I was trying to parse from a complicated html page, but someone told me a better way is to inject my own css into that html. So I have the following situation:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css" />
layer one div
<div id="center">
layer two div
layer three div
As you can see the div with id is sandwiched between a parent div and a child div.
I wonder if it is possible to hide the parent and child, making the page only show layer two div line. I try doing
div { display: none; }
div#center { display: inline;}
but without success.
I am using the indent method now, thank you for all the help, guys! : )
Here is kind of a hack, but it works:
layer one div
<div id="center">
layer two div
layer three div
div {
text-indent: -9999px;
div#center {
text-indent: 0px;
div#center div {
display: none;
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fPdda/2/
As far as I know, there is no option to show element which is placed under hidden element. So CSS will not do the trick. The only possible option is use javascript, which move element which is supposed to be visible out of parent. This can be easily done with jQuery.
However I don't know why you need this and what you mean with word "parse". CSS will affect only what you see, but under "parse" I understand processing data - and for processing is not important how it is shown. Maybe if you specify more detailed what you need, I can help.
This method will not work. Sadly, because your displayed div is inside a hidden div, you're sunk if you're stuck with that markup. You could get fancy and use text-indent: -9999px instead of display: hidden, then text-indent: 0px on the one you want to show, but the negative indented elements will still take up vertical space. Alternately, you could use JS to duplicate the node and re-insert it into the DOM at a different point, maybe inside an element that isn't hidden.
var nodeToShow = document.getElementById('center').cloneNode();
nodeToShow.setAttribute('id', 'centerClone');
I don't think that is possible. Hiding the parent div takes precedence on the child, so your child with id is visible but only in the scope of parent div which is hidden. In order to accomplish what you trying to do just wrap the parent text in a span and hide the span;
div span{
div#center div{
You can't hide a parent yet make a child element visible, it just doesn't work that way. I would suggest doing something like this:
<div class="layer-one">
<span class="layer-one">layer one div</span>
<div id="center">
layer two div
layer three div
span.layer-one {
display: none;
div#center {
display: block;
Currently tweaking a theme and have tried searching for an answer to this question to this! I'm not stuck - but more just want to know the answer out of curiosity.
I understand that
"#" means an id and
"." means a class.
I've also been reading on this post about how you can add specificity to your html/css through combination of elements/ids/classes ie:
a.fancy { color: red; } /*an element that has an anchor and a class = red.*/
However the code I am working on has the following elements that I don't understand:
div.footer {background-color: {{ settings.footer_color }};
Why would you specify "div.footer" as both the div and the class when simply using a "." would suffice? In my mind there would be no point when the class ".footer" could be used without a div?
Hope you can help me work this one out!
div.footer means the element must both BE a <div> and HAVE the class footer.
.footer would trigger for any element with class footer; for example, a <span class="footer".
div.footer means you are targeting only <div> elements with the class .footer.
<div class="footer">This is targeted.</div>
<p class="footer">This isn't targeted, as it isn't a div with the class .footer.</p>
div .footer, however, would target all elements with the class .footer that are descendants from <div> elements.
<div><p class="footer">This is targeted.</p></div>
<section><p class="footer">But this isn't targeted.</p></section>
With the new implementation of html5 <footer> is a legitimate tag just like <div> or <p>. As confusing as it may be the period . before the footer declaration constrains it to a class name instead of the tag.
So in your case: div.footer = <div> with class name footer = <div class="footer>.
There are numerous reasons why you may make such a declaration.
Sample html
<div class="footer">Footer only</footer>
<div>Div only</div>
<footer>Footer tag; DIFFERENT</footer>
Example Css
div {
border: 1px solid red;
.footer {
background: blue;
color: #fff; /* white font color */
Depending on what you want to do, let's use the specific div.footer examples to show what we can do.back
By inheritance, div.footer will inherit "3 properties" -> background, color and border from the div and .footer declarations.
Now you may want to override some of these properties so...
Overriding Property
Use something like div.footer { color: red; } this will override the white color.
Layout Insight
The beauty of css is that you can use declaration to give you "insight" on what the html markup will be laid out as.
Omitting properties I would write the css as follows:
#footer {}
#footer ul {}
#footer ul li {}
#footer p {}
#footer p a {}
The html:
<div id="footer">
<li>List 1</li>
<li>LIst 2</li>
<p>Hello! Copyright website company name.</p>
You could then reverse engineer the html through just css because of the descendent character use. This maximizes the power of "cascading".
NOow I hope some of this has given you some insight. A few other pointers are this:
Typically a webpage has only one footer. When there is only one of something use the # id selector ALWAYS.
Use classes to not only apply styles to multiple elements but to also provide "meaning to your markup" -> go back to the principle of "layout insight" to understand what I mean.
div.footer should could more simply be .footer Now, it may be necessary to include div just to say "I only want to apply this class to divs only" and in that case go for it. But defining all your declarations with div.someClasName is not all that valuable.
