indexing through values of a nested list using mapply - r

I have a list of lists, with each sub-list containing 3 values. My goal is to cycle through every value of this nested list in a systematic way (i.e. start with list 1, go through all 3 values, go to list 2, and so on), applying a function to each. But my function hits missing values and breaks and I've traced the problem to the indexing itself, which doesn't behave in the way I am expecting. The lists are constructed as:
pop <- 1:100
treat.temp <- NULL
treat <- NULL
## Generate 5 samples of pop
for (i in 1:5){
treat.temp <- sample(pop, 3)
treat[[i]] <- treat.temp
## Create a list with which to index mapply
iterations <- (1:5)
Illustrative function and results.
test.function <- function(j, k){
for (n in 1:3){
results <- mapply(test.function, iterations, treat)
[1] 61
[1] 63
[1] 73
[1] NA
[1] NA
[1] NA
[1] NA
[1] NA
For the first cycle through 'j', this works. But after that it throws NAs. But if I do it manually, it returns the values I would expect.
> print(treat[[1]][1])
[1] 61
> print(treat[[1]][2])
[1] 63
> print(treat[[1]][3])
[1] 73
> print(treat[[2]][1])
[1] 59
> print(treat[[2]][2])
[1] 6
> print(treat[[2]][3])
[1] 75
I'm sure this is a basic question, but I can't seem to find the right search terms to find an answer here or on Google. Thanks in advance!
Edited to Add: MrFlick's answer works well for my problem. I have multiple list inputs (hence mapply) in my actual use. A more detailed example, with a few notes.
pop <- 1:100
years <-, 2014, 1)
treat.temp <- NULL
treat <- NULL
year.temp <- NULL
year <- NULL
## Generate 5 samples of treated states, control states and treatment years
for (i in 1:5){
treat.temp <- sample(pop, 20)
treat[[i]] <- treat.temp
year.temp <- sample(years, 1)
year[[i]] <- year.temp
## Create a list with which to index mapply
iterations <- (1:5)
## Define function
test.function <- function(j, k, l){
for (n in 1:3){
## Cycles treat through each value of jXn
## Holds treat (k) fixed for each 3 cycle set of n (using first value in each treat sub-list); cycles through sub-lists as j changes
## Same as above, but with 2nd value in each sub-list of treat
## Holds year (l) fixed for each 3 cycle set of n, cycling through values of year each time j changes
## Functionally equivalent to
results <- mapply(test.function, iterations, treat, year)

Well, you might be misunderstanding how mapply works. The function will loop through both of the iterations you pass as parameters, which means treat will also be subset each iteration. Essentially, the functions being called are
test.function(iterations[1], treat[[1]])
test.function(iterations[2], treat[[2]])
test.function(iterations[3], treat[[3]])
and you seem to treat the k variable as if it were the entire list. Also, you have your indexes backwards as well. But just to get your test working, you can do
test.function <- function(j, k){
for (n in 1:3) print(k[n])
results <- mapply(test.function, iterations, treat)
but this isn't really a super awesome way to iterate a list. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?


adding values to the vector inside for loop in R

I have just started learning R and I wrote this code to learn on functions and loops.
for(i in 1:x){
return (m)
Why does this return NULL. I want i*i values to append to the end of mand return a vector. Can someone please point out whats wrong with this code.
You haven't put anything inside m <- c() in your loop since you did not use an assignment. You are getting the following -
m <- c()
You can change the function to return the desired values by assigning m in the loop.
squared <- function(x) {
m <- c()
for(i in 1:x) {
y <- i * i
m <- c(m, y)
# [1] 1 4 9 16 25
But this is inefficient because we know the length of the resulting vector will be 5 (or x). So we want to allocate the memory first before looping. This will be the better way to use the for() loop.
squared <- function(x) {
m <- vector("integer", x)
for(i in seq_len(x)) {
m[i] <- i * i
# [1] 1 4 9 16 25
Also notice that I have removed return() from the second function. It is not necessary there, so it can be removed. It's a matter of personal preference to leave it in this situation. Sometimes it will be necessary, like in if() statements for example.
I know the question is about looping, but I also must mention that this can be done more efficiently with seven characters using the primitive ^, like this
# [1] 1 4 9 16 25
^ is a primitive function, which means the code is written entirely in C and will be the most efficient of these three methods
# function (e1, e2) .Primitive("^")
Here's a general approach:
# Create empty vector
vec <- c()
for(i in 1:10){
# Inside the loop, make one or elements to add to vector
new_elements <- i * 3
# Use 'c' to combine the existing vector with the new_elements
vec <- c(vec, new_elements)
# [1] 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
If you happen to run out of memory (e.g. if your loop has a lot of iterations or vectors are large), you can try vector preallocation which will be more efficient. That's not usually necessary unless your vectors are particularly large though.

