Is it possible to add logic to CDN - cdn

Is it possible to serve two different pages based on the user agent.
I want to serve pagename-iphone.html if the user agent matches iPhone and pagename-other.html for all other user agents. I want all pages on the site to follow this pattern. Is it possible to do this at the CDN level (cloud front, akamai etc).
thanks for your help!

I think what you are after is User Agent based caching, like vary: User-Agent.
In theory, a server provide Cache service can definitely do so, however, as far as I can tell CloudFront and most of other major CDN providers don' support so.
The basic reason is very straightforward that the currently there are too many User-Agent header, and it's almost unique on every single browser, not mention the different versions of the same browser. If you purely do things based on the whole User-Agent, you will lost the benefit of CDN cache most of the time.
Some of the more advanced servers allow you to add condition based on headers, for example, in Varnish, you can even add if,else logic for returning different values. But this is not available for majority of CDNs.
In the other hand, you should not rely on CDN to return different html pages. CDN is more commonly used to accelerate artifacts (js/css/imgs) instead of the whole page.
EDIT: Actually, I just recieved an email from AWS mentioned now CloudFront starts to support this:
Mobile Device Detection: You can now cache and deliver customized
content to your viewers on different devices (e.g. mobile vs. desktop)
based on the value of the User Agent header.
Please refers to: for more details.


Best practice to prevent sharing page url

Looking for some strategy here. We have a secure (subscription-based) website that points to another website for streaming video. Currently, a savvy user could potentially share the link to the streaming page thus bypassing the login. Looking for ideas on how to:
Prevent sharing the link
Cloak the link...or
Make the link from the origin page point to a dynamically-generated URL that can only be visited once.
Thanks in advance!
Unless there is a form of streaming the video from the third party to your application (by streaming I actually mean sending the video in chunks of data to your backend, assembling them back together, and serving the actual assembled video as if it was hosted directly on the same host as the web application, I have personally done this using Amazon S3 for my open-source subscription-based CMS called phpReel) I don't think you can securely do this.
If you do want to go down this route please note that it might get expensive if you have a lot of active subscriptions but if you are interested you could check out these files as they showcase how I have done it for phpReel. I am afraid though that you might need a developer for this job.
On a more optimistic note, may I ask what service do you actually use to stream your videos? For example, Vimeo with the cheapest paid plan offers an option that restricts access to your video outside a specific domain name. Meaning you can set that your videos must be streamed only on, and thus they will be accessible there and only there.

AWS Web ACL rule: alternatives to Referer

I am looking for a way to limit access to AWS S3 hosted data in a controlled and at least semi-secure way. I have various resources in a number of S3 buckets, with CloudFront as CDN. I then have a WordPress based website using a theme that allows me to sell "courses". Finally I manage my domains so I can create a sub domain for the content download link, i.e.
Ideally I want to limit access to content to a specific set of courses, so only people who have bought the course, and are linking to the content from a web page in that course, can (easily) get at the data.
I know I can use an AWS Web ACL rule to check the referer, to limit downloads to links on my domain. And I think I can expand on that to test more of the URL, so in I could have a rule that tests for the bold portion of the path and refuses otherwise.
However, I also know that referer can be easily spoofed, and more importantly some browsers and internet security software will replace the referer, and I don't want my site security to force customers to change their security settings. So, is there another option, to include some sort of data in the HTTP request, that limits access in a way that is both somewhat secure, but not dependent on a client side settings? Perhaps something like a hash that I could include in the link itself? Or, maybe the WordPress API and AWS Web ACL Rules can communicate is some way so as to validate the logged on user has membership in the course? Grasping at straws here I suspect.
Additionally, there will be a PowerShell script that can be downloaded and run, which will access downloadable content as well. Again, I want to limit access, but in this case I need to be able to maintain the criteria on AWS as I have subscription and non subscription versions of the courses, and the PS script should only download for customers on subscription. So, I could provide the PS script with something like a customer ID, then maintain a list of customer IDs that are currently on subscription so the Web ACL rule could filter. But again, I suspect that HTTP header won't get the job done, because it could be changed by internet security at the customer location. But now I am limited by what PowerShell can do with regards to HTTP requests.
I know, rather an open ended question, but hopefully someone can at least point me in the right direction. It sure seems like both needs are something that AWS should be able to do, I am just so out of my depth here I don't know where to start, and AWS documentation requires that you have some clue to get you going.

