Insert id into list if checkbox is checked -

Net MVC and I have a table with products I want to buy.
I want to use a Checkbox to confirm the purchase.
But how can I insert the ID in a List<int>?
I have a class Approved with an attribute List<int> approve
I tried:
How can that task be done ?

You can easyly bind a list to a model:
Model Binding To A List
So, you simply need to make a list of a class created for this, which includes the integer id, and a boolean to hold the checkbox state, somethign like this:
public class IdState
public int Id {get;set;}
public bool Checked {get;set;}
The list must be of this class, i.e. List<IdState>
The key is using a syntax like this:
Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m[i].Product)
Which will produce and input whose name is something like this:
Then, the model binder will bind your list automatically. Of course, your post action must recevied a List<IdState> to function properly.

u can use html to insert id to your checkbox
#model yourModel
//for generate checkbox
<input type="checkbox" #(yourmodel ? " checked=checked " : null) name="YourCheckBoxName" value="#model.ID" >
use formCollection for get value in your controller from your view

I solved this problem that way:
This Javascript function walks through all checkboxes and saves the Id of the checked once to an hidden input.
function submit() {
var x = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++){
if ($("#" + ids[i].toString() + ".cb").is(':checked')) {
After toggling a checkbox the value of the hidden input is refreshed
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input.cb").change(function () {
Here I create an array with all possible ids to improve simplicity and performance.
Otherwise I had to walk through all possible ids and check them.
This is my checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" value="#id" id="#id" class="cb" />


Is using Viewbag for remembering past form inputs a bad idea?

I have a small core mvc application that basically consists of a form that a user can input some constraints into, and then get a filtered list of data depending on those constraints.
The controller action for filtering data basically looks like this:
public async Task<IActionResult> Query(QueryModel query)
var customers = await _context.Customers.AsQueryable().FilterCustomerList(query);
return View("Index", customers);
Now, my issue is that I would like the inputs in the fields to persist after entering them and being redirected to the view again. Right now they are currently just reset.
One way of doing this that I found was using viewBag. An example for a single query attribute is this:
public async Task<IActionResult> Query(QueryModel query)
var customers = await _context.Customers.AsQueryable().FilterCustomerList(query);
ViewBag.Name = query.Name;
return View("Index", customers);
and then the inpuit html elelment would look like:
<div class="col-md-4">
<input name="Name" type="text" placeholder="First name" value="#ViewBag.Name"class="form-control">
And this makes sure that if something has been entered into a field, it will now be entered into the field when after the query has been submitted.
But when I read up on ViewBag, I understand that a lot of .net developers have an aversion to it. It's not safe, the compiler can't catch errors in it easily etc.
Also, If I were to add all the input fields in my form to the viewbag, I would need a lot of lines of ViewBag.Attribute = query.SomeAttribute (20-30). Which seems like a code-smell too.
Is there any nicer way to do what I am trying to here?
You haven't included your QueryModel class and that class could be a key point to a cleaner approach.
You see, usually the user data, POSTed to your action is bound to the model, from there it's rendered on the form and is POSTed again. The model binding is where an input of a specific name is bound to a model member of the same name.
Thus, there's no need for viewbags.
More formally:
The Model
public class QueryModel
[your-validators-in-attributes, e.g. Required or MaxLength
there can be multiple validators]
public string Name { get; set; }
The controller:
async Task<IActionResult> Query(QueryModel query)
// query.Name is there, bound from the view
The View:
#model .....QueryModel
#Html.TextBoxFor( m => m.Name, new { placeholder = "a placeholder" } )
The html helper does two things
renders an input of the given name (Name in this case)
sets its value depending on the actual value from the model
In newer ASP.NETs you can achieve similar result by using tag helpers, where instead of Html.TextBoxFor(...) you write
<input asp-for="Name" />
These two approaches, using html helpers or using tag helpers are equivalent. In both cases there's no need for view bags.