Putting generated data in a matrix format

I have one question about putting a simulated data in a matrix format, but I cannot suitably write its program in R, and constantly receive an error, I guess my "rep" definition and final "Matrix" expression are somehow wrong, but I do not know how to fix them. Here my specific question is:
I would like to produce a matrix contains generated values. I have 20000 generated values for x and y. As the output, I like to have a (2000 by 10) matrix that each column of the matrix contains the output of following for loop.
My R.code:
for(i in 1:10)
Matrix[i]=y[(x>=vofdiv[i] & x<vofdiv[i+1])] #The i(th) col of matrix
Matrix # A 2000*10 Matrix, as the final output
I highly appreciate that someone helps me!
You have several problems here.
First of all, the correct way to define an empty matrix of size 2e4*10, would be
Matrix <- matrix(NA, 2e4, 10)
Although you could potentially create a matrix using your way(rep) and then use dim, something like
Matrix <- rep(NA, 2e5)
dim(Matrix) <- c(2e4, 10)
Second problem is, when trying to insert into a column in a matrix, you need to index it correctly, i.e.,
Matrix[, i] <-
instead of
Matrix[i] <-
The latter will index Matrix as if it was a vector (which is it basically is). In other words, it will convert a 2000*10 matrix to a 20000 length single vector and index it.
The third problem is, that when your loop reaches i = 11 and you are running x<vofdiv[i+1] you are always excluding the last values which are x == vofdiv[11], thus you are always getting less than 2000 values:
for(i in 1:10)
print(length(y[ (x >= vofdiv[i] & x < vofdiv[i+1])]))
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 2000
# [1] 1999 <----
Thus, it will give you an error if you will try to replace 2000 length vector with 1999 length one, because a matrix in R can't contain different dimensions for each column.
The workaround would be to add = to your last statement, such as
Matrix <- matrix(NA, 2e4, 10)
for(i in 1:10)
Matrix[, i] <- y[x >= vofdiv[i] & x <= vofdiv[i + 1]]

