Dividing a file in R and automatically creating notepad files - r

I have a file which is like this :
"1943" 359 1327 "t000000" 8
"1944" 359 907 "t000000" 8
"1946" 359 472 "t000000" 8
"1947" 359 676 "t000000" 8
"1948" 326 359 "t000000" 8
"1949" 359 585 "t000000" 8
"1950" 359 1157 "t000000" 8
"2460" 275 359 "t000000" 8
"2727" 22 556 "t000000" 8
"2730" 22 676 "t000000" 8
"479" 17 1898 "t0000000" 5
"864" 347 720 "t000s" 12
"3646" 349 691 "t000s" 7
"6377" 870 1475 "t000s" 14
"7690" 566 870 "t000s" 14
"7691" 870 2305 "t000s" 14
"8120" 870 1179 "t000s" 14
"8122" 44 870 "t000s" 14
"8124" 870 1578 "t000s" 14
"8125" 206 870 "t000s" 14
"8126" 870 1834 "t000s" 14
"6455" 1 1019 "t000t" 13
"4894" 126 691 "t00t" 9
"4896" 126 170 "t00t" 9
"560" 17 412 "t0t" 7
"130" 65 522 "tq" 18
"1034" 17 990 "tq" 10
"332" 3 138 "ts" 2
"2063" 61 383 "ts" 5
"2089" 127 147 "ts" 11
"2431" 148 472 "ts" 15
"2706" 28 43 "ts" 21
The first column is the random row number ( got after some sorting that I needed ), the fourth column contains the pattern for which I actually want different notepad files.
What I want is that I get individual notepad files named for example, f1.txt,f2.txt,f3.txt...containing all the rows for a value in column 4. For example, I get a different file for "t000000" and then a different one for "t000s" and then a seperate one for "t00t" and so on...
I did this,
list2env(split(sort, sort[,4]),envir=.GlobalEnv)
Here sort is my text file name of data set and 3 is that column.
And then I can use the write.table command, but since my file is huge, I get around 100's of files like that and doing write.table manually like that is very difficult. Is there any way I can automate it?

Using the excellent data.table package:
# get your source file
the_file <- fread('~/Desktop/file.txt') #replace with your file path
# vector of unique values of column 4 & the roots of your output filename
fl_names <- unique(the_file$V4)
# dump all the relevant subsets to files
for (f in fl_names) write.table(the_file[V4==f, ], paste0(f, '.txt'), row.names=FALSE)

You've already figured out split, but instead of list2env, which will make more work for you just use lapply:
# Generally confusing to name a data.frame
# the same as a common function!
X <- split(sort, sort[, 4])
invisible(lapply(names(X), function(y)
write.csv(X[[y]], file = paste0(y, ".csv"))))
Proof of concept:
Dir <- getwd() # Won't be necessary in your actual script
setwd(tempdir()) # I just don't want my working directory filled
list.files(pattern=".csv") # with random csv files, so I'm using tempdir()
# character(0) # Note that there are no csv files presently
X <- split(sort, sort[, 4]) # You've already figured this step out
## invisible is just so you don't have to see an empty list
## printed in your console. The rest is pretty straightforward
invisible(lapply(names(X), function(y)
write.csv(X[[y]], file = paste0(y, ".csv"))))
list.files(pattern=".csv") # Check that the files are there
# [1] "t000000.csv" "t0000000.csv" "t000s.csv" "t000t.csv"
# [5] "t00t.csv" "t0t.csv" "tq.csv" "ts.csv"
setwd(Dir) # Won't be necessary for your actual script


R: How to compare values in a column with later values in the same column

I am attempting to work with a large dataset in R where I need to create a column that compares the value in an existing column to all values that follow it (ex: row 1 needs to compare rows 1-10,000, row 2 needs to compare rows 2-10,000, row 3 needs to compare rows 3-10,000, etc.), but cannot figure out how to write the range.
I currently have a column of raw numeric values and a column of row values generated by:
samples$row = seq.int(nrow(samples))
I have attempted to generate the column with the following command:
samples$processed = min(samples$raw[samples$row:10000])
but get the error "numerical expression has 10000 elements: only the first used" and the generated column only has the value for row 1 repeated for each of the 10,000 rows.
How do I need to write this command so that the lower bound of the range is the row currently being calculated instead of 1?
Any help would be appreciated, as I have minimal programming experience.
If all you need is the min of the specific row and all following rows, then
# [1] 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 165 165 165 165 410 410 410 882
If you have some other function that doesn't have a cumulative variant (and your use of min is just a placeholder), then one of:
mapply(function(a, b) min(samples$val[a:b]), seq.int(nrow(samples)), nrow(samples))
# [1] 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 165 165 165 165 410 410 410 882
sapply(seq.int(nrow(samples)), function(a) min(samples$val[a:nrow(samples)]))
The only reason to use mapply over sapply is if, for some reason, you want window-like operations instead of always going to the bottom of the frame. (Though if you wanted windows, I'd suggest either the zoo or slider packages.)
samples <- data.frame(val = sample(1000, size=20))
# val
# 1 561
# 2 997
# 3 321
# 4 153
# 5 74
# 6 228
# 7 146
# 8 634
# 9 49
# 10 128
# 11 303
# 12 24
# 13 839
# 14 356
# 15 601
# 16 165
# 17 622
# 18 532
# 19 410
# 20 882

