OpenCL Matrix multiplication: inner product versus outer product - opencl

I'm hoping everyone is familiar with the standard "naive" method of multiplying two (n x n square for simplicity) matrices. In C this is:
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
C[i*n + j] += A[i*n + k] * B[k*n + j];
The above method computes the dot (inner) product of a row of A with a column of B and is easy to implement in OpenCL as follows:
__kernel void matmul_ocl(
__global const float *A,
__global const float *B,
__global float *C,
const int n
const int row = get_global_id(1); // row
const int col = get_global_id(0); // col
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
C[row*n + col] += A[row*n + i]*B[i*n + col];
Interchanging the two inner-most loops of the original C implementation results in a method that computes outer products, i.e., it computes rank-1 updates of the rows of the C matrix:
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
C[i*n + j] += A[i*n + k] * B[k*n + j];
Does anybody know how to properly implement the above outer-product method in OpenCL? I have two of my attempts pasted below but I just can't seem to nail it
Attempt 1
__kernel void matmul_ocl(
__global const float *A,
__global const float *B,
__global float *C,
const int n
const int row = get_global_id(1); // row
const int col = get_global_id(0); // col
__local float r;
r = A[row*n + col];
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
C[row*n + i] += r * B[col*n + i];
Attempt 2
#define TS 1
__kernel void matmul_ocl(
__global const float *A,
__global const float *B,
__global float *C,
int n)
// Thread coordinates
const int row = get_local_id(1); // row
const int col = get_local_id(0); // col
// Group tile coordinates
const int by = get_group_id(1); // row
const int bx = get_group_id(0); // col
A += TS*by + TS*bx*n + n*row + (col);
B += TS*by*n + n*row + (col);
C += TS*bx*n + n*(row) + col;
__global const float *Blast = B + n;
float c[2] = {0.0f,0.0f};
float* cptr = &c[0];
__local float bs[2];
bs[0] = B[0];
bs[1] = B[n];
*cptr += A[0] * bs[0];
*cptr++ += A[0] * bs[1];
} while( B < Blast );
C[0] += c[0];
C[1] += c[1];

The OpenCL implementation of the common algorithm maps the outer two loops to the OpenCL NDRange implicit loops. This works because the outer two loops can be safely run in parallel.
There are a few problems with Attempt 1:
The __local variable r is assigned different values from multiple work-items simultaneously. There is a race condition here, the value of r is undefined. This could be fixed by just making r a private variable instead.
The more serious problem is that there is a race condition in the assignment of C. Every value of col (NDRange dimension 0) will be running its own loop over i in parallel.
There isn't a simple way around the second issue. The loop over k (in the transposed version) cannot be run in parallel. You can only map either the outer loop or the inner loop to a single dimensional NDRange in OpenCL.


