Webfonts for Asian Typefaces - css

I'm writing a simple site, but want to display Asian characters (Korean).
I'm using Google's Noto Fonts, but realized that each one of the .otf files are over 4M. I'm trying to keep my site lean and fast, but noticed that my site takes <100 ms to load, until I add the custom font, which takes over 1.5 seconds.
I'm using very basic styling:
<style type="text/css">
#font-face {
font-family: NotoSans;
src: url("/assets/fonts/NotoSansKR-Medium.otf") format("opentype");
pre {
font-family: NotoSans;
I looked into Compressing fonts for using in web, but I really want my site to be back to <100ms again without sacrificing aesthetics.
I thought of using something like Google Web Fonts, but couldn't find anything for Asian typefaces (maybe I'm not looking hard enough?). I also thought of caching, but that would work best with something like a webfont, which I cannot find. I looked on a popular Korean site, naver.com and I think they just use Dotum font (which is pretty good, but assumes the user has Dotum).
CSS from naver:
font-family: "돋움",Dotum,Helvetica,"Apple SD Gothic Neo",Sans-serif;
What is the best practice for providing a good typeface to users that want to read a bit of Korean text? I just want to personally be able to access my site without having to wait a whole 1.6+ seconds before any text shows up.
(I'm also curious what to do about french, but that is another issue)

Almost any font you include is going to push you over your speed specs. Let me suggest an alternative.
Set Dotum as your default font.
Test if Dotum is installed on the user's system.
Optionally test Helvetica and maybe Arial Unicode, as well.
Download the Noto font if the user does not have any of these fonts installed.
How to Test
There's no formal API to determine whether or not a font is installed, but a common solution is exemplified here. Basically, you set up a dummy element with a large font (monospace is popular but optional), set up a second dummy element with your desired font (using monospace as a fallback), and then compare the widths of the two to see whether your desired font successfully loaded.
Here's his code, but you can find similar solutions with a bit of searching (many of which don't use canvas, if browser support is a concern):
// Call this function and pass in the name of the font you want to check for availability.
function doesFontExist(fontName) {
// creating our in-memory Canvas element where the magic happens
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
// the text whose final pixel size I want to measure
var text = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
// specifying the baseline font
context.font = "72px monospace";
// checking the size of the baseline text
var baselineSize = context.measureText(text).width;
// specifying the font whose existence we want to check
context.font = "72px '" + fontName + "', monospace";
// checking the size of the font we want to check
var newSize = context.measureText(text).width;
// removing the Canvas element we created
delete canvas;
// If the size of the two text instances is the same, the font does not exist because it is being rendered
// using the default sans-serif font
if (newSize == baselineSize) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
Download your font if necessary
From there you can simply apply the Noto font if no other font seems to be installed. You can do that easily enough using Javascript or jQuery, but I'm a big fan in general of jss, which allows for fast and easy on-the-fly style modifications.
A Bit about French
Finally, I don't think you'll encounter these same problems if you want to use French text. Latin Extended is ubiquitous, and the Unicode code blocks that include the combining accents used in French are included in a number of fonts. If you are especially concerned, you can include any number of lightweight fonts from Google Fonts or Typekit that include Latin Extended and/or the accent blocks.


How to load the glyph for a character, that Google Fonts is not passing by default?

I'm using "Noto Serif" font for normal text, and it is working fine. The Google Fonts URL is https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Serif
However, that font face request does not return references for all the characters actually supported by "Noto Serif". It returns only latin, cyrillic, greek, and vietnamese subsets.
If I add the infinity symbol ("∞", U+221E) to the text, it gets displayed by a fallback font, even though "Noto Serif" does have a glyph for that character.
I tried to enforce a subset. I'm not sure what is the subset that would include "∞", maybe "math", if Google Fonts have such. However, the public API does not seem to support "subset" parameter (anymore?), and it seems to have no effect on the font request.
I see that a JSON API call with some access key supposedly supports parameter "subset". Is that the only way, if it even works for such case?
There is also an API parameter "text". https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Serif&text=∞ does in fact return the "∞" glyph, however it returns nothing else. Is there a way to still return all the default characters and, in addition, also this "text" character?
I cannot just do both font requests, because the text one does not have unicode-range parameter, so they would override each other.
I could add manual #font-face CSS definition, but that would void the Google Fonts dynamic benefits of serving different replies to different browsers in a way they would understand best.
I could list all the characters in the text parameter... Resulting in a big query to get the font, and maybe miss some characters.
I could download the TTF font and host it locally, but that would void the benefits of not loading all the font files, containing a lot of glyphs that will never be used.
What is the best way to do this?
It turned out that loading the same font a second time doesn't actually override the first one, the browsers seem to be smart and merge them all right.
So, the solution I used is:
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Serif:ital,wght#0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=block" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Serif:ital,wght#0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=block&text=%E2%88%9E" rel="stylesheet">
At first, load all the usual characters Google Fonts give you by default, and then load the font a second time and request specific characters in text parameter.
Of course, this works nicely only if you don't have too many of those extra characters that are needed...

