Approximation of sum/average of last n terms in a series - math

Assume I have a series t_1, t_2,..., t_n,..., and the number is always coming in. I want to calculate the approximate of sum/average of last t numbers, but without storing those t numbers. The only thing stored is the previous sum/average. What is the appropriate function?
s_1 = t_1
s_2 = f(t_2, s_1)
s_3 = f(t_3, s_2)
The possible function may be like s_2 = t_2 + s_1 * (e ^ -1), but what is the optimal solution?
Note: The window size is fixed. So there is no exact solution, but an approximation, since the number out of the window is not known.
Note 2: Thanks for all the discussion. I know the answer now. It is really trivial, my fault not thinking it well. I will delete this question later. But any way, the answer is, I should assume that the number out of the window is the average. Under this assumption, the new sum is
(old average)*(t-1) + new number
and the new average is
((old average)*(t-1)+(new number))/t

First of all, this realistically is probably a question for Mathematics Stack Exchange
but anyway, since you dont mention a programming language, Ill go with C# (with an array). lets call your series 'mySeries':
double average=0;
for (int i = 0; i < mySeries.Length; i++)
MessageBox.Show("Here is your average dawg:" + average.ToString());


Given a Number X (say, 24770). How do I find which powers of 2 it's been incremented by?

The problem i'm having is I've got a number 24770. There are several options on the server that can change this number by a power of 2. How do I know which powers it's been incremented by easily?
Would converting to binary help in this situation?
For example, given 24794 is it possible to easily see that 24770+2^3+2^4 was added here? Thanks!
Assuming the 24770 is always the same, it sounds like a red herring to obscure the problem. Just subtract that from the final number and it becomes a much simpler question of "which powers of two is this number made from?" (hint: look at the bit positions).
All integers can be expressed by a sum of powers of two. That's the basis of binary numbers.
For instance, the number 24794 is binary 110000011011010. Every 1 means +2^(position). In other words, you're looking at 2^14 + 2^13 + 2^7 + 2^6 + 2^4 + 2^3 + 2^1.
Therefore, any number can be the result of any other number incremented by any power of two. You might be trying to solve an equation with too many unknowns here.
Of course, the matter is different if it's always the same number that's being incremented by one power of two.
it is a bit-wise solvable question I think.
24864 - 24770 = 94 (01011110)
which means 1000000 (2^6) + 10000 (2^4) + 1000 (2^3) + 100 (2^2) + 10 (2^1).
Take use of the class BitArray, it may help.

Efficient program to check whether a number can be expressed as sum of two cubes

I am trying to write a program to check whether a number N can be expressed as the sum of two cubes i.e. N = a^3 + b^3
This is my code with complexity O(n):
#include <iostream>
#define ll unsigned long long
using namespace std;
int main()
bool flag=false;
ll t,N;
for(int i=1; i<=(ll)cbrtl(N/2); i++)
if(!(cbrtl(N-i*i*i)-(ll)cbrtl(N-i*i*i))) {flag=true; break;}
if(flag) cout<<"Yes\n"; else cout<<"No\n";
return 0;
As the time limit for code is 2s, This program is giving TLE? can anyone suggest a faster approch
I posted this also in StackExchange, so sorry if you consider duplicate, but I really don´t know if these are the same or different boards (Exchange and Overflow). My profile appears different here.
There is a faster algorithm to check if a given integer is a sum (or difference) of two cubes n=a^3+b^3
I don´t know if this algorithm is already known (probably yes, but I can´t find it on books or internet). I discovered and use it to compute integers until n < 10^18
This process uses a single trick
4(a^3+b^3)/(a+b) = (a+b)^2 + 3(a-b)^2)
We don´t know in advance what would be "a" and "b" and so what also would be "(a+b)", but we know that "(a+b)" should certainly divide (a^3+b^3) , so if you have a fast primes factorizing routine, you can quickly compute each one of divisors of (a^3+b^3) and then check if
(4(a^3+b^3)/divisor - divisor^2)/3 = square
When (and if) found a square, you have divisor=(a+b) and sqrt(square)=(a-b) , so you have a and b.
If not square found, the number is not sum of two cubes.
We know divisor < (4(a^3+b^3)^(1/3) and this limit improves the task, because when you are assembling divisors of (a^3+b^3) immediately discard those greater than limit.
Now some comparisons with other algorithms - for n = 10^18, by using brute force you should test all numbers below 10^6 to know the answer. On the other hand, to build all divisors of 10^18 you need primes until 10^9.
The max quantity of different primes you could fit into 10^9 is 10 (2*3*5*7*11*13*17*19*23*29 = 5*10^9) so we have 2^10-1 different combinations of primes (which assemble the divisors) to check in worst case, many of them discared because limit.
To compute prime factors I use a table with first 60.000.000 primes which works very well on this range.
Miguel Velilla
To find all the pairs of integers x and y that sum to n when cubed, set x to the largest integer less than the cube root of n, set y to 0, then repeatedly add 1 to y if the sum of the cubes is less than n, subtract 1 from x if the sum of the cubes is greater than n, and output the pair otherwise, stopping when x and y cross. If you only want to know whether or not such a pair exists, you can stop as soon as you find one.
Let us know if you have trouble coding this algorithm.

