Issue while ingesting a Titan graph into Faunus - graph

I have installed both Titan and Faunus and each seems to be working properly (titan-0.4.4 & faunus-0.4.4)
However, after ingesting a sizable graph in Titan and trying to import it in Faunus via )
I am experiencing issues. To be more precise, I do seem to get a faunus graph from the call ),
but then, even asking a simple
I do get this error:
Task Id : attempt_201407181049_0009_m_000000_0, Status : FAILED
com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanException: Exception in Titan
at com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.hbase.HBaseStoreManager.getAdminInterface(
at com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.hbase.HBaseStoreManager.ensureColumnFamilyExists(
at com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.hbase.HBaseStoreManager.openDatabase(
My property file is taken straight out of the Faunus page with Titan-HBase input, except of course changing the url of the hadoop cluster:
faunus.graph.input.format=com.thinkaurelius.faunus.formats.titan.hbase.TitanHBaseInputFormat my IP
faunus.graph.output.format=com.thinkaurelius.faunus.formats.titan.hbase.TitanHBaseOutputFormat IP of my host
Anyone can help?
To address the comment below, here is some context: as I have mentioned, I have a graph in Titan and can perform basic gremlin queries on it.
However, I do need to run a gremlin global query which, due to the size of the graph, needs Faunus and its underlying MR capabilities. Hence the need to import it. The error I get doesn't look to me as if it points to some inconsistency in the graph itself.

I'm not sure that you have your "flow" of Faunus right. If your end result is to do a global query of the graph, then consider this approach:
pull your graph to sequence file
issue your global query over the sequence file
More specifically create
# input graph parameters
# hbase.mapreduce.scan.cachedrows=1000
# output data (graph or statistic) parameters
In Faunus, copy do:
g ='')
That will read the graph from hbase and write it to sequence file in HDFS. Next, create: with these contents:
# input graph parameters
# output data parameters
The above configuration will read your sequence file from the previous step and without re-writing the graph (that's what NoOpOutputFormat is for). Now in Faunus do:
g ='')
This will execute a degree distribution, writing the results in HDFS to the 'analysis' directory. Obviously you can do whatever Faunus-flavored Gremlin you want here - I just wanted to provide an example. I think this is a pretty standard "flow" or pattern for using Faunus from a graph analysis perspective.


Gremlin: Adding Edges to Graph Over HTTP using Vertex Variables

I am trying to execute a gremlin script over https against a remote JanusGraph instance. I have filtered my problem to the part where I am trying to add an edge using vertex variables. I am trying to add two vertices, assign the results to a variable and use them to add an edge. Also I am also tying to avoid a single line script like g.V().addV(..).aaddV(..).addE(..), because of the program logic that is behind the script
The following gremlin works in the gremlin console (remote session)
def g = graph.traversal();
But when I try to do the same over https (issued against a compose-janusgraph server), I get an error. I did add .iterate() to the addV() and the vertexes are getting added if I remove the addE(..) line. But when I try
def g = graph.traversal();
I get the exception
The traversal strategies are complete and the traversal can no longer
be modulated","Exception-Class":"java.lang.IllegalStateException"
Also note that I am joining the whole gremlin into one single line before sending it over curl. I have split them to newlines here for readability. Any help would be great. -- Thank you
iterate() doesn't return a just iterates the traversal to generate side-effects (i.e. the graph gets a vertex added but no result is returned). You probably just need to do:
g = graph.traversal();

