The image should move from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. and vice versa.
This works if the width and height of the screen are the same. If the width is larger, the image lands above the lower right corner
def basisfunktion(self,j):
self.rect.x, x1 =[j] ,[j]
self.rect.y, y1 =[j + 2] ,[j + 2]
x2 =[j+1]
y2 =[j+3]
self.dx = x2 - x1
self.dy = y2 - y1
self.dist = math.sqrt(self.dx * self.dx + self.dy * self.dy)
def update(self):
if self.rect.x >= 0 and self.rect.x <= screen_x and self.rect.y >= 0 and self.rect.y <= screen_y:
self.rect.x += self.speed *self.dx / self.dist
self.rect.y += self.speed *self.dy / self.dist
screen.blit(self.image,(self.rect.x, self.rect.y))
if self.index< (len(
self.index += 4
self.rect.x = -1
self.rect.y = -1
Sometimes you just have to read the documentation. See Pygame doesn't let me use float for rect.move, but I need it
Since pygame.Rect is supposed to represent an area on the screen, a pygame.Rect object can only store integral data.
The coordinates for Rect objects are all integers. [...]
The fraction part of the coordinates gets lost when the new position of the object is assigned to the Rect object. If this is done every frame, the position error will accumulate over time.
If you want to store object positions with floating point accuracy, you have to store the location of the object in separate variables respectively attributes and to synchronize the pygame.Rect object. round the coordinates and assign it to the location (e.g. .topleft) of the rectangle:
def basisfunktion(self,j):
self.x, x1 =[j] ,[j]
self.y, y1 =[j + 2] ,[j + 2]
self.rect.topleft = round(self.x), round(self.y)
x2 =[j+1]
y2 =[j+3]
self.dx = x2 - x1
self.dy = y2 - y1
self.dist = math.sqrt(self.dx * self.dx + self.dy * self.dy)
def update(self):
if self.rect.x >= 0 and self.rect.x <= screen_x and self.rect.y >= 0 and self.rect.y <= screen_y:
self.x += self.speed *self.dx / self.dist
self.y += self.speed *self.dy / self.dist
screen.blit(self.image,(self.rect.x, self.rect.y))
if self.index< (len(
self.index += 4
self.x = -1
self.y = -1
self.rect.topleft = round(self.x), round(self.y)
I wrote a very simple sketch to simulate the interference of two planar waves, very easy.
The problem seems to be a little to much intensive for the cpu (moreover processing uses only one core) and I get only 1 o 2 fps.
Any idea how to improve this sketch?
float x0;
float y0;
float x1;
float y1;
float x2;
float y2;
int t = 0;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P2D);
x0 = width/2;
y0 = height/2;
x1 = width/4;
y1 = height/2;
x2 = width * 3/4;
y2 = height / 2;
void draw() {
for (int x = 0; x <= width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y <= height; y++) {
float d1 = dist(x1, y1, x, y);
float d2 = dist(x2, y2, x, y);
float factorA = 20;
float factorB = 80;
float wave1 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1/factorA + t)))/2 * exp(-d1/factorB);
float wave2 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2/factorA + t)))/2 * exp(-d2/factorB);
stroke( (wave1 + wave2) *255);
point(x, y);
t--; //Wave propagation
As Kevin suggested, using point() isn't the most efficient method since it calls beginShape();vertex() and endShape();. You might be off better using pixels.
Additionally, the nested loops can be written as a single loop and dist() which uses square root behind the scenes can be avoided (you can uses squared distance with higher values).
Here's a version using these:
float x1;
float y1;
float x2;
float y2;
int t = 0;
//using larger factors to use squared distance bellow instead of dist(),sqrt()
float factorA = 20*200;
float factorB = 80*200;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
x1 = width/4;
y1 = height/2;
x2 = width * 3/4;
y2 = height / 2;
//use pixels, not points()
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
int x = i % width;
int y = i / height;
float dx1 = x1-x;
float dy1 = y1-y;
float dx2 = x2-x;
float dy2 = y2-y;
//squared distance
float d1 = dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1;//dist(x1, y1, x, y);
float d2 = dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2;//dist(x2, y2, x, y);
float wave1 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d1/factorB);
float wave2 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d2/factorB);
pixels[i] = color((wave1 + wave2) *255);
// endShape();
t--; //Wave propagation
This can be sped up further using lookup tables for the more time consuming functions such as sin() and exp().
