Symfony2 - integration of ckeditor and sonata media bundle - symfony

I am trying to integarte IvoryCKEditor with sonata media bundle. Perpose is to allow image uploads in ckeditor. I tried it using a CoopTilleulsCKEditorSonataMediaBundle but i keep getting an error:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_browser" as such route does not exist.") in "IvoryCKEditorBundle:Form:ckeditor_widget.html.twig".
Thanks :)

You should check your routes with the command:
$ php app/console debug:router | grep ckeditor
Then you have to replace admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_browser and admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_upload by routes founded with this command, in the config of ivory_ck_editor (maybe in your config.yml or your ivory_ckeditor.yml file)
If you don't have route for ckeditor, I think you should check if you install correctly the bundle.

1) install SonataFormatterBundle 2) add the bundle and its dependencies in AppKernel 3) config files 4) CLEAR CACHE 5) roll

Reason of the issue
This problem arises when trying to integrate CKEditor through the
SonataFormatterBundle without using the SonataAdminBundle.
In fact, the integration proposed by the SonataFormatterBundle is meant to only work for the SonataAdminBundle, and no easy integration for a custom admin bundle is currently available.
Note that this dependency is not specified in the documentation at the moment.
How to solve the problem
Simply install the SonataAdminBundle following this installation process. You do need to configure the bundle entirely as specified in the documentation. To add the routes that were missing, such as admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_browser, simply add the following to your config/routes.yml:
# This is your custom admin bundle
resource: "#AdminBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /admin/
# Import SonataAdminBundle routes
resource: "#SonataAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing/sonata_admin.xml"
prefix: /admin/sonata # put whatever prefix here
resource: .
type: sonata_admin
prefix: /admin

Just to add something.
If you are SURE that you have installed, all dependencies, and set all configs correctly, and still getting this error, then the cause may be that you have defined your 'sonata_media' prefix in routing.yml differently.
You can check all urls in your project in:
In there you will find ALL routes in a variable $declaredRoutes
Afterwards simply put correct route name for browsing.

It will not work without SonataMediaBundle - you will need to install it with SonataFormatterBundle
Sonata become too complicated as for me, so I just use IvoryCKEditorBundle directly


Symfony Bundle references "#Bundle" - FileLocatorFileNotFoundException

I am currently building my own Symfony bundle (I am using version 3.3). It works fine so far, but now I wanted to move the bundle-specific service definition out of my app/config/services.yml to a service definition within the bundle.
I created a src/MyBundle/Resources/config/services.yml and followed the guide How to Load Service Configuration inside a Bundle to load it. That works just fine, but I thought that the paths inside the newly created services.yml look a bit ugly:
resource: '../../*'
exclude: '../../{Tests}'
So I thought it would look a little cleaner, if I use the #Bundle-notation instead:
resource: '#MyBundle/*'
exclude: '#MyBundle/{Tests}'
However, than I was facing the error:
The file "#MyBundle" does not exist (in: <...>\MyBundle\DependencyInjection/../Resources/config), where <...> corresponds to an absolute path.
I also tested whether it was a naming issue of the bundle name, but when I have a wrongly named bundle reference in the app/config/services.yml, e.g. #SomeBundleThatDoesNotExist then I get a different error:
Bundle "SomeBundleThatDoesNotExist" does not exist or it is not enabled.
So my question is: Why does the #Bundle-notation work fine in the app/config/services.yml but not in the src/MyBundle/Resources/config/services.yml?
If you use the service remember make public for external use:
autowire: true
public: true
But, if your symfony dont know where is the bundle please chec this answer:
Symfony generated Bundle doesn't work

Symfony2 route not found order

I built a symfony2 project and I have a problem with my app/config/routing.yml. I have two routes for two bundles and only the last route can be resolved. If I change the order, still only last route can be resolved and for the first route I have an error message "No route found for "GET /collaborateur/". Any solutions?
This is my app/config/routing.yml:
resource: "#FrontOfficeBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /collaborateur
resource: "#BackOfficeBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /platform
First, it would be good to run router:debug in order to see which routes got loaded in fact.
php app/console router:debug
You should be able to see both of those here.
Secondly, I noticed that you sent a request to GET /collaborateur/. You might be hitting a known Symfony2 routing problem when it comes to trailing slash. It was described in this cookbook.
Can you try to open /collaborateur (without trailing slash)?

