Does Julia automatically close files when their handles go out of scope? - julia

Julia provides open() and close() functions for files. Is something like
finalizer(filehandle, obj -> close(obj), filehandle )
automatically implemented when you open a file?

Yes, that is done automatically. However, finalizers do not get called when an object goes out of scope, but rather when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to that object. This may not happen when you expect or want it to, however. To have file handles automatically closed upon exiting the current scope, you can use the open-do-block construct:
open("file.txt") do fh
# do stuff with open file handle `fh`
end # `fh` is closed here


Rcpp-Modules: Understanding .finalizer() and why it doesn't get called

I have written a Rcpp-Module named RMaxima that spawns a child process when it's constructor is called. My motivation for this question is, that I need an object of this class to be destructed, when R exits a functions execution environment in which it has been allocated and bound to a name.
Here are the important parts of my source file:
class RMaxima
// spawnes child process by instantiating an object
myMaxima = new Maxima(...);
// causes the child process to terminate properly
delete myMaxima;
Maxima* myMaxima;
static void rmaxima_finalizer(RMaxima* ptr)
if (ptr)
delete ptr;
My understanding of garbage collection in R is that when the interpreter exits an environment the value bindings from this environment are thrown away and R's garbage collection frees up memory for any unbound values.
However, this seems to be different for Rcpp-Modules: If I call and exit a function that creates an instance of my class
foo <- function() {
m <- new(Rmaxima)
then, as expected, m does not appear in the global environment. However, the child process is still running. This means that my class' destructor/ finalizer has not been called. It is called however, when I quit the R session or when I install my corresponding custom package during which loading is tested.
Why? How can I cause it being destructed in a different scope? "Extending R" (Chambers, 2016) gave me some hint
The Rcpp templated type allows conversions to and from "externalptr"
with computations in the C++ code specialized to the type T of the object referred
to. Templated code can in fact use 3 parameters: type, storage scope and a final-
izer to be called when the object pointed to is deleted. The object returned to R
is in all cases of class and type "externalptr". No information is available about
the parametrized form.
as to point out that classes are returned as externalptr and protected from gc(), but I don't see the connection, since object is typeof(m): S4, i.e. a reference class.
Any further hint, where to read about this?
You are using Rcpp Modules which are in a way an alternative to using things yourself with an external pointer. Rcpp offers you Rcpp::XPtr and those are used by a few packages you could look at. (My favourite is a quick GitHub search as in this one across the 'cran' org that mirrors CRAN -- it shows over 1k code hits so some further triage needed.)
And XPtr itself seems to have an open issue in as far as guaranteed access to the finalizer is concerned; I filed issue #1108 on that last year and plan to revisit this 'soon'. But despite that issue which may be a corner case, in general this appears to work. So I would look into XPtr and/or the two helper packages for XPtr use on CRAN.
Lastly, Rcpp Classes were an extension written and contributed by John. They have not seen too much use though. Rcpp Modules is fairly widely used, and there too you could look at examples.
Lastly, you could also do something more simple and direct:
create a class Foo with an empty-ish constructor
have static pointer to a singleton of the class
create an init method to set up the class and have it hold the memory it needs
have setter/getter/worker/result methods as needed
create a teardown method to free the memory
and then call init first (maybe from package load), followed by all the work and then ensure the teardown is called. It's a far-from-perfect design (maybe teardown is not called?) but the simplicity gives you a comparison. And once you have the fragments you can build fancier structures on top.

In R, how to check if an object exists in memory from inside the object itself?

I've been running into this problem in a few separate cases now and I'd like your input. In R, objects can be deleted or overwritten, but if they use Rcpp libraries, they will keep doing what they do.
For example, when connecting to a websocket using the websocket package:
ws$onMessage(function(event) {
The object ws is now my only way to control the websocket, and if it is deleted or overwritten, there is no way to make it disconnect except to restart R.
A similar issue when using the later package:
message("Valued bumped up to ",.self$iter)
the loop associated with testobj continues to repeat, despite the fact that the object itself has been removed from memory.
Is there any way to make a reference class object check if it still exists in memory? More generally, is it possible for the object to know its name in memory?

How do you get code to execute at the end of a procedure?

