How to consume a LOB Adapter SDK-based design-time interfaces - wcf-lob-adapter

I'm trying to build a web-based GUI to consume custom LOB Adapter SDK-based connectors.
In particular, I would like to browse the metadata using the IMetadataResolverHandler interface.
I'm having two problems:
The first problem happens when trying to instantiate the custom adapter. My plan is to obtain an instance of the IConnectionFactory interface, through which I could get a new IConnection and connect to the target LOB system.
Since the most interesting methods in the Adapter base class are protected, I can only seem to succeed using reflection (please, see the sample code below).
The second problem happens when trying to browse the metadata from the target system. The method Browse on the IMetadataResolverHandler interface expects an instance of a MetadataLookup object that I have no idea how to obtain.
Please, see the sample code below:
static void Main(string[] args)
var extension = new SqlAdapterBindingElementExtensionElement();
var adapter = (Adapter) Activator.CreateInstance(extension.BindingElementType);
var isHandlerSupportedMethodInfo = adapter.GetType().GetMethod("IsHandlerSupported", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
var buildConnectionUri = adapter.GetType().GetMethod("BuildConnectionUri", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
var buildConnectionFactory = adapter.GetType().GetMethod("BuildConnectionFactory", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (isHandlerSupportedMethodInfo == null || buildConnectionUri == null || buildConnectionFactory == null)
Console.WriteLine("Not a LOB adapter.");
var isHandlerSupportedTHandler = isHandlerSupportedMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(IMetadataResolverHandler));
var isMetadataBrowseSupported = (bool)isHandlerSupportedTHandler.Invoke(adapter, new object[] { });
if (!isMetadataBrowseSupported)
Console.WriteLine("Metadata retrieval not supported.");
var bindingElement = (SqlAdapterBindingElement)adapter;
bindingElement.AcceptCredentialsInUri = false;
bindingElement.InboundOperationType = InboundOperation.TypedPolling;
bindingElement.PolledDataAvailableStatement = "EXEC [dbo].[usp_IsDataAvailable]";
bindingElement.PollingStatement = "EXEC [dbo].[usp_SelectAvailableData]";
bindingElement.PollingIntervalInSeconds = 10;
var binding = new CustomBinding();
var parameters = new BindingParameterCollection();
var context = new BindingContext(binding, parameters);
var credentials = new ClientCredentials();
credentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
credentials.UserName.Password = "password";
var address = (ConnectionUri) buildConnectionUri.Invoke(adapter, new []{ new Uri("mssql://")});
var connectionFactory = (IConnectionFactory)buildConnectionFactory.Invoke(adapter, new object[] { address, credentials, context });
var connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
MetadataLookup lookup = null; // ??
var browser = connection.BuildHandler<IMetadataBrowseHandler>(lookup);

Answering my own question, I figured it out by inspecting the code of the "Consume Adapter Service" wizard. The key is to use the IMetadataRetrievalContract interface which, internally, is implemented using up to three LOB-SDK interfaces, and in particular IMetadataResolverHandler.
Here is code that works without reflection:
var extension = new SqlAdapterBindingElementExtensionElement();
var adapter = (Adapter) Activator.CreateInstance(extension.BindingElementType);
var bindingElement = (SqlAdapterBindingElement)adapter;
bindingElement.AcceptCredentialsInUri = false;
bindingElement.InboundOperationType = InboundOperation.TypedPolling;
bindingElement.PolledDataAvailableStatement = "EXEC [dbo].[usp_IsDataAvailable]";
bindingElement.PollingStatement = "EXEC [dbo].[usp_SelectAvailableData]";
bindingElement.PollingIntervalInSeconds = 10;
var binding = new CustomBinding();
const string endpoint = "mssql://";
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IMetadataRetrievalContract>(binding, new EndpointAddress(new Uri(endpoint)));
factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = "password";
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
var metadata = channel.Browse(MetadataRetrievalNode.Root.DisplayName, 0, Int32.MaxValue);
((IChannel) channel).Close();