You can see a rough (numbers need to be tweaked) preview running even in javascript:
var x1;
var y1;
var x2;
var y2;
var t = 0;
var factorA = 20*200;
var factorB = 80*200;
var numPixels;
var scaledWidth;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
x1 = width /4;
y1 = height /2;
x2 = width * 3/4;
y2 = height / 2;
numPixels = (width * height) * pixelDensity();
scaledWidth = width * pixelDensity();
function draw() {
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < numPixels; i++, j += 4) {
var x = i % scaledWidth;
var y = floor(i / scaledWidth);
var dx1 = x1 - x;
var dy1 = y1 - y;
var dx2 = x2 - x;
var dy2 = y2 - y;
var d1 = (dx1 * dx1) + (dy1 * dy1);//dist(x1, y1, x, y);
var d2 = (dx2 * dx2) + (dy2 * dy2);//dist(x2, y2, x, y);
var wave1 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1 / factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d1 / factorB);
var wave2 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2 / factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d2 / factorB);
var gray = (wave1 + wave2) * 255;
pixels[j] = pixels[j+1] = pixels[j+2] = gray;
pixels[j+3] = 255;
t--; //Wave propagation
<script src=""></script>
Because you're using math to synthesise the image, it may make more sense to write this as a GLSL Shader. Be sure sure to checkout the PShader tutorial for more info.
Here's a GLSL version: code is less hacky and a lot more readable:
float t = 0;
float factorA = 0.20;
float factorB = 0.80;
PShader waves;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P2D);
waves = loadShader("waves.glsl");
waves.set("resolution", float(width), float(height));
void draw() {
rect(0, 0, width, height);
void mouseDragged(){
float x = map(mouseX,0,width,-1.0,1.0);
float y = map(mouseY,0,height,1.0,-1.0);
if(keyPressed) waves.set("pt2",x,y);
else waves.set("pt1",x,y);
void keyPressed(){
float amount = 0.05;
if(keyCode == UP) factorA += amount;
if(keyCode == DOWN) factorA -= amount;
if(keyCode == LEFT) factorB -= amount;
if(keyCode == RIGHT) factorB += amount;
And the waves.glsl:
uniform vec2 pt1;
uniform vec2 pt2;
uniform float t;
uniform float factorA;
uniform float factorB;
const float TWO_PI = 6.283185307179586;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
void main(void) {
vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0 * gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
float d1 = distance(pt1,p);
float d2 = distance(pt2,p);
float wave1 = (1.0 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d1/factorB);
float wave2 = (1.0 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d2/factorB);
float gray = wave1 + wave2;
You can use drag for first point and hold a key and drag for the second point.
Additionally, use UP/DOWN, LEFT/RIGHT keys to change factorA and factorB. Results look interesting:
Also, you can grab a bit of code from this answer to save frames using Threads (I recommend saving uncompressed).
Option 1: Pre-render your sketch.
This seems to be a static repeating pattern, so you can pre-render it by running the animation ahead of time and saving each frame to an image. I see that you already had a call to saveFrame() in there. Once you have the images saved, you can then load them into a new sketch and play them one frame at a time. It shouldn't require very many images, since it seems to repeat itself pretty quickly. Think of an animated gif that loops forever.
Option 2: Decrease the resolution of your sketch.
Do you really need pixel-perfect 400x400 resolution? Can you maybe draw to an image that's 100x100 and scale up?
Or you could decrease the resolution of your for loops by incrementing by more than 1:
for (int x = 0; x <= width; x+=2) {
for (int y = 0; y <= height; y+=2) {
You could play with how much you increase and then use the strokeWeight() or rect() function to draw larger pixels.
Option 3: Decrease the time resolution of your sketch.
Instead of moving by 1 pixel every 1 frame, what if you move by 5 pixels every 5 frames? Speed your animation up, but only move it every X frames, that way the overall speed appears to be the same. You can use the modulo operator along with the frameCount variable to only do something every X frames. Note that you'd still want to keep the overall framerate of your sketch to 30 or 60, but you'd only change the animation every X frames.
