I have a dataframe. For simplicity, I am leaving out many columns and rows:
Distance Type
1 162 A
2 27182 A
3 212 C
4 89 B
5 11 C
I need to find 6 consecutive rows in the dataframe, such that the average distance is 1000, and such that the only types considered are A or B. Just for clarification, one may think to filter out all Type C rows, and then proceed, but then the rows that were not originally consecutive will become consecutive upon filtering, and that's no good.
For example, if I filtered out rows 3 and 5 above, I would be left with 3 rows. And if I had provided more rows, that might produce a faulty result.
Maybe a solution with data.table library ?
For reproducibility, here is a data sample, based on what you wrote.
# data orig (with row numbers...)
DO<-"Distance Type
1 162 A
2 27182 A
3 212 C
4 89 B
5 11 C
6 1234 A"
# data : sep by comma
# data.frame
DF<-read.table(textConnection(DS),header=T,sep=';',stringsAsFactors = F)
Then, make a function to increment a counter each time a sequence of identical value is found :
# function to set sequencial group number
ne<- x[-lx] != x[-1L] #next not equal
for(i in seq_along(ne)){if(ne[i])cnt=cnt+1;grp[i+1]=cnt}
And use it with data.table 'multiple assignment by reference' :
# update dat : set group number based on sequential type
# calc sum of distance and number of item in group, by group
# filter what you want :
DT[Type != 'C' & distMean >100 & grpLength==2 | grpLength==3]
Output :
Distance Type grp distMean grpLength
1: 162 A 1 13672 2
2: 27182 A 1 13672 2
I am trying to insert many rows from one dataframe to another. I managed to do it once, but I have to do the same 3500 times.
I have the following two dataframes with the same headers:
dataframe a with 850561 rows and 121 columns
dataframe b with 854001 rows and 121 columns
And I used the following code to insert a row from b to a:
a <- rbind(a[1:244,],b[245],a[-(1:244),])
This works perfectly because it inserts a row from b in between rows 244 and 245 of a.
The problem is that I have to do the same every 243 rows, for example the next would be something like this:
a <- rbind(a[246:489,],b[489],a[-(246:489),])
I have tried with the following for loop, but it does not work:
for (val in a){
I would much appreciate your help
One possible approach is to rbind(a,b) into a single table, with a new variable which when sorted on gives rows in the correct order.
This new variable would take the values 1:(dim(a)[1]) for the existing rows of a, then 245.5, 489.5, etc for the rows of b. Then if I sort on it the rows of b will appear in the correct place.
(Edit: I've just realised this is slightly different to your situation, but it should be easily adaptable, all you would need to do is select the appropriate rows of b first)
Here's a toy example:
# Create a and b
a <- data.frame(x=runif(15),source="a")
b <- data.frame(x=runif(3),source="b")
# Suppose I want b interleaved with a, such that a row of b occurs every 5 rows of a:
a$sortorder <- 1:dim(a)[1]
b$sortorder <- (1:dim(b)[1])*5+0.5
dat <- rbind(a,b)
x source
1 0.10753897 a
2 0.24482683 a
3 0.72236241 a
4 0.03273494 a
5 0.54934999 a
16 0.20578103 b
6 0.68280868 a
7 0.30024090 a
8 0.38877446 a
9 0.73244615 a
10 0.96249642 a
17 0.13878037 b
11 0.76059617 a
12 0.58167316 a
13 0.46287299 a
14 0.35630962 a
15 0.38392182 a
18 0.38908214 b
I need to pull records from a first data set (called df1 here) based on a combination of specific dates, ID#s, event start time, and event end time that match with a second data set (df2). Everything works fine when there is just 1 date, ID, and event start and end time, but some of the matching records between the data sets contain multiple IDs, dates, or times, and I can't get the records from df1 to subset properly in those cases. I ultimately want to put this in a FOR loop or independent function since I have a rather large dataset. Here's what I've got so far:
I started just by matching the dates between the two data sets as follows:
match_dates <- as.character(intersect(df1$Date, df2$Date))
Then I selected the records in df2 based on the first matching date, also keeping the other columns so I have the other ID and time information I need:
records <- df2[which(df2$Date == match_dates[1]), ]
The date, ID, start, and end time from records are then:
[1] "01-04-2009" "599091" "12:00" "17:21"
Finally I subset df1 for before and after the event based on the date, ID, and times in records and combined them into a new data frame called final to get at the data contained in df1 that I ultimately need.
before <- subset(df1, NUM==records$ID & Date==records$Date & Time<records$Start)
after <- subset(df1, NUM==records$ID & Date==records$Date & Time>records$End)
final <- rbind(before, after)
Here's the real problem - some of the matching dates have more than 1 corresponding row in df2, and return multiple IDs or times. Here is what an example of multiple records looks like:
records <- df2[which(df2$Date == match_dates[25]), ]
> records$ID
[1] 507646 680845 680845
> records$Date
[1] "04-02-2009" "04-02-2009" "04-02-2009"
> records$Start
[1] "09:43" "05:37" "11:59"
> records$End
[1] "05:19" "11:29" "16:47"
When I try to subset df1 based on this I get an error:
before <- subset(df1, NUM==records$ID & Date==records$Date & Time<records$Start)
Warning messages:
1: In NUM == records$ID :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
2: In Date == records$Date :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3: In Time < records$Start :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
Trying to do it manually for each ID-date-time combination would be way to tedious. I have 9 years worth of data, all with multiple matching dates for a given year between the data sets, so ideally I would like to set this up as a FOR loop, or a function with a FOR loop in it, but I can't get past this. Thanks in advance for any tips!