PyOpenCL - not seeing expected speedup

In experimenting with PyOpenCL, I noticed my code was running slower than expected. It turned out that it ran faster on CPU than on GPU (running on PyOpenCL in both cases, achieving just 1 GFLOP).
To debug this, I then tried naive matrix multiplication as a comparison, and only see a 2x speedup on GPU vs CPU (~20 GFLOPs vs ~10 GFLOPs). My system is i7 8750H + GTX 1070 Max-Q.
Does anyone have any thoughts they could share about what I might be doing wrong? I know that the code below is not optimal, but I would have expected that with the much increased floating point capability and memory bandwidth of my GPU there would be a bigger difference.
import pyopencl as cl
import pyopencl.array as pycl_array
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import time
size = 4000
m1 = np.random.normal(size = [size,size]).astype(np.float32)
m2 = np.random.normal(size = [size,size]).astype(np.float32)
ctx = cl.create_some_context(interactive=True)
queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
a = pycl_array.to_device(queue, m1)
b = pycl_array.to_device(queue, m2)
res = pycl_array.empty_like(a)
prg = cl.Program(ctx, """
__kernel void multiplymatrices(const unsigned int size, __global const float * a,
__global const float * b, __global float * res) {
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
res[size * i + j] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
res[size * i + j] += a[k + size * j] * b[i + size * k];
t = time.time()
task = prg.multiplymatrices(queue, m1.shape, None, np.int32(size),,,
tot_time = time.time()-t
print("gflops", 2*size**3/(tot_time*1000**3))
Following the suggestion to use a local register to accumulate the results, I modified my code as follows, getting about 90 gflops at about 360 GB/s of memory bandwidth (which is the maximum bandwidth my GPU is capable of). Improving the gflops would require a more sophisticated matrix multiplication algorithm which reuses the same data stored in cache multiple times, but is outside the scope of this question.
__kernel void multiplymatrices(const unsigned int size, __global const float * a,
__global const float * b, __global float * res) {
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
float temp = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
temp += a[k + size * j] * b[i + size * k];
res[size * i + j] = temp;
EDIT: For those looking for an example of fast matrix multiplication, which showcases using local memory with workgroups as well as 2D register tiling, I have created the below based on the tutorial here. It gets 1.4 TFLOPs on my GPU.
prg4 = cl.Program(ctx, """
__kernel void multiplymatrices(const unsigned int size, __global const float * A,
__global const float * B, __global float * res) {
int ig = get_group_id(0);
int jg = get_group_id(1);
int il = get_local_id(0);
int jl = get_local_id(1);
const int memtile = 64;
const int regtile = 4;
volatile int il2;
volatile int jl2;
int iglob = memtile*ig + regtile*il;
int jglob = memtile*jg + regtile*jl;
__local float Asub[64][64];
__local float Bsub[64][64];
float acc[4][4];
float Areg;
float Breg[4];
for (int k = 0; k < regtile; k++) {
for (int m = 0; m < regtile; m++) {
acc[k][m] = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < size/memtile; l++) {
for (int k = 0; k < regtile; k++) {
for (int m = 0; m < regtile; m++) {
il2 = il*regtile + k;
jl2 = jl*regtile + m;
Asub[il2][jl2] = A[size*(iglob + k) + memtile*l + jl2];
Bsub[il2][jl2] = B[size*(memtile*l + il2) + jglob + m];
for (int k = 0; k < regtile; k++) {
for (int r = 0; r < regtile; r++) {
Breg[r] = Bsub[il*regtile+k][jl*regtile+r];
for (int m = 0; m < regtile; m++) {
Areg = Asub[il*regtile+m][jl*regtile+k];
for (int r = 0; r < regtile; r++) {
acc[k][m] += Areg*Breg[r];
for (int k = 0; k < regtile; k++) {
for (int m = 0; m < regtile; m++) {
res[size*(iglob+k)+jglob+m] = acc[k][m];
t = time.time()
memtile = 64
regtile = 4
wgsize = int(memtile/regtile)
global_size = int(size/regtile)
task = prg4.multiplymatrices(queue, (global_size,global_size), (wgsize,wgsize), np.int32(size),,,
tot_time = time.time()-t
print("gflops", 2*size**3/(tot_time*1000**3))
print("GB/s total", 2*4*size**3/(tot_time*1000**3))
print("GB/s global", 2*4*size**3/(memtile*tot_time*1000**3))

OpenCl : Speed comparison of using global memory and private memory

I am learning OpenCl and I've stumble upon these two code snippets and now I am wondering why using private memory is much faster than just using global memory.
kernel void mmul(
const int N,
global float* A,
global float* B,
global float* C)
int k, j;
int i = get_global_id(0);
float tmp;
if (i < N) {
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
tmp = 0.0f;
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
tmp += A[i*N+k] * B[k*N+j];
C[i*N+j] = tmp;
and between this
kernel void mmul(
const int N,
global float* A,
global float* B,
global float* C)
int k, j;
int i = get_global_id(0);
float Awrk[2048];
float tmp;
if (i < N) {
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
Awrk[k] = A[i*N+k];
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
tmp = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
tmp += Awrk[k] * B[k*N+j];
C[i*N+j] = tmp;
On the bottom code snippet, the code assigns a memory, Awrk[2048], and copies data from the global float A, which I think it is waste of operation. However, the bottom code is much faster (4.27 seconds) than the top one (about 14 seconds). Why is that?
Thank you.