Option 4: Simplify your animation.
Do you really need to calculate every single pixels? If all you want to show is a series of circles that increase in size, there are much easier ways to do that. Calling the ellipse() function is much faster than calling the point() function a bunch of times. You can use other functions to create the blurry effect without calling point() half a million times every second (which is how often you're trying to call it).
Option 5: Refactor your code.
If all else fails, then you're going to have to refactor your code. Most of your program's time is being spent in the point() function- you can prove this by drawing an ellipse at mouseX, mouseY at the end of the draw() function and comparing the performance of that when you comment out the call to point() inside your nested for loops.
Computers aren't magic, so calling the point() function half a million times every second isn't free. You're going to have to decrease that number somehow, either by taking one (or more than one) of the above options, or by refactoring your code in some other way.
How you do that really depends on your actual goals, which you haven't stated. If you're just trying to render this animation, then pre-rendering it will work fine. If you need to have user interaction with it, then maybe something like decreasing the resolution will work. You're going to have to sacrifice something, and it's really up to you what that is.
I'm working on an openCL kernel that loads up some points, decides which is the highest, and returns it. All good there, but I want to add a calculation before the highest evaluation. This compares the point to a pair of lines. I have it written and working to a degree, as follows:
size_t i = group_id * group_stride + local_id;
while (i < n){
//load up a pair of points using the index to locate them within a massive dataSet
int ia = LOAD_GLOBAL_I1(input, i);
float4 a = LOAD_GLOBAL_F4(dataSet, ia);
int ib = LOAD_GLOBAL_I1(input, i + group_size);
float4 b = LOAD_GLOBAL_F4(dataSet, ib);
//pre-assess the points relative to lines
if(pass == 0){
float px = a.x;
float py = a.y;
int checkAnswer;
//want to write this section as a function
float x1 = tri_input[0].x; float y1 = tri_input[0].y;
float x2 = tri_input[2].x; float y2 = tri_input[2].y;
float check = sign((x1-x2) * (py-y1) - (y2-y1) * (px-x1));
if(check != tri_input[3].x){ //point is outside line 1
checkAnswer = 1;
x1 = tri_input[2].x; y1 = tri_input[2].y;
x2 = tri_input[1].x; y2 = tri_input[1].y;
check = sign((x1-x2)*(py-y1) - (y2-y1)*(px-x1));
if(check != tri_input[3].y){ //point is outside line 2
checkAnswer = 2;
checkAnswer = 0; //point is within both lines
//later use the checkAnswer result to change the following
//find the highest of the pair
float4 result;
if(a.z>b.z) result = a;
else result = b;
//load up the previous highest result locally
float4 s = LOAD_LOCAL_F4(shared, local_id);
//if the previous highest beat this, stick, else twist
if(s.z>result.z){ STORE_LOCAL_F4(shared, local_id, s);}
else{ STORE_LOCAL_F4(shared, local_id, result);}
i += local_stride;
What I would like to do is call the line check twice as a function, i.e the code becomes:
size_t i = group_id * group_stride + local_id;
while (i < n){
//load up a pair of points using the index to locate them within a massive dataSet
int ia = LOAD_GLOBAL_I1(input, i);
float4 a = LOAD_GLOBAL_F4(dataSet, ia);
int ib = LOAD_GLOBAL_I1(input, i + group_size);
float4 b = LOAD_GLOBAL_F4(dataSet, ib);
//pre-assess the points relative to lines
if(pass == 0){
float px = a.x;
float py = a.y;
int checkA = pointCheck( px, py, tri_input);
px = b.x;
py = b.y;
int checkB = pointCheck( px, py, tri_input);
//later use the checkAnswer result to change the following
//find the highest of the pair
float4 result;
if(a.z>b.z) result = a;
else result = b;
//load up the previous highest result locally
float4 s = LOAD_LOCAL_F4(shared, local_id);
//if the previous highest beat this, stick, else twist
if(s.z>result.z){ STORE_LOCAL_F4(shared, local_id, s);}
else{ STORE_LOCAL_F4(shared, local_id, result);}
i += local_stride;
In this instance the function is:
int pointCheck( float *px, float *py, float2 *testLines){
float x1 = testLines[0].x; float y1 = testLines[0].y;
float x2 = testLines[2].x; float y2 = testLines[2].y;
float check = sign((x1-x2) * (py-y1) - (y2-y1) * (px-x1));
if(check != testLines[3].x){ //point is outside line 1
return 1;
x1 = testLines[2].x; y1 = testLines[2].y;
x2 = testLines[1].x; y2 = testLines[1].y;
check = sign((x1-x2)*(py-y1) - (y2-y1)*(px-x1));
if(check != testLines[3].y){ //point is outside line 2
return 2;
return 0; //point is within both lines
Whilst the longhand version runs fine and returns a normal 'highest point' result, the function version returns an erroneous result (not detecting the highest point I have hidden in the data set). It produces a wrong result even though the function as yet has no overall effect.