Printing/Fetching Vertex values from a path

Just getting started with gremlin.
Printing out all the Vertex values worked out fine
gremlin> g.V().values()
==>testing 2
==>Cash Processing
I was able to find all the directly connected path between my Vertices.
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('Process')
Now am trying to print out the values in the path like ['Sales', 'Accounting'] instead of [v[25],v[28]]
Not been able to figure out a way yet
Already tried and failed with
Unfold: Does not get me 1-1 mapping
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('Process').repeat(both().simplePath()).until(hasLabel('Process')).dedup().path().unfold().values()
==>Cash Processing
==>Cash Processing
==>Cash Processing
Path seems to be of a different data-type and does not support .values() function
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('Process')
org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.util.ImmutablePath cannot be cast to org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element
Tried the following google searches and didnt get the answer
gremlin print a path
gremlin get values in a path
and few more word twisting
Found one at here that was for java but that didnt work for me
l = []; g.V().....path().fill(l)
(but cant create list, Cannot set readonly property: list for class: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty$Cardinality
I have running it on Gremlin console (running ./
You can use the by step to modulate the elements inside the path. For example by supplying valueMap(true) to by you get the properties of the vertices, together with the vertex labels and their ids:
gremlin> g.V().repeat(both().simplePath()).times(1).dedup().path().by(valueMap(true))
I used the modern graph which is one of TinkerPop's toy graphs that are often used for such examples. Your output will look a bit different and you may want to use something else than valueMap(true) for the by modulator. The TinkerPop documentation of the path step itself contains two more advanced examples for path().by() that you might want to check out.

Tensorflow: How to convert .meta, .data and .index model files into one graph.pb file

In tensorflow the training from the scratch produced following 6 files:
I would like to convert them (or only the needed ones) into one file graph.pb to be able to transfer it to my Android application.
I tried the script but it requires as an input already the input.pb file which I do not have. (I have only these 6 files mentioned before). How to proceed to get this one freezed_graph.pb file? I saw several threads but none was working for me.
You can use this simple script to do that. But you must specify the names of the output nodes.
import tensorflow as tf
meta_path = 'model.ckpt-22480.meta' # Your .meta file
output_node_names = ['output:0'] # Output nodes
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Restore the graph
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(meta_path)
# Load weights
# Freeze the graph
frozen_graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(
# Save the frozen graph
with open('output_graph.pb', 'wb') as f:
If you don't know the name of the output node or nodes, there are two ways
You can explore the graph and find the name with Netron or with console summarize_graph utility.
You can use all the nodes as output ones as shown below.
output_node_names = [ for n in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node]
(Note that you have to put this line just before convert_variables_to_constants call.)
But I think it's unusual situation, because if you don't know the output node, you cannot use the graph actually.
As it may be helpful for others, I also answer here after the answer on github ;-).
I think you can try something like this (with the freeze_graph script in tensorflow/python/tools) :
python --input_graph=/path/to/graph.pbtxt --input_checkpoint=/path/to/model.ckpt-22480 --input_binary=false --output_graph=/path/to/frozen_graph.pb --output_node_names="the nodes that you want to output e.g. InceptionV3/Predictions/Reshape_1 for Inception V3 "
The important flag here is --input_binary=false as the file graph.pbtxt is in text format. I think it corresponds to the required graph.pb which is the equivalent in binary format.
Concerning the output_node_names, that's really confusing for me as I still have some problems on this part but you can use the summarize_graph script in tensorflow which can take the pb or the pbtxt as an input.
I tried the script, but the output_node_name parameter is totally confusing. Job failed.
So I tried the other one:
And it worked as expected!
python -u /tfPath/models/object_detection/ \
--input_type=image_tensor \
--pipeline_config_path=/your/config/path/ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config \
--trained_checkpoint_prefix=/your/checkpoint/path/model.ckpt-50000 \
The tensorflow installation package I used is from here:
First, use the following code to generate the graph.pb file.
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Restore the graph
_ = tf.train.import_meta_graph(args.input)
# save graph file
g = sess.graph
gdef = g.as_graph_def()
tf.train.write_graph(gdef, ".", args.output, True)
then, use summarize graph get the output node name.
Finally, use
python --input_graph=/path/to/graph.pbtxt --input_checkpoint=/path/to/model.ckpt-22480 --input_binary=false --output_graph=/path/to/frozen_graph.pb --output_node_names="the nodes that you want to output e.g. InceptionV3/Predictions/Reshape_1 for Inception V3 "
to generate the freeze graph.