Parallel reduction using local memory in OpenCL

I implemented a reduce kernel in OpenCL to sum up all entries in the input vector of size N. For a easier testing I initialize the input vector with 1.0f. So the result should be N. But it is not!
Here is my reduce-kernel:
kernel void reduce(global float* input, global float* output, const unsigned int N, local float* cache)
const uint local_id = get_local_id(0);
const uint global_id = get_global_id(0);
const uint local_size = get_local_size(0);
cache[local_id] = (global_id < N) ? input[global_id] : 0.0f;
for (unsigned int s = local_size >> 1; s > 0; s >>= 1) {
if (local_id < s) {
cache[local_id] += cache[local_id + s];
if (local_id == 0) output[local_size] = cache[0];
And here is the setting for OpenCL:
const uint N = 8196;
cl_float a[N];
cl_float b[N];
for (uint i=0; i<N; i++) {
a[i] = 1.0f;
b[i] = 0.0f;
cl::Buffer inputBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, sizeof(cl_float)*N);
cl::Buffer resultBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(cl_float)*N);
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(inputBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float)*N, a);
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(resultBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float)*N, b);
cl::Kernel addVectorKernel = cl::Kernel(program, "reduce");
size_t localSize = addVectorKernel.getWorkGroupInfo<CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE>(device); // e.g. => 512
size_t globalSize = roundUp(localSize, N); // rounds up to a multiple of localSize
addVectorKernel.setArg(0, inputBuffer);
addVectorKernel.setArg(1, resultBuffer);
addVectorKernel.setArg(2, N);
addVectorKernel.setArg(3, (sizeof(cl_float) * localSize), NULL);
queue.finish(); // wait for ending
queue.enqueueReadBuffer(resultBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float)*N, b); // e.g. => 1024
The result depends on the workgroup size. What am I doing wrong? Is it the kernel itself or is it the settings for OpenCL?
You should be using the group's id when writing the sum back to global memory.
if (local_id == 0) output[local_size] = cache[0];
That line will write to output[512] repeatedly. You need each work group to write to a dedicated location in the output.
kernel void reduce(global float* input, global float* output, const unsigned int N, local float* cache)
const uint local_id = get_local_id(0);
const uint global_id = get_global_id(0);
const uint group_id = get_group_id(0);
const uint local_size = get_local_size(0);
cache[local_id] = (global_id < N) ? input[global_id] : 0.0f;
for (unsigned int s = local_size >> 1; s > 0; s >>= 1) {
if (local_id < s) {
cache[local_id] += cache[local_id + s];
if (local_id == 0) output[group_id] = cache[0];
Then you need to sum the values from the output on the host. Note that 'b' in the host code does not need to hold N elements. Only one element for each work group will be used.
//replace (globalSize/localSize) with the pre-calculated/known number of work groups
for (i=1; i<(globalSize/localSize); i++) {
b[0] += b[i];
Now b[0] is your grand total.
In the reduction for loop, you need this:
for(unsigned int s = localSize >> 1; s > 0; s >>= 1)
You are shifting one more bit than you should when initializing s.
After that's fixed, let's look at what your kernel is doing. The host code executes it with globalSize of 8192 and localSize of 512, which results in 16 work groups. Inside the kernel you first sum the data from the two consecutive memory locations at index 2*global_id. For work group with id 15, work item 0, that will be at index 15*512*2 = 15,360 and 15,361, which is outside the boundaries of your input array. I am surprised you don't get a crash. At the same time, this explains why you have double the values that you expect.
To fix it, you can do this:
cache[localID] = input[globalID];
Or specify a global size that's half of the number of the current one.