How put column name after make for loop with xlsx file

I am looping to load multiple xlsx files. This I am doing well. But when I want to add the name of the columns of the documents (the same names for all files) I have not managed to do it.
setwd("C:/Users/MiguelAngel/Documents/R Miguelo/Guillermo Ahumada")
ldf <- list()
listxlsx <- dir(pattern = "*.xlsx")
for (k in 1:length(listxlsx)){
ldf[[k]] <-as.data.frame(read.xlsx(listxlsx[k]))
The result:
355 1500 1100 43831
1 190 850 600 43832
2 93 4000 3000 43833
3 114 4000 3000 43834
4 431 1000 700 43835
5 182 1000 700 43836
6 496 500 300 43837
7 254 500 300 43838
8 174 600 300 43839
9 397 1500 945 43840
10 198 1500 900 43841
11 271 1500 900 43842
12 94 3000 2000 43843
13 206 400 230 43844
14 305 1500 1100 43845
15 184 850 600 43846
16 90 4000 3000 43847
17 70 4000 3000 43848
18 492 1000 700 43849
19 168 1000 700 43850
20 530 500 300 43851
They load all the files well but without the name of the columns.
I need add the name of columns:
list_file <- dir(pattern = "*.xlsx") %>%
lapply(read.xlsx) %>% # *I use stringAsFactor but appear error.
but appear this
Form of original columns all files
I need put this columns names after make the loop with for.
Thanks for help me guys
I cannot check this since I don't have Excel files to load, but I think this should work:
listxlsx <- list.files(path = "C:/Users/MiguelAngel/Documents/R Miguelo/Guillermo Ahumada", pattern = "*.xlsx", full.nams = TRUE)
names(listxlsx) <- listxlsx
purrr::map_dfr(listxlsx, readxl::read_excel, .id = "Filename")
(The first line is a better practice to get the filenames than relying on setwd.)
When listxlsx is a named vector the function map_dfr gives a column named Filename where the values are taken from listxlsx.

