Programming Arduino's from a centralized location - arduino

I have 16 Arduinos that are in very tight spaces and hard to get to when I need to reprogram them with my FTDI cable. I would like to have or create some sort of centralized place where I can connect my FTDI cable, make some sort of selection (switch of some sort), which will then connect the pins my cable is on to the selected arduino.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how this can be accomplished? I've toyed with transistors, but that takes a lot of them and didn't quite work.
Are there any premade solutions that are out there that I have yet to find?
Thanks very much!

Here is a thought! TCP to Serial.
Sound complicated.
Not really.
Note from AVRDUDE's manual the following
For programmers that attach to a serial port using some kind of higher
level protocol (as opposed to bit-bang style programmers), port can be
specified as net:host:port. In this case, instead of trying to open a
local device, a TCP network connection to (TCP) port on host is
established. The remote endpoint is assumed to be a terminal or
console server that connects the network stream to a local serial port
where the actual programmer has been attached to. The port is assumed
to be properly configured, for example using a transparent 8-bit data
connection without parity at 115200 Baud for a STK500.
With this, One could place your Arduino's behind your choice of TCP to Serial Server. Which is available in several forms. Cisco has a gang TS (but that is expensive, unless used). lantronix (and others have single end point devices. But then for Linux, there is "Net2Ser" which can serve up all your ttyS (aka Serial/COM ports).
With the later you could use a raspberry or TP-Link TL-WR703N (
In the latest IDE 1.5.6r2 add one entry for each TCP-to-Serial Port to ./Arduino/hardware/arduino/avr/programmers.txt file. While replacing the IP and Port with corresponding values. 2001
TCP2001.program.extra_params=-Pnet: 2002
Additionally change "protocol" to "upload.protocol" the following line in ./Arduino/hardware/arduino/avr/platform.txt
tools.avrdude.program.pattern="{cmd.path}" "-C{config.path}" {program.verbose} -p{build.mcu} -c{protocol} {program.extra_params} "-Uflash:w:{build.path}/{build.project_name}.hex:i"
tools.avrdude.program.pattern="{cmd.path}" "-C{config.path}" {program.verbose} -p{build.mcu} -c{upload.protocol} {program.extra_params} "-Uflash:w:{build.path}/{build.project_name}.hex:i"
With this you can use "Upload Using Programmer" with the selected programmer to send over TCP, rather then use the Upload.
That all said, it will only work on Linux.
avrdude: ser_open(): network connects are currently notimplemented for Win32 environments


How can I manually change DSR/CTS signals?

I am using WinAPI to tinker with RS232 ports. Using SetCommState function I've set fRtsControl: RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE and fDtrControl: DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE, so from my understanding both DTR/RTS handshakes are now enabled, and now additionaly I need to set fOutxDsrFlow and fOutxCtsFlow to true, to make this flow work, right?
Having it all set up how can I manually change DSR/CTS to high/low, so I can see what happens?
Or perhaps are RTS/DTR handshakes and DSR/CTS signals completely separate things and I am understanding it incorrectly?
The DSR/CTS signal has only a passive function of acquiring the state or notifying the change as an event.
If you want to actively control it, you need to prepare another hardware or software for it and use another interface independent of the target serial port.
It's relatively easy to have two virtual COM port device drivers with loopback or port-to-port connectivity.
For example, in the case of software, there is something like this.
Connecting to serial port (com port) over network
The same thing is to prepare two USB serial port dongles in terms of hardware and connect them with a cable that crosses DTR/DSR and RTS/CTS.
Both need to be programmed to test the target port/software and run on the opposing port.

Simulate com port on pc to be recognised by other pc

Currently I have a server, that communicates with a projector through a RS232. The server opens a com port when the projector is connected. The same happens to any PC when a certain type of device is connected through the USB (lets say an Arduino for example). What I want to do it basically replace the projector with a PC/Arduino/Raspberry without the server noticing anything. That would mean the server will recognise the connected PC and open a COM port for it. What do I need to do on the PC so that it automatically opens a com port on the server? I guess there is something very basic that any printer, Arduino, projector etc does, that computers recognise it as a "com port device".
P.S. Doesn't matter the OS on the PC, I just need to make it work and then implement w/e I need to do with the established communication over the port.
P.S.2 I've searched a lot about it, but probabl I am doing it wrong, because I didn't find my type of question anywhere.
COM ports are basically hardware that is detected by the system. Let's say, if an Arduino is connected to a PC, it has its onboard USB to TTL converter which can be found in the device manager(if using windows). Similar USB to TTL converters are there in the market like CP2102, PL2303 which acts like a COM port even if no device is connected further to it. it may be possible that the program you are using(as you referred server) may be sending some data over the serial port and verifying the hardware.
What you need to do to replace it is, first of all, find the baud rate at which the communication is going on, then, listen over the serial lines which machine is sending which message in the sequence(there must be a handshake as I mentioned earlier), if a complicated algorithm is not used by the device, you can simply mimic the device by sending same messages over serial.