find all disjoint (non-overlapping) sets from a set of sets

My problem: need to find all disjoint (non-overlapping) sets from a set of sets.
Background: I am using comparative phylogenetic methods to study trait evolution in birds. I have a tree with ~300 species. This tree can be divided into subclades (i.e. subtrees). If two subclades do not share species, they are independent. I'm looking for an algorithm (and an R implementation if possible) that will find all possible subclade partitions where each subclade has greater than 10 taxa and all are independent. Each subclade can be considered a set and when two subclades are independent (do not share species) these subclades are then disjoint sets.
Hope this is clear and someone can help.
The following code produces an example dataset. Where subclades is a list of all possible subclades (sets) from which I'd like to sample X disjoint sets, where the length of the set is Y.
# Example Dataset
##simulate a tree
n.taxa <- 300
tree <-,1,lambda=.5,mu=0)[[1]][[1]]
tree$tip.label <- seq(n.taxa)
##extract all monophyletic subclades
get.all.subclades <- function(tree){
tmp <- vector("list")
nodes <- sort(unique(tree$edge[,1]))
i <- 282
for(i in 1:length(nodes)){
x <- Descendants(tree,nodes[i],type="tips")[[1]]
tmp[[i]] <- tree$tip.label[x]
tmp <- get.all.subclades(tree)
##set bounds on the maximum and mininum number of tips of the subclades to include
min.subclade.n.tip <- 10
max.subclade.n.tip <- 40
##function to replace trees of tip length exceeding max and min with NA
replace.trees <- function(x, min, max){
if(length(x) >= min & length(x)<= max) x else NA
#apply testNtip across all the subclades
tmp2 <- lapply(tmp, replace.trees, min = min.subclade.n.tip, max = max.subclade.n.tip)
##remove elements from list with NA, 
##all remaining elements are subclades with number of tips between
##min.subclade.n.tip and max.subclade.n.tip
subclades <- tmp2[!]
names(subclades) <- seq(length(subclades))
Here's an example of how you might test each pair of list elements for zero overlap, extracting the indices of all non-overlapping pairs.
findDisjointPairs <- function(X) {
## Form a 2-column matrix enumerating all pairwise combos of X's elements
ij <- t(combn(length(X),2))
## A function that tests for zero overlap between a pair of vectors
areDisjoint <- function(i, j) length(intersect(X[[i]], X[[j]])) == 0
## Use mapply to test for overlap between each pair and extract indices
## of pairs with no matches
ij[mapply(areDisjoint, ij[,1], ij[,2]),]
## Make some reproducible data and test the function on it
A <- replicate(sample(letters, 5), n=5, simplify=FALSE)
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 1 2
# [2,] 1 4
# [3,] 1 5
Here are some functions that might be useful.
The first computes all possible disjoint collections of a list of sets.
I'm using "collection" instead of "partition" beacause a collection does not necessarily covers the universe (i. e., the union of all sets).
The algorithm is recursive, and only works for a small number of possible collections. This does not necessarily means that it won't work with a large list of sets, since the function removes the intersecting sets at every iteration.
If the code is not clear, please ask and I'll add comments.
The input must be a named list, and the result will be a list of collection, which is a character vector indicating the names of the sets.
DisjointCollectionsNotContainingX <- function(L, branch=character(0), x=numeric(0))
filter <- vapply(L, function(y) length(intersect(x, y))==0, logical(1))
L <- L[filter]
result <- list(branch)
for( i in seq_along(L) )
result <- c(result, Recall(L=L[-(1:i)], branch=c(branch, names(L)[i]), x=union(x, L[[i]])))
This is just a wrapper to hide auxiliary arguments:
DisjointCollections <- function(L) DisjointCollectionsNotContainingX(L=L)
The next function can be used to validade a given list of collections supposedly non-overlapping and "maximal".
For every collection, it will test if
1. all sets are effectively disjoint and
2. adding another set either results in a non-disjoint collection or an existing collection:
ValidateDC <- function(L, DC)
for( collection in DC )
for( i in seq_along(collection) )
others <- Reduce(f=union, x=L[collection[-i]])
if( length(intersect(L[collection[i]], others)) > 0 ) return(FALSE)
elements <- Reduce(f=union, x=L[collection])
for( k in seq_along(L) ) if( ! (names(L)[k] %in% collection) )
if( length(intersect(elements, L[[k]])) == 0 )
check <- vapply(DC, function(z) setequal(c(collection, names(L)[k]), z), logical(1))
if( ! any(check) ) return(FALSE)
L <- list(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(3,4), C=c(5,6), D=c(6,7,8))
> ValidateDC(L,DisjointCollections(L))
[1] TRUE
> DisjointCollections(L)
[1] "A"
[1] "A" "C"
[1] "A" "D"
[1] "B"
[1] "B" "C"
[1] "B" "D"
[1] "C"
[1] "D"
Note that the collections containing A and B simultaneously do not show up, due to their non-null intersection. Also, collections with C and D simultaneously don't appear. Others are OK.
Note: the empty collection character(0) is always a valid combination.
After creating all possible disjoint collections, you can apply any filters you want to proceed.
I've removed the line if( length(L)==0 ) return(list(branch)) from the first function; it's not needed.
Performance: If there is considerable overlapping among sets, the function runs fast. Example:
L <- lapply(1:50, function(.)sample(x=1200, size=20))
names(L) <- c(LETTERS, letters)[1:50]
system.time(DC <- DisjointCollections(L))
# user system elapsed
# 9.91 0.00 9.92
Total number of collections found:
> length(DC)
[1] 121791

append results of loop into numeric vector

I would like to create a numeric vector with the results of a loop such as
> for (i in 1:5) print(i+1)
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
It seems strange that the same expression without 'print' returns nothing
> for (i in 1:5) i+1
Does anyone have an explanation/solution?
This is standard behaiviour -- when you say you want to create a numeric vector,
print will not do that
The expression in a for loop is an argument to the primitive function for
From ?`for` in the value section
for, while and repeat return NULL invisibly. for sets var to the last
used element of seq, or to NULL if it was of length zero.
print prints the results to the console.
for(i in 1:5) i + 1
merely calculates i + 1 for each iteration and returns nothing
If you want to assign something then assign it using <-, or less advisably assign
You can avoid an explicit loops by using sapply. This (should) avoid any pitfalls of growing vectors
results <- sapply(1:5, function(i) { i + 1})
Now frankly, there must be a better solution than this
loopee <- function(x){
res <- vector(mode = "numeric", length(x))
for (i in 1:x) {res[i] <- i+1}
> loopee(5)
[1] 2 3 4 5 6

How to assign from a function which returns more than one value?