Error While Updating Symfony2 Project

I'm trying to inject a Google Analytics tracking number into all my Symfony2 views so I used the instructions here using this method:
# app/config/config.yml
ga_tracking: "%ga_tracking%"
And then I added my tracking number to parameters.yml
# app/config/parameters.yml
ga_tracking: UA-xxxxx-x
And everything works perfectly but as soon as I do a composer.phar update or install I get the following message:
You have requested a non-existent parameter "ga_tracking".
And the ga_tracking line in my parameters.yml file gets erased (along with a couple other variables I've defined using the same process).
Any help would be appreciated.
The parameters.yml file is edited by Composer upon update, there's actually a comment about this at the top of the file...
# This file is auto-generated during the composer install
If you want to store additional parameters, store them elsewhere. In your config.yml, add a custom parameters file to your current imports :
- { resource: parameters.yml }
- { resource: my_parameters.yml } # Your custom file.
- { resource: security.yml }
Once you've made the edit, add your variables/parameters into a my_parameters.yml file instead. This one should be left untouched when updating. Don't forget to specify the parameters group in your custom file as well :
ga_tracking: "Your-tracking-code"
#ga_tracking: "%ga_tracking%"

Symfony2 CRUD routing Failed

After executing the following command for CRUD generation:
php app/console generate:doctrine:crud --entity=AcmeDemoBundle:Users --format=yml
i get error for automatic routing update by CRUD for each entity.
Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]? yes
Importing the CRUD routes: FAILED
The command was not able to configure everything automatically.
You must do the following changes manually.
- Import the bundle's routing resource in the bundle routing file
resource: "#AcmeDemoBundle/Resources/config/routing/categories.yml"
prefix: /categories
I also tried creating a new bundle but still gets same error. So everytime i add the above code in routing file /src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
Can someone please suggest what i am missing?
I get the same thing, not sure how to get the generation to work right but it wants you to add that code to your main routing.yml file so it can link the generated routes:
resource: "#AcmeDemoBundle/Resources/config/routing/categories.yml"
prefix: /categories

How to display the 404 error page in Symfony2 dev environment

I want to work on the 404 page from the dev environment. I customize 404 using this file : app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error.html.twig
This prod url work correctly :
But this one throw a NotFoundHttpException and give me the dev debug page.
Is it possible to display the error page instead of debug page ?
The official documentation has now a chapter about that : Testing Error Pages during Development
To display error pages, in web/app_dev.php change second parameter to false
$kernel = new AppKernel('dev', false);
After testing what you need, change it back.
Thanks #user2019515 for pointing that out - now (2.3 and up) there's a link to WebfactoryExeptionsBundle in Symfony docs and the method I wrote above should not be used.
As of Symfony2.6 in dev environment, you can use the following route:
Where 404 is the error code to test and html the format of the request.
To be able to use this features, make sure you have the following entry in your routing_dev.yml file:
# app/config/routing_dev.yml
resource: "#TwigBundle/Resources/config/routing/errors.xml"
prefix: /_error
You need to override the exception_full.html.twig template on development.
Symfony2 uses this template to provide you with as much debugging information as possible during development.
When the kernel is in debug mode, Symfony2 will use exception_full.html.twig, otherwise it will use the specific templates you override.
See vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/TwigBundle/Controller/ExceptionController.php, specifically the showAction() and findTemplate() functions for more details.
Also you can add routes to your routing_dev.yml file
path: /404
_controller: FrameworkBundle:Template:template
template: TwigBundle:Exception:error404.html.twig
path: /500
_controller: FrameworkBundle:Template:template
template: TwigBundle:Exception:error500.html.twig