Building ASP.NET with MVC, trying to create a filter from Dropdown list

First post here so be gentle please :)
I am creating an ASP.NET with MVC web app that shows a list of items of the same class (Laptop)
I want to create a Dropdown list in the main view below each title that will allow me to filter the results OnChange - hence the selection is empty, but the user can click and select the value in the DropDown list, and the main view items list will update immediately according to the selection.
This is how the list looks now:
Snapshot of the list
I want to implement a dropdown, but I can't seem to get the selected value from the dropdown: (The DropDownlist is populated properly, and working)
<select class="form-control" asp-items="Html.GetEnumSelectList<purpose>()"
onchange="#{Model = Model.Where(m=>m.Purpose == /*HERE SHOULD BE THE VALUE SELECTED*/)}">
<option selected="selected" value="">-Select one-</option>
And then refreshing the page... but - how do I get the selected value from inside the selection?
If it was in JavaScript I would have done:
html.document.getElementById("The id of the selection").value
but I don't want JavaScript since this is all ASP.NET
To be clear, I have 5 different dropdown lists to filter by, and they can be selected or not.
You're mixing up client-side vs. server-side code. The example below uses only MVC and a full client-server architecture. Each request requires a round-trip to the server.
You have 3 components in this scenario.
public class ProductsViewModel
public IList<Laptop> Laptops { get; set; }
public PurposeEnum Purpose { get; set; }
public class ProductsController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
// Retrieve all records without a filter
var unfiltered = db.Laptops.ToList();
var viewModel = new ProductsViewModel() { AvailableLaptops = unfiltered };
return View(viewModel);
public IActionResult Index(ProductsViewModel viewModel)
// Use viewModel.Purpose & viewModel.Maker to filter records from database
var filtered = db.Laptops.Where(l => l.Purpose == viewModel.Purpose).ToList();
var filteredViewModel = new ProductsViewModel()
AvailableLaptops = filtered,
Purpose = viewModel.Purpose
return filteredViewModel;
#model MyNameSpace.ViewModel
using (BeginForm())
foreach (var l in Model.AvailableLaptops)
// Loop through Model.AvailableLaptops and generate table
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
When you visit the URL /Products/Index for the first time, the GET action handler will be triggered. It will generate an unfiltered list of your products along with the dropdown list required for filtering.
When you make your selection and submit the form, the POST action handler will be triggered, and use the selected values in the Purpose and Maker properties of the view model to filter the records. The same view is generated, but with a filtered down list of products.
This is very basic code that ignores validation, error handling and security.

Blazor: binding to a MultiSelectList (ideally with a checkbox)

Experimenting with Blazor (Server, if that makes any difference), and I'm having difficulty getting binding to a MultiSelectList to work....
Bit of background: I'm dealing with EF Core and have a Many-to-Many relationship, let's say between people and cars. I'm currently loading a page that shows the existing details, and allowing the user to update this page.
So in my Service, I load my Person entity from the DB, and this includes the details of all the cars they currently own. I also load the list of all the available cars. My Service method then creates a MultiSelectList and adds it to my ViewModel (to be returned to the Razor Page):
Service method
vm.CarSelector = new MultiSelectList(
person.OwnedCars.Select(oc => oc.CarId));
This is fictitious code, but I hope you get the picture. When debugging this (in the Service method) I can see that this MultiSelectList has an entry for every car, and the ones that are already selected are showing as Selected. Great!
Blazor Razor Page
So, this is where I come unstuck.... I can't work out how to do the two-way data-binding of a Razor control to this object.
I'm trying to use an <InputSelect />, but that might not be the best control to use.
ideally (actually, that's more of a "must have"), each option should have CheckBox.
I'm wondering whether the use of a MultiSelectList really buys me anything
Checkboxes are a bit different in blazor. Normally you would use the bind-value attribute on an input element as shown below, however, this is not recommended as you will only be able to read the value and NOT update the UI by changing the boolean value via code:
<input type="checkbox" #bind-value="#item.Selected"/>
Instead, use the #bind syntax for checkboxes, which is much more robust and will work both ways (changing the bound boolean value from code & interacting with the checkbox on the UI). See the syntax below:
<input type="checkbox" #bind="#item.Selected"/>
The bind attribute will automatically bind your boolean value to the "checked" property of the html element.
Also make sure you are binding to the "Selected" property rather than the "Value" property.
Using the built in bind will prevent the need to manually setup events as you did in your answer. You can also get rid of the if/else block and merge your code into a single code flow since you are now binding to the boolean rather than setting the checked property manually. If you still need to tap into an event to fire off some process(maybe hiding parts of UI on checking a box), I'd suggest using the onclick event and manually passing in the multiselect Item for each line. Here is the final code:
#foreach(var item in list)
<input type="checkbox" #bind="item.Selected" #onclick="(()=>handleClick(item))" />
#foreach(var item in list.Where(x=>x.Selected))
<p> Item #item.Text is Selected</p>
#code {
MultiSelectList list = new MultiSelectList(new List<Car> { new Car { Year = 2019, Make = "Honda", Model = "Accord" }, new Car { Make = "Honda", Model = "Civic", Year = 2019 } });
private void handleClick(SelectListItem item)
//Do something crazy
I got this to work with a component that takes the MultiSelectList as a parameter. There may be more elegant ways to achieve this (please do update if you know of a better way).
#using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components
#using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering
<div class="multiselect">
<div id="checkboxes">
#foreach (var item in this.Items)
<label for="#item.Value">
#if (item.Selected)
<input type="checkbox" id="#item.Value" checked="checked" #onchange="#((e) => CheckboxChanged(e, item.Value))" />
<input type="checkbox" id="#item.Value" #onchange="#((e) => CheckboxChanged(e, item.Value))" />
public MultiSelectList Items { get; set; } = null!;
private void CheckboxChanged(ChangeEventArgs e, string key)
var i = this.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value == key);
if (i != null)
i.Selected = (bool)e.Value;

