Resize QDialog at a runtime - qt

I have a QDialog subclass containing some options of my application. Some of the options are core, the other are advanced, so I decided to put them into separeted checkable QGroupBox.
I want my dialog to shrink verticaly when the user checked off advanced options box, but I can't find the way to do it properly - the dialog size stays exactle the same
I set dialog's size policy to Expanding, tried to call adjustSize() and tried to call resize() method - nothing helps. I can't resize programmaticaly dialog to be smaller then it's current size (it only can become larger). At the same time, it is possible to resize it manualy.
Can anybody help me?

If you don't need manual resize, you can add
to the dialog constructor, then the layout takes over the responsibility to automatically resize when widgets are shown or hidden.


How to set the desired size of a QMainWindow with QScrollArea?

I am working on a project where I have to display a pretty large (vertically) main Widget.
In the initial Version of my GUI it was just added as the central Widget of a QMainWindow, which caused the Problem that on small screen resolutions the controls on the Bottom of the Widget are unreachable.
To solve this i wrapped a QScrollArea around the main Widget, but now the main window is always relatively small even if it doesn't have to.
What do i need to change so the Main Windows (vertical) size is large enough to show all the contents unless it would be too large for the screen resolution? Also I don't want it to be stretched, so simply always using the whole vertical screen resolution is not an option. Ideally the size should be fixed to the size needed by the contents (w/o the scroll area) and only smaller where needed.
Overriding the sizeHint method did only resulted in a small enlargement of the Window and setting the minimal height brings me back to the beginning where some of the controls are not assessable on small resolutions.
Since i am new to QT I am actually out of ideas how to google the solution because most Solutions I can find are about sizing components inside a Window and not the Window itself.
By default a QScrollArea will not attempt to expand to fit its contents. In order to do this you will need to re-implement QScrollArea's sizeHint() to return the size of QScrollArea's child widgets.
In your question it sounds like you were trying to re-implement MainWindow's sizeHint? re-implementing sizeHint on the top-level window will have no effect as sizeHint designed for use with widgets inside layouts.

QListView Transparent Scrollbar with Image in QT

I am having QListWidget, i want to have a Transparent Scrollbar with Image.
Initially that scrollbar should be hidden on scroll only it should show.
How i Can achieve this in Qt ?
Any examples or ideas are welcomed.
How i can apply image to Listview Scrollbar.
Here are the three things you can look at to be able to control the scroll bar for most kinds of widgets in Qt:
enum Qt::ScrollBarPolicy.
To be able to track how the user interacts with your QListWidget or any Widget for that matter you need to subclass it and implement the virtual methods from the QWheelEvent and possibly the QKeyEvent.
Scrolling is typically done with the mouse wheel and with the keyboard arrow keys and sometimes page-up and page-down and spacebar. I haven't done a lot with QListWidget, but you should double check which keyboard events/mouse events trigger scrolling.
These events will cause scrolling event even after you set either or both of the ScrollBarPolicies for the widget to be Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff.
First you should put in the constructor of your widget
So you just need to setMouseTracking(true) for the widget (so that it tracks more than just the clicks) and reimplement at the very least wheelEvent(), and when a wheel event occurs, set the vertical/horizontal scroll bar policies to true and call update on your widget.
If you want to turn the scrollbars back off after a few milliseconds after they have started scrolling, you will need to create a QTimer in your constructor for your subclassed widget and connect it to a slot that sets the scroll bar polices on the timeout. Then you start/restart that timer every time the user does a wheelEvent().
As far as applying an image to the ListView Scrollbar, you should look into subclassing QAbstractScrollBar, if you want to actually put an image on it or change the way it looks. Setting up some tool buttons may also be the way to go if you are trying to put buttons with different icons in place of the scrollbar.

Qt: How to resize a window to its new content

I have a window containing a QScrollArea with a couple widgets in it.
Until now, I was creating the QScrollArea and its child widgets in the constructor of my window, and then I was resizing the window vertically to fit its content using resize(400, sizeHint().height()). So far, so good.
Now, I'm adding or removing widgets in the QScrollArea at runtime. What should I do, after having added or removed widgets, to make the window fits its content vertically? Should I call adjustSize()? resize(sizeHint())? Should there be a call to layout->activate() or maybe updateGeometry() first? Which size policies actually matter in this case? The ones of the window, or of the scroll area, or both? I tried to set them all to Expanding.
I'm using Qt 4.6 on Windows.
It seems that calling resize(sizeHint()) (without any other magic) after widgets were added to the scroll area actually does the trick. Somehow missed that the first time.