DO NOT use names of tags as classnames. div.div is very confusing - especially if you are programming for a while. Therefore, since <footer> is now a legit tag you shouldn't apply it as a classname. On the other hand "#footer" could be argued differently because it can only exist once in a webpage.
It's about specificity. div.footer is more specific (a div with that particular class) than .footer (any element with that class).
As to when to use one or the other, it really depends on the markup and CSS you are building.
<h2> MyTitle </h2>
I need to put a background-image to MyTitle text but only to MyTitle text.
I dont want any background in the <h2></h2> element.
Is there a way to do that in css?
head { display: block; }
title { display: inline; background: lime; }
Demo: http://jsbin.com/abitek
This is an example with a simple background color, but of course you could use background-image as well.
See Displaying hidden elements like <head> using CSS.
Edit now that OP mentioned he meant a heading (e.g. <h1>) and not a <title>:
The key is to use display: inline or display: inline-block.
h1 { display: inline; background: lime; }
<p>Some content.
Demo: http://jsbin.com/ekusad
Again, this is an example with a simple background color, but of course you could use background-image as well.
I'm not completely sure what you mean with the title element as this is by default an invisible element in the head section, but I think I somehow grasp what you mean with having the background only behind the text. Try this, the background image is applied only to the text and the rest of the title element doesn't get the background image. Note that this doesn't work for the title element in the head section of your html page. It's just to indicate to you how you could set a background to a text only.
<title> <span>My Text</span> </title>
title > span {
background-image: url(myimage.png);
You can add a bg image to some title text by wrapping the desired text in a span and setting the css like so:
<h1>My title.<span class="myTitleBG"> My Red Title. </span>More title</h1>
h1 span.myTitleBG
display: inline-block;
background-color: #f00; /*for example purposes*/
background-image: url(image.png);
IE<7 will not see the display: inline-block;. I used this display property so you can add height and width to the span if you need to show more/less of the bg image.
If you mean to put a background in the titlebar, that cannot be done. Browsers only pick up text from the <title> tag and display it according to their standards.
For regular text in the body, you can use CSS to have a background like this,
<p class="backgroundText"> My text </p>
and define backgroundText class in your CSS.
Using a method I've done before but having issues. Not sure if it's a sprite or what.. Basically you have two versions of an image saved into one file with them stacked on top of each other and use CSS to adjust the margins when hovering. Here's an example of it working successfully: http://minimalpluscreative.com
Trying to do the same thing here, but running into issues with overflow:hidden; not working. Instead, the the full (double) image is shown. Here's what it looks like: http://cl.ly/023p1I1D1W0W3a1T1q1R It should be just the top half of the image with overflow:hidden; preventing the other half from showing.
Help? Some kind of syntax error I'm sure...
<div id="work" class="sub">
<img id="show_fire" class="thumbnail sprite" src="images/daniel_gomes_soundoffire_sprite.png" />
.sprite {
.sprite:hover {
I've never seen this done before except with background images, but I don't see why not… it just seems like you need a lot of extra css, and extra html to get it to work as opposed to a background image.
As was said earlier, it's hard to see the problem without seeing your actual code in context, but based on what I see, there could be a few potential things wrong:
You need to wrap the image in a containing element, and assign the width, height and overflow to that. Hidden overflow will hide what's outside of the boundaries that div contains. The image element is the image, it doesn't contain the image, so setting it to overflow:hidden isn't going to hide andything, and assigning it a width will just resize it, not "crop" it (which is the effect you're going for). So you'd need something like:
<div id="work" class="sub">
<a class="sprite" href="#">
<img id="show_fire" class="thumbnail" src="images/daniel_gomes_soundoffire_sprite.png" />
with this css:
.sprite {
.sprite img {
margin-top: 0;
.sprite:hover img {
margin-top: -61px;
I suggest you use 'a' as the containing element, as not all browsers will recognize the hover pseudo-class on tags other than anchor tags.
I know you think using an image instead of a background image is simpler, but using background images, you can accomplish all this with only one element and less css.
In the example site you refer to, the overflow:hidden property is set on the outer 'div#a'
'div#work' in your code should have it's overflow set to hidden.
Thus when you change the margin on your image it will move within the frame of your outer div.
Additionally I had to add a tag name to the hover declaration.
div.sprite {
div.sprite:hover {
/* instead of an image */
.sprite div{
.red {background:red}
.blue {background:blue}
<div id="work">
<div class="sprite">
<div class="red">a</div>
<div class="blue">b</div>
I have a <div> block with some fancy visual content that I don't want to change. I want to make it a clickable link.
I'm looking for something like <div> … </div>, but that is valid XHTML 1.1.