Still trying to get into the R logic... what is the "best" way to unpack (on LHS) the results from a function returning multiple values?
I can't do this apparently:
R> functionReturningTwoValues <- function() { return(c(1, 2)) }
R> functionReturningTwoValues()
[1] 1 2
R> a, b <- functionReturningTwoValues()
Error: unexpected ',' in "a,"
R> c(a, b) <- functionReturningTwoValues()
Error in c(a, b) <- functionReturningTwoValues() : object 'a' not found
must I really do the following?
R> r <- functionReturningTwoValues()
R> a <- r[1]; b <- r[2]
or would the R programmer write something more like this:
R> functionReturningTwoValues <- function() {return(list(first=1, second=2))}
R> r <- functionReturningTwoValues()
R> r$first
[1] 1
R> r$second
[1] 2
--- edited to answer Shane's questions ---
I don't really need giving names to the result value parts. I am applying one aggregate function to the first component and an other to the second component (min and max. if it was the same function for both components I would not need splitting them).
(1) list[...]<- I had posted this over a decade ago on r-help. Since then it has been added to the gsubfn package. It does not require a special operator but does require that the left hand side be written using list[...] like this:
library(gsubfn) # need 0.7-0 or later
list[a, b] <- functionReturningTwoValues()
If you only need the first or second component these all work too:
list[a] <- functionReturningTwoValues()
list[a, ] <- functionReturningTwoValues()
list[, b] <- functionReturningTwoValues()
(Of course, if you only needed one value then functionReturningTwoValues()[[1]] or functionReturningTwoValues()[[2]] would be sufficient.)
See the cited r-help thread for more examples.
(2) with If the intent is merely to combine the multiple values subsequently and the return values are named then a simple alternative is to use with :
myfun <- function() list(a = 1, b = 2)
list[a, b] <- myfun()
a + b
# same
with(myfun(), a + b)
(3) attach Another alternative is attach:
a + b
ADDED: with and attach
I somehow stumbled on this clever hack on the internet ... I'm not sure if it's nasty or beautiful, but it lets you create a "magical" operator that allows you to unpack multiple return values into their own variable. The := function is defined here, and included below for posterity:
':=' <- function(lhs, rhs) {
frame <- parent.frame()
lhs <- as.list(substitute(lhs))
if (length(lhs) > 1)
lhs <- lhs[-1]
if (length(lhs) == 1) {`=`, list(lhs[[1]], rhs), envir=frame)
if (is.function(rhs) || is(rhs, 'formula'))
rhs <- list(rhs)
if (length(lhs) > length(rhs))
rhs <- c(rhs, rep(list(NULL), length(lhs) - length(rhs)))
for (i in 1:length(lhs))`=`, list(lhs[[i]], rhs[[i]]), envir=frame)
With that in hand, you can do what you're after:
functionReturningTwoValues <- function() {
return(list(1, matrix(0, 2, 2)))
c(a, b) := functionReturningTwoValues()
#[1] 1
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 0 0
# [2,] 0 0
I don't know how I feel about that. Perhaps you might find it helpful in your interactive workspace. Using it to build (re-)usable libraries (for mass consumption) might not be the best idea, but I guess that's up to you.
... you know what they say about responsibility and power ...
Usually I wrap the output into a list, which is very flexible (you can have any combination of numbers, strings, vectors, matrices, arrays, lists, objects int he output)
so like:
func2<-function(input) {
for (i in output) {
[1] 6
[1] 7
I put together an R package zeallot to tackle this problem. zeallot includes a multiple assignment or unpacking assignment operator, %<-%. The LHS of the operator is any number of variables to assign, built using calls to c(). The RHS of the operator is a vector, list, data frame, date object, or any custom object with an implemented destructure method (see ?zeallot::destructure).
Here are a handful of examples based on the original post,
functionReturningTwoValues <- function() {
return(c(1, 2))
c(a, b) %<-% functionReturningTwoValues()