I'm working on a new piece of code at work to assist the rest of the programmers in making app server calls. Previously we just had a .i file and relied on the developer to make sure you made all the right calls and cleaned up the app server connection at the end of the program. Obviously some people have forgotten to do that in the past and it's caused problems for us.
I've been building a basic appserver.cls file, but I can't figure out how to get it to disconnect at the end of the program.
I've tried the following things so far.
This doesn't seem to fire at the end of the webspeed call.
DESTRUCTOR appserver():
This works when it does garbage collection, but Progress doesn't seem to do garbage collection at the end of a webspeed call and the objects are still in memory (which is an entirely different issue that I need to deal with).
This doesn't even compile obviously.
I've tried a whole bunch of other things that are variants on these three to no avail.
Is there any way to do what I'm asking? Bonus points if it can be inside the appserver.cls file.
If I understand the question, you want to disconnect from another AppServer once the work is done. Would try something along the lines of the below work?
Create a AppServer-handle-wrapper class. This class is responsible for the A/S connection; it has a public "Handle" (or similarly-named) property that you can use to run stuff on the AppServer.
In this class' destructor you can add code that does your clean-up : disconnect and delete server handle .
Code that wants to run something on the AppServer does something like ...
def var asConn as AppServerConnection.
asConn = new AppServerConnection().
run foo.p on asConn:Handle (param1, out param2).
// cause GC
asConn = ?.
// manually destroy
delete object asConn.
The destructor will then do the right thing.
Note that if you have this code in an internal procedure or method, then the variable would go out of scope at the end of it, and the GC would kick in.
There's an example of this approach at
Bear in mind that in the ClientSocket is that the handle is private - you may want to make it public for a general AppServer connection.

Using the same File Output Stream in GUIs

I need to continue writing to the same file using a file output stream, However I'm implementing the program using a javafx GUI from different windows. but:
Since you can not access a global variable without intializing the stream as final I have to make it final however,
Since I have to wrap the the Stream in a try catch, the variable is not recognised as initialised.
I was previously intialising in method like this
eW = outputFactory .createXMLEventWriter(new FileOutputStream("File.txt"));
However, that obivously overwrites the same file when you write the same statement again.
So essentially my question is, how can you set a final variable that needs to be surrounded in a try catch?
final File file = new File("File.txt");
final FileOutputStream fileOS = new FileOutputStream(file);
You don't need to initialize a variable as final to access it from different threads or objects. There are other ways to do it.
You can use a helper class, or even a helper thread. The second option is better in (the most common) case where you have more than 1 thread in your project. You can then use a normal try-catch block that has a (almost infinite) while loop inside, that checks a write queue and writes something when needed.
If you only use 1 thread and only append to a file, you may want to do just that - open the file to append, rather than overwrite. There's a boolean flag in the constructor.
You can take a look at the FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append) constructor, which would allow you to append to the end of the file rather than overwrite each time.
I do not know how you implemented it, but if you are writing to the same file from multiple windows, it might be easier to have a helper class which exclusively handles writing to file. This would allow you to centralize your File output code to one place making it easier to debug and maintain.

When should I call javax.jdo.Query.close(Object)?

I'm trying to understand when I should call Query.close(Object) or Query.closeAll();
From the docs I see that it will "close a query result" and "release all resources associated with it," but what does "close" mean? Does it mean I can't use objects that I get out of a Query after I've called close on them?
I ask because I'm trying to compartmentalize my code with functions like getUser(id), which will create a Query, fetch the User, and destroy the query. If I have to keep the Query around just to access the User, then I can't really do that compartmentalization.
What happens if I don't call close on an object? Will it get collected as garbage? Will I be able to access that object later?
Please let me know if I can further specify my question somehow.
You can't use the query results since you closed them (i.e the List object you got back from query.execute). You can access the objects in the results ... if you copied them to your own List, or made references to them in your code. Failure to call close can leak memory
When your query method returns a single object it is easy to simply close the query before returning the single object.
On the other hand, when your query method returns a collection the query method itself can not close the query before returning the result because the query needs to stay open while the caller is iterating through the results.
This puts the responsibility for closing a query that returns a collection on the caller and can introduce leaks if the caller neglects to close the query - I thought there must be a safer way and there is!
Guido, a long time DataNucleus user, created a 'auto closing' collection facade that wraps the collection returned by JDO's Query.execute method. Usage is extremely simple: Wrap the query result inside an instance of the auto closing collection object:
Instead of returning the Query result set like this:
return q.execute();
simply return an 'auto closing' wrapped version of it:
return new JDOQueryResultCollection(q, q.execute());
To the caller it appears like any other Collection but the wrapper keeps a reference to the query that created the collection result and auto closes it when the wrapper is disposed of by the GC.
Guido kindly gave us permission to include his clever auto closing code in our open source exPOJO library. The auto closing classes are completely independent of exPOJO and can be used in isolation. The classes of interest are in the expojo_jdo*.jar file that can be downloaded from:
JDOQueryResultCollection is the only class used directly but it does have a few supporting classes.
Simply add the jar to your project and import into any Java file that includes query methods that return results as a collection.
Alternatively you can extract the source files from the jar and include them in your project: They are:
