Symfony2 not firing kernel.terminate event - symfony

I'm going to upgrade my Symfony from 2.0 to 2.5 with all this guides:
My front page works but web debug toolbar throws "404 Not found".
After whole day searching and digging trought symfony code i found:
Web Debug Toolbar and Profiler looks fine but...
app/cache/dev/profiler is empty (whole cache has 0777 access)
kernel.terminate event wont fires (last noticed event is kernel.finish_request)
i can't find place where Kernel terminate method is called (that is the last place where i stuck)
Maybe someone has simmilar problem?

3) kernel.terminate event wont fires
Ensure all the services which are listening to 'kernal.terminate' event are correctly configured. i.e Symfony should be able to instantiate the services which are listening to 'kernal.terminate' event.
As Symfony dispatches 'kernal.terminate' event, the dispatcher first gets the list of services that are listening to this event. If it fails to get the list of services, it throws an exception. Since this exception is happening on terminate and the response is already sent, you will not be able to see the exception anywhere, other than logs.
If it fails to get the list of services that are listing to the 'kernal.terminate', it is most possible that there is an error in instantiating any of the services due to any reason. Eg. the arguments passed to constructor are wrong/not available.
Tip: Keep tailing symfony logs and php logs while debugging.
4) i can't find place where Kernel terminate method is called
You can find it in app_dev.php or app.php


setAckOnError() method for Spring kafka 2.7.8

while upgrading our spring kafka to 2.7.8, we are getting error in the setAckOnError(false) method as it has been deprecated now. Is there any way now to set the acknowledgement for the errors to false? Any other methods that can help me to set it as false for errors acknowledgement?
P.S: I am new to Kafka, any help appreciated!
That property was found to have a (very small) timing hole in that a record could be ack'd before the error handler handles it; if the app dies at that time, the record could be "lost".
It was replaced by a new feature in the error handlers ackAfterHandle; which is true by default - i.e. the record's offset is only committed if the error handler "handles" the error.
Records are now never ack'd if the error handler (such as the SeekToCurrentErrorHandler) throws an exception (after it repositions the partitions).
There is no extra configuration needed any more.
See Spring Kafka AckOnError for more details.

BizTalk Default Pipeline XML Receive - Error Code -1061153241

Looking in the BizTalk Admin Console under tracked service instances and I can see that the default XML Receive pipeline starts, however it never completes. It remains at status "started" with the error code set to -1061153241. In tracked message events I can see the pipeline receives the message, however i can't see a "send" event type and it looks like the message is not sent to the MessageBox for the waiting orchestration to pick it up. My orchestration never gets initiated. There are no error messages in the event log, no suspended service instances, just the tracked service instance showing starting and not completed with the error code specified above.
I managed to resolve this issue. I had previously just GAC'd a dll and didn't update it as a resource in the Admin Console. Once I updated the Admin Console with this resource and restarted host instances the error went away. Thanks.

