SVG Links and PNG fallback without Javascript - css

I have a good selection of SVG graphics on my site here
They look crisp and I would love to continue using them, although I have a problem when i combine them with fallback for IE when they have links.
For example this is fine
<a href="index.htm">
<img src="Images/Poiple-Shadow.svg" width="32" height="32" alt="Poiple Shadow Charity Website" class="logo200">
But when I add the svg as an object and include a line for PNG support the link does not work anymore.
<a href="Goa-India-Map.htm" title="Goa Tourist Map">
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="Images/Buy-Items-To-Donate.svg" class="myimgleft">
<img src="Images/Buy-Items-To-Donate.png" width="200" height="156" alt="Give to charity - Donate to Street Children Charity" class="myimgleft">
I have searched and found that I could include the link in the SVG itself, although this means that the SVG would only link to a single address. Not ideal. Anyone know of a clean, basic, solution as I like to keep my site as basic as possible where ever I can just using HTML5 and CSS.

This is hacky, but I've used a trick from CSS Tricks in the past.
Unfortunately there's not a convenient anchor on that page to link to, but it looks like this:
.my-element {
background-image: url(fallback.png);
background-image: url(image.svg), none;
Apparently support of multiple backgrounds and SVG mostly overlap, so anything that doesn't support svg will use the top background-image while anything that does support svg will use the bottom. Clever, but like I said, hacky, and the best trick I know that doesn't use Modernizr.
CSS Tricks reports that "this works well in IE 6-8, but sadly not in Android 2.3 which supports multiple backgrounds but not SVG," so caveat emptor.
In reply to your comment below:
Your SVG looks like this right now:
<a href="index.htm">
<img src="Images/Poiple-Shadow.svg" width="32" height="32" alt="Poiple Shadow Charity Website" class="logo200">
In your stylesheet, you can add to class .logo200:
.logo200 {
background-image: url(Images/Poiple-Shadow.png); // make a png or jpg version of the image
background-image: url(Images/Poiple-Shadow.svg), none;
width: 32px; //give it width and height
height: 32px;
Now, instead of using an <img> tag, use a div:
<a href="index.htm">
<div class="logo200"></div>
The browser should show the SVG if it supports multiple backgrounds (and therefore svgs). If the browser does not support SVG, it likely doesn't support multiple backgrounds, so it will only show the first background-image property.


make svg object clickable link and maintain the objects hover styles

The Problem
I have an object for my SVG which is wrapped in an anchor. The problem I face is that I want my SVG to have hover styles but I also need it to be clickable, hence the need for the anchor.
My Object:
<a href="">
<object data="mysvg.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
<span>Your browser doesn't support SVG images</span>
The problem is that the object is an element that has interaction and upon hover it was not registering the anchor. To combat this I tried:
pointer-events: none;
This solved that issue and let the be the clickable element. The downside is now my objects hover styles don't work because technically the object is not longer the element I'm hovering.
Before the object...
I originally adopted the method of using the xlink method:
<a href="#" class="my-button">
<svg viewBox="0 0 297 149" class="my-icon">
<use xlink:href="svgsprite.svg#my-icon"></use>
But I faced real issues getting the SVG parts to style consistently across browsers. Chrome in particular didn't like it.
Is there a way I can get the indivdual parts of my SVG styled via CSS, i.e. the fill colours and still use it in the way I'm trying to do by wrapping it within an anchor? Is there a newer (better) approach?
You can find a working example to demonstrate my problem a little better. Please find that here.
It's not exactly clear from your question what exactly you are trying to do (a test case would be useful).
But have you tried the approach of using an SVG <a> element, rather than an HTML one? Perhaps that will help you avoid the issues you are having.
<svg viewBox="0 0 297 149" class="my-icon">
<a xlink:href="" class="my-button">
<use xlink:href="svgsprite.svg#my-icon"></use>
SVG inherits some styling properties from external <a> elements in slightly unexpected ways. That may be the source of your styling woes.

SVG-images in IE are cropped instead being scaled

An SVG newbie needs your help.
I've created some SVG files using Inkscape and trying to implement these in my website scaling them over CSS ( height:12pt;width:auto; ).
It does work fine in Chrome and Opera but doesn't in IE 9 and IE for WP8.1:
The images are cropped to the indicated height instead being scaled.
Does anyone have the same issues or even a solution?
Thank you in advance!
Here's a link to the Image
Here's the integration code:
<div id="social">Social:
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="me"title="Besuchen Sie unser XING-Profil">
<img id="xing" class="svg" src="fileadmin/sprachvertraut/svg/xing.svg"alt="Unser XING-Profil">ing</a> </div>
#xing {height:1em;width:1em;border:solid 1px #eef;border-radius:0.2em;margin-bottom:-0.1em;}
Do you need more infos?