What am I doing wrong?
This revised function works as far as the commented out line, then hangs on something:
int pointCheck(float4 *P, float2 *testLines){
float2 *l0 = &testLines[0];
float2 *l1 = &testLines[1];
float2 *l2 = &testLines[2];
float2 *l3 = &testLines[3];
float x1 = l0->x; float y1 = l0->y;
float x2 = l2->x; float y2 = l2->y;
float pX = P->x; float pY = P->y;
float c1 = l3->x; float c2 = l3->y;
//float check = sign((x1-x2) * (pY-y1) - (y2-y1) * (pX-x1)); //seems to be a problem with sign
// if(check != c1){ //point is outside line 1
// return 1;
// }
// else{
// x1 = l2->x; y1 = l2->y;
// x2 = l1->x; y2 = l1->y;
// check = sign((x1-x2) * (pY-y1) - (y2-y1) * (pX-x1));
// if(check != c2){ //point is outside line 2
// return 2;
// }
// else{
// return 0; //point is within both lines
// }}
One immediate issue is how you pass the parameters to the called function:
int checkA = pointCheck( px, py, tri_input);
whereas the function itself expects pointers for px and py. You should instead call the function as:
int checkA = pointCheck(&px, &py, tri_input);
It is surprising that OpenCL does not give build errors for this kernel.
In my experience, some OpenCL runtimes do not like multiple return statements in a single function. Try to save the return value into a local variable and use a single return statement at the end of the function. This is because OpenCL does not support real function calls, but rather inlines all functions directly into the kernel. A best practice is therefore to mark all non __kernel functions as inline, and treat them as such (i.e. make it easier for the compiler to inline your function by not using multiple return statements).
Drawn a line from a point A to point B. Let d be offset. Let C be point to be tested.
I am going to do a kind of hit testing around the line with offset.
How can i do the hit testing around the line with the given offset.
Ex: A = (10,10), B (30,30), offset = 2. choose C as any point. Please Refer the image in the link please.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Find offset for C.
e.g. dx1 and dy1. If dy1/dx1=dy/dx then your C hits the line.
For segment you should also check if whether dx1 < dx or dy1 < dy.
In other words, you want to check if that point C is inside a certain rectangle, with dimensions 2*d and |A-B|+2*d. You need to represent the line as u*x+v*y+w=0, this can be accomplished by
u = A.y-B.y
v = B.x-A.x
w = A.x*B.y - A.y * B.x
Then the (signed) distance of C from that line would be
d = (u*C.x + v*C.y +w) / sqrt( u*u+v*v)
You compare abs(d) to your offset.
The next step would be to check the position of C in the direction of the line. To that end you consider the orthogonal line u2*x+v2*y+w2=0 with
u2 = v
v2 = -u
w2 = -u2*(A.x+B.x)/2 - v2*(A.y+B.y)/2
and the distance
d2 = (u2 * C.x + v2 * C.y + w2 ) / sqrt( u2*u2+v2*v2 )
This distance must be compared to something like the length of the line+offset:
abs(d2) < |A-B| / 2 + offset
A convenient trick is to rotate and translate the plane in such a way that the segment AB maps to the segment (0, 0)-(0, L) (just like on the image), L being the segment length.
If you apply the same transform to C, then it a very simple matter to test inclusion in the rectangle.
