Multiple file insert in QTreewidget using Drag and Drop events - qt

I am working in Qt4.7 on MAC OSx. I want to insert files in QTreewidget using the Drag and Drop events. I want to add multiple files at a time. I am using this:
void MainWindow::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * e)
void MainWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent * e)
QTreeWidgetItem *Items = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui->treeWidget);
foreach(const QUrl &url,e->mimeData()->urls())
const QString &filename = url.toLocalFile();
qDebug() << "Dropped file:" << filename;
Using this, I am able to insert only one file at a time. Is there anyone who can help me out in this issue ? Your help will really appreciate.

The problem is that you create only one tree view item. However you need one per each Url you passed with the mime data:
void MainWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e)
foreach(const QUrl &url, e->mimeData()->urls()) {
QString filename = url.toLocalFile();
qDebug() << "Dropped file:" << filename;
QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui->treeWidget);
item->setText(0, filename);


How to wait for Async lamda function to finish before returning value in a QT Web Assembly

so I wrote a programm for my thesis in Qt and now i am supposed to turn it into a working web assembly, which wasnt a real problem except for the filedownload part. I rewrote my filedownload method from:
QString costumfile::read(QString filename){
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(nullptr, filename, "", "Text Files (*.txt )");
QFile file(filename);
if(! |
qDebug() << " Could not open the file for reading";
return "";
QTextStream in(&file);
QString myText = in.readAll();
//qDebug() << myText;
return myText;
To this:
QString costumfile::read(QString filename)
QMessageBox msgBox;
QString textUser="Open" + filename;
QString text="hallo";
auto fileContentReady = [&](const QString &fileName, const QString &fileContent) {
if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return fileContent;
return fileContent;
QFileDialog::getOpenFileContent(".txt", fileContentReady);
and the problem is that the return doesnt wait for the lambda function because its asynch...
I then tried using eventloops which works fine in the Destop applikation but isnt supported in the webassembly Applikation.
So does someone have a good idea how to wait for the fileContentReady Function?
As far as I know, Qt for WebAssembly currently does not support waiting using event loops (at least Qt 6.2 does not). See Qt wiki:
"Nested event loops are not supported. Applications should not call e.g. QDialog::exec() or create a new QEventLoop object."
So you would have to modify your method to handle the asynchronous call. What I mean is that whatever you want to do with the file, you can write directly into the fileContentReady lambda you have. If this is a generic function, you can let the caller register a done callback to execute when the file is ready. Something like:
QString costumfile::read(QString filename,
const std::function<void(const QString&)>& done)
auto fileContentReady = [=](const QString &fileName, const QString &fileContent) {
if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
// Report error
} else {
QFileDialog::getOpenFileContent(".txt", fileContentReady);
// When calling costumfile::read
read(filename, [=] (const QString& text) {
// Do something with `text`
Also, about the usage of QMessageBox exec(). This can also cause problems as it internally creates a nested event loop which is not yet supported in Qt for WebAssembly. Instead use the show() method.
auto msgBox = new QMessageBox();
connect(msgBox, &QMessageBox::finished, &QMessageBox::deleteLater);

Dropping images in Qt

I am looking to be able to take a QImage and drop it into an editing program such as Paint, for example. I've tried setting the mime data to the current image with the following code, but the data doesn't move correctly. The pixmap is displayed correctly, but the drop never happens. If anyone has any advice, that would be much appreciated! Thanks!
void LCDWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);
QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
QImage image = renderFramebuffer(lcdState);
QPixmap mymap = QPixmap::fromImage(image);
drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction);
} else {
I eventually figured this out with the following code. The solution is to copy the image to a local file, and then use the path to the file as the copy data.
void LCDWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);
QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
QImage image = getImage();
QPixmap mymap = QPixmap::fromImage(image);
QString path = QDir::tempPath() + randomString(5) + QStringLiteral(".png");, "PNG", 0);
mimeData->setUrls(QList<QUrl>() << QUrl::fromLocalFile(path));
drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction);
} else {

How to select file from MainMenu in Qt?