How do I auto-adjust the size of a QDialog depending on the text length of one of its children?

I have a QDialog I'm working with. It is made somewhat like a QMessageBox. I noticed that the size of the QMessageBox (and the size of its label) depends on the size of the message displayed.
How would I make the size of my QDialog adjust automatically like a QMessageBox? Presently my QDialog contains a button box and a label, and the QDialog is layout Vertical.
(I know I could just use the message box directly but eventually I will have more complex dialogs.)
Automatic solution:
Use layouts and set size policies to QSizePolicy::Expanding. In QtDesigner, once all your children are placed on your QDialog, then click on the Adjust Size button next layout ones. Your QDialog will be automatically resized at runtime.
Manual solution:
The QWidget class has a method adjustSize that resize the QWidget to fit its content. Just call it when all children are set.
Set your dialog to be expanding, and very small. Then, be sure to set your message before showing the dialog. When shown, it will try to find its proper size, based on the size of the objects it contains. (This happens recursively, so if the dialog isn't the direct parent of the label in which you show your message, make sure everything between the label and the dialog is set to use layouts.)
A TIP : if you try to use "adjustSize()" function when dialog is hidden, it may not be works fine. It would be better to use it after the "show()" function.

Non-resizeable QDialog with fixed size in Qt?

I have a Qt dialog application. Now I dont want that dialog to be resizeable. I am not sure how to achieve this. I tried a bunch of things but still when the dialog launches this dialog can be resized.
What is the property that i should set to disable the dialog/Widget resize.
I also tried
But i get an error saying..
source\nimcac_settingsMain.cpp(36) : error C2248:
**'QSizePolicy::QSizePolicy' : cannot access private member declared in class 'QSizePolicy'**
kernel\qsizepolicy.h(177) : see declaration of 'QSizePolicy::QSizePolicy'
kernel\qsizepolicy.h(34) : see declaration of 'QSizePolicy'
Kindly help me out with this.
The compile error you get is because you try to pass a QSizePolicy::Policy to setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy), but there's no implicit conversion from QSizePolicy::Policy (which is the policy for one dimension) to QSizePolicy (which is a class containing, among other things, one Policy per dimension (height, width)). QSizePolicy doesn't work on top-level widgets (windows) anyway, though.
setFixedSize() only works if you know the size of the dialog in advance (and usually you don't, what with changing font sizes and languages). You can do
window()->setFixedSize( window()->sizeHint() );
but it's much better to use
window->layout()->setSizeConstraint( QLayout::SetFixedSize );
That lets the layout determine the size of the dialog, but doesn't allow resizing, which I assume is what you were asking for.
I don't know if you already tried it, but QWidget::setFixedSize should do what you want
You need to change the windowFlags of the dialog and set it to Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint.
This only works in windows.
For more information please see this example:
On QT Creator, in the UI editor, click on the top object in the properties window, then scroll at the bottom in the Layout part. You should see the layoutSizeConstraint property.
Set the layoutSizeConstraint to SetFixedSize.
If you use QtCreator (of course you are) you can set the property HorizontalsizePolicy to fixed and Vertical Policy also to Fixed. Then you can set the maximumSize to the dimensions you want. The window will not maximise again.
In code you can do something like this,
Dialog->resize(581, 292);
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
Dialog->setMinimumSize(QSize(581, 292));
Dialog->setMaximumSize(QSize(581, 292));
In QtCreator do as follows,
Select the dialog box widget
Locate the dialog box widget in Object Window
In Object Window, right click on dialog box object to popup a menu
Select "Size Constraints" -> "Set Maximum Size" from the menu
Right click again on dialog object to popup a menu
Select "Size Constraints" -> "Set Minimum Size"
In Property Window,
ensure "sizePolicy"->"Horizontal Policy" has value "Fixed"
ensure "sizePolicy"->"Vertical Policy" has value "Fixed"
ensure "sizeGripEnabled" is not checked
From the Qt documentation, setSizePolicy() method either takes zero argument or two arguments but cannot be one argument. That's why you get this compilation error. From my experiment, if you don't set the fixed size. This method has no use. The window can still be resizable.
An easier way is to set the maxium size to 0.
this->setMaxiumSize(QSize(0, 0));
In case you are designing UI in QML and launching using QDeclarativeView, try the below code.
QScopedPointer<QmlApplicationViewer> viewer(QmlApplicationViewer::create());
//To make the window non-resizable
Here QmlApplicationViewer is derived from QDeclarativeView.