That useful transform is given by:
x = ((X - XA).(XB - XA) + (Y - YA).(YB - YA)) / L
y = ((X - XA).(YB - YA) - (Y - YA).(XB - XA)) / L
maybe you can use this function to count the shortest distance of the point to the line. If the distance is <= offset, then that point is hitting the line.
private double pointDistanceToLine(PointF line1, PointF line2, PointF pt)
var isValid = false;
PointF r = new PointF();
if (line1.Y == line2.Y && line1.X == line2.X)
line1.Y -= 0.00001f;
double U = ((pt.Y - line1.Y ) * (line2.Y - line1.Y )) + ((pt.X - line1.X) * (line2.X - line1.X));
double Udenom = Math.Pow(line2.Y - line1.Y , 2) + Math.Pow(line2.X - line1.X, 2);
U /= Udenom;
r.Y = (float)(line1.Y + (U * (line2.Y - line1.Y ))); r.X = (float)(line1.X + (U * (line2.X - line1.X)));
double minX, maxX, minY , maxY ;
minX = Math.Min(line1.Y , line2.Y );
maxX = Math.Max(line1.Y , line2.Y );
minY = Math.Min(line1.X, line2.X);
maxY = Math.Max(line1.X, line2.X);
isValid = (r.Y >= minX && r.Y <= maxX) && (r.X >= minY && r.X <= maxY );
//return isValid ? r : null;
if (isValid)
double result = Math.Pow((pt.X - r.X), 2) + Math.Pow((pt.Y - r.Y), 2);
result = Math.Sqrt(result);
return result;
else {
double result1 = Math.Pow((pt.X - line1.X), 2) + Math.Pow((pt.Y - line1.Y), 2);
result1 = Math.Sqrt(result1);
double result2 = Math.Pow((pt.X - line2.X), 2) + Math.Pow((pt.Y - line2.Y), 2);
result2 = Math.Sqrt(result2);
return Math.Min(result1, result2);
There is a special way of mapping a cube to a sphere described here:
It is not your basic "normalize the point and you're done" approach and gives a much more evenly spaced mapping.
I've tried to do the inverse of the mapping going from sphere coords to cube coords and have been unable to come up the working equations. It's a rather complex system of equations with lots of square roots.
Any math geniuses want to take a crack at it?
Here's the equations in c++ code:
sx = x * sqrtf(1.0f - y * y * 0.5f - z * z * 0.5f + y * y * z * z / 3.0f);
sy = y * sqrtf(1.0f - z * z * 0.5f - x * x * 0.5f + z * z * x * x / 3.0f);
sz = z * sqrtf(1.0f - x * x * 0.5f - y * y * 0.5f + x * x * y * y / 3.0f);
sx,sy,sz are the sphere coords and x,y,z are the cube coords.
I want to give gmatt credit for this because he's done a lot of the work. The only difference in our answers is the equation for x.
To do the inverse mapping from sphere to cube first determine the cube face the sphere point projects to. This step is simple - just find the component of the sphere vector with the greatest length like so:
// map the given unit sphere position to a unit cube position
void cubizePoint(Vector3& position) {
double x,y,z;
x = position.x;
y = position.y;
z = position.z;
double fx, fy, fz;
fx = fabsf(x);
fy = fabsf(y);
fz = fabsf(z);
if (fy >= fx && fy >= fz) {
if (y > 0) {
// top face
position.y = 1.0;
else {
// bottom face
position.y = -1.0;
else if (fx >= fy && fx >= fz) {
if (x > 0) {
// right face
position.x = 1.0;
else {
// left face
position.x = -1.0;
else {
if (z > 0) {
// front face
position.z = 1.0;
else {
// back face
position.z = -1.0;
For each face - take the remaining cube vector components denoted as s and t and solve for them using these equations, which are based on the remaining sphere vector components denoted as a and b:
s = sqrt(-sqrt((2 a^2-2 b^2-3)^2-24 a^2)+2 a^2-2 b^2+3)/sqrt(2)
t = sqrt(-sqrt((2 a^2-2 b^2-3)^2-24 a^2)-2 a^2+2 b^2+3)/sqrt(2)
You should see that the inner square root is used in both equations so only do that part once.
