My sip client is sending numbers dialed with some strange characters in the place of spaces.
E.g 011▒237▒1140141
How do i remove the ▒ characters in an asterisk dialplan before dialing out the extension?
I fixed the issue with the FILTER command in the dialplan:
exten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(dnid)=${FILTER(0-9,${CALLERID(dnid)})})
A quick (but not flawless) workaround could be this:
exten => s,1,Set(strangeID=${CALLERID(number)})
exten => s,2,Set(strangeID_splited=${CUT(strangeID,▒,1-3&5-7&9-16)})
exten => s,3,Dial(SIP/stangeID_splited)
I'm assuming the strange character is other than ▒, so you can declare it on your dialplan and the numbers are always the same lenght and position, so you can tell Asterisk which positions are the undesirable chars.
Otherwise, you could make an AGI script to eliminate those characters, I know is not the fanciest way, but it'll work for sure.
Hope that helps.
You can use FILTER function. Yes, you cna regexp replace too, but that is much more complex.
localhost*CLI> core show function FILTER
-= Info about function 'FILTER' =-
Filter the string to include only the allowed characters
Permits all characters listed in <allowed-chars>, filtering all others outs.
In addition to literally listing the characters, you may also use ranges
of characters (delimited by a '-'
Hexadecimal characters started with a '\x'(i.e. \x20)
Octal characters started with a '\0' (i.e. \040)
Also '\t','\n' and '\r' are recognized.
NOTE: If you want the '-' character it needs to be prefixed with a '\'
For example, in Unix, a backslash (\) is a common escape character. So to escape a full stop (.) in a regular expression, one does this:
But with % encoding URL parameters, we have an escape character, %, and a control code, so an ampersand (&) doesn't become:
Instead, it becomes:
Any reason why? Seems to just make things more complicated, on the face of it, when we could just have one escape character and a mechanism to escape itself where necessary:
Then it'd be:
simpler to remember; we just need to know which characters to escape, not which to escape and what to escape them to
encoding-agnostic, as we wouldn't be sending an ASCII or Unicode representation explicitly, we'd just be sending them in the encoding the rest of the URL is going in
easy to write an encoder: s/[!\*'();:#&=+$,/?#\[\] "%-\.<>\\^_`{|}~]/%&/g (untested!)
better because we could switch to using \ as an escape character, and life would be simpler and it'd be summer all year long
I might be getting carried away now. Someone shoot me down? :)
EDIT: replaced two uses of "delimiter" with "escape character".
Percent encoding happens not only to escape delimiters, but also so that you can transport bytes that are not allowed inside URIs (such as control characters or non-ASCII characters).
I guess it's because the URL Specification and specifically the HTTP part of it, only allow certain characters so to escape those one must replace them with characters that are allowed.
Also some allowed characters have special meanings like & and ? etc
so replacing them with a control code seems the only way to solve it
If you find it hard to recognize them, bookmark this page
I am having allot of trouble finding a regex that will allow me to throw a error if the user tries to submit special characters especially "/" "\". I have a expression already that helps with other special characters but not the forward and backward slash Bonus: I don't want these ether but its not likely they will be entered. ~,!,#,#,$,%,^,&,*,().
I am currently using ^[\w{./\\(),'}+:?®©-]+$
The regex you have specifically allows / and \ (as well as ( and )). Change it like so:
and keep removing any other characters you don't want to allow either.
In case you're wondering, the construct [...] is called a character class.
You can also use a negated character class like ^[^/\\()~!##$%^&*]*$ to allow any characters except /\()~!##$%^&*.
Not sure whether obfuscated, machine-code or something else. Please, let me know what the part is for and how to read it. The part is from the file.
# Set prompt based on EUID
if (( EUID == 0 )); then
PROMPT=$'%{\e[01;31m%}%n#%m%{\e[0m%}[%{\e[01;34m%}%3~%{\e[0;m%}]$(pc_scm_f)%# '
PROMPT=$'%{\e[01;32m%}%n#%m%{\e[0m%}[%{\e[01;34m%}%3~%{\e[0;m%}]$(pc_scm_f)%% '
could someone break it a bit more into parts?
What does the conditional EUID == 0 do?
I get an error about pc_scm_f, using OBSD, is it some sort of value in other OS?
the \e starts some sort of logical part, what do the rest do?
Looks like ANSI escape sequences to me.
I found this link which seems to contain the whole thing in proper context.
Also tells me Ferruccio is right: It's an ANSI escape string, used to change the style of the command-prompt. \e starts the escape codes, the rest is the code itself. Used to be very popular in the old DOS time, especially with a game called NetHack. It's just pretty-print for your console.
I'm trying to create a validation expression that checks the length of an input and allows text and punctuation marks (e.g. , ? ; : ! " £ $ % )
What I have come up with so far is "^\s*(\w\s*){1,2046}\s*$" but this won't allow any punctuation marks. To be honest I'm pretty sketchy in this area so any help would be greatly appreciated!
^ -- Beginning of string/line
[] -- A character class
\w -- A word character
\s -- A space character
.,:;!?€¥£¢$- -- Punctuation and special characters
{} -- Number of repeats (min,max)
$ -- End of string/line
If you're looking to allow text and punctuation what are you looking to exclude? Digits?
\D will give you everything that isn't a digit
You may already know this, but: guarding against malicious input should be handled server side, not in form validation on the client side. Black hats won't bat an eye at bypassing your script.
I think with most popular web front end frameworks there is library code for scrubbing input. A short regex alone is fairly flimsy for guarding against a SQL injection attack.
This should do it:
Note that this doesn't limit the length of the input at all, it only limits the number of non-white-space characters.
To limit the length, you can use a positive lookahead that only matches a specific length range:
(The upper limit on the number of non-white-space characters is pointless if it's the same as the length. The + is short for {1,}, requiring at least one non-white-space character.)
This regular expression should match all your characters and limit the input:
On Unix, when I press up arrow key, it shows this string, but while scanf, it does not take it as input. Please explain how to take it as input. Can we something like compare the character by charater like first ^[ is Esc key and so on?
That's the escape sequence generated by that key. '^[' is CTRL-[ (the ESC character), and the other two characters are '[' and 'A'.
If you want to process them, you'll need to read all three characters and decide that they mean the user pressed the up-arrow key.
Whether or not you can do this with your scanf depends on the format string. I would be using a lower level of character input for this.
I never use [f]scanf in real code since failure results in you not knowing where the input pointer is located. For line-based input, I find it's always better to use fgets and then sscanf the string retrieved.
But, as I said, you should be using getc and its brethren for low-level character I/O. Or find a higher level function such as readline under Linux, or other libraries that know to convert it into special keycodes such as VK_KEY_UP that you can process.