Can I use CSS "unicode-range" to specify a font across an entire (third party) page?

I've never become fluent with CSS but I don't think I had this situation before.
I'm thinking of using stylish to add CSS to a third-party site over which I have no direct control. So the HTML and CSS is not really set up for the kind of customizations I want to do.
The site I wish to tweak doesn't allow good control over fonts but some of its pages (user created) make a lot of use of some exotic Unicode ranges (eg. Khmer) that my OS/browser combination choose a terrible font for:
Can I make a CSS rule that will apply to all text in a page that falls within a certain Unicode range to set it to a known good font, without delving into the structure of the page HTML/DOM?
(Or is unicode-range only for doing something different with webfonts?
The answer is yes in most browsers
MDN - Unicode Range
The unicode-range CSS descriptor sets the specific range of characters
to be downloaded from a font defined by #font-face and made available
for use on the current page.
#font-face {
font-family: 'Ampersand';
src: local('Times New Roman');
unicode-range: U+26;
Support: CanIUse.com
Also see this Article
unicode-range(s) can be used to specify which specific set (or range) of characters you want to be downloaded from a font in an attempt to save bandwidth. See here: Mozilla unicode-range info
Without seeing the actual CSS you could attempt to just force a different font to be used completely by doing something such as declaring
body{font-family: arial,sans-serif;}
or adding !important (which I would avoid under any normal circumstance) if the other fonts refuse to give way e.g.
body{font-family: arial,sans-serif !important;}
If you can bypass using the original font faces then the unicode-ranges will cease to be important. Watch out for things like icon-fonts though as removing those may make certain symbols/graphics disappear.
Hope that helps.
Sorry I rather misunderstood your question - thought you wanted rid of the existing unicode fonts altogether.

Controlling #font-face Browser Download

When using #font-face in css, the browser loads my page's text before the font, which results in the font jumping from one style to another (from Arial to myfont). When using condensed fonts, for example, the problem is very pronounced visually.
I only want to display the one font that I have chosen with #font-face. What is the best way to do this?
It's called FOUT the best way to handle it in my experience is by using Google's font loader:
Essentially what you do is let the page load normally (during which the body is hidden or styled font blocks are hidden, your choice), once they are loaded a class is added to the body of the page, this triggers the display of the styled fonts.
The script adds these classes so you can style appropriately:
.wf-inactive - failed to load
.wf-loading - during load
.wf-active - loaded fine
The only downfall is that it requires Javascript..
This is a pretty well-known issue in some browsers (Firefox 3.5/3.6, IE 7-9). WebINK has a JavaScript file available which will allow you to work around the problem.
This is known as a Flash Of Unstyled Text and is due, as you mentioned, to the font files loading in tandem with the rest of the page, whose text will be styled with default or fallback fonts until the new font face is loaded and can be applied.
It appears that the best way to minimize the occurrence of this effect is to minimize the time the client spends loading your custom fonts. Two measures you can take to accomplish this are compressing your font files via gZip and specifying your font files for long-term caching by a viewer's browser for subsequent views via a far-future expires header.
If the FOUT is still pretty jarring for your users, you can specify a similarly-shaped font which is likely to be installed on most viewers' machines as a fallback to keep your page size relatively consistent as the custom font loads. For example, for your condensed font, most viewers already have Impact as an available font, or Arial Narrow, both of which adhere to a 'condensed' style.
And if all else fails, you can always style the entire text of your document with color: rgba(0,0,0,0) and use JavaScript to remove that rule at the end of a timer.

What is the meaning of term "css font stack"? Has the meaning of the term changed?