for loop question in R with rbind or do.call

An VERY simplified example of my dataset:
1: 10010001 1961 78.2
2: 10010001 1962 84.0
3: 10010001 1963 70.2
4: 10010001 1964 130.5
5: 10010001 1965 54.3
I found this code online which sort of, but not quite, does what I want:
#create a list of the files from your target directory
file_list <- list.files(path="~/Desktop/Rprojects")
#initiate a blank data frame, each iteration of the loop will append the data from the given file to this variable
allHUCS <- data.frame()
#I want to read each .csv from a folder named "Rprojects" on my desktop into one huge dataframe for further use.
for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
temp_data <- fread(file_list[i], stringsAsFactors = F)
allHUCS <- rbindlist(list(allHUCS, temp_data), use.names = T)
Question: I have read that one should not use rbindlist for a large dataset:
"You should never ever ever iteratively rbind within a loop: performance might be okay in the beginning, but with each call to rbind it makes a complete copy of the data, so with each pass the total data to copy increases. It scales horribly. Consider do.call(rbind.data.frame, file_list)." – #r2evans
I know this may seem simple but I'm unclear about how to use his directive. Would I write this for the last line?
allHUCS <- do.call(rbind.data.frame(allHUCS, temp_data), use.names = T)
Or something else? In my actual data, each .csv has 2099 objects with 3 variables (but I only care about the last two.) The total dataframe should contain 47,000,000+ objects of 2 variables. When I ran the original code I got these errors:
Error in rbindlist(list(allHUCS, temp_data), use.names = T) : Item 2
has 2 columns, inconsistent with item 1 which has 3 columns. To fill
missing columns use fill=TRUE.
In addition: Warning messages: 1: In fread(file_list[i],
stringsAsFactors = F) : Detected 1 column names but the data has 2
columns (i.e. invalid file). Added 1 extra default column name for the
first column which is guessed to be row names or an index. Use
setnames() afterwards if this guess is not correct, or fix the file
write command that created the file to create a valid file.
2: In fread(file_list[i], stringsAsFactors = F) : Stopped early on
line 20. Expected 2 fields but found 3. Consider fill=TRUE and
comment.char=. First discarded non-empty line: <<# mv *.csv .. ; >>
Except for the setnames() suggestion, I don't understand what I'm being told. I know it says it stopped early, but I don't even know how to see the entire dataset or to tell where it stopped.
I'm now reading that rbindlist and rbind are two different things and rbindlist is faster than do.call(rbind, data). But the suggestion is do.call(rbind.data.frame(allHUCS, temp_data). Which is going to be fastest?
Since the original post does not include a reproducible example, here is one that reads data from the Pokémon Stats data that I maintain on Github.
First, we download a zip file containing one CSV file for each generation of Pokémon, and unzip it to the ./pokemonData subdirectory of the R working directory.
Next, we obtain a list of files in the directory to which we unzipped the CSV files.
thePokemonFiles <- list.files("./pokemonData",
Finally, we load the data.table package, use lapply() with data.table::fread() to read the files, combine the resulting list of data tables with do.call(), and print the head() and `tail() of the resulting data frame with all 8 generations of Pokémon stats.
data <- do.call(rbind,lapply(thePokemonFiles,fread))
...and the output:
> head(data)
ID Name Form Type1 Type2 Total HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
1: 1 Bulbasaur Grass Poison 318 45 49 49 65 65 45
2: 2 Ivysaur Grass Poison 405 60 62 63 80 80 60
3: 3 Venusaur Grass Poison 525 80 82 83 100 100 80
4: 4 Charmander Fire 309 39 52 43 60 50 65
5: 5 Charmeleon Fire 405 58 64 58 80 65 80
6: 6 Charizard Fire Flying 534 78 84 78 109 85 100
1: 1
2: 1
3: 1
4: 1
5: 1
6: 1
> tail(data)
ID Name Form Type1 Type2 Total HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk
1: 895 Regidrago Dragon 580 200 100 50 100
2: 896 Glastrier Ice 580 100 145 130 65
3: 897 Spectrier Ghost 580 100 65 60 145
4: 898 Calyrex Psychic Grass 500 100 80 80 80
5: 898 Calyrex Ice Rider Psychic Ice 680 100 165 150 85
6: 898 Calyrex Shadow Rider Psychic Ghost 680 100 85 80 165
Sp. Def Speed Generation
1: 50 80 8
2: 110 30 8
3: 80 130 8
4: 80 80 8
5: 130 50 8
6: 100 150 8

CSV conversion in R for standard calculations

I have a problem calculating the mean of columns for a dataset imported from this CSV file
I import the file using the following command:
dataGSR = read.csv("ShimmerData.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",",stringsAsFactors=T)
dataGSR$X=NULL #don't need this column
Then I take a subset of this
i check they are correct
Shimmer Shimmer.1 Shimmer.2 Shimmer.3 Shimmer.4 Shimmer.5 Shimmer.6 Shimmer.7
4 31329 0 713 623.674691281028 2545 3706.5641025641 2409 3529.67032967033
5 31649 9.765625 713 623.674691281028 2526 3678.89230769231 2501 3664.46886446886
6 31969 19.53125 712 638.528829576655 2528 3681.80512820513 2501 3664.46886446886
7 32289 29.296875 713 623.674691281028 2516 3664.3282051282 2498 3660.07326007326
8 32609 39.0625 711 654.10779696494 2503 3645.39487179487 2496 3657.14285714286
9 32929 48.828125 713 623.674691281028 2505 3648.30769230769 2496 3657.14285714286
When I type
Error in colMeans(dati) : 'x' must be numeric
In order to solve this problem I convert everything into a matrix
But when I check the new variable, data values are different
Shimmer Shimmer.1 Shimmer.2 Shimmer.3 Shimmer.4 Shimmer.5 Shimmer.6 Shimmer.7
4 370 1 10 1 65 65 1 1
5 375 3707 10 1 46 46 24 24
6 381 1025 9 2 48 48 24 24
7 386 2162 10 1 36 36 21 21
8 392 3126 8 3 23 23 19 19
9 397 3229 10 1 25 25 19 19
My questions here is:
How to convert correctly the "dati" variable in order to perform the colMeans()?
In addition to #akrun's advice, another option is to convert the columns to numeric yourself (rather than having read.csv do it):
dati <- data.frame(
R> colMeans(dati)
Shimmer Shimmer.1 Shimmer.2 Shimmer.3 Shimmer.4 Shimmer.5 Shimmer.6 Shimmer.7
33004.2924 18647.4609 707.4335 718.3989 2521.3626 3672.1383 2497.9013 3659.9287
Where dataGSR was read in with stringsAsFactors=F,
dataGSR <- read.csv(
Unless you know for sure that you need character columns to be factors, you are better off setting this option to FALSE.
The header lines ("character") in the dataset span first 4 lines. We could skip the 4 lines, use header=FALSE and then change the column names based on the info from the first 4 lines.
dataGSR <- read.csv('ShimmerData.csv', header=FALSE,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, skip=4)
lines <- readLines('ShimmerData.csv', n=4)
colnames(dataGSR) <- do.call(paste, c(strsplit(lines, ','),
dataGSR <- dataGSR[,-9]
# [1] 33004.2924 18647.4609 707.4335 718.3989 2521.3626
# 3672.1383 2497.9013
# [8] 3659.9287

