some problems with flex HTTPService - apache-flex

I have a problem with flex HTTPService.In my application,I need to get some resources from service by the way of flex HTTPService.And then,I need to use these resources in other place,since flex HTTPService is asynchronous,so I don't know whether the resources are ready?And there are someone tell me how to deal whit it???

There are a number of examples available for using the HTTPService object, but the short answer is:
Use data binding to the lastResult property of the HTTPService.
Implement the result event handler on the HTTPService to process the results when they're received.


Selective Explicit Loading in WCF Data Service

I'm about to implement a web service for my database, perhaps using WCF Data Services. Some of the objects I need to make available have child objects that need to be present for the objects to be useful. But because of lazy loading in the Entity Framework, those child objects are not going to be automatically loaded.
I'm going to be calling this service using JSON, and I don't want to have to specify the $expand option in each call. And it's not clear to me where I would use the LoadProperty method (same link), since I'm just writing the InitializeService method and letting the framework do the rest.
Is there a way to configure it to explicitly load some child objects and not others?
WCF Data Services currently doesn't support auto-expand on the server. The client always has to ask for expansions.
You could implement some kind of a workaround around the WCF DS, by modifying the incoming request. So for example if the client sends request for ~/Products you could modify it before it gets to WCF DS and let it process ~/Products&$expand=Category and that way effectively achieve auto-expand. But for such a service to be robust, you would have to parse the query URL and only add the expand if there's not already one in there and so on.
The other way is if its always necessary for the child object to be present, can we make the child object complex types instead of entities, so that they always come along with the parent. Is there a strong reason for the child objects to be individual entities?
Hope this helps.

HttpService Vs Remote Objects

I have a flex application and need to show the real time data into the chatrs and datagrids.
Eralier we are used Httpservices to showing the real time data and historical data into charts and datagrids. But now we are going to replace the Httpservices to remote objects.
So which places generally need to change. I have a little bit idea about remote objects.
If you need to display real time data (or "near real time") you should use some kind of pushing mechanism - take a look on BlazeDS and read about polling and streaming.
If you just need to replace your webservices with remote objects you will need to replace the code dealing with the xml response (extracting data etc) with the code dealing with the objects returned by the remote calls. It is not mandatory to use strongly typed objects, but it will help.
If you are going to replace your HTTPService with RemoteObject, some questions you need riposte yourself.
What framework are you going to implement, if any then check their RemoteObject Invoker Tag if any.
Your resultEvent and FaultEvent will vary according to the framework you are going to apply.
If you are going with Flex default RemoteObject
Then you need to replace all your HTTPService with RemoteObject tags.
Your backend code also requires some changes with business logic should get into methods with the result of function or method returning an object.
Finally a suggestion.
Instead of going with Remote Objects, why not go with Webservice. You can re use the components somewhere else too.
Updated links about Cairngorm

Using Web Services in the Flex Mate Framework

I am currently trying to use the "Invocation tags" of Mate to call my web services and delegate the WS-responses to my fault/result handlers.
I want to use the generated proxies, provided by the Flex Builder, and not the plain <WebService> or <WebServiceInvoker> tags.
I actually failed using several techniques:
<WebServiceInvoker> does not work with the generated proxies.
<AsyncMethodInvoker> needs some complicated successType that I could not get to work with the WS-calls. And defining the events seems redundant to me. I want it simple and easy to read, the code will be touched by other people than me!
<MethodInvoker> can't use instances, and it also can't handle the proxies' AsyncToken
<DelegateInvoker> Looked fine at first. It calls the service but doesn't fire valid result events (infinite busy cursor). Even though i can successfully bind to the XYZ_lastResult of the WS-proxies, and a WS-call results in getting valid data from the WS-backend, the <faultHandlers> and <resulthandlers> are not executed. There is some solution for the DelegateInvoker that changes code in the generated proxies, which i definately do not want to do!
So here is my question: Is there a simple(!) way of using default Flexbuilder generated proxies with the Mate Invocation tags?
It appears that your request is not that uncommon to Mate. Check out this couple of threads in their forum:
The solution is to modify some bits of the auto-generated code... which in a way ruins the whole point of using code generation.

How do I set BTS.Operation in a custom pipeline?

Up until now I've only been using orchestrations in my BizTalk application and it's been working fine so far. But now I want to convert some of the unnecessary orchestrations to pure message routing instead in order to get better performance.
I've got a WCF service with only one method and that works fine because I can set the BtsActionMapping to only that single method. But the second WCF service I've got has two methods and now BizTalk doesn't know how to route my message. I've read everywhere that you need to set BTS.Operation in a custom pipeline to get it to work. But I've searched all over the place for a tutorial or example on how to do this.
I've been trying to implement the IBaseComponent, IComponentUI, IComponent and IPersistPropertyBag interfaces to do this. Am I going in the right direction or I'm I way off? Can anyone point me to an example or better yet show me how to do this?
The easiest way to get started writing a custom pipeline component is to use the BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard; it will generate all the boilerplate for you. I've also got several custom pipeline components you can use as an example, a few that are very close to what you need (i.e. a component that just sets a custom message property) can be seen here.
As for setting the property, all you need to do is call message.Context.Write/Promote and pass in the namespace and name of the property, in this case those would be "" and "Operation" respectively.

Unable to refresh tree control with new branches from successful RemoteObject call

I'm trying to populate a mx:tree component with values that I'm getting from BlazeDS. The returned data from BlazeDS is fine - it's an ArrayCollection of Folder value objects.
I've been instructed to use Cairngorm for this project. I'm pretty new to Flex and Cairngorm. According to the limited documentation that I've read online I should populate the model with data so I've stuck the array collection there.
What I'm stuck with is trying to update the tree component. I feel that I need some way to notify the container component for the tree that the data (i.e. the subfolders) is available on the model. I was hoping that it would be possible to fire a function in the container component to add the subfolders as children of the selected node (I could chuck this on the model before the remote object call I guess) then fire tree.invalidateList() and tree.validateNow(). Any ideas?
I found a way to do this although I'm not sure if this is the recommended way.
I got the Command class to stick the ArrayCollection of Folder VOs to a property called 'subfolders' on the model. I used a ChangeWatcher in the tree's parent container to watch the model's 'subfolders' property and fire a function to update the tree node when required.
If someone knows of a better way, please tell. I was hoping to find a Cairngorm cookbook or best practices article but I've not stumbled upon such a thing yet. Cairngorm documentation seems pretty sparse - I'm surprised that it's the most popular Flex framework given this fact.