Configure Wifly module to receive UDP packets

I have an RN-171 wifly module connected with a micro-controller.
I am using the UDP-protocol to communicate with the module. Also, I am using the firmware's UDP auto-pair feature to set the host ip. As soon as the module receives a UDP packet, it sets the host IP address to the ip from where it received the data. Now, this host ip cannot be changed without entering into the command mode.
I want the module to behave in the following way:
Every time it receives a UDP packet, it updates the host ip to the ip address from where that signal came from.
Also, I can use the TCP protocol but it only allows a single connection at a time. One more problem that I faced using the TCP protocol was that if I try to initiate a second TCP connection with the module, it not only refuses the second connection but also hangs the first stable connection. Even if the second connection initiation does not hang the module and it just gets refused, I will be ready to work with TCP.
I have been researching a lot on the web regarding this problem but since these modules are not widely used, they have a very limited support.
I've used RN-171 extensively and have many resolved tickets in their support system.
According to the WiFly Command Reference, Advanced Features and Applications User’s Guide, you cannot open more than one TCP port with the module. (the default number being 2000)
Unfortunately, regarding the UDP functionality, there's not much you can do. If you have a new host wishing to communicate over UDP, connect to the module over TCP, go into command mode and set the address using "$$$", "set ip host", "save", "exit" commands. Alternatively, instead of, you can enter the new host's own ip address: "$$$", "set ip host ###.###.###.###", "exit". Replace "###.###.###.###" with the ip address of the device.
This way, you won't get wrong host ip in case more than one device communicates over UDP at the same time. Also, by not using "save", the auto-pairing will still be saved to EEPROM memory. Also, you can send "ip flags 0x##" before "exit", this way you can also set bit[6] to 0 (UDP auto pairing disabled) temporarily by using the hex value that has this bit set to zero.
One of my problems that Microchip technical support tested around the summer of 2013 is that you cannot use RN-171 as an access point for other RN-171s since they have a firmware error preventing one from doing that and, as of firmware v4.41, released in January of 2014, there is no fix yet nor planned.
I myself do not recommend the latest firmware version v4.41, since it does not appear to work with most routers; however Soft AP mode on this works fine. On the other hand, v4.00.1 is much more compatible, however you should take care when cutting off the power since it has a potentially disastrous bricking problem if you cut the power when flash writing is in progress - the module may lock its memory forever.
I recommend registering and opening a Microchip ticket which usually will be answered within two business days and they're quite supportive. Their firmware update cycle is however quite long, and it usually takes a year or so for a new update.

Serial communication using USB

I am trying to connect ATmega128 uart to PC using USB-to-RS232 converter so that PC can receive and transmit data from microcontroller using hyper terminal. I set the correct stop bits and baud rate in hyper terminal. It doesn't seem to work.
Can any one tell me if this is possible by USB-to-RS232 converter and if not what other options are there for serial communication between PC and microcontroller ?
You should be able to do this without any issues. I'd suggest putting your USB-to-RS232 cable in loopback mode first (if possible) to ensure you can communicate, then connect it back up to your MCU.
If you aren't seeing what you expect the first thing to look at are the settings, specifically the baud rate. Since your USB-to-RS232 cable is from a third party vendor I'd assume that your settings on the host side are OK. So you should look in to your MCU code to ensure that all your clocks are running at the proper speed and you have indeed performed the correct calculations to achieve your desired baud rate. Debugging here to ensure you are transmitting data out of the device is important.
Additionally, there are tools that can help you debug. Portmon is a tool from Microsoft that lets you look at the serial data path on the host side. I'd also recommend a USB analyzer, such as an Ellisys, that will allow you to view data going across the line from your MCU to the host.

App that analyses COM1 activity

There's a old piece of software we run in our company that manages RFID cards tapping in/out to open doors.
We want to create an app who identifies who just touched in on a specific place (we have the id for that) and grab their 1st name, to say "Hi [NAME]" on a screen.
As I mentioned, the software is quite old and there are no APIs. It communicates with the RFID hardware via a serial port (COM1).
I was wondering if the best way to get the data I need is to somehow intercept the COM1 traffic and extract/look for the data I want.
Does this sound like the best way to go about it? Would it work, or would it be impossible to get names and numbers from the data being transferred?
Can you configure the software to use a port other than COM1, or configure the hardware so it's physical serial port is assigned to a different COM port?
If so, take a look at com0com. It's a Windows driver that creates two COM ports on your PC with a virtual NULL modem between them. Data going in on one side comes out on the other.
Here's how you'll set things up:
RFID Reader connected to physical COM port (COMx)
your program bridging COMx to COMy and sniffing the traffic
com0com linking COMy (for your program) to virtual COM1 (for the legacy software)
legacy software
You'll need to write a program to pass data between COMx and COMy while monitoring it for the information you're looking for. Make it simple yet robust, since if it goes down you're reader will stop working.
A Simpler Solution
If you only need to monitor one side of the communications, create a cable that connects the GND and RX pin of COM1 to another COM port. Now your program can monitor that side of the conversation, without interfering with the legacy software.
Well, generally, you can look at RS232 signals, if that's the way you want to do it. It's tricky because you need to "sniff" the signals, which means buying or making a rig that allows the original signals to go through, and then gives you a way to attach to them as well. And, you need to send the transmit and the receive signals to TWO serial ports (on the RX lines). Then you'll probably want to get some "sniffing" software that allows you to look at what you're getting in time sequence (ideally, with time-stamps). Some cutesy protocols also will use modem lines, so you may need to monitor those as well.
Or, try searching for "free serial port monitor" or "serial sniffer".
Good luck!