a # 1
b # 2
functionReturningListOfValues <- function() {
return(list(1, 2, 3))
c(d, e, f) %<-% functionReturningListOfValues()
d # 1
e # 2
f # 3
functionReturningNestedList <- function() {
return(list(1, list(2, 3)))
c(f, c(g, h)) %<-% functionReturningNestedList()
f # 1
g # 2
h # 3
functionReturningTooManyValues <- function() {
c(i, j, %<-% functionReturningTooManyValues()
i # 1
j # 2
rest # list(3, 4, 5, ..)
Check out the package vignette for more information and examples.
functionReturningTwoValues <- function() {
results <- list()
results$first <- 1
results$second <-2
a <- functionReturningTwoValues()
I think this works.
There's no right answer to this question. I really depends on what you're doing with the data. In the simple example above, I would strongly suggest:
Keep things as simple as possible.
Wherever possible, it's a best practice to keep your functions vectorized. That provides the greatest amount of flexibility and speed in the long run.
Is it important that the values 1 and 2 above have names? In other words, why is it important in this example that 1 and 2 be named a and b, rather than just r[1] and r[2]? One important thing to understand in this context is that a and b are also both vectors of length 1. So you're not really changing anything in the process of making that assignment, other than having 2 new vectors that don't need subscripts to be referenced:
> r <- c(1,2)
> a <- r[1]
> b <- r[2]
> class(r)
[1] "numeric"
> class(a)
[1] "numeric"
> a
[1] 1
> a[1]
[1] 1
You can also assign the names to the original vector if you would rather reference the letter than the index:
> names(r) <- c("a","b")
> names(r)
[1] "a" "b"
> r["a"]
[Edit] Given that you will be applying min and max to each vector separately, I would suggest either using a matrix (if a and b will be the same length and the same data type) or data frame (if a and b will be the same length but can be different data types) or else use a list like in your last example (if they can be of differing lengths and data types).
> r <- data.frame(a=1:4, b=5:8)
> r
a b
1 1 5
2 2 6
3 3 7
4 4 8
> min(r$a)
[1] 1
> max(r$b)
[1] 8
If you want to return the output of your function to the Global Environment, you can use list2env, like in this example:
myfun <- function(x) { a <- 1:x
b <- 5:x
df <- data.frame(a=a, b=b)
newList <- list("my_obj1" = a, "my_obj2" = b, "myDF"=df)
list2env(newList ,.GlobalEnv)
This function will create three objects in your Global Environment:
> my_obj1
[1] 1 2 3
> my_obj2
[1] 5 4 3
> myDF
a b
1 1 5
2 2 4
3 3 3
Lists seem perfect for this purpose. For example within the function you would have
x = desired_return_value_1 # (vector, matrix, etc)
y = desired_return_value_2 # (vector, matrix, etc)
returnlist = list(x,y...)
} # end of function
main program
x = returnlist[[1]]
y = returnlist[[2]]
Yes to your second and third questions -- that's what you need to do as you cannot have multiple 'lvalues' on the left of an assignment.
How about using assign?
functionReturningTwoValues <- function(a, b) {
assign(a, 1, pos=1)
assign(b, 2, pos=1)
You can pass the names of the variable you want to be passed by reference.
> functionReturningTwoValues('a', 'b')
> a
[1] 1
> b
[1] 2
If you need to access the existing values, the converse of assign is get.
If each of foo and bar is a single number, then there's nothing wrong with c(foo,bar); and you can also name the components: c(Foo=foo,Bar=bar). So you could access the components of the result 'res' as res[1], res[2]; or, in the named case, as res["Foo"], res["BAR"].
If foo and bar are vectors of the same type and length, then again there's nothing wrong with returning cbind(foo,bar) or rbind(foo,bar); likewise nameable. In the 'cbind' case, you would access foo and bar as res[,1], res[,2] or as res[,"Foo"], res[,"Bar"]. You might also prefer to return a dataframe rather than a matrix:
and access them as res$Foo, res$Bar. This would also work well if foo and bar were of the same length but not of the same type (e.g. foo is a vector of numbers, bar a vector of character strings).