If you're asking what I think you are the filter() function from the dplyr package combined with the match function does what you're looking for.
> df1 <- data.frame(A = c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4),rep(3,4)), B = c(rep(1:4,3)))
> df1
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 1 4
5 2 1
6 2 2
7 2 3
8 2 4
9 3 1
10 3 2
11 3 3
12 3 4
> df2 <- data.frame(A = c(1,2), B = c(3,4))
> df2
1 1 3
2 2 4
> filter(df1, A %in% df2$A, B %in% df2$B)
1 1 3
2 1 4
3 2 3
4 2 4
I am trying to use a huge dataframe (180000 x 400) to calculate another one that would be much smaller.
I have the following dataframe
1 1 120 150 1 1
2 2 345 390 1 0
3 3 765 802 0 0
4 4 1045 1120 1 0
5 5 1347 1436 0 -1
6 6 1879 1935 0 -1
This is a sample dataframe. The rows continue until 180000 and the columns are over 400.
What I need to do is create a new dataframe based on each column that tells me the size of each continues "1" or "-1" and returns it with the location, size and value.
Something like this for CODE1:
1 1 to 2 270 POS
2 4 to 4 75 POS
And like this for CODE2:
1 1 to 1 30 POS
2 5 to 6 588 NEG
Unfortunately I still didn't figure out how to do this. I have been trying several lines of code to develop a function to do this automatically but start to get lost or stuck in loops and it seems that nothing works.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Below is code that gives you the answer in the exact format that you wanted, except I split your "LOCAT" column into two columns entitled "Starts" and "Stops". This code will work for your entire data frame, no need to replicate it manually for each CODE (CODE1, CODE2, etc).
It assumes that the only non-CODE column have the names "LOCAT" "START" and "END".
# need package "plyr"
# test2 is the example data frame that you gave in the question
test2 <- data.frame(
"START"=c(120,345,765, 1045, 1347, 1879),
"END"=c(150,390,803,1120,1436, 1935),
codeNames <- names(test2)[!names(test2)%in%c("LOCAT","START","END")] # the names of columns that correspond to different codes
test3 <- reshape(test2, varying=codeNames, direction="long", v.names="CodeValue", timevar="Code") # reshape so the different codes are variables grouped into the same column
test4 <- test3[,!names(test3)%in%"id"] #remove the "id" column
sss <- function(x){ # sss gives the starting points, stopping points, and sizes (sss) in a data frame
rleX <- rle(x[,"CodeValue"]) # rle() to get the size of consecutive values
stops <- cumsum(rleX$lengths) # cumulative sum to get the end-points for the indices (the second value in your LOCAT column)
starts <- c(1, head(stops,-1)+1) # the starts are the first value in your LOCAT column
ssX0 <- data.frame("Value"=rleX$values, "Starts"=starts, "Stops"=stops) #the starts and stops from X (ss from X)
ssX <- ssX0[ssX0[,"Value"]!=0,] # remove the rows the correspond to CODE_ values that are 0 (not POS or NEG)
# The next 3 lines calculate the equivalent of your SIZE column
sizeX1 <- x[ssX[,"Starts"],"START"]
sizeX2 <- x[ssX[,"Stops"],"END"]
sizeX <- sizeX2 - sizeX1
sssX <- data.frame(ssX, "Size"=sizeX) # Combine the Size to the ssX (start stop of X) data frame
return(sssX) #Added in EDIT
answer0 <- ddply(.data=test4, .variables="Code", .fun=sss) # use the function ddply() in the package "plyr" (apply the function to each CODE, why we reshaped)
answer <- answer0 # duplicate the original, new version will be reformatted
answer[,"Value"] <- c("NEG",NA,"POS")[answer0[,"Value"]+2] # reformat slightly so that we have POS/NEG instead of 1/-1
Hopefully this helps, good luck!
Use run-length encoding to determine groups where CODE1 takes the same value.
rle_of_CODE1 <- rle(df1$CODE1)
For convenience, find the points where the value is non-zero, and the lenghts of the corresponding blocks.
CODE1_is_nonzero <- rle_of_CODE1$values != 0
n <- rle_of_CODE1$lengths[CODE1_is_nonzero]
Ignore the parts of df1 where CODE1 is zero.
df1_with_nonzero_CODE1 <- subset(df1, CODE1 != 0)
Define a group based on the contiguous blocks we found with rle.
df1_with_nonzero_CODE1$GROUP <- rep(seq_along(n), times = n)
Use ddply to get summary stats for each group.
summarised_by_CODE1 <- ddply(
MinOfLOCAT = min(LOCAT),
MaxOfLOCAT = max(LOCAT),
SIZE = max(END) - min(START)
summarised_by_CODE1$VALUE <- ifelse(
rle_of_CODE1$values[CODE1_is_nonzero] == 1,
## 1 1 1 2 270 POS
## 2 3 4 4 75 POS
Now repeat with CODE2.