ITfoxtec SAML 2.0 encrypt assertion

Is it possible to encrypt the assertion response with ITfoxtec Identity Saml2 (open source - Haven't been able to find anything.
The GitHub site ( mentions decrypting but not encrypting. Doesn't seem to be any examples on encrypting either.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
In saml2postbinding class, replace BindInternal method with below code.
protected override Saml2PostBinding BindInternal(Saml2Request saml2RequestResponse, string messageName)
var element1 = XmlDocument.CreateElement("saml2", "EncryptedAssertion", "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion");
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
var assertionElements = XmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes($"//*[local-name()='{Saml2Constants.Message.Assertion}']");
var assertionElement = (assertionElements[0] as XmlElement).ToXmlDocument().DocumentElement;
var certificate = ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2.Util.CertificateUtil.Load(#"F:\IT-FoxTec-Core Copy\ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2-master (1)\ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2-master\test\TestIdPCore\itfoxtec.identity.saml2.testwebappcore_Certificate.crt");
var wrappedAssertion = $#"<saml2:EncryptedAssertion xmlns:saml2=""urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"">{assertionElement.OuterXml}</saml2:EncryptedAssertion>";
var elementToEncrypt = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Assertion", Saml2Constants.AssertionNamespace.OriginalString)[0];
element1.InnerXml = wrappedAssertion.ToXmlDocument().DocumentElement.SelectNodes($"//*[local-name()='{Saml2Constants.Message.Assertion}']")[0].OuterXml;
var element2 = wrappedAssertion.ToXmlDocument().DocumentElement;
var childNode = XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("Assertion", Saml2Constants.AssertionNamespace.OriginalString)[0];
var status = XmlDocument.DocumentElement[Saml2Constants.Message.Status, Saml2Constants.ProtocolNamespace.OriginalString];
XmlDocument.DocumentElement.InsertAfter(element1, status);
if (certificate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(certificate));
var encryptedData = new EncryptedData
Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl,
EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url)
var algorithm = true ? EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSAOAEPUrl : EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url;
var encryptedKey = new EncryptedKey
EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(algorithm),
var encryptedXml = new EncryptedXml();
byte[] encryptedElement;
using (var encryptionAlgorithm = new AesCryptoServiceProvider())
encryptionAlgorithm.KeySize = 256;
encryptedKey.CipherData = new CipherData(EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(encryptionAlgorithm.Key, (RSA)certificate.PublicKey.Key, true));
encryptedElement = encryptedXml.EncryptData(elementToEncrypt, encryptionAlgorithm, false);
encryptedData.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement;
encryptedData.KeyInfo = new KeyInfo();
encryptedData.KeyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoEncryptedKey(encryptedKey));
EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement((XmlElement)xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Assertion", Saml2Constants.AssertionNamespace.OriginalString)[0], encryptedData, false);
EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement((XmlElement)XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("Assertion", Saml2Constants.AssertionNamespace.OriginalString)[0], encryptedData, false);
if ((!(saml2RequestResponse is Saml2AuthnRequest) || saml2RequestResponse.Config.SignAuthnRequest) && saml2RequestResponse.Config.SigningCertificate != null)
XmlDocument = XmlDocument.SignDocument(saml2RequestResponse.Config.SigningCertificate, saml2RequestResponse.Config.SignatureAlgorithm, CertificateIncludeOption, saml2RequestResponse.Id.Value);
PostContent = string.Concat(HtmlPostPage(saml2RequestResponse.Destination, messageName));
return this;
Here certificate is public key certificate for any relying party.
I m sorry to say that assertion response encryption is currently not supported.
You are Welcome to create an issue on the missing encryption funktionalitet.
If you implement the functionality please share the code.