Titan Graph Queries taking too long to execute

I have a problem with the executing speed of Titan queries.
To be more specific:
I created a property file for my graph using BerkeleyJe which is looking like this:
Afterwards, i opened the Gremlin.bat to open my Graph.
I set up all the neccessary Index Keys for my nodes:
m = g.getManagementSystem();
username = m.makePropertyKey('username').dataType(String.class).make()
(all other keys are created the same way...)
I imported a csv file containing about 100 000 lines, each line is producing at least 2 nodes and some edges. All this is done via Batchloading.
That works without a Problem.
Then i execute a groupBy query which is looking like that:
m = g.V.has("imageLink").groupBy{it.imageLink}{"is_on_image").out("is_species")}{it._().species.groupCount()}
With this query i want for every node with the property key "imageLink" the number of the different "species". "Species" are also nodes, and can be called by going back the edge "is_on_image" and following the edge "is_species".
Well this is also working like a charm, for my recent nodes. This query is taking about 2 minutes on my local PC.
But now to the problem.
My whole dataset is a csv with 10 million entries. The structure is the same as above, and each line is also creating at least 2 nodes and some edges.
With my local PC i cant even import this set, causing an Memory Exception after 3 days of loading.
So I tried the same on a server with much more RAM and memory. There the Import works, and takes about 1 day. But the groupBy failes after about 3 days.
I actually dont know if the groupBy itself fails, or just the Connection to the Server after that long time.
So my first Question:
In my opinion about 15 million nodes shouldn't be that big deal for a graph database, should it?
Second Question:
Is it normal that it takes so long? Or is there anyway to speed it up using indices? I configured the indices as listet above :(
I don't know which exact information you need for helping me, but please just tell me what you need in addition to that.
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
EDIT 1: The way im loading the CSV in the Graph:
I'm using this code, i deleted some unneccassry properties, which are also set an property for some nodes, loaded the same way.
bg = new BatchGraph(g, VertexIDType.STRING, 10000)
new File("annotation_nodes_wNothing.csv").eachLine({ final String line ->def (annotationId,species,username,imageLink) = line.split('\t')*.trim();def userVertex = bg.getVertex(username) ?: bg.addVertex(username);def imageVertex = bg.getVertex(imageLink) ?: bg.addVertex(imageLink);def speciesVertex = bg.getVertex(species) ?: bg.addVertex(species);def annotationVertex = bg.getVertex(annotationId) ?: bg.addVertex(annotationId);userVertex.setProperty("username",username);imageVertex.setProperty("imageLink", imageLink);speciesVertex.setProperty("species",species);annotationVertex.setProperty("annotationId", annotationId);def classifies = bg.addEdge(null, userVertex, annotationVertex, "classifies");def is_on_image = bg.addEdge(null, annotationVertex, imageVertex, "is_on_image");def is_species = bg.addEdge(null, annotationVertex, speciesVertex, "is_species");})

Faunus graph not printing nodes without using side effect from gremlin shell

I'm trying to print a graph in Faunus (v0.4.0) where a node has any edges (incoming or outgoing). From the gremlin shell, I tried:
g ='')
g.V.filter("{it.bothE.hasNext()}").sideEffect("{println it}")
When I do this, I get a printout of all the nodes as I expected
But without the println, I do not.
According to How do I write a for loop in gremlin?, the gremlin terminal should print this info out for me, but it does not seem to.
Is there something specific I need to do to enable the printing from the console?
Faunus and Gremlin are close to each other in terms of purpose and functionality but not identical. The filter isn't producing a side-effect, which will be written to HDFS. If you did:
You could then view the list of ids matching that filter with something like:
to see the first 100 lines of the output. If you need more than just the element identifier you could do a transform to get some of the element properties in there as well. You might find these hdfs helper tips helpful.