SmartTarget Errors in log file

I don't have any errors with my smart target application, but I do see in the event log, the following error messages:
ERROR 2012-09-19 14:30:09
com.tridion.smarttarget.utils.AmbientDataHelper - can't find defined
trigger-types in claim store (check if your smarttarget cartridge is
up and running)
ERROR 2012-09-19 14:30:11
com.tridion.smarttarget.tags.TimeoutQueryRunner - The fredhopper query
timed out java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException at
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet(Unknown Source) at
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) at
ERROR 2012-09-19 14:30:11
com.tridion.smarttarget.tags.TimeoutQueryRunner - The fredhopper query
timed out
I would really like to understand what is causing these and how I can remove them. Or some suggested steps to help me debug this would be great :)
As I say, everything is working perfectly, later on in the logs I see the query to ST is correct and the results being generated.
In the event that is helps, I'm running on a 2009 implementation with Smart Target 2010, java 1.5.
Sounds like you might have a trigger configured in ST that does not actually exist in the ADF (or is mismatched). Have you looked through your trigger-types.xml file for anything obvious? Have you disabled an ADF cartridge but not removed the corresponding trigger in the XML perhaps? See the documentation for Defining trigger types.
I think your timeout is coming from the SmartTarget region rather than FredHopper. Sometimes a query that isn't already cached in FredHopper can take a while to return, even though it's ultimately successful. The ST query tag has a timeout (defined in the smarttarget_conf.xml file, or over-ridden with a tag attribute) that it will wait for a response from Fredhopper for before resorting to using the fallback content. This might explain why you see later in the logs that the query is correct and that results are returned. See the documentation for <tcdl:query>.
No conclusive answer for you I'm afraid, but I hope that helps.
The first error is logged if your SmartTarget cartridge is not running -- or if the data that it puts into ADF is lost somehow (e.g. you have disabled sessions in your web server).
In that case, SmartTarget will still do a query but it won't include anything from the Ambient Data Framework in it. If you don't have any triggers based on ambient data, the end result is the same for you.
To get rid of the error, make sure that smarttarget_cartridge is configured correctly.
As for the timeout error, it simply means that the query sent to Fredhopper took longer than the configured time. In that case it will show the fallback content instead. If this is happening a lot, you might want to increase the timeout within smarttarget_conf.xml.
I hope you found the issue, but for future reference, the first error message is raised when the claim "taf:claim:ambientdata:definedtriggertypes" is not set by the SmartTarget cartridge. This can be caused by:
SmartTarget cartridge could not load the the trigger types from the SmartTarget server. The log will show an error "can't retrieve list of defined trigger types from FH".
The HTTP session on your web server is expired during an active visit (the HTTP session expired but the browser is still open) and the claim is "lost".
The server does not support sessions like Peter mentioned.

servlet initialization failure in websphere 6.0

I have many servlets in a web applicaton; for some stange reason, only and only one of them always fails in initialization with the following error trace:-
00000045 ServletWrappe E SRVE0100E: Did not realize init() exception thrown by servlet MyServletX: java.lang.NullPointerException
I could not figure out if there is anything extra ordinary with this servlet. There is no init() method in this servlet and it extends HTTPServlet. Any idea what could be reason? I am using websphere server 6.0.x. How to get more debugging information in this case?
Well I don't know still cause of above error, but this is how it started working strangely:- i) Re-applied recommended fixes by IBM for my WAS version (especially there are IBM JDK upgrade related fix patches) ii) created a new profile of server iii) Install web application to new profile and it started working.
I don't think this is a product issue.
To debug this problem what i would suggest is to place a simple servlet (kind of Hello World) and deploy it to the server and see what happens.
initialization does not necessarily mean init() method alone.
If you have a static block in your servlet, if you have any variables that are initialized they would all be part of the initialization activity.
Look at the FFDC logs that were generated when this error occurred and that should provide you with clues.
As bkail mentioned, also ensure that yo have the latest fixpacks just to eliminate known problems with the product.
if the hello world servlet works, suggest you place hte servlet code here along with the SystemOut and System Err logs that correspond to this issue along with the relevant FFDC logs and i am sure most of us will be able to help you out with this

Can't terminate BizTalk instances in isolated adapter

Can anyone explain how I can remove service instances ?
- I've got a few which the BizTalk console shows as "Running"
- they are all in the Isolated Adapter
- tried doing a Stop with Full Stop option ...
- tried the Terminate Instance option ...
- even tried deleting the BizTalk application
But they're still there ??
my bad, the application delete did remove them, must have forgot to refresh
Event log has the errors ...
A request-response for the "HTTP" adapter at receive location "/foanite/BTSHTTPReceive.dll" has timed out before a response could be delivered.
but I still don't understand why the terminate wouldn't work
If you are running an Receive Location in an isolated host you normally need to perform a iisreset to be able to delete them.
If the IISReset does't help (it often doesn't) then use the BizTalk Health Monitor.
Select "Maintenance" from left-and tree view
For Task Type, select "Delete" and "Terminate Single Instance (Hard Termination)"
Paste the instance id taken from the BizTalk admin console
Click "Execute Task"
