QT email client using IMAP4 - qt

I am developing a QT program that will check for new mails from gmail and download them using IMAP4 protocol. I am unable to write a command to display the messages in my inbox. please help me. Here is a sample of my code.
socket->connectToHostEncrypted("imap.gmail.com", 993);
void MySocket::connected(){
QByteArray byteArray("a001 LOGIN username password");
byteArray.append("A002 LIST inbox");

You are obviously not familiar with the IMAP protocol, so you will need to read RFC3501 if you want to be able to work with the protocol effectively.
I also suggest you check out my blog post IMAP: Downloading emails to get up and running quickly.
The LIST command will list the folders in your account. What you need to download emails in a folder or view their metadata is the FETCH Command. Again, read the RFC to learn what it offers. It is normally expected that you've done your research before asking on Stack Overflow.

Writing an IMAP client is far from trivial. Have you considered using some existing IMAP library that is written with Qt? I can of course recommend the code from Trojitá, or the KDE's IMAP code.


How get device location using action builder

i'm writing to you to ask a little support about an action that we are currently developing using Action Builder and webhook library #assistant/conversation for Nodejs.
In particular, we would invoke our webhook's logic using the device location.
We have understand that we must ask the user permission to access on device location using something like this:
but in all Github examples provided by Google nothing is specified.
Furthermore, we tried to integrate the PermissionValueSpec in a slot using the notification actions.type.Notifications, but the returned value of that slot is
PermissionLocation --> ALREADY_GRANTED without any other information about the device coordinates.
We've read a lot of documentation and also looked for some example to support our develop but nothing was found.
How we can get the current device location?
Thank you in advance!

hylafax not sending fax using iaxmodem

Hi everyone i am having an issue with Hylafax + iaxmodem + asterisk/freepbx. It is odd because i can receive faxes correctly and don't have any issues, but when i try to send a fax using hylafax it just says no answer from remote and when i am looking at asterisk by doing asterisk -r i don't even see the iaxmodem trying to send out a fax. I am lost at this point. I can successfully receive but cannot send and the iaxmodem extension is registered in asterisk. I am not sure what type of configuration files you need to see to try and help me, but if you ask for the files i can provide them. Thanks!
Found out what the solution was to my issue. The password i was using for the iax extension had an '#' symbol in it. This caused the whole issue. I removed it and faxing started to work accordingly. I stumbled upon this in this german forum that i had to translate to english.
Thank you everyone for all the help.

Connect R to POP Email Server (Gmail)

Is is possible to have R connect to gmail's POP server and read/download the messages in a specific folder of mine? I have been storing emails and would like to go back and start to analyze subject lines, etc.
Basically, I need a way to export a folder in my gmail account and I would like to do this pro grammatically if it all possible.
Thanks in advance!
I am not sure that this can be done via a single command. Maybe there is a package out there, which I am not aware of that can accomplish that, but as long as you do not run into that maybe the following process would be a solution ...
Consider got-your-back (http://code.google.com/p/got-your-back/wiki/GettingStarted#Step_4%3a_Performing_A_Backup) which "is a command line tool that backs up and restores your Gmail account".
You can invoke it like this (given that python is available on your machine):
python gyb.py --email foo#bar.com --search "from:pip#pop.com" --folder "mail_from_pip"
After completion you'll find all the emails matching the --search in the specified --folder, along with a sqlite database. (posted by dukedave, Dec 4 '11)
So depending on your OS you should be able to invoke the above command from within R and then access the downloaded mails in the respective folder.
GotYourBack is a good backup utility, but for downloading metadata for analysis, you might want something that doesn't first require you to fetch the entire content of all your email.
I've recently used the gmailr package to do a similar analysis.