opencl kernel implementing a simple mathematical formula

What are the best practices to consider when implementing an error function defined as
using an OpenCL kernel?
A, B and C are 3D float arrays and \delta is the Kronecker delta.
Typical values for (N, M) = (2, 7) or (N, M) = (3, 23).
The naive implementation (given below) is by several orders of magnitude slower than the CPU version.
__kernel void cl_bilinear_alg(
__global float * A,
__global float * B,
__global float * C,
__global const int M,
__global const int N,
__global float * R)
int index = get_global_id(0);
int N2 = N * N;
int mat_offset = index * N2 * M;
float s1, s2, err = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k)
for (int l = 0; l < N; ++l)
for (int m = 0; m < N; ++m)
for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n)
s1 = (n == i) * (j == k) * (l == m);
s2 = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < M; ++r)
s2 += A[mat_offset + r * N2 + i * N + j] *
B[mat_offset + r * N2 + k * N + l] *
C[mat_offset + r * N2 + m * N + n];
err += (s2 - s1) * (s2 - s1);
R[index] = err;
The primary target is a Geforce GTX 570, though this could change in the future.
After vectorizing the code, moving bits to local memory, unrolling some loops and passing precomputed Kronecker products explicitly to the kernel the code looks as follows:
__kernel void cl_bilinear_alg(__global const float * A,
__global const float * B,
__global const float * C,
__global const int N,
__global const int M,
__global const float * kron,
__global float * R)
__private int index = get_global_id(0);
__private int cM = ceil(M / 4.0f);
__private int N2 = N*N;
__private int N4 = N2*N2;
__private int mat_offset = index * N2 * M;
__private float s1, s2, err = 0;
__private float4 vzero = (float4) (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
__local float4 va[54], vb[54], vc[54];
for (int ij = 0, k = 0; ij < N2; ++ij)
int r = 0;
for (; r < M / 4; r += 4, ++k)
int idx0 = mat_offset + N2 * r + ij;
int idx1 = mat_offset + N2 * (r + 1) + ij;
int idx2 = mat_offset + N2 * (r + 2) + ij;
int idx3 = mat_offset + N2 * (r + 3) + ij;
va[k] = (float4) (A[idx0], A[idx1], A[idx2], A[idx3]);
vb[k] = (float4) (B[idx0], B[idx1], B[idx2], B[idx3]);
vc[k] = (float4) (C[idx0], C[idx1], C[idx2], C[idx3]);
if (M % 4)
float buffa[4] = {0}, buffb[4] = {0}, buffc[4] = {0};
for (; r < M; ++r)
int idx = mat_offset + N2 * r + ij;
buffa[r % 4] = A[idx];
buffb[r % 4] = B[idx];
buffc[r % 4] = C[idx];
va[k] = vload4(0, buffa);
vb[k] = vload4(0, buffb);
vc[k++] = vload4(0, buffc);
for (int ij = 0; ij < N2; ++ij)
for (int kl = 0; kl < N2; ++kl)
for (int mn = 0; mn < N2; ++mn)
s1 = kron[ij * N4 + kl * N2 + mn];
s2 = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < cM; ++r)
s2 += dot(va[cM * ij + r], mad(vb[cM * kl + r], vc[cM * mn + r], vzero));
//the most expensive line
err += (s2 - s1) * (s2 - s1);
R[index] = err;
By applying these changes a 4x speed increase was observed compared to the naive implementation. Furthermore, it was revealed that the most expensive line of all is the error update, i.e.
err += (s2 - s1) * (s2 - s1);
Any suggestions?
Typically you'd want to break some of those loops up... a lot...
- the outer loops become split over multiple workgroups, which run on their own compute unit (there are around 16 compute units per GPU, not many)
- the next few loops would be split over different threads within each workgroup
If you try to run all the calculations all at the same time, they will all try to load the data into memory at the same time, and this will simply thrash horribly. GPUs have very limited memory. Sure, the global memory sounds large enough, several gigabytes, but the global GPU memory is slow. You want to get the data into the local memory, which is per compute unit, and is of the order of 32-64KB, not much more than that.
You'd typically want to somehow divide your task into very small tasks, and do the following, for each workgroup:
load a chunk of memory from global memory into local memory
the whole workgroup warp of threads can participate in doing the copy, using coallesced access
do work on this memory, like doing some sums, and so on
write the results back to global memory
then, can either iterate a bit, or simply exit, and leave other workgroups to handle other bits of the work
On the CPU, the mathematical operations tend to be a major bottleneck, but on the GPU, generally the cores are mostly spinning uselessly, whilst waiting for data to gradually get to them, from global memory. Whatever you can do to optimize this process, prevent conflicting demands, and so on, will make the kernel significantly faster.