Here's the final function with the equations thrown in and checks for 0.0 and -0.0 and the code to properly set the sign of the cube component - it should be equal to the sign of the sphere component.
void cubizePoint2(Vector3& position)
double x,y,z;
x = position.x;
y = position.y;
z = position.z;
double fx, fy, fz;
fx = fabsf(x);
fy = fabsf(y);
fz = fabsf(z);
const double inverseSqrt2 = 0.70710676908493042;
if (fy >= fx && fy >= fz) {
double a2 = x * x * 2.0;
double b2 = z * z * 2.0;
double inner = -a2 + b2 -3;
double innersqrt = -sqrtf((inner * inner) - 12.0 * a2);
if(x == 0.0 || x == -0.0) {
position.x = 0.0;
else {
position.x = sqrtf(innersqrt + a2 - b2 + 3.0) * inverseSqrt2;
if(z == 0.0 || z == -0.0) {
position.z = 0.0;
else {
position.z = sqrtf(innersqrt - a2 + b2 + 3.0) * inverseSqrt2;
if(position.x > 1.0) position.x = 1.0;
if(position.z > 1.0) position.z = 1.0;
if(x < 0) position.x = -position.x;
if(z < 0) position.z = -position.z;
if (y > 0) {
// top face
position.y = 1.0;
else {
// bottom face
position.y = -1.0;
else if (fx >= fy && fx >= fz) {
double a2 = y * y * 2.0;
double b2 = z * z * 2.0;
double inner = -a2 + b2 -3;
double innersqrt = -sqrtf((inner * inner) - 12.0 * a2);
if(y == 0.0 || y == -0.0) {
position.y = 0.0;
else {
position.y = sqrtf(innersqrt + a2 - b2 + 3.0) * inverseSqrt2;
if(z == 0.0 || z == -0.0) {
position.z = 0.0;
else {
position.z = sqrtf(innersqrt - a2 + b2 + 3.0) * inverseSqrt2;
if(position.y > 1.0) position.y = 1.0;
if(position.z > 1.0) position.z = 1.0;
if(y < 0) position.y = -position.y;
if(z < 0) position.z = -position.z;
if (x > 0) {
// right face
position.x = 1.0;
else {
// left face
position.x = -1.0;
else {
double a2 = x * x * 2.0;
double b2 = y * y * 2.0;
double inner = -a2 + b2 -3;
double innersqrt = -sqrtf((inner * inner) - 12.0 * a2);
if(x == 0.0 || x == -0.0) {
position.x = 0.0;
else {
position.x = sqrtf(innersqrt + a2 - b2 + 3.0) * inverseSqrt2;
if(y == 0.0 || y == -0.0) {
position.y = 0.0;
else {
position.y = sqrtf(innersqrt - a2 + b2 + 3.0) * inverseSqrt2;
if(position.x > 1.0) position.x = 1.0;
if(position.y > 1.0) position.y = 1.0;
if(x < 0) position.x = -position.x;
if(y < 0) position.y = -position.y;
if (z > 0) {
// front face
position.z = 1.0;
else {
// back face
position.z = -1.0;
So, this solution isn't nearly as pretty as the cube to sphere mapping, but it gets the job done!
Any suggestions to improve the efficiency or read ability of the code above are appreciated!
--- edit ---
I should mention that I have tested this and so far in my tests the code appears correct with the results being accurate to at least the 7th decimal place. And that was from when I was using floats, it's probably more accurate now with doubles.
--- edit ---
Here's an optimized glsl fragment shader version by Daniel to show that it doesn't have to be such a big scary function. Daniel uses this to filter sampling on cube maps! Great idea!
