Authentication with oAuth and ASP.NET MVC + WebApi -

We are planning to start developing our new site with ASP.Net, MVC and AngularJS. I will also have a WebApi that i would like to use oAuth authentication with, because it is easy to to pass in token, plus may want to allow users to login with Google, Facebook etc in the future.
If i want to use oAuth on my WebApi (which is a separate application), what authentication method should i be using for my MVC website? oAuth? Forms? Both? And how do you implement this? On my API i wrote a simple oAuth provider that asks for a username and password and returns a token string.
Should my WebApi have a single sign on login page to interact with the website? Or should the login page be on the website? Should the login page use client side calls or server side calls?
What is actually within the oAuth token and how does it link to my website? Do I have to do something on the server once they login via Facebook/Google? Can I use this token on my server to determine which user is logged in?
Our website has many databases, all the same, but depending which user is logging in, depends on which database they can view data from. Is this easy to cope with using standard method/objects in ASP.Net MVC? Or is this going to force me in writing my own code?
Any advice would be appreciated as well!

If are you planning to use MVC 5 You could use Asp.Net Identity.
Take a look here:
I hope this could help you.

Your best bet :
This topic shows how to secure a web API using OAuth2 to authenticate
against a membership database for both local and social login


How to generate authentication token after FormsAuthentication success in mvc 2

I'm developing MVC 2 web application. I'm using FormsAuthentication for sign in users to my application. I want to generate an authentication token after users are successfully login to the application. I have to pass that authentication token to another application. Are there any best ways to accomplish this task using MVC2(.net framework 4.0). Please help me to solve this problem.
At best, FormsAuthentication has a GetAuthCookie method which gets the cookie details for a logged-in user. It's not really good for token-based authentication though. You can, however, share the forms auth cookies across web applications. There are restrictions involved, but here is some documentation (and this for ASP.NET Core) to help understand where to begin.

Challenge while setting up seamless authentication across MVC and Web API Layer

I work on an application where I have a separate MVC layer and Web API Layer, both have the same authentication mechanism, I have chosen the individual accounts authentication option while adding the projects. The web api service layer will be directly accessed by some other mobile clients also.
But when the user logs in through MVC he should be able to access Web Api seamlessly, but I don’t want to really pass the username and password from MVC to the Web Api layer, I am told it is a bad practice. but i need to authenticate and authorize my user, so the only option i have thought of is to have a default account at Web API level to issue tokens, and this will be called from MVC post the authentication and a token will be returned which is written to a cookie in the client. Now the Ajax calls from the UI can use this bearer token and get the job done.
The only glitch I have here is that, because I am using a default account I need user details again for authorization at service level, though I am doing authorization at my UI level, the user can spoof the system. I was lost here and came up with a solution like, when the user logs in to MVC will send across user details also along with the call to get the WebAPI token and issue another token to the user so that the user uses both of the tokens to make a call to web api from MVC.
I am not sure if this works or if it is even the best way. I just wanted to check, how I should go from here. Any help on this will be really great.
This is a really good example of integration - I know they use Angular as the client but you can learn from this:
Check this section to see how they decouple the API from the front end (Part of the same article).

Mobile app Web API authentication

I'm building a mobile application (that might also later become a web application). The server side is a ASP.NET MVC + Web API application and I'm thinking about ways how I could implement the service's user management and authentication.
How should I implement the registration/login screen in the app? Offer native app forms, that will send just API requests to the service or is it preferable to show a web browser component and display the website's login page and then extract a token after the user logs in? I see the first option is more user friendly, but the second one will let me change the login / registration page (like for example adding external authentication providers) without breaking older versions of the app.
My second question is regarding the external authentication providers. ASP.NET Identity has good support for them and it is quite possible to let users register using Facebook or some other OAuth2 provider. Does it make sense to add support for external authentication providers when I plan to expose the app's API publicly? Are there any reasons why that is not a good idea?
Your first option is best if you believe your users will trust you to manage their passwords. You make a secure call to your service, have the service produce a bearer token as the result. That would be an anonymous call. I used the answer from this question to get me going down that path:
Get IPrincipal from OAuth Bearer Token in OWIN
If your users are less likely to trust you with their credentials, then the web view and external provider is a good alternative. You would need to work with providers that support the "Implicit Grant Flow" since don't want to share the apps clientid and client secret on the mobile device. This approach involves using a web view to login in, and then capturing the token on the client uri fragment on the response. I think it is on a location header, but don't have a working example in front of me. Something like: = 8473987927394723943294
you would pass that token with each api call afterwards .
Good luck!

SPA Get Data per User

I have built a SPA application with Hot Towel (durandal) and I have problems to understand the authentication.
When I am loading data from my database how can I filter this data to the current logged in userid ?
thanks for help,
Best Reguards
If your SPA is calling of any kind on the back end you can still use Forms Auth cookies to secure your ajax endpoints and identify the user making the request. Depending on how SPA like you need it you can just use a standard aspx or mvc login page, then from there redirect the user to your SPA start page that calls your main.js and starts your SPA. All ajax calls you make to that site will have the Forms Auth cookie set and you can use it to verify the user making the request. Here is a link to standard forms auth. If you want handle the login process in durandal as well that can still be done, you just need to make your ajax endpoints for logging in and out to allow anonymous and then handle setting the forms auth cookie in them.
On the server-side, referencing User.Identity in the controller will get you the properties of the currently authenticated user. The question is, what form of authentication does your application use (Windows, Forms, Basic, Anonymous, etc.)?

How authenticate web methods in a web service?

I'm using c# language programming.
What is the best way for authenticating web methods in a web service?
Is it right having authentication for every web method and verify user name and password for each web method?
Is there a way to authenticate just once not for every web method? something like using sessions and etc?
You might want to look into this one:
If you are bound to only use asmx for some reason, then I would also suggest looking into WSE from MSFT.
You can pass around a token from your client into the web method. The token is encrypted with public/private keys.
For more info here:
First of all, you should be using WCF for web service development unless you're stuck at .NET 2.0.
Secondly, you can use Windows authentication or Basic authentication over https, but those restrict you to users who are Windows users. If you have a separate set of users, then you will need to do your own authentication.
You can use SOAP Headers so that you don't need a username and password in every web method.