lmList - loss of group information

I am using lmList to do linear models on many subsets of a data frame:
res <- lmList(Rds.on.fwd~Length | Wafer, data=sub, na.action=na.omit, pool=F)
This works fine, and I get the desired output (full output not shown):
(Intercept) Length
2492 5816.726 1571.260
2493 2520.311 1361.317
2494 3058.408 1286.516
2502 4727.328 1344.728
2564 3790.942 1576.223
2567 2350.296 1290.396
I have subsetted by "Wafer" (first column above). However, within my data frame ("sub"), the data is grouped by another factor "ERF" (there are many other factors but I am only concerned with "ERF"):
ERF Wafer Device Row Col Width Length Date Von.fwd Vth.fwd STS.fwd On.Off.fwd Ion.fwd Ioff.fwd Rds.on.fwd
1 474 2492 11.06E 11 6 100 5 09/10/2014 12:05 0.596747 3.05655 0.295971 7874420 0.000104 1.32e-11 9626.54
3 474 2492 11.08E 11 8 100 5 09/10/2014 12:05 0.581131 3.08380 0.299050 7890780 0.000109 1.38e-11 9193.62
5 474 2492 11.09E 11 9 100 5 09/10/2014 12:05 0.578171 3.06713 0.298509 8299740 0.000107 1.29e-11 9337.86
7 474 2492 11.10E 11 10 100 5 09/10/2014 12:05 0.565504 2.95532 0.298349 8138320 0.000109 1.34e-11 9173.15
9 474 2492 11.11E 11 11 100 5 09/10/2014 12:05 0.581289 2.97091 0.297885 8463620 0.000109 1.29e-11 9178.50
11 474 2492 11.12E 11 12 100 5 09/10/2014 12:05 0.578003 3.05802 0.294260 9326360 0.000112 1.20e-11 8955.51
I do not want ERF including in my lm but I do want to keep the factor "ERF" with the lm results for colouring graphs later i.e. I want this:
ERF Wafer (Intercept) Length
474 2492 5816.726 1571.260
474 2493 2520.311 1361.317
474 2494 3058.408 1286.516
475 2502 4727.328 1344.728
475 2564 3790.942 1576.223
476 2567 2350.296 1290.396
I know I could do this manually later by just adding a column to the results with a vector containing the correct sequence of ERF. However, I regularly add data to the set and dont want to do this every time. Im sure there is a more elegant way?
Edit - data added for solution:
res <- ddply(sub, c("ERF", "Wafer"), function(x) coefficients(lm(Rds.on.fwd~Length,x)))
ERF Wafer (Intercept) Length
1 474 2492 5816.726 1571.260
2 474 2493 2520.311 1361.317
3 474 2494 3058.408 1286.516
4 474 2502 4727.328 1344.728
5 479 2564 3790.942 1576.223
6 479 2567 2350.296 1290.396
If I drop ERF:
res <- ddply(sub, c("Wafer"), function(x) coefficients(lm(Rds.on.fwd~Length,x)))
Wafer (Intercept) Length
1 2492 5816.726 1571.260
2 2493 2520.311 1361.317
3 2494 3058.408 1286.516
4 2502 4727.328 1344.728
5 2564 3790.942 1576.223
6 2567 2350.296 1290.396
Does this made sense? Did i ask the question incorrectly?
Ah, with a bit more research i've answer my own question based on this answer:
Regression on subset of data set
Must look harder next time. I used ddply instead of lmList (makes me wonder why anyone uses lmList...maybe I should ask another question?):
res1 <- ddply(sub, c("ERF", "Wafer"), function(x) coefficients(lm(Rds.on.fwd~Length,x)))