const float isqrt2 = 0.70710676908493042;
vec3 cubify(const in vec3 s)
float xx2 = s.x * s.x * 2.0;
float yy2 = s.y * s.y * 2.0;
vec2 v = vec2(xx2 – yy2, yy2 – xx2);
float ii = v.y – 3.0;
ii *= ii;
float isqrt = -sqrt(ii – 12.0 * xx2) + 3.0;
v = sqrt(v + isqrt);
v *= isqrt2;
return sign(s) * vec3(v, 1.0);
vec3 sphere2cube(const in vec3 sphere)
vec3 f = abs(sphere);
bool a = f.y >= f.x && f.y >= f.z;
bool b = f.x >= f.z;
return a ? cubify(sphere.xzy).xzy : b ? cubify(sphere.yzx).zxy : cubify(sphere);
After some rearranging you can get the "nice" forms
(1) 1/2 z^2 = (alpha) / ( y^2 - x^2) + 1
(2) 1/2 y^2 = (beta) / ( z^2 - x^2) + 1
(3) 1/2 x^2 = (gamma) / ( y^2 - z^2) + 1
where alpha = sx^2-sy^2 , beta = sx^2 - sz^2 and gamma = sz^2 - sy^2. Verify this yourself.
Now I neither have the motivation nor the time but from this point on its pretty straightforward to solve:
Substitute (1) into (2). Rearrange (2) until you get a polynomial (root) equation of the form
(4) a(x) * y^4 + b(x) * y^2 + c(x) = 0
this can be solved using the quadratic formula for y^2. Note that a(x),b(x),c(x) are some functions of x. The quadratic formula yields 2 roots for (4) which you will have to keep in mind.
Using (1),(2),(4) figure out an expression for z^2 in terms of only x^2.
Using (3) write out a polynomial root equation of the form:
(5) a * x^4 + b * x^2 + c = 0
where a,b,c are not functions but constants. Solve this using the quadratic formula. In total you will have 2*2=4 possible solutions for x^2,y^2,z^2 pair meaning you will
have 4*2=8 total solutions for possible x,y,z pairs satisfying these equations. Check conditions on each x,y,z pair and (hopefully) eliminate all but one (otherwise an inverse mapping does not exist.)
Good luck.
PS. It very well may be that the inverse mapping does not exist, think about the geometry: the sphere has surface area 4*pi*r^2 while the cube has surface area 6*d^2=6*(2r)^2=24r^2 so intuitively you have many more points on the cube that get mapped to the sphere. This means a many to one mapping, and any such mapping is not injective and hence is not bijective (i.e. the mapping has no inverse.) Sorry but I think you are out of luck.
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if you follow the advice from MO, setting z=1 means you are looking at the solid square in the plane z=1.
Use your first two equations to solve for x,y, wolfram alpha gives the result:
x = (sqrt(6) s^2 sqrt(1/2 (sqrt((2 s^2-2 t^2-3)^2-24 t^2)+2 s^2-2 t^2-3)+3)-sqrt(6) t^2 sqrt(1/2 (sqrt((2 s^2-2 t^2-3)^2-24 t^2)+2 s^2-2 t^2-3)+3)-sqrt(3/2) sqrt((2 s^2-2 t^2-3)^2-24 t^2) sqrt(1/2 (sqrt((2 s^2-2 t^2-3)^2-24 t^2)+2 s^2-2 t^2-3)+3)+3 sqrt(3/2) sqrt(1/2 (sqrt((2 s^2-2 t^2-3)^2-24 t^2)+2 s^2-2 t^2-3)+3))/(6 s)
y = sqrt(-sqrt((2 s^2-2 t^2-3)^2-24 t^2)-2 s^2+2 t^2+3)/sqrt(2)
where above I use s=sx and t=sy, and I will use u=sz. Then you can use the third equation you have for u=sz. That is lets say that you want to map the top part of the sphere to the cube. Then for any 0 <= s,t <= 1 (where s,t are in the sphere's coordinate frame ) then the tuple (s,t,u) maps to (x,y,1) (here x,y are in the cubes coordinate frame.) The only thing left is for you to figure out what u is. You can figure this out by using s,t to solve for x,y then using x,y to solve for u.
Note that this will only map the top part of the cube to only the top plane of the cube z=1. You will have to do this for all 6 sides (x=1, y=1, z=0 ... etc ). I suggest using wolfram alpha to solve the resulting equations you get for each sub-case, because they will be as ugly or uglier as those above.
This answer contains the cube2sphere and sphere2cube without the restriction of a = 1. So the cube has side 2a from -a to a and the radius of the sphere is a.
