Web api Breakpoint doesn't hit from another project - asp.net

In the same solution, I have a project that has Web API functions, and porject the uses it.
I call it from Javascript.
I put break point in my webapi function.
If the html/javascript is in the project where the webapi is, breakpoint hit.
If it is on the other project it doesn't hit.

You may need to right click your solution, and select 'Select Startup Projects...'
Then choose 'Multiple startup projects' and choose both the web and the Web API project to both have an action of 'Start'.


Starting point of Azure WebApp

I opened a new .Net Framework WebApp and I am using it with Azure.
At the very first point, when I run the App from Visual Studio, it opens the browser and shows the default page:
I was looking for a "main" class or method but could not find one. I am wondering where does it start from? how this thing works?
If added a new method for which I want to run together with the WebApp, where should I call it from ?
I am wondering where does it start from? how this thing works?
This is about how does asp.net webapp run.When the application starts up, it runs Global.asax’s Application_Start() method. In this method, you can add Route objects to the static RouteTable.Routes collection. These will be inspected later when each request is received. Each Route object defines a URL pattern to be matched and the controller to be used in this case.
For more detail about how the Asp.net webapp run, you could refer to this article and this one.
If added a new method for which I want to run together with the WebApp, where should I call it from ?
When you publish to azure and add a new method in a controller, you could call it like yourappname.azurewebsites.net/Controllername/methodname. It mainly depend on your Rounte, you could refer to this article.
Azure App Service Web Apps is a service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends. You can develop in your favorite language, be it .NET, .NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. Applications run and scale with ease on Windows-based environments.
With App Service, you pay for the Azure compute resources you use. The compute resources you use is determined by the App Service plan that you run your Web Apps on.

Auto Build MVC app on after code behind change

In old sweet Web Forms times, when we make change on code behind, once we hit the application, it was compiling on the fly and running new changed code.
For Web Apps and MVC, when I add a new controller or change something on business logic, I have to always build app on VS 2015 manually and go back to browser and test again. But many times I keep forgetting building till I see yellow error screen.
Is there any way to kick build if there is code change and if I hit the website first time like Web Forms? I would not prefer to build on save since I am a ctrl + S freak, and keep pressing that combo on every other second.
To my knowledge Dynamic Compilation is not available in an MVC application because it won't be a "Web Site" project, it will be a "Web Application" project. Only Web Site projects can do dynamic compilation, since with MVC you're routing to actions in the controller my guess is it has to be compiled in advance - unlike ASP.NET where you're routing to a physical file.

How To Debug Web API Project From MVC Project In Same Solution

In VS 2012, I am attempting to create an MVC 4 web application with jQuery calls to a Web API project. (Other devs will be consuming the API with our current, native app, and probably adding to the API in the future.) So I have one project that is the Web API, and another project that is the MVC 4 website. I can only set one of them to run, and they use localhost:xxxxx.
How do I debug changes to both? For example, let's say I add a new API path /api/customer/get and then a new jQuery ajax call to that path and do something with the resulting JSON. I've changed code in both projects and want to follow it end-to-end; how do I launch both? How do I debug both?
Just to be clear, the MVC app isn't making server-side calls to the API, I'm using MVC mostly to be able to easily use bundling, minification, and (hopefully) pre-compiled Handlebars templates in .NET; the API calls are coming from jQuery. As I am still relatively new to these technologies, alternate suggestions are welcome.
Thank you in advance.
I had the same problem and have found a solution from here:
The fix is to do the following:
In your solution file, click properties go to the Startup project node (if it is not already selected)
Next select Multiple startup projects. Select your website and your webservice and in the Action column make sure both of them have "Start" selected.
Now when you debug your website and put a break point in your webservice, it should hit the break point.
Coming late to the party but in case anyone else is looking for a solution, this is what was best for me: Set the Api project up to be the starting project (I needed to limit to one startup so that I could flip between browsers more easily). After firing up the service project, right click on the web/ui project and select debug, start new instance. You'll have both running and you'll seamlessly step from web to api.
I had a similar problem with my web api project. My solution consisted of an angular front end with 2 web api projects on the backend. One web api project handled "authorization" and the other handled "resources". I used the following tutorial by Taiseer Joudeh as a starting point:
Breakpoints worked on the "authorization server"... but not on the "resource server". I compared the packages from the two projects to see what was different. Once I added "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors" to the "resource server" project, the breakpoints starting working.

Web Service vs. WCF - different objects when consumed

I'm new to the WCF, and I'm looking for some advice. In my web app I consumed a web service (R+Click on project - "Add Web Reference") and started coding. My web app is really big, so it was taking forever to compile each time I wanted to debug, so I built a stripped down WinForm using the same code.
In VS2008 there is no "Add Web Reference" option when using the 3.5 framework, so I just chose "Add Service Reference" and used the same url. The objects/methods that I now have access to are completely different when compared to the objects/methods in the web app after consuming this as a web service.
Is that normal? Is this somehow related to the WCF?
You can still add web references.
Add Service Refernce
Hit the "Advanaced" button on the bottom left
Hit "Add Web Reference" on the bottom left.
Yes this is related to WCF. When your project target is >= .NET 3.0 the Add Service Referemce option will be available which will use svcutil.exe to generate client classes, otherwise you will have the Add Web Reference option which uses wsdl.exe. WCF clients use different classes to call a web service and that's why you get different classes generated.

How do I reference a web service in another project using a ScriptManager?

I have a web application project and a web service application project. I'm using ASP.Net AJAX and I want to reference a service called Tickets.asmx from the web service project and call it with JavaScript. (I'm referencing it [or trying to] in a ScriptManager on the page)
I've done this before with the web service being part of the asp.net web application, but not with it in a different project. No matter what I do I keep getting [namespace] undefined javascript errors.
What could I be doing wrong? I've even tried putting the full path to the service in the ScriptManager (something like http://localhost:4080/Tickets.asmx)
I have determined that this is not possible. JavaScript cannot make calls to another domain, so ASP.Net AJAX doesn't support external web services at all.
