Qt: QListWidget separator line after particuler items? - qt

This is related to Qt: QListWidget separator line between items?
But this above answer adds separator line after each items, I would like to know a way to add the separator line after particular items.

Create a QListWidgetItem representing the separator. Such item would need to have defined the setSizeHint(), so its height is small, and also the setFlags() should define Qt::NoItemFlags, so the item is not selectable, etc. Then, after adding the item to the QListWidget, place a QFrame, with its shape set to QFrame::HLine, as the item's widget (using QListWidget::setItemWidget()).
As for your additional question from the comment, which is:
I want to add some gap on each sides of this separator line/frame. How can I achieve this?
The only solution that comes to my mind right now is to embed the QFrame inside of another QWidget and put the QWidget as item's widget (remember that you need to add a layout manager to the QWidget in order to embed anything in it). Then set proper margins on the widget: QWidget::setContentsMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

I found another possibility and tested it this time :p
You could create a new class inheriting QStyledItemDelegate that look like this :
void MyStyledItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);
// I have decided to use Qt::UserRole + 1 to store my boolean
// but it could be any other role while it's value is bigger than Qt::UserRole
QVariant isSeparator = index.data(Qt::UserRole + 1);
if (isSeparator.isValid() && isSeparator.toBool())
QRect rct = option.rect;
rct.setY(rct.bottom() - 1);
painter->fillRect(rct, QColor::fromRgb(qRgb(0, 0, 0)));
And the for each QListWidgetItem you can do the following :
// Qt::UserRole + 1 => Must match the role set in the delegate
item->setData(Qt::UserRole + 1, true);
Install the custom in your QListWidget like this
listWidget->setItemDelegate(new MyStyledItemDelegate());
It will draw a black line under the text of the item if the Qt::UserRole + 1 is set to true.

You can try using the same trick with dynamic properties.
myListWidget->setStyleSheet( "QListWidget::item[separator="true"] { border-bottom: 1px solid black; }" );
And on the widget you want the line to be drawn :
myWidget->setProperty("separator", true);
However be carefull the documentation says :
Warning: If the value of the Qt property changes after the style sheet has been set, it might be necessary to force a style sheet recomputation. One way to achieve this is to unset the style sheet and set it again.


QTreeView cell selected highlight resize

Is there any way to customize focus rect size for QTreeView item? I have reviewed source code of paint() event of QStyledItemDelegate, and there is query for textRect inside them, but i not found the way to resize focus rect, it only paint a part of cell, containing text, i need to focus rect fill the entire cell rect. Any help?
cell focus rect example
The default selection highlight depends on the current app style. On Windows it's partial, which is how other Windows apps behave. With Fusion style (default on Linux) the selection highlight already covers the full item rectangle. Not sure on Mac.
Anyway, it's easily controlled with a style option which is set in the item delegate. All we need to do is set a flag, and luckily the style option init function is virtual. This is the same flag which is set by default for some styles. Try this item delegate:
class HighlightDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
using QStyledItemDelegate::QStyledItemDelegate;
void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionViewItem *option, const QModelIndex &index) const override
QStyledItemDelegate::initStyleOption(option, index);
option->showDecorationSelected = true;