Programmatically open an email from a POP3 and extract an attachment

We have a vendor that sends CSV files as email attachments. These CSV files contain statuses that are imported into our application. I'm trying to automate the process end-to-end, but it currently depends on someone opening an email, saving the attachment to a server share, so the application can use the file.
Since I cannot convince the vendor to change their process, such as offering an FTP location or a Web Service, I'm stuck with trying to automate the existing process.
Does anyone know of a way to programmatically open an email from a POP3 account and extract an attachment? The preferred solution would reside on a Windows 2003 server, be written VB.NET and secure. The application can reside on the same server as the POP3 server, for example, we could setup the free POP3 server that comes with Windows Server and pull against the mail file stored on the file system.
BTW, we are willing to pay for an off-the-shelf solution, if one exists.
Note: I did look at this question but the answer points to a CodeProject solution that doesn't deal with attachments.
Try Mail.dll email component, it's very affordable, supports attachments national characters and is easy to use, it also supports SSL:
Using pop3 As New Pop3()
pop3.Login("user", "password")
Dim builder As New MailBuilder()
For Each uid As String In pop3.GetAll()
' Receive email message'
Dim mail As IMail = builder.CreateFromEml(pop3.GetMessageByUID(uid))
'Write out received message'
'Here you can use mail.Attachmets collection'
For Each attachment As MimeData In mail.Attachments
attachment.Save("c:\" + attachment.FileName)
' you can also use attachment.Data here'
Next attachment
End Using
You can download it here: http://www.lesnikowski.com/mail.
possible duplication of Reading Email using Pop3 in C#
Atleast, there's a shed load of suggestions there that you may find useful
I'll throw in a late suggestion for a more generalized "download POP3 messages and extract attachments" solution using existing software and minimal programming. I needed to do this for a client who switched to receiving faxes via email and was not pleased with manually saving the attachments to a location where they could be imported into an application.
For downloading messages on *nix systems fetchmail seems to be the standard and is very capable, but I chose mpop for both simplicity and Windows compatibility (but it is cross-platform). If mpop hadn't done the trick for me, I probably would have ended up doing something with the Python-based getmail, which was created when fetchmail's development stalled for a time (it's since resumed).
Mpop is controlled either via command line or configuration file, so I simply created multiple configuration files and specify via command line which file to load. I'm using it in "Exchange pickup directory" mode, which means it simply downloads the messages and drops them as text (.eml) files in a specified directory.
For extraction of the message attachments, UUDeview appears to be the standard (I'm using the Windows port of UUDeview) across just about any system you could want with just about any features you could want. My main alternative to this was a much-less-capable Python script that I'd developed for a different client back in 2007, but I'm happy to go with a precompiled executable over either installing Python or packaging with any of the Python-to-exe options.
Finally there's the configuration - along with the two mpop configuration files mentioned above (which I could do away with by using command-line options), I also have two 2-line .cmd files launched every 10 minutes by scheduled task - the first line to launch mpop to download into a working directory and the second line to launch UUDeview and extract attachments of specified types (.pdf or .tif) then delete each file from which it extracted attachments. Output is sent to another directory from which staff can directly attach files as needed.
This is overall not the most elegant way to reach these ends, but it was quick, simple, functional and reasonably robust - at each stage if something goes wrong it fails such that no data is lost. The only places where data could be lost are any non-attachment messages being sent to the dedicated fax email addresses, and even those will sit in the processing directory and be caught eventually.

Postfix message received hook

I am writing an web-application which needs to receive e-mail messages to users' internal email addresses, let administrators approve them, and then forward to corresponding user's external mailbox.
I have installed and configured postfix for message receiving task. It uses virtual e-mail addresses, and my existing database where user email addresses are stored. Local email storage is maildir and I use postfix's virtual MDA.
Basically, I would like to execute a script every time a new message is received, and for which user (maildir message id would be very helpful too). Then I could read the message from python code (python had a module for maildir messageboxes) and insert it in database.
I can think of three ways to do this:
iterate user maildirs and check
if there are any new messages, but it would be ineffective for large number of users.
use dbmail and then check if there are any new messages in database (this would be quicker, but I'd have to configure everything from scratch). Besides, existing user data tables cannot be used.
write a wrapper around maildrop/virtual to save message in db and in maildir as well, but I'd need a way to check if received message is valid and successfully saved by the real MDA.
Any suggestions appreciated!
In the /etc/aliases file you can specifiy a program which gets executed everytime a user recieves a mail. This program gets the mail on stdin. So you dont have to poll and your program gets run instantly.
In response to my own question, I used postfix content_filter with X flag set in pipe and process receiving address and message manually. Since I didn't need to access messages in maildir, this approach works fine for me.