Can this OpenCL code be optimized?

I am working on a piece of OpencL code for a specialized matrix function: for a Dx1 vector v, two DxD matrices A and B and a constant c, return 1xD vector r where r[i] = c * sum_over_j (v[j] * A[i][j] * B[i][j])
Below is what I have so far, but it runs freakishly slow. A version without summing that returns a DxD matrix is about ten times faster. It's called from PyOpenCL if that makes any difference.
Is anything done wrong? Could it be optimized?
#define D 1000
__kernel void element_mult(
__global float *result,
__global const float *vector,
__global const float *matrix,
__global const float *matrix2,
const float factor)
int y = get_global_id(1);
float sum = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < D; k++)
sum += vector[k] * matrix[(y*D) + k]
* matrix2[(y*D) + k ];
result[y] = sum * factor;
Optimization #1: make vector __local.
My first pass at this got a decent improvement in performance. I noticed that each vector[k] is read a total of D times, so I copied it to a __local. This is only possible because D is small enough to allow this. The kernel as you have it above suffers from a terrible ALU:fetch ratio of 0.08 on both the 5870 and the 6970 gpus. Even the slower gpus are still waiting on the memory access.
#define D 1000
__kernel void element_mult(
__global float *result,
__global const float *vector,
__global const float *matrix,
__global const float *matrix2,
const float factor)
int y = get_global_id(0);
float sum = 0;
__local float vectCopy[D];
int ls = get_local_size(0);
int lid = get_local_id(0);
for(int i=0;i<D;i+=ls){
vectCopy[i+lid] = vector[i+lid];
for(int k = 0; k < D; k++)
sum += vectCopy[k] * matrix[(y*D) + k] * matrix2[(y*D) + k ];
result[y] = sum * factor;
With this change, APP profiler is showing a new ALU:fetch ratio of 0.20 for the 5870 and 6970 gpus. Average times changed from 1513-->1034, and 1261-->861 on the same cards. The low end gpus are now bound by ALU instead of fetch. (greater than 4:1 ratio)
Opimization #2: calculate each result[y] using an entire work group.
You would have to do this id D were much larger (100k+). The idea is to get the best memory access pattern by using the work group to compute a single element of the result at a time. I defined ls (local size) to be 64 here, because it works on my hardware, as well as most vendors'. The workgroup size you use from the host-side will have to be 64 unless you change that definition. It needs to be defined to create the sum[ls] storage as __local, and I don't like passing variable sized __local vars into my kernels.
results: 5870 ALU:fetch=0.59:1, avg=708. 6970 ALU:fetch=0.72, avg=590. According to APP profiler, this is about twice as fast as your original listing.
#define D 1000
#define ls 64
__kernel void element_mult(
__global float *result,
__global const float *vector,
__global const float *matrix,
__global const float *matrix2,
const float factor)
__local float vectCopy[D];
int lid = get_local_id(0);
for(int i=0;i<D;i+=ls){
vectCopy[i+lid] = vector[i+lid];
int ng = get_num_groups(0);
int gid = get_group_id(0);
int y, k;
__local float sum[ls];
for(y = gid; y < D; y+=ng){
for(k = lid; k < D; k+=ls)
sum[lid] += vectCopy[k] * matrix[(y*D) + k] * matrix2[(y*D) + k ];
result[y] = sum[0];
result[y] += sum[k];
result[y] *= factor;
EDIT: APP profiler = AMD APP KernelAnalyzer