I'm using Dreamweaver for many years which gives some suggestions to put font-families in CSS.
Is it not a font-stack? What is new in the term "CSS Font Stack"
What I know is, that one defines multiple font families to keep the typography consistent if any font is not available in system.
You are correct - You define multiple fonts and the browser will simply choose the first one in the list that you have on your system.
A font stack allows you to define multiple fonts to essentially provide a better experience for users.
Using the CSS font-family property, you can define multiple fonts, like so:
font-family: Arial,Liberation Sans,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif;
This reads from left to right, if the user does not have Arial then font-family will fallback on Liberation all the way down to the most basic sans-serif (select any sans-serif font if the aforementioned fonts are not found).
font stack, is just a list of fonts (of font families), if the first is not available to the browser, then the second is used etc..
your picture shows 6 font stacks, you could choose from
there's nothing new, this has been the standard way to set fonts for some years now.
You are correct in your thinking. The pulldown menu has 'Web Safe' font stacks to choose from. If you use any of them your text should render fairly consistently on all devices and on all browsers.
The trend now is to use Google Fonts or some other imported or loaded fonts and thereby control what is rendered. Even then it is recommended to also include one or more alternative standard fonts in a font stack in case your visitors cannot load Google Fonts or the other choices you provide.

Does icons inside font good for site?

I wanna create special font containing only icons. and for each letter will be diffirent icon.
I want to embed this font in css.
and use like this
if i need some icon:
<a class="icon">f</a>
and css
<link href='http://fonts.mysite.com/css?family=MyFontWithIcons' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
which contains:
#media screen {
#font-face {
font-family: 'MyFontWithIcons';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
src: local('MyFontWithIcons'), url('http://fonts.mysite.com/font?MyFontWithIcons') format('truetype');
and to show icons with icon class:
.icon {font-family: 'MyFontWithIcons'; }
And letter "f" will be replaced with icon inside font which located on the place of f letter.
and css works with font and replacing f with icon inside font.
I think it's good idea or not? font file is less in size than lots of image icons.
and also with this technique I can use diffirent font colors = diffirent icon colors? sizes and so on.
So, it's good idea or not?
The problem with using a custom font for icons is that you've got no backup plan if:
Your user's browser is too old to support #font-face
The user agent isn't your traditional browser (eg. Screen readers for the blind, search engines, HTML-to-text converters, etc.)
The user copy-pastes the text containing the "icon" into something that discards rich formatting information or doesn't have the font in question.
The user agent will never support #font-face (Eg. Textual web browsers like Lynx, Links2, and ELinks for Unix/Linux)
The user is behind a corporate proxy that discards or mangles headers that your browser demands before displaying custom fonts. (more common than you think)
The user is running NoScript with the default font-blocking behaviour enabled to protect against 0-day exploits in the font engine.
Images provide the alt attribute for just this reason.
However, if you're going to use a font for icons, make sure you store your glyphs in a Unicode Private Use Area. That'll mitigate the problem a bit by ensuring there's probably no conflict (Companies can and do sometimes use PUA glyphs to store custom data) and, if they're coded smartly, screen readers could know to gracefully ignore PUA glyphs.
As for implementing a fallback, I'd suggest using Modernizr (specifically, Modernizr.fontface) to test for support.
It's a good idea but it doesn't work in all browsers (yet). Also, it only works with 2 color images (black and transparent), which makes it rather limited. For people with text browsers or text to speech software, it won't make any sense. It's not really 'semantic', because the <img>-tag was meant for images. Using fonts for that won't make any sense from a html-only perspective. It also clutters your css.
So that's a lot of bad things just for a little bit less bandwith; I wouldn't bother.
#font-face is not supported uniformly across browsers. Its a bit of a task to cater to all browsers esp. if including IE6
Accessibility: screen readers won't read icons, they would still see an 'f' and not an icon
You would need some fallback to degrade gracefully
All the other answers focus on the downsides.
I am, personally, a big fan of using icon fonts.
Here are some good reasons to use an icon font:
You can seamlessly use icons inline with text. If you include an icon inside of a block of text, it will inherit the font size and color of its parent, and will be aligned with the accompanying text's baseline.
you can change the color of icon dynamically using css, without having to create and upload additional image files and use js to manipulated the markup. this means that a) you are keeping style determinations where they belong, i.e. in your stylesheets and b) you can simply and easily make your icon colors contextual (e.g. all icons inside headers are white, or else they are black) and themable (e.g. all icons are white if body has class dark-theme, and all icons are pink if body has class tropical-theme)
the icon can easily be scaled without using additional bandwidth (as it would if you were increasing the size of the image file), without having to create and upload additional image files. corollary: you don't have to worry about different screen resolutions and don't need to make any allowances for retina, etc.
your font file will likely have a smaller file size than your image files would so, again, save on bandwidth.
if you use a font generator such as fontello, your collection of icons will automatically be catalogued for you and your designers to scrutinize, in a demo file. in addition, fontello has an API so your font generation can be managed automatically as part of your build process.