If I specify n columns as a key of a data.table, I'm aware that I can join to fewer columns than are defined in that key as long as I join to the head of key(DT). For example, for n=2 :
X = data.table(A=rep(1:5, each=2), B=rep(1:2, each=5), key=c('A','B'))
1: 1 1
2: 1 1
3: 2 1
4: 2 1
5: 3 1
6: 3 2
7: 4 2
8: 4 2
9: 5 2
10: 5 2
1: 3 1
2: 3 2
There I only joined to the first column of the 2-column key of DT. I know I can join to both columns of the key like this :
1: 3 1
But how do I subset using only the second column colum of the key (e.g. B==2), but still using binary search not vector scan? I'm aware that's a duplicate of :
Subsetting data.table by 2nd column only of a 2 column key, using binary search not vector scan
so I'd like to generalise this question to n. My data set has about a million rows and solution provided in dup question linked above doesn't seem to be optimal.
Here is a simple function that will extract the correct unique values and return a data table to use as a key.
X <- data.table(A=rep(1:5, each=4), B=rep(1:4, each=5),
C = letters[1:20], key=c('A','B','C'))
make.key <- function(ddd, what){
# the names of the key columns
zzz <- key(ddd)
# the key columns you wish to keep all unique values
whichUnique <- setdiff(zzz, names(what))
## unique data.table (when keyed); .. means "look up one level"
ud <- lapply([, ..whichUnique], unique)
## append the `what` columns and a Cross Join of the new
## key columns
do.call(CJ, c(ud,what)[zzz])
X[make.key(X, what = list(C = c('a','b'))),nomatch=0]
## A B C
## 1: 1 1 a
## 2: 1 1 b
I'm not sure this will be any quicker than a couple of vector scans on a large data.table though.
Adding secondary keys is on the feature request list :
FR#1007 Build in secondary keys
In the meantime we are stuck with either vector scan, or the approach used in the answer to the n=2 case linked in the question (which #mnel generalises nicely in his answer).
I need to test the value of'peso'(see replication code below) for each factor. Whether a factor reaches 50% of the overall sum for 'peso', the values of each factor should be paste into a new object 'results', otherwise, R should evaluate which factor has the lowest aggregated value for 'peso', and consider the factor in the next column for aggregate 'peso' again. Basically, this process replace the lowest scored factor for the next factor. The process should repeat till a factor cross the 50% threshold. So my question is, where do I start?
Data <- sapply(1:100, function(x) sample(1:10, size=5))
Data <- data.frame(t(Data))
names(Data) <- letters[1:5]
Data$peso <- sample(0:3.5, 100, rep=TRUE)
It should be like
If your first two rows are:
a b c d e peso
8 2 3 7 9 1
8 3 4 5 7 3
9 7 4 10 1 2
10 3 4 5 7 3
What would you like for the total?
Totals_08 = 4
Totals_09 = 2
Totals_10 = 3
So, factor 8 got the greater share 4/(4+2+3) = 0.4444444, but not reached 50% threshold in the round a. Therefore, I need something more: repeat the aggregation but considering now the factor 7 in the column 'b' instead of factors 9 in the column 'a', since it got the lowest aggregated value in the first round.
It's unclear if you have your list of factors already or not. If you do not have it, and are taking it from the data set, you can grab it in a few different ways:
# Get a list of all the factors
myFactors <- levels(Data[[1]]) # If actual factors.
myFactors <- sort(unique(unlist(Data))) # Otherwise use similar to this line
Then to calculate the Totals per factor, you can do the following
Totals <-
colSums(sapply(myFactors, function(fctr)
# calculate totals per fctr
as.integer(Data$peso) * rowSums(fctr == subset(Data, select= -peso))
names(Totals) <- myFactors
Which gives
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# 132 153 142 122 103 135 118 144 148 128
I'm not sure if afterwards, you want to compare to the sum of peso or the sum of the totals. Here are both options, broken down into steps:
# Calculate the total of all the Totals:
TotalSum <- sum(Totals)
# See percentage for each:
Totals / TotalSum
Totals / sum(as.integer(Data$peso))
# See which, if any, is greater than 50%
Totals / TotalSum > 0.50
Totals / sum(as.integer(Data$peso)) > 0.50
# Using Which to identify the ones you are looking for
which(Totals / TotalSum > 0.50)
which(Totals / sum(as.integer(Data$peso)) > 0.50)
Note on your sampling for Peso
You took a sample of 0:3.5, however, the x:y sequence only gives integers.
If you want fractions, you can either use seq() or you can take a larger sequence and then divide appropriately:
option1 <- (0:7) / 2
option2 <- seq(from=0, to=3.5, by=0.5)
If you want whole integers from 0:3 and also the value 3.5, then use c()
option3 <- c(0:3, 3.5)