.2 (I tried using 3.4.3 as well but the same problem occurred)
EDIT: I am on Windows 10
I have fully read the following tutorial on R packages and how to include .Rda files in them. I have LazyData in my DESCRIPTION file set as true as well. I have tried both the data/ folder implementation and the R/sysdata.rda implementation using the function devtools::use_data() with the respective options of internal = FALSE and internal = TRUE.
However, when I try to build the package, or use devtools::install (which builds as well I assume), it fails and gives me the following error message:
Error in predict(finalModel, newInput) : object 'finalModel' not found
Where finalModel is stored within my .rda file.
Does anyone know any possible reasons why this might occur?
I also asked a coworker to install the package on his machine, but unfortunately he got the exact same error.
I made another test package as a 'sanity-check' by creating a simple linear model using the lm() function on datasets::swiss, and then made a test package with this newly created model as a .rda file. When I referenced this test model in a function within this test package, it eerily worked, despite the fact that (to the best of my knowledge) I used the exact same steps to create this new R package.
Also, I unfortunately cannot share the code for the package I am creating, but I am willing to share the code for the test package that uses the swiss dataset.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: My .rda file I am putting in the package was created last year, if that has anything to do with it.
I just solved a similar issue of having object 'objectName' not found that arose during package management. In my case, the issue related to losing the context of variables when working with parallelization.
When using parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("function-name")), clusterExport looks at .GlobalEnv for variable definitions. This wouldn't come up during debugging, as I always the variables defined in .GlobalEnv. The solution was to state the environment explicitly: parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("function-name"), envir=environment()). This ensures that the parallel processes have context of the variables within the data/ folder and R/sysdata.rda.
If you have more than one internal file, you must save them together:
internal = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)

how to use utils::globalVariables

Following your recommendations (or trying to do it, at least), I have tried some options, but the problem remains, so there must be something I am missing.
I have included a more complete code
#' #import utils
#' #import devtools
I have tried with and without using suppressForeignCheck
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
myFunctionSum <- function(X){print(X+eleven)}
myFunctionMul <- function(X){print(X*eleven)}
myFunction11 <- function(X){
maybe I should use a particular environment?
package.skeleton(name = "myPack11", list=ls(),
path = "C:/naapp", force = TRUE,
code_files = character())
I remove the "man" directory from the directory myPack11,
otherwise I would get an error because the help files are empty.
I add the imports utils, and devtools to the descrption
Then I run check
And I still get this note
#checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
#myFunctionMul: no visible binding for global variable 'eleven'
#myFunctionSum: no visible binding for global variable 'eleven'
#Undefined global functions or variables:eleven
I have tried also to make an enviroment, combining Tomas Kalibera's suggetion and an example I found in the Internet.
myEnvir <- new.env()
myEnvir$eleven <- 11
In this case, I get the same note, but with "myEnvir", instead of "eleven"
First version of the question
I trying to use "globalVariables" from the package utils. I am building an interface in R and I am planning to submit to CRAN. This is my first time, so, sorry if the question is very basic.I have read the help and I have tried to find examples, but I still don't know how to use it.
I have made a little silly example to ilustrate my question, which is:
Where do I have to place this line exactly?:
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){utils::globalVariables("eleven")}
My example has three functions. myFunction11 creates the global variable "eleven" and the other two functions manipulate it. In my real code, I cannot use arguments in the functions that are called by means of a button. Consider that this is just a silly example to learn how to use globalVariables (to avoid binding notes).
myFunction11 <- function(){
myFunctionSum <- function(X){
myFunctionMul <- function(X){
Thank you in advance
I thought that the file globals.R would be automatically generated when using globalsVariables. The problem was that I needed to create the package skeleton, then create the file globals.R, add it to the R directory in the package and check the package.
So, I needed to place this in a different file:
#' #import utils
and save it
The documentation clearly says:
## In the same source file (to remind you that you did it) add:
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c(".obj1", "obj2"))
so put it in the same source file as your functions. It can go in any of your R source files, but the comment above recommends you put it close to your code. Looking at a bunch of github packages reveals another common pattern is to have a globals.R function with it in, but this is probably a bad idea. If you later remove the global from your package but neglect to update globals.R you could mask a problem. Putting it right close to the functions that use it will hopefully remind you when you edit those functions.
Make sure you put it outside any function definitions in the file, or it won't get seen.
You cannot modify bindings in a package namespace once the package is loaded (and namespace sealed, and bindings locked). The check tool helps you to spot violations of this restriction, so you find out about the problem when checking the package rather than while running it. globalVariables is just a call to silence check when looking for these violations, which is undesirable in almost all cases. If you really need mutable state in a package, you can create a new environment (using new.env) and bind it to an (unexported) "global" variable in your namespace. This binding will be locked, but this is ok, because in R you can change an environment in place (add/remove elements, effectively modifying the elements).
The best situation is however when you can keep all mutable state in user objects (passed in as arguments into functions, and their modified versions returned as output values of functions).