Object Reference Not Set to Instance of an Object in Google Cloud Loadobject

Null object reference set to instance of an object
Here is the working sample for loading CSV file from cloud storage into Google Big Query.
Update variables such as "ServiceAccountEmail, KeyFileName, KeySecret, ProjectID, Dataset name and etc..
Add your table schema into this variable
TableSchema Schema = new TableSchema();
Here i am using single file loading, you can add N number of CSV file into this variable
System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> URIs = newSystem.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
Use this below code modify & work with it. Have a great day. (This solution i have found working more than 3 days).
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2;
using Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data;
using System.Data;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
namespace GoogleBigQuery
public class Class1
private static void Main()
String serviceAccountEmail = "SERVICE ACCOUNT EMAIL";
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(#"KEY FILE NAME & PATH", "KEY SECRET", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
// SYNTAX: var certificate=new X509Certificate2(KEY FILE PATH+NAME (Here it resides in Bin\Debug folder so only name is enough), SECRET KEY, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(serviceAccountEmail)
Scopes = new[] { BigqueryService.Scope.Bigquery, BigqueryService.Scope.BigqueryInsertdata, BigqueryService.Scope.CloudPlatform, BigqueryService.Scope.DevstorageFullControl }
// Create and initialize the Bigquery service. Use the Project Name value
// from the New Project window for the ApplicationName variable.
BigqueryService Service = new BigqueryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "APPLICATION NAME"
TableSchema Schema = new TableSchema();
TableFieldSchema F1 = new TableFieldSchema();
F1.Name = "COLUMN NAME";
F1.Type = "STRING";
F1.Mode = "REQUIRED";
TableFieldSchema F2 = new TableFieldSchema();
F1.Name = "COLUMN NAME";
F1.Type = "INTEGER";
F1.Mode = "NULLABLE";
//Add N number of fields as per your needs
System.Collections.Generic.IList<TableFieldSchema> FS = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TableFieldSchema>();
Schema.Fields = FS;
JobReference JR = JobUpload("PROJECT ID", "DATASET NAME", "TABLE NAME", #"gs://BUCKET NAME/FILENAME", Schema, "CREATE_IF_NEEDED", "WRITE_APPEND", '|', Service);
while (true)
var PollJob = Service.Jobs.Get(JR.ProjectId, JR.JobId).Execute();
Console.WriteLine("Job status" + JR.JobId + ": " + PollJob.Status.State);
if (PollJob.Status.State.Equals("DONE"))
Console.WriteLine("JOB Completed");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error Occurred: " + e.Message);
public static JobReference JobUpload(string project, string dataset, string tableId, string filePath, TableSchema schema, string createDisposition, string writeDisposition, char delimiter, BigqueryService BigQueryService)
TableReference DestTable = new TableReference();
DestTable.ProjectId = project;
DestTable.DatasetId = dataset;
DestTable.TableId = tableId;
Job Job = new Job();
JobConfiguration Config = new JobConfiguration();
JobConfigurationLoad ConfigLoad = new JobConfigurationLoad();
ConfigLoad.Schema = schema;
ConfigLoad.DestinationTable = DestTable;
ConfigLoad.Encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
ConfigLoad.CreateDisposition = createDisposition;
ConfigLoad.WriteDisposition = writeDisposition;
ConfigLoad.FieldDelimiter = delimiter.ToString();
ConfigLoad.AllowJaggedRows = true;
ConfigLoad.SourceFormat = "CSV";
ConfigLoad.SkipLeadingRows = 1;
ConfigLoad.MaxBadRecords = 100000;
System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> URIs = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
//You can add N number of CSV Files here
ConfigLoad.SourceUris = URIs;
Config.Load = ConfigLoad;
Job.Configuration = Config;
//set job reference (mainly job id)
JobReference JobRef = new JobReference();
Random r = new Random();
var JobNo = r.Next();
JobRef.JobId = "Job" + JobNo.ToString();
JobRef.ProjectId = project;
Job.JobReference = JobRef;
JobsResource.InsertRequest InsertMediaUpload = new JobsResource.InsertRequest(BigQueryService, Job, Job.JobReference.ProjectId);
var JobInfo = InsertMediaUpload.Execute();
return JobRef;

Retrieving CRM 4 entities with custom fields in custom workflow activity C#

I'm trying to retrieve all phone calls related to opportunity, which statecode isn't equal 1. Tried QueryByAttribute, QueryExpression and RetrieveMultipleRequest, but still has no solution.
Here some code i wrote.
IContextService contextService = (IContextService)executionContext.GetService(typeof(IContextService));
IWorkflowContext context = contextService.Context;
ICrmService crmService = context.CreateCrmService(true);
if (crmService != null)
QueryByAttribute query = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Query.QueryByAttribute();
query.ColumnSet = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Query.AllColumns();
query.EntityName = EntityName.phonecall.ToString();
query.Attributes = new string[] { "regardingobjectid" };
query.Values = new string[] { context.PrimaryEntityId.ToString() };
RetrieveMultipleRequest retrieve = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();
retrieve.Query = query;
retrieve.ReturnDynamicEntities = true;
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)crmService.Execute(retrieve);
return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
And almost same for QueryExpression
QueryExpression phCallsQuery = new QueryExpression();
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "activityid", "regardingobjectid" });
phCallsQuery.EntityName = EntityName.phonecall.ToString();
phCallsQuery.ColumnSet = cols;
phCallsQuery.Criteria = new FilterExpression();
phCallsQuery.Criteria.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
phCallsQuery.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.NotEqual, "1");
phCallsQuery.Criteria.AddCondition("regardingobjectid", ConditionOperator.Equal, context.PrimaryEntityId.ToString();
I always get something like Soap exception or "Server was unable to proceed the request" when debugging.
To get exception details try to use following code:
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieved = null;
retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)crmService.Execute(retrieve);
catch(SoapException se)
throw new Exception(se.Detail.InnerXml);