Set different images for different checkboxes in a QTreeView

I subclassed a QTreeView and I have two columns where there are checkboxes. I would like to set two different images: one for the first column, and another one for the second column. I know I can change the image in the stylesheet with:
image: url(:/checked);
image: url(:/unchecked);
but it will change all the checkboxes in the tree view. Is there a way to do it with the stylesheets, or do I need to use a delegate?
Short answer: Stylesheets can't do that (as far as I know). They are a pretty immature feature in Qt, and there seems to be no development on them either.
What you can do:
You cannot assign properties to a column or an item and you cannot access the columns by index.
But you can use some of the pseudo-states selectors like :first, :middle and :last:
background: red;
background: blue;
background: lightgray;
I used colors instead of images for the sake of simplicity.
Note however, that these pseudo-states are actual currently visible states, so if the user is allowed to reorder columns, the style of the column might change. For example if the user drags one of the :middlecolumns and drops it at the end, the box will not be blue anymore.
You can fake it using Qt::DecorationRole.
To do so, you have to receive the mousePressEvent either by subclassing QTreeView or by installing an event filter. You can then change the icon (via Qt::DecorationRole + emit dataChanged()) when the user clicks in the area of the icon.
This does not work with the keyboard of course.
Custom ItemDelegate
Subclass QStyledItemDelegate and override paint(), just as you suggested.
Custom Style
If you are creating a heavily styled application, you probably have to create a custom Style sooner or later. Stylesheets just don't support some features.
To do so, subclass QProxyStyle, override drawPrimitive and handle the drawing if QStyle::PE_IndicatorViewItemCheck is passed. You will also receive a QStyleOptionViewItem of which has some useful properties like checkState, features (contains QStyleOptionViewItem::HasCheckIndicator if there is a checkbox), and of course index so you can determine what kind of checkbox you want to draw.
Edit: Appendix
Example Using a Custom QStyledItemDelegate
void MyItemDelegate::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const
QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);
QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
initStyleOption(&opt, index);
const QWidget *widget = option.widget;
QStyle *style = widget ? widget->style() : QApplication::style();
QRect checkRect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ItemViewItemCheckIndicator, &opt, widget);
drawCheckBox(painter, checkRect, opt.checkState, index);
void MyItemDelegate::drawCheckBox(QPainter * painter, const QRect & checkRect, Qt::CheckState checkState, const QModelIndex & index) const
if (checkState == Qt::Checked)
switch (index.column())
case 0:
painter->fillRect(checkRect, Qt::red);
painter->fillRect(checkRect, Qt::blue);
painter->fillRect(checkRect, Qt::lightGray);
This example is quick and easy. Simply paint over the checkbox drawn by QStyledItemDelegate. Requires you to fill the whole box however, otherwise the original will be visible.
You can try to use QStyledItemDelegate to draw anything but the checkbox, and draw the checkbox afterwards, but that is a little harder and will leave you with some minor drawing artifacts if you don't want to spend too much time on it.
Example Using a Custom QProxyStyle
void MyStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption * opt, QPainter * p, const QWidget * w) const
if (pe == QStyle::PE_IndicatorViewItemCheck)
const QStyleOptionViewItem * o = static_cast<const QStyleOptionViewItem *>(opt);
drawCheckBox(p, opt->rect, o->checkState, o->index);
QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive(pe, opt, p, w);
The drawCheckBox() function is the same as in the first example.
As you can see, this way is much simpler, cleaner and has none of the drawbacks. You can apply the style globally, or only for a single widget.

Can you hide a QGroupBox frame but preserve it's content visible?

I have a QGroupBox. Depending on the context, it's title may be redundent (displayed in another place of the GUI), so I then need to make as if the QGroupBox was not here....but I must preserve it's content visible (so I don't want to call QGroupBox::hide())!
I need to do this dynamically at runtime and would like to avoid creating/destroying the QGroupBox + reparenting it's content....there must be an easier way to do this.
What I tried so far:
QGroupBox visible:
QGroupBox::setTitle("") removes the text.
QGroupBox::setFlat(true) makes the frame be a single line.
I end up with this:
Not too bad...but a line remains....is there a way to completely hide the QGroupBox frame but preserve it's content visible?
My option:
QGroupBox theBox;
//This removes the border from a QGroupBox named "theBox".
theBox.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox#theBox {border:0;}");
//This removes the border from the group box and all of its children
You can derive your own Group Box from the QGroupBox and reimplement the paintEvent() method. It should be very simple. Original QGroupBox::paintEvent() looks like this:
void QGroupBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStylePainter paint(this);
QStyleOptionGroupBox option;
paint.drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_GroupBox, option);
What you need to do is just to modify the style option right before the widget is painted:
void CMyGroupBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStylePainter paint(this);
QStyleOptionGroupBox option;
// This should disable frame painting.
option.features = QStyleOptionFrame::None;
paint.drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_GroupBox, option);
You can use QFrame + QGridLayout (or some more complex combination of layouts) + QSS instead of a QGroupBox.
Considering a QGroupBox only, a trivial solution via QSS could be:
static const char kSavedTitle[] = "_savedTitle";
void hideBoxFrame(QGroupBox * box) {
box->setProperty(kSavedTitle, box->title());
void showBoxFrame(QGroupBox * box) {
Here's an example that does it by swapping the widgets and reparenting the children. It works for any widget that has direct children, not only QGroupBox. It would require special case handling for widgets such as QScrollArea and QMainWindow that wrap children in a special sub-widget.
See this question for a related discussion of programmatically promoting widgets.
// https://github.com/KubaO/stackoverflown/tree/master/questions/group-reparent-36603051
#include <QtWidgets>
/// Replaces the visible widget with a hidden widget, preserving the layout of the
/// children, and making the new widget visible.
void swapWidgets(QWidget * a, QWidget * b)
auto src = a->isVisible() ? a : b;
auto dst = a->isVisible() ? b : a;
/// Move the children to the destination
/// Replace source with destination in the parent
auto layout = src->parentWidget()->layout();
delete layout->replaceWidget(src, dst);
/// Unparent the source, otherwise it won't be reinsertable into the parent.
/// Only the destination should be seen.
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
QWidget w;
QGridLayout wLayout{&w};
QPushButton swapBtn{"Swap"};
QWidget noBox;
QGroupBox box{"Group"};
QGridLayout boxLayout{&box};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
boxLayout.addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Tr%1").arg(i)), i/8, i%8);
swapBtn.connect(&swapBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] { swapWidgets(&box, &noBox); });
return app.exec();
Yes there is a alternative that you can Try.
You can morph into a QFrame which will keep the behavior But make the container boundaryless
You can simply right click on the Group Box in the QDesigner and Select the 'Morph Into' option to select from