Define Global Variables when creating packages

I have this problem. I am creating a new package with name "mypackagefunction" for R whose partial code is this
##This is the constructor of my package
##1st step: define variables
gdata <<- NULL
#below of this, there are more functions and code
So, I build and reload in R Studio and then check and in this step I receive this warning:
mypackagefunction: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to ‘gdata’
But when I run my package with:
I can use call that variable which is into the package with this results
> mypackagefunction()
> gdata
How can I remove this NOTE or Warning when I check my package? or another way to define Global Variables?
There are standard ways to include data in a package - if you want some particular R object to be available to the user of the package, this is what you should do. Data is not limited to data frames and matrices - any R object(s) can be included.
If, on the other hand, your intention was to modify the global environment every time a a function is called, then you're doing it wrong. In R's functional programming paradigm, functions return objects that can be assigned into the global environment by the user. Objects don't just "appear" in the global environment, with the programmer hoping that the user both (a) knows to look for them and (b) didn't have any objects of the same name that they wanted to keep (because they just got overwritten). It is possible to write code like this (using <<- as in your question, or explicitly calling assign as in #abhiieor's answer), but it will probably not be accepted to CRAN as it violates CRAN policy.
Another way of defining global variable is like assign('prev_id', id, envir = .GlobalEnv) where id is assignee variable or some value and prev_id is global variable

How to check for accidentally redefining a function name in R

I'm writing some fairly involved R code spread across multiple files and collected together into a package. A problem I've run into on occasion is that I will define a utility function in one file that has the same name as another utility function defined in another file. One of the two definitions gets replaced, leading to unintended behavior. Is there any sort of tool to check for this kind of accidental redefinition? Something that would check that no two top-level assignments foo <- ... in the package assign to the same name?
As pointed out in the comments, the right way to do this is to use packages. Packages give functions their own namespaces automatically, plus they make it very easy to reuse and share code. If you're using RStudio, you can create one with very little effort from the New Project menu.
However, if you can't use packages or namespaces for some reason, there's still a way to do what you want: you can lock a variable (including a function) so that it's not possible to overwrite it.
> pin <- 11
> lockBinding("pin", .GlobalEnv)
> pin <- 12
Error: cannot change value of locked binding for 'pin'
See Binding and Environment Locking for details.

Dynamically Generate Reference Classes

I'm attempting to generate reference classes within an R package on the fly, and it's proving to be fairly difficult. Here are the approaches I've taken and problems I've run into:
I'm creating a package in which I hope to be able to dynamically read in a schema and automatically generate an associated reference class (think SOAP). Of course, this means I won't be able to define my reference classes before-hand in the package sources.
I initially attempted to create a new class using a simple:
myClass <- setRefClass("NewClassName", fields=list(fieldA="character"))
which, of course, works fine when executed interactively, but when included in the package sources, I get a locked binding error. From my reading, it looks like this occurs because when running interactively, the class information is being stored in the global environment, which is not locked, while my package's base environment is locked.
I then found a thread that suggested using something to the effect of:
myClass <- setRefClass("NewClassName", fields=list(fieldA="character"), where=globalenv())
This actually crashed R/Studio when I tried to build the package, so I don't have a log of the error it generated, unfortunately, but it certainly didn't work.
Next I tried creating a new environment within my package which I could use to store these reference classes. So I added a .classEnv <- new.env() line in my package sources (not inside of any function) and then attempted to use this class when creating a new reference class:
myClass <- setRefClass("NewClassName", fields=list(fieldA="character"), where=.classEnv)
This actually seemed to work OK, but generates the following warning:
> myClass <- setRefClass("NewClassName", where=.classEnv)
Warning message:
In getPackageName(where) :
Created a package name, ‘2013-04-23 10:19:14’, when none found
So, for some reason, methods::getPackageName() isn't able to pick up which package my new environment is in?
Is there a way to create my new environment differently so that getPackageName() can properly recognize the package? Can I add some feature which allows me to help getPackageName() detect the package? Will this even work if I can deal with the warning, or am I misusing reference classes by trying to create them dynamically?
To get the conversation going, I found that getpackageName stores the package name in a hidden .packageName variable in the specified environment.
So you can actually get around the warning with
assign(".packageName", "MyPkg", envir=.classEnv)
myClass <- setRefClass("NewClassName", fields=classFields, where=.classEnv)
which resolves the warning, but the documentation says not to trust the .packageName variable indefinitely, and I still feel like I'm hacking this in and may be misunderstanding something important about reference classes and their relationship to environments.
Full details from documentation:
Package names are normally installed during loading of the package, by the INSTALL script or by the library function. (Currently, the name is stored as the object .packageName but don't trust this for the future.)
After reading a little further, the setPackageName method may be a more reliable way to set the package name for the environment. Per the docs:
setPackageName can be used to establish a package name in an environment that would otherwise not have one. This allows you to create classes and/or methods in an arbitrary environment, but it is usually preferable to create packages by the standard R programming tools (package.skeleton, etc.)
So it looks like one valid solution would be the following:
setPackageName("MyPkg", .classEnv)
myClass <- setRefClass("NewClassName", fields=classFields, where=.classEnv)
That eliminates the warning message and doesn't rely on anything that's documented as unstable. I'm still not clear why it's necessary, but...