Can recursion be dynamic programming?

I was asked to use dynamic programming to solve a problem. I have mixed notes on what constitutes dynamic programming. I believe it requires a "bottom-up" approach, where smallest problems are solved first.
One thing I have contradicting information on, is whether something can be dynamic programming if the same subproblems are solved more than once, as is often the case in recursion.
For instance. For Fibonacci, I can have a recursive algorithm:
if (n=1 or n=2)
return 1
return RecursiveFibonacci(n-1) + RecursiveFibonacci(n-2)
In this situation, the same sub-problems may be solved over-and-over again. Does this render it is not dynamic programming? That is, if I wanted dynamic programming, would I have to avoid resolving subproblems, such as using an array of length n and storing the solution to each subproblem (the first indices of the array are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)?
F1 = 1
F2 = 1
for i=3 to n
Fi=Fi-1 + Fi-2
return Fn
Dynamic programs can usually be succinctly described with recursive formulas.
But if you implement them with simple recursive computer programs, these are often inefficient for exactly the reason you raise: the same computation is repeated. Fibonacci is a example of repeated computation, though it is not a dynamic program.
There are two approaches to avoiding the repetition.
Memoization. The idea here is to cache the answer computed for each set of arguments to the recursive function and return the cached value when it exists.
Bottom-up table. Here you "unwind" the recursion so that results at levels less than i are combined to the result at level i. This is usually depicted as filling in a table, where the levels are rows.
One of these methods is implied for any DP algorithm. If computations are repeated, the algorithm isn't a DP. So the answer to your question is "yes."
So an example... Let's try the problem of making change of c cents given you have coins with values v_1, v_2, ... v_n, using a minimum number of coins.
Let N(c) be the minimum number of coins needed to make c cents. Then one recursive formulation is
N(c) = 1 + min_{i = 1..n} N(c - v_i)
The base cases are N(0)=0 and N(k)=inf for k<0.
To memoize this requires just a hash table mapping c to N(c).
In this case the "table" has only one dimension, which is easy to fill in. Say we have coins with values 1, 3, 5, then the N table starts with
N(0) = 0, the initial condition.
N(1) = 1 + min(N(1-1), N(1-3), N(1-5) = 1 + min(0, inf, inf) = 1
N(2) = 1 + min(N(2-1), N(2-3), N(2-5) = 1 + min(1, inf, inf) = 2
N(3) = 1 + min(N(3-1), N(3-3), N(3-5) = 1 + min(2, 0, inf) = 1
You get the idea. You can always compute N(c) from N(d), d < c in this manner.
In this case, you need only remember the last 5 values because that's the biggest coin value. Most DPs are similar. Only a few rows of the table are needed to get the next one.
The table is k-dimensional for k independent variables in the recursive expression.
We think of a dynamic programming approach to a problem if it has
overlapping subproblems
optimal substructure
In very simple words we can say dynamic programming has two faces, they are top-down and bottom-up approaches.
In your case, it is a top-down approach if you are talking about the recursion.
In the top-down approach, we will try to write a recursive solution or a brute-force solution and memoize the results so that we will try to use that result when a similar subproblem arrives, so it is brute-force + memoization. We can achieve that brute-force approach with a simple recursive relation.

