connecting two routers via serial cards [closed] - networking

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Closed 8 years ago.
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on my current router cisco 2811 i have two subnets /30(fe0) and /27(fe1) ...i want to add /25 but i am told i need an external card: Cisco 2-Port Fast Ethernet Layer 3 HWIC. since thats very expensive i have another cisco 2811 i can use. i am thinking about buying 2 serial cards which i could connect these two routers and place my /25 subnet on one of the free FE ports of the second router. these subnets are public IPs so i cant just move things around that easy since i have dedicated IPs to clients.
1)will this work ? connecting two routers of the same kind
2)are there any performance issues?
running a small hosting company
thank you

I think that the best option is buy a cheap switch that support trunks like Cisco sf300 or C2950, make 3 vlans and create 3 subinterface in C28XX one for each subnet.


Discovering an embedded device's IP address [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am working on a small embedded device based upon an STM32F4xx MCU. It implements a TCP/IP server over a Wi-Fi connection. The question I have relates to exposing the IP address of the device so that it may be discovered by computers on the same network. UPnP and SSDP seem to be rather "heavy" solutions to this problem.
Are there other techniques/protocols that have a smaller footprint than UPnP and SSDP?
Thanks in advance for your input,
If you can make up any custom protocol, a simple UDP beacon periodically sent to the broadcast address ( or your preferred interface's broadcast address) is simple and reliable.
Synopsis of comments:
For listing in mainstream platforms' (Windows, Linux, OS X) network views, the best option would likely be to implement the full stack required for Windows' Network Discovery.
If hostname lookup is enough, Netbios or mDNS could be enough.
The search term you are likely looking for is zero-configuration networking and should give you all the available options

NMAP? - Determine whether host is on WiFi vs Ethernet [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a method to determine whether a host (on your LAN) is on WiFi vs Ethernet using nmap or any other tool? I am OK with fuzzy guesses as well.
tl;dr No, there is none
Long answer:
There is no way to find out what kind of connection other PC on your network is using(without physically accessing it ofc).
Those things are abstracted on network. You can sniff traffic on transport layer by Wireshark and see there is no data on interfaces being transported.
An option:
You can learn a physical network interface vendor by sniffing traffic.
Wireshark can guess those, because vendors have their own MAC address prefixes. And if it's some company which is making wireless interfaces only, you can hit a jackpot. It's not even close to being a bulletproof method though.
Nmap may be used to look for open ports. There might be a chance that you can deduce which software server is running by getting info on ports, but I can hardly imagine you will find anything wlan/eth specific.

Two ethernet adapter [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have mounted two ethernet adapter on my pc and each of them has connected to a seperate network. The problem is that only one of them is active at a same time. In other verb I can ping only through one of them at the same time and if l want to ping another network l should disable the first adapter. So now l want to know how can I use both of them same time.
Avoid assigning multiple adapters in the same computer to the same subnet.When configuring multiple NICs, each NIC should communicate with a different subnet. Configuring two or more NICs on the same subnet may cause communication problems. Delve deeper in this article. There're also example scenarios using two adapters
Also you just can assign to the first adapter, and to another

How to set up 2 separate VLAN on one switch (HP v1910-48G switch) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need some advice on how to set up 2 VLAN(on one switch, I have HP v1910-48G switch) that separate broadcast domain and also share a single internet connection.
Whilst remaining separate so that the two networks cannot communicate with each other.
I'm not sure on how to create vlans on that spesific switch, but i'll give you what to look for. First off you will need to create your two diffrent vlans, assign them their own vlan ID and take note of them.
Then find an overview or list of your diffrent ports, you will then have to tag or untag ports depending on what kind of type that port will have.
Tag - When putting multiple vlans in one cable, or trunking between two switches.
Untag - What ports that will be a part of that vlan
Here is an example. I have one router, a switch, and 20 computers. I connect a cable to the router to the switch (backbone) on port 1. I then connect my computers on the switch from port 2-21.
Now i create the diffrent vlans, i create one that is named guestnet and one called companynet. I then untag the backbone (port 1) with both guestnet and companynet (if you dont want access to the internet on one of those vlans you dont untag the backbone with that vlan, then its just LAN only.)
Now i can untag the ports that the computers will connect to. I tag port 2-11 with guestnet and 12-21 with companynet. Theese vlans cannot communicate between them, which is great for seperating guests from the company files and servers.
Hope this helped!

Router vs Switch (Network Address Translation) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I understand that a router uses NAT to translate the public IP we get from the ISP to say 300 local IPs. Does a switch perform the same function? If not, how's it different?
No, a switch cannot perform NAT and translate public(s) IP addresses into private addresses.
A switch is a network device that filters and forwards packets between LAN segments. Switches operate at the data link layer (layer 2). So, they are not aware of IP addresses which are network layer (layer 3). A switch keeps a record of the MAC addresses of all the devices connected to it. With this information, a switch can identify which system is sitting on which port. So when a frame is received, it knows exactly which port to send it to, without significantly increasing network response times.
Routers are network devices used to interconnect two different networks (with different IP addressing schemes).
