Google Analytics for website with internet and intranet URL? - google-analytics

I want to monitor the traffic for one of the websites hosted in our organization.This website is available over internet and intranet.
Internet URL : https://'portal' ( is domain name)Intranet URL : https://'portal'(This is without FQDN and can be reached without having internet connection)
I have 2 questions below:
1.How do I configure google analytics to work with nonFQDN (Intranet) version of the website too? Some of the posts mentioning doing below changes to the tracking code once its generated.This is for universal analytics.
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'none');
2.If I do changes mentioned in 1 to tracking code ,will I be able to monitor traffic on both URLs (Intranet and internet) using single profile on google analytics?
Any pointers would be much appreciated? Thanks.


I built a Social Network, how can i be seen as Social Network in Google Analytics?

I built a Social Network, and i would like to know how can i be seen as Social Network in Google Analytics for the traffic i send?
Thank you
You will be once your network grows significant enough for Google add it to their default grouping.
The other option is for you to add a “linker” something to be between your site and the sites you’re sending traffic to.
Someone posts a link to on your site.
Your site modified that site to
But the above would only work if the sites you’re redirecting to also uses GA.

Google Analytics Offline tracking

I need to track information with Google analytics from within an intranet site and people consuming it may not have internet access.
Is there any way to do it?
One possible way would be to keep track of all events in an intranet server (the server that serves that intranet site could be an ideal one to do that), and then from that intranet server you can send HTTP request to google analytics i.e. proxy the analytics AJAX from clients to Google Analytics server
You can debug the request details using browser developer tools or else you can also try changing the URL of GA library source code to your intranet site that would proxy the request to google Analytics.

Google Analytics specific URL for any tracking code

As I understood, using Google Analytics, I can create a tracking code that I can embed into any application of website. However, is it receive a specific URL that is used for tracking the whole application in order for me to whitelist the traffic with my ISP so that I can charge the traffic for FREE for that specific URL - rather than whitelist the traffic of all google analytics (Which the ISP cannot do due to the heavy traffic generated by it) ?
You do not need to whitelist any traffic from your ISP. GA tracking works by collecting data from visitors to your site and has nothing to do with all other traffic on sites hosted by your ISP. As long as you have your tracking code on all of your own pages, then your site traffic will be tracked.

Can we use google analytics for Internal website?

I have an Intranet application which is accessible from within company firewall. To track some specific pages, I want to implement Google Analytics in my Intranet application. This application is accessible from outside only when user system has some specific certificate installed.
Is it possible to implement Google Analytics in my Intranet application?
Will this Google analytics work inside company firewall?
How Google analytics work i.e. what is the actual flow of google analytics?
Yes, Google analytics can be used for internal web applications too. Please visit this URL which will clear your doubts. If you click on the given link and able to access analytics.js file from your internal network you can use Google analytics for your internal applications protected from corporate firewall.
Please note that after implementation, tracking data would be available around 24 hours only. So, you need to wait for 24 hours first. Even if you are not able to view the tracking data, please visit this link. You will find the possible reasons behind not working your analytics code.
In order for Analytics to generate reports for your corporate intranet
usage, your corporate network must be able to reach the Analytics
JavaScript file (analytics.js).
Your intranet must also be accessible
through a fully qualified domain name such as
http:// The Analytics JavaScript won't work if
your intranet can only be accessed using a domain name that isn't
fully qualified, such as http:// intranet
In your example, if a person without the certificate you mentioned can still reach the domain (that is, there is a public DNS entry for the domain name) even if they get an 'access denied' or similar message, the tracking should still work.
Google Analytics is Software as a Service and runs on the Google Servers. If your clients cannot reach the Google server than you cannot send tracking data and Google Analytics will not show anything. You may need to adjust your firewall rules to let calls to the Analytics servers pass (are you that you want a third party javascript to send data from your intranet to the internet, though ? There might be legal ramifications, too, after all implementing a script basically means to hand control of the clients to a third party).
If the server for your intranet is connected to the internet you could collect all hits in a log and pipe this to Google Analytics.
However Google Analytics might not be the best choice. You most certainly do not need campaign data, you probably do not have ecommerce in your company and depending on your type of company geo data and technology data might not be relevant (after all you probably know what computers your employees use and where they are). And for a page counter a self hosted solution will do just as well.
Google Analytics requires that you place a script on each page you wish to track. Whenever a page with the script is loaded, the script runs and sends data to GA, so your users must be connected to the internet as well as the intranet for their usage statistics to register. One security issue to consider is the titles of your intranet's pages will be sent externally across the intranet, which your IT security may have an issue with.
For basic intranet analytics, I'd recommend starting with Piwik which is open source and installs on your server.
It will give you a lot of initial usage data and if your customer decides they want more, you can look into more sophisticated products.

Google analytics tracking Http Https

I have a website with http and https access. (,
Also, I have another website under
I need to set up Google analytics tracking for these websites.
Can I go along with a one tracking code?
Or do I have to get 3 tracking codes (as the analytics)?
Yes you can use one tracking code, the host doesn't matter, just make sure you're using Universal Analytics and not Classic Analytics.
The best test is to try it for yourself and see that you get hits correctly from both hosts.