When targeting a Picture element in CSS, should we use img or picture selector?

So the new Picture element looks like this:
<source ... />
<img browsers will fall back to this width="10" height="10" />
In our CSS, we want to set say a background color.
picture {background-color: red};
img {background-color: yellow};
Will a Picture enabled browser just show a red background, while non enabled browsers show a yellow background? Or a combination of the two. Likewise, will an Picture enabled browser see the height/width attributes on the img element, or is the img element ignored completly?
The idea of the picture element is that that it simply provides source information for its enclosed img element, and that it is always the img element that is rendered, not the picture element.
However, I can't see anything normative in the spec that suggests that the picture element will be treated by default as anything other than an inline element, so I expect that you will be able to style it with a different display setting, give it padding etc., in the same way as you can do with span elements, in which case, the background-color will behave in the same way as a span element around an img element does today.
So targeting both might be appropriate. The backgrounds will simply layer as normal. But the img will be rendered, so in your scenario, the background behind the image will be yellow, assuming of course that the img has at least some degree of transparency.
Since no browser supports it, guess we'll need to wait to see the implementation, but by the looks of it so far, and according to current docs, it seems img tag will be completely ignored and only used as fallback.
The new implementation is as follows:
<source media="(min-width: 64em)" src="high-res.jpg">
<source media="(min-width: 37.5em)" src="med-res.jpg">
<source src="low-res.jpg">
<img src="fallback.jpg" alt="This picture loads on non-supporting browsers.">
<p>Accessible text.</p>
since you'll need to define the images inside <picture> element as sources and you won't have an img tag, implementation in browsers with Picture implementation shouldn't recognize anything inside an img tag unless the media src isn't defined.
However, it's easy to see this approach will cause a double download of images since browsers download all <img> tags first. Because of this, there's a proposal by David Newton: to use <object> or <embed> as fallback image containers to avoid duplication of images being downloaded.
All the above being said, we just need to wait, but in short, my answer is that your first option picture {background-color: red}; is the correct one

Browser not showing the correct SVG

Well, this is a weird one.
I have web page with several svg images.
(I also detect not supported svg browsers and display a regular image instead, but I guess it is not relevant here).
Sometimes (I found it so far in Chrome OSX and Windows), the browser displays another svg instead of the one mentioned in the html .
Assuming I have to svg files linked from my page, logo.svg and logo2.svg, it might display logo2.svg intead of logo.svg.
I've inspected the elements , and all seems to be fine. HTML referes to one svg, while the browser displays a different svg (located on another part of the html) instead.
Any idea ?
<a href="Home">
<div style="float:left;width:170px;height:154px;">
<object class="svg-default" data="/images/logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml" style="width:100%; height:100%;z-index:1000;">
<img class="svg-fallback" src="/images/logo.png" style="width: 151px; height: 41px; display: none;">
Maybe you can dynamically insert the div element with the <object> as its child. And when you want to show another svg, remove the previous div & insert a new div with updated svg.

set up img in the header of my website

I'm building a web site and I'm using HTML5. I'd insert into my header an img that is my company's logo. In terms of efficient and correctness it is better set up css propriety as background-image: url("logo.gif") in my css style or including in the html file
<img src="logo.gif" alt="logo" />
It is best to include the image as an img tag, not a background-image.
This means that if the client has disabled CSS on their browser, or it doesn't support CSS, they will still be able to see the logo at the top of the page.
This would also mean you could make the logo a link to the home page, which has become a general usability point for websites these days:
<img src="logo.gif" alt="logo" />
For more information on this sort of situation, see this popular StackOverflow post:
When to use IMG vs. CSS background-image?
that depends.
If your logo should be clickable then include it in the HMTL. (usebility)
If it is only present for design purposes go with the CSS.
It is generally a better idea to define everything related to the appearance of the Website in the CSS.
<div id="company_logo"></div>
Unless you need to have some contents over your logo, I'd go for the <img> tag (it is also screen reader-friendly provided you have the "alt" text).
Background images can not be printed, if your site has the purpose of being printed, then your logo won't display.
Remember that a logo is a content, and a background is a style. Using a background as a logo is not semantic.