QTableView: align the icon of the item to top left

I need to draw an icon on the items of a QTableView.
What I'm getting now is the following (each big rectangle is an item):
with the following code in the method
QVariant myClass::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
case Qt::DecorationRole:
QPixmap pix(m_cellSize, m_cellSize);
QPainter painter( &pix );
painter.setFont( QFont("Arial", m_cellSize / 2) );
painter.drawRect(0, 0, m_cellSize - 1, m_cellSize - 1);
painter.drawText( QRect(0, 0, m_cellSize, m_cellSize), Qt::AlignTop, QString::number(m_letters[index.row()][index.column()].number) );
QIcon icon(pix);
return icon;
I do a drawRect only to see how the pixmap is and where the text is inside it. I can align the text in the pixmap but I cannot align the icon inside the item.
In few words, I need to draw this icon on the top left corner of the table view item but I don't know how to. It's always vertically aligned.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can investigate if changing Qt::TextAlignmentRole makes a difference, but my guess is it won't. The usual way to solve this is to implement a custom delegate, i.e subclass QStyledItemDelegate, and override the paint method. I suspect this might also give better performance, since you could do your custom drawing there, and return you model data in Qt::DisplayRole as a QString instead.
I'm making a few assumptions in this, but if you look at the examples of custom item delegates I think you will see something very close to what you need.

How to add some padding between QPushButton’s boundary and its inner text?

Longer strings don’t look too good in a QPushButton, because there’s no spacing between the text and button’s frame, i. e. the text is placed tightly within the button. Is there a way to add some padding?
You can set the padding of a QPushButton via its stylesheet.
myButton->setStyleSheet("padding: 3px;");
myButton->setStyleSheet("padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 3px;"
"padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;");
More information on stylesheets can be found here.
Rather than having to set a stylesheet for each button, I found it easier to update the sytle so that the minimum size for each button is a little bigger. You can subclass QProxyStyle which is the easiest way to modify styles, since it will apply changes to whatever style is selected ie QWindowsXPStyle, QWindowsVistaStyle, QMacStyle etc.
Override sizeFromContents like this to make the minimum size of buttons a little bigger:
class ProxyStyle : public QProxyStyle
QSize sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption* opt, const QSize & csz, const QWidget* widget = 0) const
QSize sz = QProxyStyle::sizeFromContents(ct, opt, csz, widget);
if (ct == CT_PushButton)
sz.rwidth() += 20;
return sz;
And then after you create your application, but before you create your first window call:
a.setStyle(new ProxyStyle);
You can set the padding for all buttons in a window/widget with:
QPushButton { padding: 10px; }
Much better than applying to each subwidget.
