GitLab rendering the wrong README in Project & Public views - r

I'm using R markdown (README.Rmd) to knit/render to at the top level of a project directory. GitLab (both in Project and Public views) chooses the .Rmd file to render vs the .md file and produces a visual mess instead of a nicely-formatted project description.
Is there any way to tell GitLab to ignore .Rmd files when picking the "right" one to use for the project/public view or am I left with a workflow that will mean keeping the README.Rmd in a separate directory then having the R project build process render and copy a knitted to the top-level project directory?
This is a fresh install (this week) of a self-hosted instance of GitLab, but you can see it rendering the wrong README here.

I've reproduced this issue. I'll look into this tomorrow and make a PR for fixing this.


How to make setWindowIcon work properly in a stand-alone executable (Qt5.14 + VS2019)?

I am programming a Qt application in MS Visual Studio Community 2019. I am trying to add an icon to my application window with the following command, and I also have the corresponding file my_icon.ico mentioned in the .qrc file:
When I build and run my program in VS, everything is perfect - the icon replaces the standard one. However, when I make a release and try to run the resulting stand-alone executable, the icon is NOT shown! This is particularly weird as images which I also mention in the .qrc file (pictures for buttons) are on their places.
I have tried to put my_icon.ico alongside the .exe file, but with no result.
I give up, please give me a clue what might be happening here.
Thanks to chehrlic, I understood that it was as simple as running the windeployqt.exe on the .exe file build by the Release configuration by Visual Studio.
This will link all required libraries dynamically.
Avoid using this tool while the .exe file is inside the Release folder as it will create many other files & folders near .exe file. I have copied my_app.exe to a fresh directory and ran the following command from it:
C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt.exe my_app.exe --release
See for more details.

Issue with serve_site() r blogdown

I'm using blogdown and Hugo to generate a website.
I've created a new R project and have downloaded the theme using:
blogdown::new_site(dir = "Theme", theme = 'pacollins/hugo-future-imperfect-slim') and I can preview the template once downloaded. However, if I close R and then restart and I use the add-in "serve site" I get the following error message:
Error in site_root(config) :
Could not find config.toml / config.yaml under...
and then the directory that the config.toml file is saved in (and all of the rest of the theme files) are listed.
I can't understand what's changing between being able to preview the site in R Studio Viewer, then quitting R and restarting and it not being able to find the config file.
I did find this advice: which suggests that my working directory is not the root directory of the website. There are two things I don't understand:
1) How can the the root directory and working directory work together okay when I initially download the theme, until I quit R and restart, and then they appear to not be the same?
2) How to I change the root directory of the website to fix the issue?
If you followed the blogdown's documentation to create a new site with the command "blogdown::new_site(dir="/your/website/dir")", it will set your working directory to "/your/website/dir".
When you restart R/Rstudio, your current working directory is reset (probably to your home directory). You can check the current working directory with getwd().
The solution is simply set up the working directory:
The simpler way is to execute setwd("/your/website/dir"), then you should be able to run blogdown::serve_site()
The recommended way is to create a Rstudio project at /your/website/dir with File-New Project-Existing Directory. It will create a .Rproj file under the root directory of your website. After that, you can "open project" and work on your website, then preview with serve_site().

ggplot() graphical output link broken ./static/post/

I've followed the advice at by adding a .r file with blogdown::build_dir('static') - and by creating a ./static/post directory - what am I missing?
I also searched through blogdown structures, but cannot figure out how to connect rendered graphic outputs to static/post/post-date; not how to automatically redirect outputs to that folder instead of public.
Thanks for the help.
I think I found the problem
The .gitignore file in your static directory prevents git to stage images generated by blogdown, delete it.

Add existing scripts to an Rstudio project

I'm working in Rstudio and have multiple scripts open that have different working directories; however, each working directory exists within a larger folder on my computer (see below). Is it possible to add these scripts to an Rstudio Project without reorganizing all my files and changing each script's working directory?
File structure on computer:
Folder A
~~Folder 1
~~Folder 2
~~Folder 3
Say I have 3 scripts open, each with a working directory of either Folder 1, 2, or 3. Can I create a project that incorporates all three scripts. Say, set working directory to "Folder A"
Thanks much.
Technically, you can change working directory programmatically within a project, but this is considered a very poor practice and is strongly recommended against. However, you can set working directory at a project's top level (full path to Folder A, in your example) and then refer to scripts and objects, located in Folders 1-3 via corresponding relative paths. For example: "./Folder1/MyScript.R" or "./Folder2/MyData.csv".
It should be possible to create a project in the larger folder. You could even construct a simple master script in Folder A to manage this workflow:
setwd("./Folder 1")
setwd("./Folder 2")
setwd("./Folder 3")
Compared to source("Folder 1/scriptx") which runs each script within Folder A the master script would be running each script within it's own folder. Just make sure to use setwd("..") after running code in each folder and you can even run code in between to save output to the main Folder A.
If your workflow always creates folders in this manner I don't see how this would not be reproducible if you used relative paths. Albeit platform dependent, this modified version would create folders on the fly and run scripts kept in Folder A.
system("mkdir Folder_1")
source("../Folder A/scriptx")
Notice here that when running terminal commands in R, it is recommended avoid spaces in directory or file names.

Qmake does not support build directories below the source directory

I have created an application that compiles and runs like a charm on OS-X. I would now like to start getting it to work on Windows. To start, I copied the project to a windows machine and just tried to compile, but got this error:
:: warning: Qmake does not support build directories below the source directory.
Any ideas?
Set the shadow build directory to some folder on the same level of your project directory:
You can do this in the "Projects" view, via the toolbar on the left. To me, this warning was just an annoyance, a project never failed to build because of it.
Don't copy your file when you are copying a project from one machine to another, or from one directory to another. When you open the project, Qt Creator will offer to create a new build directory in the proper place.
Andref gave the correct answer to resolve this warning, but you may want to understand why this requirement exists.
In fact, the build directory must be at the same folder level as the project (i.e. it can't be above or below). The reason why is that the linker is called from the build directory. Hence, any relative paths to library files will be different than what you entered in your project file.
It kinda sucks. I like to put all intermediate files in their own folder. But you simply can't with qmake.
.pro.user are generated files by Qt Creator. They are unrelated to qmake and should not be touched (and not put into a VCS for that matter)
Just remove the files with the pro.user extension , worked for me
I also got this, trying to compile a project created on linux.
Another way to solve it is to change the paths in the .pro.user file (in the directory of your project)
Right Click on a project: Set As Active Project
Click on the Projects button (The one with the spanner image)
Edit build configuration : Debug / Profile / Release / and change the default directories, OR just uncheck the Shadow build check box.
The Build directory path should now change to black, from red
