let wordpress create new page with users content - wordpress

I am wondering what would be the best way to let wordpress create idivual pages :
the project is as followed :
User makes account
Wordpress creates account and an account page, this page however is completely different from the wordpress theme. (easy i know, You could compare it with a profile page for the user but with much more content to fill in)
after user has filled in additional content wordpress should create the new page with the specific page design. Users should be able to edit content afterwards. Paying users should be able to export the generated page. Pages should be visible for public and be like domain.com/user
I am not sure how the best approach would be for this project as i am not that familiar with wordpress. My first thought is trough a childtheme, but im not sure if this would work.
Any advice?
Kind Regards

Try BuddyPress, this is exactly what it is designed for.


Hide few wordpress dashboard option from client

I have just developed a wordpress site for a client. The client wants full access but I dont want to give him access to all the work which I have done (plugins, techniques, themes options etc). How can I give a customized dashboard access to the client with hidden plugins and theme menu items.
If you want GUI based approach and not want to handle it via functions, using the Members plugin could help
I think you would prefer to go with a plugin rather than pieces of code. You can achieve the same by using a plugin called Adminimize
Admins can activate/deactivate every part of the menu and even parts of the sub-menu. Meta fields can be administered separately for posts and pages. Certain parts of the write menu can be deactivated separately for admins or non-admins. The header of the backend is minimized and optimized to give you more space and the structure of the menu gets changed to make it more logical – this can all be done per user so each role and their resulting users can have his own settings.
I hope the above information worked for you.

Wordpress - Proper way to manage custom users

I have a site in Wordpress.
The functionality I need is such that, I can create 'users' of the site. These users have no purpose editing the Wordpress site in any way, and don't need to know we're even using the wordpress platform.
These users need to be able to edit their contact info and upload/view/swap out their own resume, using a page that I will build for them (not the wp-admin dashboard in any way). This resume will be PDFs and WordDocs.
At first I thought I'd just use the built in Wordpress Users and Roles that Wordpress offers. However, I'm not sure how I would attach resumes to that user, and let that user edit their own resume. I know I can use the 'user_contactmethods' hook to attach basic fields. However, I'd be trying to attach a link to a file that Wordpress hosts, and would need to be able to replace that file on a whim, in php. Also, my goal is to prevent them from ever using the Wordpress dashboard or editing tools.
Next, I thought I could create a custom post type for a 'SiteUser'. That would make it easy to manage a PDF/WordDoc attached to that post type. Also, that user wouldn't have any way to access the Wordpress stuff. Before I do that though, I wanted to ask on here if this really is the right way to do this.
This solution feels hacky.
Can I get some proposed solutions to this problem that could be perceived as 'the proper way'?
Here is a rough idea of what you are looking to do.
Step 1
Create the user role for these new users
Step 2
Set the permission for them and disable backend access and redirect all access of those roles to a custom page /account/
Step 3
Use Advance custom fields plugin to create some custom fields on the user meta. (text, file, image)
Step 4
Apply some login logic/form and Link to a /account/edit-info/ custom page with the acf frontend form. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/create-a-front-end-form/
Step 5
Use these info to display somewhere on the /account/ page
Using gravity forms instead to manage user data entry gives better control but requires more coding, and a better user experience.
Front-end Admin Steps
Repeat Step 1-2
Loop site user and list them and their custom field files Have a button that opens a Gravity form with the user ID text field pre-populated and hidden, and have a file uploader element.
Add backend hooks after validation directly replace the user meta
containing the file path or ID (however you choice to store it in
Advance custom fields)

Create WordPress Admins To Create Posts Only Securely

Using WordPress is a great way to learn and make progress on web development. Although, I want to make admins for each and one of my classmates to only and only create and publish posts on the web. For example, BuzzFeed has admins that create content and it tells the author name, date and time, comments and responses next to it. That's what I am aiming for. Not all of my classmates use wordpress or have ever used it so I want to find a way to create admins for them simply without creating security holes for the website itself and risking getting hacks or login attempts.
what is the best way to approach a situation like this?
Thanks :)
If you want your classmates to be able to add posts you can add them as "Authors." Wordpress has a build in permission system that allows authors to only add, edit and delete posts.
If you want to have more control over the capabilities you can use a plugin like User Role Editor. This will allow you to create a new role and set specific capabilities for the created user role.

Make content visible only to author in Drupal

I want to allow members of a Drupal website to upload their own content to the site (something like a blog post or questionnaire), but have it visible only to themselves (hidden from other members with the same role). The idea is to have them store some personal content that other members don't need to see, but that only the author member would need to see (or have access to) when using the site.
What modules would I need to use? Or how could I go about setting that up?
You can do this easily with http://drupal.org/project/content_access
I don't know if you've already solved this problem, but I recently did something similar with a shared blog in Drupal 7. I wanted users to have both private and public blog posts. I used the Save Draft module (http://drupal.org/project/save_draft) to add an extra button to the content editing screen, which I called Save (Unpublished) rather than "Save Draft" -- I used the String Overrides module to make that happen (http://drupal.org/project/stringoverrides). In the admin panel for permissions, Authenticated users were granted to right to view and edit their own unpublished items. Users could thus save their blog posts in a way that others could not see them. Then I used Views (http://drupal.org/project/views) to create a list view that used the criteria content type = blog, state = unpublished, and content author = current user. This gives users a list of their unpublished blog posts.
The https://drupal.org/project/view_own module handles this exactly the way you are looking for.

Members only based plugin for Wordpress

Can anyone recommend me a good members-only plugin? I want to hide pages (and their tabs) if users aren't signed in.
So far I have found:
'Member Access' which doesn't hide the tabs
'wp-members' which wouldn't work with 2.8.4
'user access manager' which was too complex clunky to be useful.
There should be something basic out there for what I need, but no luck so far.
Justin Tadlock is a WordPress heavy (wrote the popular Hybrid theme framework), recently released a comprehensive user management plugin called Members, which among other things can turn your blog into a login-only venue:
Private Blog: Allows you to create a
private blog that can only be accessed
by users that are logged in (redirects
them to the login page).
But I get the impression that you're looking to keep some part available to the public users and other parts only for registered users.
You can also use this plugin to restrict certain areas of your blog, screenshot example here: based on role
Hiding the tabs from the public user is the challenging part. Themes typically aren't designed with private portions in mind; you'd have to hack it yourself or get someone to do it for you.
If are familiar with php and WP structure, you can add a few lines of code to a few template files to redirect users to login page if they are not signed-in. Let me know if you want to go that way. I can try to provide sample code. Are you using one of the basic themes?
I have a plugin called "LJ Custom Menu Links" that can do what you are asking. However as the name suggests they are custom links, so you would have to hand add the pages you want. But it does/and can only show a link when a user is logged on if that is what you want. Combined with "pagemash" plugin which will hide pages from the menu generated by WP itself leaving only the pages linked to by the LJ Custom Menu Links plugin.
However I was under the impression if you made a Page private then it wouldn't show up unless someone was logged in, or am I wrong on that one?
A good option is to use three difference plugins:
Member Access
Register Plus
AJAX Login Widget++
You can find my post on all these here:
Try CMS Members
I know it hide some pages for non-members.
A paid option is this. It's VERY good. I use it on several websites. Called Wishlist Memeber
For me s2member does the job. You don't have to use the paypal option, you can stick with free membership.