Different methods of embedding a page

We provide a third-party site to clients. Frequently when we are handling an RFP, we are asked if it is possible to embed our site within our client's site. Many of our prospective clients have unusual limits or requests, such as 'do not use iframes'.
To that end, I've been asked to ensure that our upcoming redesign of our site makes it practical to embed in client's sites in at least two ways.
The methods of embedding a full-functioning website (as opposed to a cross-site image or piece of static content) within another are as follows:
iframe - Much used, frequently maligned, and some of our
previous RFPs have specifically excluded this as a possiblility.
Object/Embed tags - going way back, it's possible to embed a
full-functioning HTML page into another the same way you would embed
a flash object.
Ajax - Supposedly capable of loading a full
site into an HTML object (such as a div tag), but there seem to be additional security hoops to jump through, due to the dangers of cross-domain requests.
Are there other methods for placing a full site within another from a different domain? Are there any caveats or limitations to any of the above three (for instance, our site uses AJAX calls for login and to update some user-defined settings, will those all function correctly in each of the above embed strategies?) that I might be unaware of?
Thanks in advance.
X-Frame-OptionsResponse Header
If you are embedding your site to somebody else's site, you must be careful about the X-Frame-Options response header. Make sure your site does not send SAMEORIGIN as the value for X-Frame-Options. If you do, it will cause problems for iframes and embedded objects. You can do two things:
You absolutely do not send the header: Any site will be able to display your site in an iframe or as an embedded object. This can cause security problems like clickjacking. See this article for more info and defense on clickjacking.
You can make sure only the site you authorize will be able to embed your site: This is done by sending ALLOW-FROM url value for X-Frame-Options header. You can sniff the HTTP-referer to identify which site is requesting your page. This is really secure than option 1 (unless users' browsers are malicious, of course). NOTE: Not all browswers support ALLOW_FROM. See linked reference for supported browsers
Same Origin Policy
Same Origin Policy will not affect you as far as your site and your clients site do not access each others DOM.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing should be considered if a script from your clients' website makes an AJAX request (XmlHttpRequest) to the resources in your site. But as far as your question is concerned, this is not the case, I think.
I gave an answer explaining CORS some time back, you can read it if you want to get a basic understanding of CORS.
Plugins for third party sites
It seems like you are trying to embed some functionality in clients site. Consider offering site plugins like those Facebook and Disqus does.
I am not sure if Same-Origin Policy or CORS applies here. I will find that out and get back to you.
Note: X-Frame-Options, Same-Origin Policy, and CORS is implemented by browsers. There's nothing you can do if the users browser does not implement these things, or if the browser is hacked to not respect these security policies.

Why would a consistent number of visitors be missing User-Agent headers?

We recently deployed a mobile version of our site, and part of that deployment included a User-Agent check to determine which version to deliver to the end user.
Every minute or so since we released, we've had an Elmah error from an exception that was thrown when a User-Agent was blank.
We've already fixed the issue in production, but I'm curious as to why a consistent (but very small) percentage of our traffic might not have User-Agent defined.
This is a simple guess, but it could come from bots.
There's an amazing number of bots (search engines, botnets, and others) that constantly scan websites and servers for vulnerabilities, passwords and such. Sometimes they have a known User-Agent, sometimes not.
You could use a CDN service like CloudFlare to get an idea of how many of those requests come from robots (no, I don't work for that company - but using their services made me realize how much the web is polluted by bots, the stats are scary).

Get unique, static id from a device via web request

I have an MVC application that I would like to add some custom stats to. For some of the stats, it would be nice to have a unique identifier for a device.
For example, if I have a unique id for a RSS subscriber, I can monitor the active number of RSS subscribers.
I was wondering if anyone knew of anything in the web request that could be used as an ID other than the IP (which can obviously change). Something like a device ID or something?
Here are some approaches to consider.
HTTP Headers
There are a few HTTP Headers you can look at that can help you identify a unique user or device - some would refer to the sim card, some refer to the device.
Here is a list that I derived from the headers that Google Adsense Mobile uses to help track their advertising:
These are probably some very popular one's, but there would be more vendor/device specific headers that are popular. You could start gathering all the headers your site receives and count how many of each you receive and start building up your own database of common headers.
Some other approaches
Cookies is something that can be set on the requesting agent (browser for example) and returned when the agent visits again. For a list of methods, check out Ever Cookie - the virtually permanent cookie - it works by using one of the following methods of which at least one will work:
- Standard HTTP Cookies
- Local Shared Objects (Flash Cookies)
- Silverlight Isolated Storage
- Storing cookies in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached
PNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels (cookies) back out
- Storing cookies in Web History
- Storing cookies in HTTP ETags
- Storing cookies in Web cache
- caching
- Internet Explorer userData storage
- HTML5 Session Storage
- HTML5 Local Storage
- HTML5 Global Storage
- HTML5 Database Storage via SQLite
It's also possible to come up with your own scheme, e.g. take the user-agent header, some other headers like accept, x-fowarded-for and the ip make a unique hash value of out them to more accurately determine the uniqueness of the agent.
There are many different mobile headers as seen here. I also hit a page of mine and store mobile headers from various devices for my own purposes here (also ua1.txt, ua2.txt etc)
The short answer is their isn't any (and with good reason given privacy concerns). The more helpful answer would be that this is something you would normally do using cookies. You set a cookie and then check that to identify the specific browser making the request.
Of course, this is by no means fool-proof as users can reject cookies, delete them and they can use many different browsers (each of which will have a different cookie). If you are being devious (and I wouldn't recommend this) you could use a Local Shared Object (Flash Cookie) as this is less likely to be removed. At the end of the day, though, if someone doesn't want to be tracked you can't force them to be.
Generally, though, if you want analytics and tracking then consider using a 3rd party solution like Google Analytics. This will give you very detailed data (albeit still relying on cookies and javascript) about your visitors and their browsing habits.
other than the IP
If your site doesn't require any sort of authentication in order to serve this content, the IP address is the only thing you could get to identify clients, and even this might not be unique, for example you could have two clients behind the same proxy => no way of distinguishing those requests in this case. Another possibility is to use cookies, but that sort of falls in the first category => authentication.
There is no identifier that's provided by a browser, privacy concerns make it very unlikely that any vendor would ever implement that, now at least.
The only option you have is some form of cookie.
For RSS feeds, you could conceivably embed a random unique ID in the feed URL every time its rendered, so you'd know when the person that retrieved that URL downloaded your feed. However, if the user shared that URL with others you'd have no real way of knowing.
