Downloading full project from Ohloh -

Is it possible to download complete solution from Ohloh? I am trying to implement elFinder in my web page, but I am unable to make it work. I am still getting "Unable to connect to backend" error. I have found a project on Ohloh, but I cannot see any download links for the complete solution, only for single files. Is it possible to download it in a single pack (zip/rar/tar)?

Ohloh does not actually host the sourcecode. Here's the CodePlex page for the elFinder:


The Spyc library could not be found - Drupal 7 web services

I'm setting up a REST server with web services on Drupal 7. I'm getting the error report:
The Spyc library could not be found
I downloaded the Spyc.php library (from and uploaded it to:
And also tried putting it in /servers/rest_server/lib/Spyc/, but I still get the error.
The answer above appears to be out of date.
Downloading spyc from the link above and placing in sites/all/libraries/spyc takes care of the problem. No changes to capitalization are necessary.
The Services module documentation is not accurate!
...Once downloaded you need to add spyc.php to the rest_server/lib folder which exists under
the location you have installed services in.
You simply need to create a spyc folder containing spyc.php and place it in the sites/all/libraries, as should be expected with any external libraries.

Using flash builder 4.5 for php wizard for remote object

I'm fairly new to Flex\AS3
I'm using flash builder 4.5 for php and I'm trying to connect to my DB via remote objects.
I'm following adobes instructions as listed here:
I've created the php service, and successfully finished the wizard.
I've tested my service with the Test tool and it is indeed returning my results.
My problem is that it seems that flash builder didn't create the service's files(super+base) at all. For example, when I drag the service into a dropdown component I get an error saying that the service component can't be found.
Does anyone know this issue happens? how can the test tool work if the service classes don't exist?
Thanks in advance,
The problem was that I didn't checkout the files before using the wizard so flash builder didn't have write permissions on the files and therefore didn't create the necessary files.
once he had the write permissions - everything worked just fine

System.Web.HttpException Could not load type '[namespace].???'

This started as Could not load type 'Global' error. After I tried a few things and getting no where I deleted the Global.asax file and now the error is Could not load type '[namespace].???'
Where ??? is the class name of every page I try to load
The web site (when executed within VS2008, local dev computer) works fine but once published (with no errors) and deployed to the server gives me Could not load type '[namespace].???' error
I did install elmah and I was able to get more details for this "generic" Could not load type '[namespace].???' error
elmah reports a HTTP error 500 :
System.Web.HttpException Could not load type '[namespace].???' ->
System.Web.HttpParseException: Could not load type '[namespace].???'
Any ideas?
I have checked the "basics"
Doing a clean and a build
Checking the Inherits attr in the HTML against the code behind
I did deploy the site to a different DEV computer (configured IIS, virtual folder, etc.) and it works. When I use the same published code on the server, get the generic Could not load type '[namespace].???' error
I created a test web app. One form (Default.aspx) with a button. The click event does a Response.Write("Hello World"); I moved this app to the server and guess what, I get the Could not load type TestSite._Default
According to the fusion log viewer, these two websites are attempting to load CppCodeProvider and VJSharpCodeProvider, but I have no references to any of these. After a Google search, I found this post
I checked and I have no references to JAVA files. Still don't know what the problem is
Strangely enough, sometimes we get this error when the disk is full.
Make sure the project file is uploaded to the build server along with the added files. VS will add lines to this file that points to the new files location.
<Content Include="xxx.aspx" />
<Compile Include="xxx.aspx.cs">
Without the updated project file it will not find the code behind.
Really weird, maybe you should try to test it in a different server, this happens for example when you are using in you dev environment some namespaces from .NET 4.5 and you haven't installed the same framework in your server, so maybe the error is related to this behavior, if you are not using any third dll in your web application outside Microsoft's framework, so should try to reinstall the framework, I don't think the problem is related to visual studio.

What is the process involved in viewing a webservice in a browser from within visual studio?

I have created a new VS2008 ASP.Net Web service project, with the default name WebService1. If I right click on the Service1.asmx file and select 'View in Browser' what are the processes that go on to make this happen? I am asking because I have a situation where when I run this from a visual studio project started in our development shell (which sets up a common build environment) I cannot get the web service to show up in the browser.
It starts the development server and creates a single file:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\c43ddc22\268ae91b\hash\hash.web
but when I start it from a stand alone project i get a whole slew of files in here:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\edad4eee\d198cf0e\App_Web_defaultwsdlhelpgenerator.aspx.cdcab7d2.vicgkf94.dll
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\edad4eee\d198cf0e\service1.asmx.cdcab7d2.compiled
etc etc
I am trying to debug this but not really getting anywhere. i have inspected the output from VS but the only option I get is for the build output, which is basic and doesn't really contain any information that is useful. I have tried running both versions with DebugView running but no output there either.
I would like to know if there are any log files I could look at, or if anyone has any suggestions on how I might be able to debug what is going wrong here?
For completeness the output I get when it doesn't work is:
Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not create type 'WebService1.Service1'.
Source Error:
Line 1:
Source File: /Service1.asmx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3082
Ok, not sure that its perfect but I found a resolution to this issue. the problems seems to be that the development shell redirects the <OutputPath> of the projects visual studio is building, and this was causing problems as, although the dependencies of the web service project were being copied into the $(ProjectDir)Bin\ directory, the actual webservice dll itself was not. The solution (workaround?) seems to be to add this to the post build event command line:
xcopy /y "$(TargetPath)" "$(ProjectDir)Bin\"
Then i am able to right click on the .asmx file and select view in browser and everything works as expected.
Hope this might help someone else in the future. or maybe even me in another place and time.

404 Error using Flash Builder 4 BlazeDS wizard

My issue this time around is trying to use the new DCD BlazeDS wizard in Flash Builder 4. If I set my project up as a combined Java/Flex app I am unable to connect to the RDS servlet using the wizard. I get a 404 error every time.
I'm certain the service is set up correctly since my app can access the exposed java classes and BlazeMonster can see the exposed services.
Is anyone else having this issue and if so has anyone found a work-around? I'd very much like to use the code generation features of the wizard for my project.
Thanks as always,
You also need to make sure you have the RDSDispatchServlet setup in the web.xml config file.
