Why is my IP adress different when displayed by different methods - ip

I am new to all this, so I am sorry if the question is stupid. I am learning about networking and I want to find out IP address of my own computer.
When I try to display it through ipconfig, my router's configuration page and by simply googling, I see different IP-address
Thank you in advance for help
in ip-config it starts with 10. ...
in router's conf page 192.168.1. ...
when googling 213. ...

ipconfig will give you the address of your machine. This will be some private IP address. Your router will have two IP address - One public and one private. All machines in your local network (house probably) will talk to the router via its private address, while everything out in the Internet talk to your router via its public address.
So, ipconfig provides the address of your computer, your router's config page shows its private address, and Google will show you your router's public address.
Some terms to look up: Look up Public vs Private IP addresses and how NAT works and this will all make more sense.


Why is my public IP address the same as my private IP address?

It should be impossible right? But I used ipconfig and it is exactly the same as when I use a website to check my public IP address. They both start with 76.
It is possible to have public IP the same as your private one of course.
It seems like you are plugged directly into your ISP's network, without any NAT or other router in your way.

Public IP address vs Private IP address

Good day to all,
I am trying to study networking basics. Watched a ton of videos, researched abit and understood better. However I can't find answers to what I am curious about. Forgive me, I am just a beginner in this IT thing.
A computer has a Public IP address (which is sensitive), and obtains a Private IP address after it is connected to a router.
A router has a Public IP address and also a Private IP address ( for linksys). It will then assign all the devices connnected to it which its own Private IP address, for example
So here is something I don't quite understand (even after researching online);
Mobile phones uses its own public ip address to connect to the internet via Mobile Data, is that right?
Desktop does not uses its public address at all since it is always connected to a router which assigns it a private ip address?
When a computer outside the network wants to connect to a computer inside a network, does the connection happen directly between computer to computer or does it have to connect through the router where the router will then pass the connection to the computer inside the network?
I can't seem to find any explanation how computer IP public address are utilised since it is always connected to a router where it has its own private IP address.
Forgive me, I am just a beginner. Thank you in advance.
1.) Yes(Mobile Phones are connected via radio masts which are provided by your provider.)
2.) Yes, Desktop Computers same as Mobile Phones which are connected to the router via wifi use the routers IP Adress.
3.) If a computer outside the networks needs data from a computer inside your network it sends a request to your router which forwards it to your computer (which request are forwarded determines the firewall of your router). Also if you request data from a computer outside your network you send a request to your router and the router sends a request to the network of the other computer.

How to determine the Public IP address for a Tinc VPN to work?

Me and my 3 friends want to connect our computers through a VPN with each other. We thought of using Tinc for our purpose. While I understood most of the part of setting up but what I'm unable to get is the Public IP of my computer. Tinc requires the Public IP of at least one of the hosts for it to initiate connection. I tried going on the internet to find my Public IP but different websites are giving me different results. What should I put in the configuration file for my Public IP?
Specifically we have a Raspberry Pi which is with me currently. We want everyone of us to be able to access the device. I installed Tinc on the Pi and then I don't know what to do for the Public IP. I'm using SSH to control the Raspberry Pi. So please tell me how to find the public address of the Pi through SSH.
You can find your Public IP address by using one of these methods.
Open Google and type "What's my IP". Google displays your Public IP address in the result.
Go to What Is My IP to find out your Public IP.
Since you're using the command line, I would recommend this: execute curl ipinfo.io/ip command and your Public IP will be displayed.
If your router does not reboot, you public IP is not supposed to change. So, if you go on a website like this one, you should have your public IP displayed.

Why can't I access a local file from my public ip address if I can from my private ip address?

I'm able to open the website being served on port 4568 on (localhost) and my private ip address, but I can't seem to do so on my public ip address. I've tried to access the website by typing :4568 after my public ip like I did for my localhost and private ip.
Is it possible to open a site running locally on my computer through my public IP? If so, how? If not, why not?
NOTE: I'm not exactly clear what tags are appropriate. Feel free to add or remove any you deem inappropriate.
You are likly behind a NAT. What this means is that your public IP address and private IP address are not necessarily mapped to each other fully. To explicitly map your application to your public address, try the following:
Go to your modems management page
Look for a 'Port Forwarding' tab (might be under an advanced or
router menu)
There will probably be two or three field to enter:
The port on the public ip address to forward traffic from
The IP address to forward traffic to (your private IP)
(might be there) The port to send it to on the private IP
Assuming this works, all traffic going to your public IP address on that port will now go to your private IP address.
WARNING This is a simple rule and everyone on the internet can now access that port
Also make sure your web server is listening on (all IP addresses) and your local firewall is allowing remote connections on the port in question.

NET: Implementation in C#

I have a router that runs on two VM. The second VM has IP address of
I have look IP address overview,
Private networks should use private network addresses like 192.168.x or 10.x. It is not a good idea to use a public IP address that has not been assigned to you. At this moment reverse DNS seems to say that is unassigned but that doesn't make it safe to use.