I load all text files from my folder to the MainMenu in my Qt application.
void MainWindow::loadFilesToMainMenu() {
QString pathToDir("/myfiles");
QDirIterator it(pathToDir, QStringList() << "*.txt", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext()) {
QString curPathName =;
QStringList fileSegments = curPathName.split('/');
QString curFileName = - 1);
QAction* action = new QAction(tr(curFileName.toStdString().c_str()), this);
// if new style selected?
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onLoadFile()));
There I create QActions for all files in my folder 'myfiles' and I connect these each of these ations to the SLOT onLoadfile():
void MainWindow::onLoadFile() {
QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
if (action)
qDebug() << " onLoadFile " << action->data().toString();
So each time I select one of those files in my MainMenu, this SLOt is triggered, but my debug message says:
onLoadFile ""
When I for instance select /myfiles/file1.txt
onLoadFile "/myfiles/file1.txt"
Wham am I missing? Thanx in advance
The answer from #m.s. solves my question very well...
You should use QAction::setData() before trying to read the data – m.s

Saving a qlistwidget after closing application

I have a program that allows for a user to create a profile that saves values using qsettings, the user accesses their profile by clicking on the name in a qlistwidget. I am trying to save the names of the profiles by using a text file but I am having trouble saving more than one profile name at a time. thank you! here is the code:
for saving a profilename to the text document
void Profile::writeProfilenames()
QString profilename = ui->lineEdit_profilename->text();
profilename = profilename.simplified();
QFile pfile("profilenames.txt");
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
QTextStream out(&pfile);
out << profilename;
for retrieving the profile names from the document
void Profile::readProfilenames()
QFile pfile("profilenames.txt");
if (! |
QString proname = pfile.readLine();
QListWidgetItem *itm = new QListWidgetItem;
P.S. if you know of a better way to do this then feel free to share! (with example please)
I don't quite see why you're saving the list of names in a text file, while the settings themselves are saved in a platform-specific fashion using QSettings.
The code you show has several problems:
Presumably you don't want to "write" the name to the file, overwriting the existing contents at the beginning, but specifically to append to the file. You also must specify a writable path to the file, so far you're using the current working directory that is: variable, not under your control, and not necessarily writable. Your code also doesn't handle repeated names.
QFile is a proper C++ class, and embodies the RAII principles. You don't have to do anything to flush and close the file. The compiler takes care of generating the proper code for you. That's why you're using C++ and not C, after all. Yes, your code compiles, but it reads like C, and such verbosity is unnecessary and counterproductive.
You're only retrieving one name from the file. You want to retrieve all of them.
I'd say that you should dispense with the file access, set up your application's identification, a crucial prerequisite to using QSettings, and, finally, use them:
struct Profile {
QString name;
int age;
void saveProfiles(const QList<Profile> & profiles)
QSettings s;
for (int i = 0; i < profiles.size(); ++i) {
const Profile & p =;
s.setValue("age", p.age);
s.endArray(); //optional
QList<Profile> loadProfiles()
QList<Profile> profiles;
QSettings s;
int size = s.beginReadArray("profiles");
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
Profile p; = s.value("name").toString();
p.age = s.value("age").toInt();
profiles << p;
s.endArray(); // optional
return profiles;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
app.setOrganizationName("fluxD613"); // ideally use setOrganizationDomain instead
return app.exec();
After a lot more research and trial and error I came up with the following code that does the trick:
this function is implemented when I close the profiles dialog window and return to the main window using QCloseEvent.
void Profile::writeProfilenames()
QFile pfile("profilenames.txt");
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
for(int row = 0; row < ui->listWidget_profiles->count(); row++)
QListWidgetItem *item = ui->listWidget_profiles->item(row);
QTextStream out(&pfile);
out << item->text().simplified() << "\n";
reading the list of profilenames is implemented when I open the dialog window just under ui->setup(this).
void Profile::readProfilenames()
QFile pfile("profilenames.txt");
if (! |
QTextStream in(&pfile);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem;
I am now working on making sure the user does not enter a profilename that already exists and deleting a profilename from the QListWidget.