I know it's been 10 years since this question was asked. Nevertheless, I am giving the answer in case someone needs it. The implementation is in Python,
I am using (x, y, z) for the cube coordinates, (p, q, r) for the sphere coordinates and the relevant underscore variables (x_, y_, z_) meaning they have been produced by using the inverse function.
import math
from random import randint # for testing
def sign_aux(x):
return lambda y: math.copysign(x, y)
sign = sign_aux(1) # no built-in sign function in python, I know...
def cube2sphere(x, y, z):
if (all([x == 0, y == 0, z == 0])):
return 0, 0, 0
def aux(x, y_2, z_2, a, a_2):
return x * math.sqrt(a_2 - y_2/2 - z_2/2 + y_2*z_2/(3*a_2))/a
x_2 = x*x
y_2 = y*y
z_2 = z*z
a = max(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z))
a_2 = a*a
return aux(x, y_2, z_2, a, a_2), aux(y, x_2, z_2, a, a_2), aux(z, x_2, y_2, a, a_2)
def sphere2cube(p, q, r):
if (all([p == 0, q == 0, r == 0])):
return 0, 0, 0
def aux(s, t, radius):
A = 3*radius*radius
R = 2*(s*s - t*t)
S = math.sqrt( max(0, (A+R)*(A+R) - 8*A*s*s) ) # use max 0 for accuraccy error
iot = math.sqrt(2)/2
s_ = sign(s) * iot * math.sqrt(max(0, A + R - S)) # use max 0 for accuraccy error
t_ = sign(t) * iot * math.sqrt(max(0, A - R - S)) # use max 0 for accuraccy error
return s_, t_
norm_p, norm_q, norm_r = abs(p), abs(q), abs(r)
norm_max = max(norm_p, norm_q, norm_r)
radius = math.sqrt(p*p + q*q + r*r)
if (norm_max == norm_p):
y, z = aux(q, r, radius)
x = sign(p) * radius
return x, y, z
if (norm_max == norm_q):
z, x = aux(r, p, radius)
y = sign(q) * radius
return x, y, z
x, y = aux(p, q, radius)
z = sign(r) * radius
return x, y, z
# measuring accuracy
max_mse = 0
for i in range(100000):
x = randint(-20, 20)
y = randint(-20, 20)
z = randint(-20, 20)
p, q, r = cube2sphere(x, y, z)
x_, y_, z_ = sphere2cube(p, q, r)
max_mse = max(max_mse, math.sqrt(((x-x_)**2 + (y-y_)**2 + (z-z_)**2))/3)
# 1.1239159602905078e-07
max_mse = 0
for i in range(100000):
p = randint(-20, 20)
q = randint(-20, 20)
r = randint(-20, 20)
x, y, z = sphere2cube(p, q, r)
p_, q_, r_ = cube2sphere(x, y, z)
max_mse = max(max_mse, math.sqrt(((p-p_)**2 + (q-q_)**2 + (r-r_)**2))/3)
# 9.832883321715792e-08
Also, I mapped some points to check the function visually and these are the results.
Here's one way you can think about it: for a given point P in the sphere, take the segment that starts at the origin, passes through P, and ends at the surface of the cube. Let L be the length of this segment. Now all you need to do is multiply P by L; this is equivalent to mapping ||P|| from the interval [0, 1] to the interval [0, L]. This mapping should be one-to-one - every point in the sphere goes to a unique point in the cube (and points on the surface stay on the surface). Note that this is assuming a unit sphere and cube; the idea should hold elsewhere, you'll just have a few scale factors involved.
I've glossed over the hard part (finding the segment), but this is a standard raycasting problem. There are some links here that explain how to compute this for an arbitrary ray versus axis-aligned bounding box; you can probably simplify things since your ray starts at the origin and goes to the unit cube. If you need help simplify the equations, let me know and I'll take a stab at it.
It looks like there is a much cleaner solution if you're not afraid of trig and pi, not sure if it's faster/comparable though.
Just take the remaining components after determining the face and do:
u = asin ( x ) / half_pi
v = asin ( y ) / half_pi
This is an intuitive leap, but this seems to back it up ( though not exactly the same topic ), so please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm too lazy to post an illustration that explains why. :D