Came here in the hope of finding a better solution that mine, but I don't like any of the ones on offer here. I think some of you have misunderstood the question. The OP wants to make a div full of content behave like a link. One example of this would be facebook ads - if you look, they're actually proper markup.
For me the no-nos are: javascript (shouldn't be needed just for a link, and very bad SEO/accessibility); invalid HTML.
In essence it's this:
Build your panel using normal CSS techniques and valid HTML.
Somewhere in there put a link that you want to be the default link if the user clicks on the panel (you can have other links too).
Inside that link, put an empty span tag (<span></span>, not <span /> - thanks #Campey)
give the panel position:relative
apply the following CSS to the empty span:
left: 0;
z-index: 1;
/* fixes overlap error in IE7/8,
make sure you have an empty gif */
background-image: url('empty.gif');
It will now cover the panel, and as it's inside an <A> tag, it's a clickable link
give any other links inside the panel position:relative and a suitable z-index (>1) to bring them in front of the default span link
You can't make the div a link itself, but you can make an <a> tag act as a block, the same behaviour a <div> has.
a {
display: block;
You can then set the width and height on it.
This is an ancient question, but I thought I'd answer it since everyone here has some crazy solutions. It's actually very very simple...
An anchor tag works like this -
<div id="thediv" />
Although I'm not sure if this is valid. If that's the reasoning behind spoken solutions, then I apologise...
Requires a little javascript.
But, your div would be clickable.
<div onclick="location.href='http://www.example.com';" style="cursor:pointer;"></div>
This option doesn’t require an empty.gif as in the most upvoted answer:
<div class="feature">
div.feature {
position: relative;
div.feature a {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
text-decoration: none; /* No underlines on the link */
z-index: 10; /* Places the link above everything else in the div */
background-color: #FFF; /* Fix to make div clickable in IE */
opacity: 0; /* Fix to make div clickable in IE */
filter: alpha(opacity=1); /* Fix to make div clickable in IE */
As proposed at http://www.digitalskydesign.com/how-to-make-an-entire-div-a-link-using-css/
This is a "valid" solution to achieving what you want.
<style type="text/css">
.myspan {
display: block;
<span class="myspan">text</span>
But most-likely what you really want is to have an <a> tag displayed as a block level element.
I would not advise using JavaScript to simulate a hyperlink as that defeats the purpose of markup validation, which is ultimately to promote accessibility (publishing well-formed documents following proper semantic rules minimizes the possibility the same document will be interpreted differently by different browsers).
It would be preferable to publish a web page that does not validate, but renders and functions properly on all browsers, including ones with JavaScript disabled. Furthermore, using onclick does not provide the semantic information for a screen reader to determine that the div is functioning as a link.
The cleanest way would be to use jQuery with the data-tags introduced in HTML. With this solution you can create a link on every tag you want. First define the tag (e.g. div) with a data-link tag:
<div data-link="http://www.google.at/">Some content in the div which is arbitrary</div>
Now you can style the div however you want. And you have to create also the style for the "link"-alike behavior:
[data-link] {
cursor: pointer;
And at last put this jQuery call to the page:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("[data-link]").click(function() {
window.location.href = $(this).attr("data-link");
return false;
With this code jQuery applys a click listener to every tag on the page which has a "data-link" attribute and redirects to the URL which is in the data-link attribute.
Not sure if this is valid but it worked for me.
The code :
<div style='position:relative;background-color:#000000;width:600px;height:30px;border:solid;'>
<p style='display:inline;color:#ffffff;float:left;'> Whatever </p>
<a style='position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;display:inline;' href ='#'></a>
To make thepeer's answer work in IE 7 and forward, it needs a few tweaks.
IE will not honour z-index if the element is has no background-color, so the link will not overlap parts of the containig div that has content, only the blank parts. To fix this a background is added with opacity 0.
For some reason IE7 and various compatibility modes completely fail when using the span in a link approach. However if the link itself is given the style it works just fine.
left: 0;
z-index: 1;
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
<div style="position:relative">
<some content>
<a href="somepage" class="blockLink" />
you could also try by wrapping an anchor, then turning its height and width to be the same with its parent. This works for me perfectly.
<div id="css_ID">
An option that hasn't been mentioned is using flex. By applying flex: 1 to the a tag, it expands to fit the container.
div {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
display: flex;
border: 1px solid;
a {
flex: 1;
This worked for me:
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE">
<span class="span-link"></span>
.span-link {
left: 0;
z-index: 9999;
This adds an invisible element (the span), which covers your entire div, and is above your whole div on the z-index, so when someone clicks on that div, the click is essentially intercepted by your invisible "span" layer, which is linked.