If foo and bar are sufficiently different not to combine conveniently as above, then you shuld definitely return a list.
For example, your function might fit a linear model and
also calculate predicted values, so you could have
LM<-lm(....) ; foo<-summary(LM); bar<-LM$fit
and then you would return list(Foo=foo,Bar=bar) and then access the summary as res$Foo, the predicted values as res$Bar
Year 2021 and this is something I frequently use.
tidyverse package has a function called lst that assigns name to the list elements when creating the list.
Post which I use list2env() to assign variable or use the list directly
fun <- function(){
list2env(fun(), envir=.GlobalEnv)#unpacks list key-values to variable-values into the current environment
This is only for the sake of completeness and not because I personally prefer it. You can pipe %>% the result, evaluate it with curly braces {} and write variables to the parent environment using double-arrow <<-.
functionReturningTwoValues() %>% {a <<- .[1]; b <<- .[2]}
Your can also use the multiple assignment operator from the zeallot package:: %<-%
c(a, b) %<-% list(0, 1)
I will post a function that returns multiple objects by way of vectors:
Median <- function(X){
X_Sort <- sort(X)
if (length(X)%%2==0){
Median <- (X_Sort[(length(X)/2)]+X_Sort[(length(X)/2)+1])/2
} else{
Median <- X_Sort[(length(X)+1)/2]
That was a function I created to calculate the median. I know that there's an inbuilt function in R called median() but nonetheless I programmed it to build other function to calculate the quartiles of a numeric data-set by using the Median() function I just programmed. The Median() function works like this:
If a numeric vector X has an even number of elements (i.e., length(X)%%2==0), the median is calculated by averaging the elements sort(X)[length(X)/2] and sort(X)[(length(X)/2+1)].
If Xdoesn't have an even number of elements, the median is sort(X)[(length(X)+1)/2].
On to the QuartilesFunction():
QuartilesFunction <- function(X){
X_Sort <- sort(X) # Data is sorted in ascending order
if (length(X)%%2==0){
# Data number is even
HalfDN <- X_Sort[1:(length(X)/2)]
HalfUP <- X_Sort[((length(X)/2)+1):length(X)]
QL <- Median(HalfDN)
QU <- Median(HalfUP)
QL1 <- QL
QL2 <- QL
QU1 <- QU
QU2 <- QU
QL3 <- QL
QU3 <- QU
Quartiles <- c(QL1,QU1,QL2,QU2,QL3,QU3)
names(Quartiles) = c("QL (1)", "QU (1)", "QL (2)", "QU (2)","QL (3)", "QU (3)")
} else{ # Data number is odd
# Including the median
Half1DN <- X_Sort[1:((length(X)+1)/2)]
Half1UP <- X_Sort[(((length(X)+1)/2)):length(X)]
QL1 <- Median(Half1DN)
QU1 <- Median(Half1UP)
# Not including the median
Half2DN <- X_Sort[1:(((length(X)+1)/2)-1)]
Half2UP <- X_Sort[(((length(X)+1)/2)+1):length(X)]
QL2 <- Median(Half2DN)
QU2 <- Median(Half2UP)
# Methods (1) and (2) averaged
QL3 <- (QL1+QL2)/2
QU3 <- (QU1+QU2)/2
Quartiles <- c(QL1,QU1,QL2,QU2,QL3,QU3)
names(Quartiles) = c("QL (1)", "QU (1)", "QL (2)", "QU (2)","QL (3)", "QU (3)")
This function returns the quartiles of a numeric vector by using three methods:
Discarding the median for the calculation of the quartiles when the number of elements of the numeric vector Xis odd.
Keeping the median for the calculation of the quartiles when the number of elements of the numeric vector Xis odd.
Averaging the results obtained by using methods 1 and 2.
When the number of elements in the numeric vector X is even, the three methods coincide.
The result of the QuartilesFunction() is a vector that depicts the first and third quartiles calculated by using the three methods outlined.
With R 3.6.1, I can do the following
fr2v <- function() { c(5,3) }
a_b <- fr2v()
(a_b[[1]]) # prints "5"
(a_b[[2]]) # prints "3"
To obtain multiple outputs from a function and keep them in the desired format you can save the outputs to your hard disk (in the working directory) from within the function and then load them from outside the function:
myfun <- function(x) {
df1 <- ...
df2 <- ...
save(df1, file = "myfile1")
save(df2, file = "myfile2")