Xamarin.Forms using SQLite.Net.Async

I have followed the instructions here - to connect to the SQLite database synchronously.
public SQLiteConnection GetConnection()
var dbFilname = "localDB.db3";
string docsPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
var path = Path.Combine(docsPath, dbFilname);
var plat = new SQLitePlatformAndroid();
var conn = new SQLiteConnection(plat, path);
return conn;
I want to change it to an asynchronous connection (SQLiteAsyncConnection) but can't get it to work.
According to the instructions here - -it just needs the path as a parameter
var conn = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(path);
that doesn't work, the error says that the parameters expected are:
a connection function, a TaskScheduler and TaskCreationOptions
I have no idea what to do and have not been able to find any examples that work.
Thanks in advance
You could simply reuse the GetConnection method you already have and create async connection like this:
var asyncDb = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(() => GetConnection());
Xamarin Platforms Android Config, iOS and WP basicaly equal
public SQLiteAsyncConnection GetConnectionAsync()
const string fileName = "MyDB.db3";
var documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
var path = Path.Combine(documentsPath, fileName);
var platform = new SQLitePlatformAndroid();
var param = new SQLiteConnectionString(path, false);
var connection = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(() => new SQLiteConnectionWithLock(platform, param));
return connection;

X509Certificate2 - the system cannot find the path specified

I wish to get the data of Google analytics via service account.
When I launch first time the application, everything works correctly and I have access to the data. But When I launch second time the application I have the following error which appears: " the system cannot find the path specified ". Have you an idea? I thought it can be a lock.
This is my source code:
public static String GetAccessToken(string clientIdEMail, string keyFilePath, String scope)
// certificate
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(keyFilePath, "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
// header
var header = new { typ = "JWT", alg = "RS256" };
// claimset
var times = GetExpiryAndIssueDate();
var claimset = new
iss = clientIdEMail,
scope = scope,
aud = "",
iat = times[0],
exp = times[1],
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
// encoded header
var headerSerialized = ser.Serialize(header);
var headerBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(headerSerialized);
var headerEncoded = Convert.ToBase64String(headerBytes);
// encoded claimset
var claimsetSerialized = ser.Serialize(claimset);
var claimsetBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(claimsetSerialized);
var claimsetEncoded = Convert.ToBase64String(claimsetBytes);
// input
var input = headerEncoded + "." + claimsetEncoded;
var inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);
// signiture
var rsa = certificate.PrivateKey as RSACryptoServiceProvider;
var cspParam = new CspParameters
KeyContainerName = rsa.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyContainerName,
KeyNumber = rsa.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyNumber == KeyNumber.Exchange ? 1 : 2,
Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore
var aescsp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024,cspParam) { PersistKeyInCsp = false };
var signatureBytes = aescsp.SignData(inputBytes, "SHA256");
var signatureEncoded = Convert.ToBase64String(signatureBytes);
// jwt
var jwt = headerEncoded + "." + claimsetEncoded + "." + signatureEncoded;
var client = new WebClient();
client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
var uri = "";
var content = new NameValueCollection();
content["assertion"] = jwt;
content["grant_type"] = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer";
string response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(client.UploadValues(uri, "POST", content));
JsonGoogleResponse result = (ser.Deserialize<JsonGoogleResponse>(response));
return result.access_token;
And this is the stack:
à System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException.ThrowCryptogaphicException(Int32 hr)
à System.Security.Cryptography.SafeProvHandle._FreeCSP(IntPtr pProvCtx)
à System.Security.Cryptography.SafeProvHandle.ReleaseHandle()
à System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.InternalFinalize()
à System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
à System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.Finalize()
If you are running in IIS, you need to set "Load User Profile" to True in the application pool's advanced settings to be able to load a cert by filename & password.
So, I just had the exact same problem. I tried to solve it for almost 4 hours.
Problem was in passed path to key. Because I used the code from Google sample console application, where the path was just "key.p12" and the key was in the same directory as the exe file.
And when I wanted to create MVC application, I did not realize, that root of virtual server path can not be called just like "key.p12".
Double check the path to the key. If it is MVC application (or another ASP web), then add the key file to the root and in code call the key by using Server.MapPath("key.p12").
I just had the same issue, in my case it was a space in the path. I have no idea why, but when I put the p12 file on c:\ root, it's working...
