GMaps seems to request duplicate img and 404s - wordpress
If you take a look over Gmaps + Slideshow section.
I converted the slideshow pictures from png to jpg and replaced urls on the respective posts, thus updating the slideshow.
Now there's some iframe being loaded in Gmaps section (hidden) loading the pngs again.
Try searching the img on source code to find it
It seems to affect Chrome, but not Firefox.
Any idea what might be causing this?

It seems to be a preloading-mechanism of the embedded map.
When you click on the diver-icon in the map an infowindow appears which contains the images of the slideshow(the old png-versions), chrome obviously preloads the contents of the infowindows.
The 404 may be a result of the broken link below the images.
You'll need to update the embedded map to avoid the loading of the old images.


Won't apply style until refresh HTML

I have index.html and guide.html, I link to the guide.html in the index page. however when i go to the guide one through the link the page won't have the design until I refresh. What am I doint wrong? Each page has its own css.
Here's an image right after I click:
And here's another one right after I refresh:
Could be cached css/html. If it looks right after pressing ctrl+F5 on the page in question, it is working correctly.
Web browsers cache CSS files. I see you're using Chrome for Windows - CTRL + F5 will fully refresh the page, CSS and all.
If this problem appears on a live site for some reason, you could re-name your CSS file to avoid the browser using a cached version. For instance custom.css would become custom-2.css.

Images not loading anymore when re-rendering Meteor template

I slightly extended the discovermeteor tutorial and added an image to every post in post_item.html:
<img src="discover.png" height="40px" />
After putting discover.png in the public folder everything seems to work as expected. However if you open the detail page (click on 'discuss') and come back to the overview (click on 'microscope' in the header) the pictures or not loading anymore. It happens in Safari and Firefox, in Chrome it's still working as expected. I put the example on
I don't know if this has something to do with it, but I noticed, the 'waitOn' function of iron:router is called twice when the overview is loaded in the beginning, but only once when I come back form the detail view and the pictures are not loading.
Any hint would be highly appreciated.
I looked at network requests in Firefox and for some reason it tries to load, which is not there. Maybe this happens because the template is rendered before the url changes.
I suggest you changing the url of the image in <img src= from discover.png, which is a relative url, to a /discover.png, that is, to absolute path.

Chrome inline background-image lost on back-button in Chrome

I have an inline style on element on one of my templates.
- hero_image = article.hero.url(:medium) if article.hero.url
%article{style: "background-image: url('#{hero_image}');background-attachment : fixed;"}
It works marvelously for me. Except when I go to another link and the use the back button to return the page.
When I use the back button to return the page, the inspector the source is the exactly the same, but no image. When I refresh the page, same code, but the image is there. Seriously weird and annoying.
I've seen reports of this being a bug in Chrome related to background-attachment:fixed; but the work arounds they suggest don't work.
Is there a way to force (via Turbolinks?) this element to refresh?
It turns out that the issue is fixed by adding the base url to the url like so:
- hero_image = base_url + article.hero.url(:medium) if article.hero.url
%article{style: "background-image: url('#{hero_image}');background-attachment : fixed;"}
(I added a base_url helper thanks to this:
I've run into the same problem on my app, trying to display user avatars.
There are (many) bug reports related to this particular situation dating back a couple of years, but the bug is still present as of time of this writing.
The solution I've gone with is to replace the background with an actual img tag, and than use z-index tricks to push it back.

Lightbox Display Loading Box at End of Page

I'm using Lightbox for the first time, and it's working for my images. However, for some reason, I get a strange box at the end of my page that shows the loading icon, even though there shouldn't be an image there.
The image:
Upon inspecting the element, I get the following HTML code.
<div id="lightbox"><div class="lb-outerContainer"><div class="lb-container"><img class="lb-image"><div class="lb-nav"><a class="lb-prev"></a><a class="lb-next"></a></div><div class="lb-loader"><a class="lb-cancel"><img src="/z/styles/images/loading.gif"></a></div></div></div><div class="lb-dataContainer"><div class="lb-data"><div class="lb-details"><span class="lb-caption"></span><span class="lb-number"></span></div><div class="lb-closeContainer"><a class="lb-close"><img src="/z/styles/images/close.png"></a></div></div></div></div>
The strange part about this code is that I didn't make that div, it seems to have just been inserted by the script. Does anyone know what this might be and how to get rid of it?
This could easily be a problem with your css or script path.
If you look at the lightbox2 demo it displays that loading page you see and then removes it to display the loaded image. When either the javascript or stylesheets are not correctly linked it will not work properly.
Lightbox2 site:
You can try using (in chrome, for firefox there's firebug) right-click inspect element, go to the resources tab and expand the frames boxes until you see all the images, scripts and style sheets in a list. It'll let you know if one of them can't be found.
I had the same issue when I integrated Lightbox with an MVC site. The issue was I had referred both lightbox.js and lightbox.min.js files. I fixed the issue by removing one reference.

CodeIgniter + DOMPDF: Images don't appear when calling them in CSS

I started to use DOMPDF in my CodeIgniter project to render some information in PDF.
Everything is OK when I display the information in html. But... no images were displayed in PDF, for the same HTML code (info: images used for background).
Except images, the other CSS info were correctly displayed (color, text-indent,...).
I tried the same 'kind' of code without using CodeIgniter, and the images were generated correctly.
Conclusion: Problem using DOMPDF in CodeIgniter.
Some ideas? I tried many 'random' combinations, but it still doesn't work. No google results for keywords 'CodeIgniter, DOMPDF, CSS, Images'...
Thanks in advance.
After more testing, I was able to add images:
By writing the CSS inside the HTML code, using tag.
Use paths relative to the root directory, not the HTML file, like: ./assets/img/my_image.png
This worked for me, but I don't know why.