Display a textbox based on checkbox selected when checkbox list is dynamic using JSF

I have a requirement in my project which specifies to display 2 textboxes based on a checkbox is checked. For every check box selected the 2 textboxes are the same. The twist is the check box list is dynamic to accomodate additions in the future. The check box list comes from DB.
How can this be done in JSF?
You can use valueChangeListener property of tag.
<h:selectManyCheckbox id="" value="#{bean.selectedItems}" valueChangeListener="#{bean.renderTextBox}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.checkBoxList}"/>
<h:inputText value="" rendered="#{bean.render}"/>
Have property called render in your bean.
In valuechange method i.e renderTextBox write following code
public void renderTextBox(event)
//change the value of render property to true or false depending on checkbox is checked or not
public boolean isInvokeApplicationPhase(FacesEvent event){
if(event.getPhaseId() != PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION){
return false;
return true;
And to get checkbox list from database write following method
public List getcheckBoxList()
public List checkBoxList = null
// retrieve list of checkbox from your db(write query here and assign returned list to checkBoxList variable and return that varaible)
getcheckBoxList() is a getter method. I've bound checkBoxList variable to <f:selectItems> tag
You can use javascript to hide and display the input box
var checkbox=document.getElementById("ID");
if(checkbox.value== 'null') = "none";
else = "inline";

Retrieving data from Html.DropDownList() in controller (ASP MVC) | string returned?

I have the following problem:
I have a form in site/banen (currently local running webserver) which is using a SQL database. The link is made using and is instantiated in the controller in the following way:
DBModelEntities _entities;
_entities = new DBModelEntities(); // this part is in the constructor of the controller.
Next, I use this database to fill a Html.DropDownList() in my view. This is done in two steps. At the controller side we have in the constructor:
ViewData["EducationLevels"] = this.GetAllEducationLevels();
and a helper method:
public SelectList GetAllEducationLevels()
List<EducationLevels> lstEducationLevels = _entities.EducationLevels.ToList();
SelectList slist = new SelectList(lstEducationLevels, "ID", "Name");
return slist;
In the view I have the following:
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) {%>
<!-- various textfields here -->
<label for="EducationLevels">EducationLevels:</label>
<!-- <%= Html.DropDownList("EducationLevels", ViewData["EducationLevels"] as SelectList)%> -->
<%= Html.DropDownList("EducationLevels", " option..")%>
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
<% } %>
Now, the form is rendered correctly when I browse to the create page. I can select etc. But when selected I have to use that value to save in my new model to upload to the database. This is where it goes wrong. I have the following code to do this in my controller:
// POST: /Banen/Create
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection form)
// set rest of information which has to be set automatically
var vacatureToAdd = new Vacatures();
//vacatureToAdd.EducationLevels = form["EducationLevels"];
// Deserialize (Include white list!)
// Validate
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vacatureToAdd.Title))
ModelState.AddModelError("Title", "Title is required!");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vacatureToAdd.Content))
ModelState.AddModelError("Content", "Content is required!");
// Update the variables not set in the form
vacatureToAdd.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; // Just created.
vacatureToAdd.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; // Just created, so also modified now.
vacatureToAdd.ViewCount = 0; // We have just created it, so no views
vacatureToAdd.ID = GetGuid(); // Generate uniqueidentifier
// TODO: Add insert logic here
// Return to listing page if succesful
return RedirectToAction("Index");
catch (Exception e)
return View();
It gives the error:
alt text
I have found various topics on this but all say you can retrieve by just using:
vacatureToAdd.EducationLevels = form["EducationLevels"];
Though this returns a string for me. Since I'm new to I think I am forgetting to tell to select the object to return and not a string. Maybe this is the selectedValue in the part where I make my SelectList but I can't figure out how to set this correctly. Of course I can also be complete on a sidetrack.
Sidenote: currently I'm thinking about having a seperate model like here.
Any help is appreciated.
You can't return an object from usual <SELECT> tag wich is rendered by Html.DropDownList() method, but only string variable could be returned. In your case ID of EducationLevels object will be send to the server. You should define and use one more custom helper method to reconstruct this object by ID.