Confusion related to dynamic programming

I was going through this page related to dynamic programming. I am a big confused about the complexity given
Here in the third case the complexity is given as $O(n^2)$. I am not sure how it came to be that. Can anyone please elaborate. How the complexities were calculated here.
If i and j are both free to range from 1 to n, I can see n^2 subproblems by thinking about holding i fixed at 1 while ranging j from 1-n. Then do the same for all values of i 1-n. But the picture and set notation seem to imply j > i (a contiguous, unique set) so I think that makes it a bit confusing. I'm imagining i=2, j=1... could it be x2, x3 (interpreting j as the number of x's we want starting at 2?) or x2, x1 (interpreting j as the index)....

Efficient Multiplication of Varying-Length #s [Conceptual]

So it seems I "underestimated" what varying length numbers meant. I didn't even think about situations where the operands are 100 digits long. In that case, my proposed algorithm is definitely not efficient. I'd probably need an implementation who's complexity depends on the # of digits in each operands as opposed to its numerical value, right?
As suggested below, I will look into the Karatsuba algorithm...
Write the pseudocode of an algorithm that takes in two arbitrary length numbers (provided as strings), and computes the product of these numbers. Use an efficient procedure for multiplication of large numbers of arbitrary length. Analyze the efficiency of your algorithm.
I decided to take the (semi) easy way out and use the Russian Peasant Algorithm. It works like this:
a * b = a/2 * 2b if a is even
a * b = (a-1)/2 * 2b + a if a is odd
My pseudocode is:
rpa(x, y){
if x is 1
return y
if x is even
return rpa(x/2, 2y)
if x is odd
return rpa((x-1)/2, 2y) + y
I have 3 questions:
Is this efficient for arbitrary length numbers? I implemented it in C and tried varying length numbers. The run-time in was near-instant in all cases so it's hard to tell empirically...
Can I apply the Master's Theorem to understand the complexity...?
a = # subproblems in recursion = 1 (max 1 recursive call across all states)
n / b = size of each subproblem = n / 1 -> b = 1 (problem doesn't change size...?)
f(n^d) = work done outside recursive calls = 1 -> d = 0 (the addition when a is odd)
a = 1, b^d = 1, a = b^d -> complexity is in n^d*log(n) = log(n)
this makes sense logically since we are halving the problem at each step, right?
What might my professor mean by providing arbitrary length numbers "as strings". Why do that?
Many thanks in advance
What might my professor mean by providing arbitrary length numbers "as strings". Why do that?
This actually change everything about the problem (and make your algorithm incorrect).
It means than 1234 is provided as 1,2,3,4 and you cannot operate directly on the whole number. You need to analyze your algorithm in terms of #additions, #multiplications, #divisions.
You should expect a division to be a bit more expensive than a multiplication, and a multiplication to be lot more expensive than an addition. So a good algorithm try to reduce the number of divisions and multiplications.
Check out the Karatsuba algorithm, (ps don't copy it that's not what your teacher want) is one of the fastest for this specification.
Add 3): Native integers are limited in how large (or small) numbers they can represent (32- or 64-bit integers for example). To represent arbitrary length numbers you can choose strings, because then you are not really limited by this. The problem is then, of course, that your arithmetic units are not really made to add strings ;-)