QNetworkAccessManager not emitting finished signal with this code

so i have been browsing the previous questions before about this issue, but i could not find a solution for my code.
cpp file of dialog
#include "everesult.h"
#include "ui_everesult.h"
everesult::everesult(QWidget *parent) :
ui1(new Ui::everesult)
delete ui1;
void everesult::setmodel(QStandardItemModel *model)
void everesult::on_buttonBox_clicked(QAbstractButton *button)
EveReprocess M_;
QModelIndex Selectedindex = ui1->listView->currentIndex();
QModelIndex StationIdsindex = ui1->listView->model()->index(0, 1);
int typeID = 0;
int stationID = 0;
stationID = ui1->listView->model()->data(StationIdsindex, Qt::DisplayRole).toInt();
typeID = ui1->listView->model()->data(Selectedindex, Qt::DisplayRole).toInt();
M_.GetMaterials(typeID, stationID);
Getmaterial and replyFinished from main window.
void EveReprocess::GetMaterials(int typeId, int stationid)
//get typeid from material list
this->modelMaterial = new QSqlQueryModel();
modelMaterial->setQuery(QString("SELECT tm.quantity, tm.materialTypeID, t.typeName FROM invTypeMaterials tm INNER JOIN invTypes t ON t.TypeID = tm.materialTypeId WHERE tm.TypeID=%1 ").arg(typeId));
if (!modelMaterial->query().exec())
qDebug() << modelMaterial->query().lastError();
//Set eve Central Url with typeids
QUrl url = QUrl("");
QUrlQuery q;
int numRows = modelMaterial->rowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
QModelIndex index = modelMaterial->index(row, 1);
q.addQueryItem( QString("typeid"), QString::number(modelMaterial->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toInt()));
q.addQueryItem( QString("usesystem"), QString::number(stationid));
//set created url and connect
qDebug() << url;
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
manager->get(QNetworkRequest(url) );
void EveReprocess::replyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
qDebug() << "replyFinished called";
if ( reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError ) {
qDebug() << "Request failed, " << reply->errorString();
emit replyFinished(false);
qDebug() << "Request succeeded";
//process with xmlreader and get values
processSearchResult( reply);
some of the code is here, i think it should be somewhere here, as the rest works fine.
this issue showed up after i use a dialog to let user pick a int from a list.
below is the function that calls the dialog that i have made for this. sorry about code format wil clean it up after it is working
void EveReprocess::Search_TypeId(QString ItemName, QString SystemName)
QList<int> TypeIdList;
QList<int> StationIdList;
modelIds = new QStandardItemModel(10,2,this);
if !(db.isOpen()) return;
this->queryItem = new QSqlQuery;
queryItem->prepare("SELECT typeID FROM invTypes WHERE invTypes.typeName LIKE ? AND invTypes.groupID NOT IN (268,269,270)AND published= 1");
queryItem->bindValue(0, ItemName);
this->queryStation = new QSqlQuery;
queryStation->prepare("SELECT solarSystemID FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE mapSolarSystems.solarSystemName LIKE ?");
queryStation->bindValue(0, SystemName);
if(!queryStation->exec() || !queryItem->exec() )
qDebug() << queryItem->lastError().text();
qDebug() << queryItem->lastQuery();
qDebug() << queryStation->lastError().text();
qDebug() << queryStation->lastQuery();
while( queryStation->next())
for (int i = 0; i < StationIdList.count(); ++i)
modelIds->setItem(i,1,new QStandardItem(QString::number(;
for (int i = 0; i < TypeIdList.count(); ++i)
modelIds->setItem(i,0,new QStandardItem(QString::number(;
everesult Dialog;
Before you proceed any further, some of your code is allows SQL injections. Even when it's not a security hole, it'll still lead to bugs. Instead of using string substitution in SQL queries, you should be using bindings.
Your problem is here:
everesult Dialog;
The exec() is a blocking function - it blocks the main event loop until the dialog is dismissed. Thus the signals from the threaded network access manager never get delivered to your objects.
You should display the dialog box asynchronously, like so:
everesult * dialog = new everesult;
connect(dialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), dialog, SLOT(deleteLater());
connect(dialog, SIGNAL(rejected()), dialog, SLOT(deleteLater());
Note that it's misleading to have type names starting with lower case and variable names starting with upper case. Qt's convention is the opposite, and it's useful to retain it unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.
DO Parameter Binding in SQL Queries
QSqlQuery query("SELECT .. WHERE tm.TypeID=:typeid");
query.bindValue(":typeid", typeId);
QSqlQueryModel model;
DON'T DO String Substitution in SQL Queries
setQuery(QString("SELECT ... WHERE tm.TypeID=%1 ").arg(typeId));