Note: If you're already using z-indexes for other elements, just make sure the value of this z-index is higher than anything you want it to rest "on top" of.
why not? use <div></div> works fine in HTML5
This example worked for me:
<div style="position: relative; width:191px; height:83px;">
This post is Old I know but I just had to fix the same issue because simply writing a normal link tag with the display set to block does not make the whole div clickable in IE. so to fix this issue far simpler than having to use JQuery.
Firstly let us understand why this happens: IE wont make an empty div clickable it only make the text/image within that div/a tag clickable.
Solution: Fill the div with a bakground image and hide it from the viewer.
You ask good questions, now listen up.
add this backround style to the a tag
> "background:url('some_small_image_path')
> -2000px -2000px no-repeat;"
And there you have it the whole div is now clickable. This was the best way for me cause Im using it for my Photo Gallery to let the user clik on one half of the image to move left/right and then place a small image as well just for visual effects. so for me I used the left and right images as background images anyway!
Just have the link in the block and enhance it with jquery. It degrades 100% gracefully for anyone without javascript. Doing this with html isn't really the best solution imho.
For example:
<div id="div_link">
<h2>The Link and Headline</h2>
<p>Some more stuff and maybe another link.</p>
Then use jquery to make the block clickable (via web designer wall):
window.location=$(this).find("a").attr("href"); return false;
Then all you have to do is add cursor styles to the div
#div_link:hover {cursor: pointer;}
For bonus points only apply these styles if javascript is enabled by adding a 'js_enabled' class to the div, or the body, or whatever.
This is the best way to do it as used on the BBC website and the Guardian:
I found the technique here:
heres the html
<div class="highlight block-link">
<h2>I am an example header</h2>
<p>This entire box links somewhere, thanks to faux block links. I am some example text with a custom link that sits within the block</p>
heres the CSS
* Block Link
* A Faux block-level link. Used for when you need a block-level link with
* clickable areas within it as directly nesting a tags breaks things.
.block-link {
position: relative;
.block-link a {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
.block-link .block-link__overlay-link {
position: static;
&:before {
bottom: 0;
content: "";
left: 0;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
white-space: nowrap;
z-index: 0;
&:focus {
&:before {
background: rgba(255,255,0, .2);
<div> … </div>
Actually you need to include the JavaScript code at the moment,
check this tutorial to do so.
but there is a tricky way to achieve this using a CSS code
you must nest an anchor tag inside your div tag and you must apply this property to it,
when you've done that,it will make the whole width area clickable (but within the height of the anchor tag),if you want to cover the whole div area you must set the height of the anchor tag exactly to the height of the div tag,for example:
this is gonna make the whole area clickable,then you can apply text-indent:-9999px to anchor tag to achieve the goal.
this is really tricky and simple and it's just created using CSS code.
here is an example: http://jsfiddle.net/hbirjand/RG8wW/
This work for me:
<div onclick="location.href='page.html';" style="cursor:pointer;">...</div>
You can give a link to your div by following method:
<div class="boxdiv" onClick="window.location.href='https://www.google.co.in/'">google</div>
<style type="text/css">
.boxdiv {
font:13px/17px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
You can make surround the element with a href tags or you can use jquery and use
This is the simplest way.
Say, this is the div block I want to make clickable:
<div class="inner_headL"></div>
So put a href as follows:
<a href="#">
<div class="inner_headL"></div>
Just consider the div block as a normal html element and enable the usual a href tag.
It works on FF at least.
I pulled in a variable because some values in my link will change depending on what record the user is coming from.
This worked for testing :
<div onclick="location.href='page.html';" style="cursor:pointer;">...</div>
and this works too :
<div onclick="location.href='<%=Webpage%>';" style="cursor:pointer;">...</div>
While I don't recommend doing this under any circumstance, here is some code that makes a DIV into a link (note: this example uses jQuery and certain markup is removed for simplicity):
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("div[href]").click(function () {
window.location = $(this).attr("href");
<div href="http://www.google.com">
My Div Link
If you can use bootstrap, one simple solution is to use bootstrap .stretched-link.
Sample Code
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem;">
<img src="..." class="card-img-top" alt="...">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Card with stretched link</h5>
<p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p>
Go somewhere
Soviut's answer was not sufficient for me. I had to use
a { display: inline-flex; }
to remove baseline artifacts, when using just a img in the a.
Enclosing your div inside an anchor tag <a href></a> works like charm:
<a href="">
<div>anything goes here will turn into a link</div>
My smarty pants answer:
"Evasive answer to: "How to make block level element a hyperlink and validate in XHTML 1.1"
Didn't actually hold true for ie7
Works IE7-9, Chrome, Safari, Firefox,
if just everything could be this simple...
#logo {background:url(../global_images/csg-4b15a4b83d966.png) no-repeat top left;background-position:0 -825px;float:left;height:48px;position:relative;width:112px}
#logo a {padding-top:48px; display:block;}
<div id="logo"></div>
just think a little outside the box ;-)