Master page inheritence dilemma -

Bit of a confusion for me here. This is ASP.NET 4.0. Looking at the markup, it appears that Default.aspx inherits from Site.Master page. But looking at the class definition of Default.aspx (which is named _Default), it inherits from Page class and not SiteMaster.
Now I need to share a few functions across multiple inherited pages and was looking to add them to SiteMaster class so that they would be available in all inherited pages. Can I use SiteMaster class for my purpose, or should I add an independent module to my project and add all my functions to that?

Figured it out. For anyone else looking for a solution, all you need to do is to add the following directive to your markup:
<%# MasterType VirtualPath="~/Site.Master" %>
You can add this line to the top of ASPX file, just under the <%# Page ... %> line. Once added, simply rebuild your project. Now all the public members of your master page class will become available through the strongly-typed member named Master. For example, you can now use the following code to access a public function called MyFunc() defined in the master page class:
this.Master.MyFunc(); //C#
Me.Master.MyFunc() 'VB.NET
MasterType directive actually adds a shadowing member named Master that is strongly-typed as SiteMaster class (or whatever master page class you have specified) when spitting the code-behind class. This new member hides the base class member (whose type is the generic MasterPage class) and thus allows you to access your master page members directly. The property is defined in the .aspx.Designer.cs/vb file like this:
Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Master() As YourProjectNamespace.SiteMaster
Return CType(MyBase.Master, TagTrakkerOnline2.SiteMaster)
End Get
End Property


access master page from ascx control

I have a public property in a master page. I want to access this property from an ascx user control.
My master page is named master_public and it's in a namespace called "master".
So I tried writing:
dim m=ctype(page.master,master.master_public)
dim foobar=m.foobar
The intellisense says that master.master_public doesn't exist.
I tried removing the namespace from the master page. Still no luck.
The master page is declared "partial public class". But this name doesn't seem to be recognized.
Answers here Accessing Master page control in ascx file seem to imply that this should just ... work. Is there some attribute or setting or something I have to include to make master pages accessible as class types?
Add the following on top of your form (.aspx):
<%# MasterType TypeName="master.master_public" %>
The above directive will expose public members of the masterpage to the form. To access your property from the form, simply reference as below:
Therefore, in order to access the masterpage public property from user controls added to the form, just cast the master page object :
CType(Me.Page.Master, master.master_public).YourProperty

ASP.NET Master Pages in VB>NET

I have an website with individual .aspx files which all inherit my Custom Class. There are common features to each .aspx page such as menus and things like that. So I have created a Master Page.
I want to put the common methods which call methods from my custom class in my master page code behind and I cannot. As I don't seem to be able to get my Master Page to inherit from it.
I want to change the following..
Partial Class modules_MyPage
Inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPage
To something like this...
Partial Class modules_MyPage
Inherits MyCustomClass
The above damages my content pages. I was wondering if anyone could advise me on the right approach.
What you want is something like this:
Partial Class modules_MyPage Inherits MyCustomClass
Partial Class MyCustomClass Inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPage
but this isn't possible if your class already inherit from web.ui.Page
really usefull article

ASP.NET CodeFileBaseClass attribute vs. inherit from System.Web.UI.Page

I've just created a base class for my pages by inheriting from System.Web.UI.Page:
public abstract class PageBase : System.Web.UI.Page
When I noticed that you can also declare a base page in an ASP.NET view:
<%# Page Language="C#" CodeFileBaseClass="PageBase.cs" CodeFile="page.aspx.cs"
Inherits="page" %>
Can someone explain what the pros and cons of either method are? When would you use one over the other, or are they both the same? What happens if you used both at the same time?
CodeFileBaseClass, CodeFile, Inherits work together with inheritance, not in place of inheritance.
For example, specifying CodeFile="page.aspx.cs" without page.aspx.cs existing will result in:
Parser Error Message: The file '/page.aspx.cs' does not exist.
Assuming page.aspx.cs exists, specifying CodeFileBaseClass="PageBase.cs" without PageBase.cs existing will result in:
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'PageBase.cs'.
On the other hand you may inherit from PageBase without specifying the CodeFileBaseClass attribute. This however could result in possible unexpected behaviour when referencing controls on the page from the base class.
To quote from Microsoft's #Page MSDN Documentation:
Specifies the type name of a base class for a page and its associated code-behind class. This attribute is optional, but when it is used the
CodeFile attribute must also be present. Use this attribute when you want to implement a shared scenario, where you define common
fields (and optionally, associated events) in a base class to
reference the controls declared in a Web page. Because of the ASP.NET
code generation model, if you defined the fields in a base class
without using this attribute, at compile time new member definitions
would be generated for the controls declared in the Web page (within a
separate partial class stub), and your desired scenario would not
work. But if you use the CodeFileBaseClass attribute to associate
the base class with the page, and you make your partial class (its
name is assigned to the Inherits attribute and its source file is
referenced by the CodeFile attribute) inherit from the base class,
then the fields in the base class will be able to reference the
controls on the page after code generation.

What's the best method for extending the functionality of a standard Web Server Control in ASP.NET?

Currently my code resembles this:
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="CustomPanel.ascx.cs"
CodeFile="CustomPanel.ascx.cs" CodeFileBaseClass="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel"
Inherits="MyProject.CustomPanel" %>
namespace MyProject
{ public partial class CustomPanel : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel
{ ... }
However, I'm really not sure how to proceed from here, because this does not appear to follow a logical inheritance path that includes System.Web.UI.UserControl
Am I doing something wrong? How can I inherit Panel and extend standard event-handlers, such as PreInit?
Are you wanting to extend or encapsulate a Panel here?
Extending it would be done not with a User Control, but with a normal class file, with the class inheriting from Panel.
Encapsulating it would be done in a User Control, as appears to be what you have done here; In such a case, you put a Panel instance inside the User Control's ascx file... you do not attempt to inherit from it.
It actually looks like you are trying to do both at the same time; you shouldn't do that. There is no direct inheritance path as you seem to be looking for that contains both Usercontrol and Panel; you'll have to choose one of the above options or the other.
To extend it, you should create a new class, which inherits the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel class. Once you have created your custom class, you can override existing methods from the Panel class, which are marked as virtual. (Typing the keyword override in Visual Studio, while inside your class, will pop up a list of virtual methods)

Mapping a .NET Class to a custom page extension

What I would like to have is a mapping between a custom file extension to a class that is not System.Web.UI.Page but a class of mine that inherits from System.Web.UI.Page.
*.aspx -> System.Web.UI.Page
*.my -> My.Package.MyClass (inherits from System.Web.UI.Page)
I know I can map any extension to be treated like .aspx but I can't find the way to do what I have in mind.
You need a ASP.Net HTTPHandler for this.
I know you mentioned that you already inherit from System.Web.UI.Page but also look into the lighter weight ASHX Handler
A custom page handler, but also any ASP.NET Page can inherit from your custom base class, so you wouldn't necessarily need to do a handler. You could just have the code-behind pages all inherit from My.Package.MyClass instead.
I think I was trying to build a castle when I just needed a hut.
When I'm in case of a .aspx page without a separate code file I just have to add the Inherits directive, making it pointing to my custom class, like this:
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="MyPackage.MyClass" %>
