Migrating Wordpress data from one website to another - wordpress

Edit: Editing the original post to make my question simpler
My friend has a art website which is made in wordpress www..com. He hired a wordpress expert to redesign the website. The expert made the redesign at another location at www..com/ so both the websites are at different locations. I have to take the look of the redesigned site and the data of the mainwebsite, what approach should I take. The redsigned website should have all the plugins which are there in the mainwebsite. The redesigned website will replace the mainwebsite.
In short what approach should I take to migrate the new website design to actual website.
Any suggestions and inputs will be appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for taking time for answering the question, all of the answers are right in one way or the other, I would like to share this resource which I found extremely useful that I have bookmarked it for future reference, the author has explained all scenarios to migrate WordPress website. Hope you find it useful. The link to the website is http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/04/08/moving-wordpress-website/
I am no way related to this author or website, I am sharing this to help anyone who faces similar problem that I faced.

Export the MySQL database from the current site.
Restore the database backup on the new server.
Copy the entire website to your machine via FTP.
Edit wp-config.php to point to the new database. If
you are changing domains, then see the link below.
Copy the site files to the new hosting server via FTP.

go to tools->import
now select wordpress and install the plugin
now you can export all your posts/pages and use the same tool to import that data to your new site

I would suggest following steps
Create a dummy site (beta or temp)
Move current mainsite there
Download theme from the redesigned site
Install it on the dummy site
Make sure everything is working perfectly as you want with the data you want
Move it live
Hope this helps.


how can i working on a site without localhost?

Our site design is complete and open to visitors. Now we want to fix our site bugs, or add new features. And we want to upload the new version of the site whenever we are sure of the changes. The problem is that we can't use localhost because we're two people working on this project and we're far from each other. what is your suggestion? Can copying the original site on a subdomain (which is closed on search engines) be the solution? Sorry if my English is weak :)
use GitHub or some "Team Code Engines" like Floobits...
You can use a FTP Server or some other File Transfer Protocol to share the Data but it's not "Live Coding" !
I think GitHub is the best option. In Github you can handle version easily can create branch based on requirements.
but for that i think you need to buy premium account on Git, So that Your code will be private it will not be public.

Building a website for a hotel - is WordPress the best idea?

I'm researching to see if building a full website for a hotel be a good idea to do on WordPress.
I read that wordpress is okay but there are better options.
I want to design and code my own front end look to the website, but have the backend on a stable platform that can take all the reservations seamlessly.
My main concern is to be able to have a backup of all the files and easily switch to another server in case something goes wrong.
I can host the website on my server or host with the service you suggest that comes with the platform all together.
Any ideas and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
There are other options, no doubt, but yes, it can and is really possible to build it using WordPress as CMS.
If you want to design and code your own theme, you'll need to study the WordPress Theme Structure and, since you'll build it by yourself, you'll also need to develop plugins to create custom post types (aka CPT) to make the hotel management easier on the WP back-end.
About the theme structure, files, child themes and everything, I'd recommend you to read https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development
About the plugins development: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/
About Custom Post Types: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/post-types/registering-custom-post-types/
About the backup: it's super easy and you can even make a full backup using free plugins via back-end. But if the site goes down you can easily do it via FTP downloading only wp-content folder and the database. It's really simple to migrate from one WordPress to another, or from host to host.
About the hosting, you'll need to use a server if you want to build this project. There's a difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org
The .com is simpler, you are not able to build everything you want. The .org is the open source project, which you get the files, upload to your server and connect to database (MariaDB or MySQL). Most hosts offer automatic installation for WordPress and, from there, you can change whatever you want and need.
Note: many developers create CPTs INSIDE the theme's code, but this is not recommended by WP as you can see in We recommend that you put custom post types in a plugin rather than a theme. This ensures that user content remains portable even if they change their theme.
WP is not really hard, after 1 week studying you'll see yourself getting over most difficulties. Even if it takes longer, don't give up. There's a huge community to help you with WP questions.
Hope it helps and I'm sorry my bad writing, I'm not an english native speaker.
C ya

Best way to build convert a Shopify store to WordPress

I have a website through shopify, hosting through Shopify, and want it rebuilt in WordPress.
What would be the best way to do this while keeping the original website live until the new website is done? The new website may take a while to be created since the database of products needs a lot of modification.
I was thinking about creating a new hosting account and building it there without connecting it to the domain name, and when it is ready I'll connect it. Does this make sense or is it even possible? Or should I build I'd offline and upload it when it's ready? I'm not quite sure how I would build it offline though...
Thanks in advance!
Like the others said, you can build it offline on your computer using a program like XAMPP to create an offline server, however I prefer to build the new website online on a sub domain of your current domain, and switch it over once the website is done.
For example, if your website is amazon.com you can create a sub domain dev.amazon.com and build it there. You will most likely have to use a search and replace plugin to replace all instances of "dev.amazon.com" with "amazon.com".
As for transferring all your products etc. you can export all your products from Shopify as a CSV file and then re-import it into WooCommerce using a plugin called WP All Import along with the WooCommerce add-on.
Good luck!
You can build it in a new hosting environment set up for wordpress hosting. And yes, you can reassign your domain to the new site when it is ready. I don't think building an offline wordpress site would be wise if you aren't familiar with apache servers or transferring wordpress sites to different servers, it can be a headache.
Funny enough you're asking this. I currently am working on a project that is more or less the same task. The best and most optimal way would to just develop the website locally on your machine, using a program like XAMPP or WAMP.
Here's a link on how to get started using a virtual machine that is localized on your computer: https://managewp.com/blog/how-to-create-a-local-wordpress-website-in-windows-with-xampp
After installing WordPress on your machine, you can proceed by installing Woo-Commerce. This is the best e-commerce plugin which works with WordPress and is highly recommended due to how frequently updated it is. There are tons of themes out there which can help you change the look of your shop depending on what look and feel you want your shop to be.
Since you're porting a Shopify website over to WordPress, I assume the Shopify site didn't have anything crazy over-the-top when it comes to the look & feel...That being said, I would 100% recommend the "Storefront" theme for WooCommerce, which is a great theme, both for developers and non-developers to use. Here's a link to the Storefront theme, which is free:
In terms of hooking up the domain to the website, this can be done once you actually are ready to launch the website. There's no need to have a live domain working for developing.
Good luck! I hope this helps!

How to version control with WordPress

I want to set up a system where a developer can work on a separate server on a wordpress website.
My question is: If in the meantime changes are made to the live site (like plugin updates, new plugins, new posts, new comments, etc), how is one able to import a new feature (e.g. a new page) from the development server on the live site while making sure that previous changes on the live site don't get deleted?
I am looking to understand how this all works. In a sense, I would like to have some kind of version control system.
Thanks in advance :)
You can version control your own code using git. Basically we would init a new git repo and commit changes onto this repository. This can lie separately outside of the core files. i.e you only need to include the wp-content directory and ignore all the other core wordpress files.
Here is a good article on how to do a really good versioning system for a website.
The posts and pages (basically content) in a wordpress site however lies in the database.Any changes made there will be permanent.
The only option is to keep taking regular backups of the content. You can do this by using an automated backup tool.
If you really want to version control your database, here is an article that helps:
This one is a tricky one. You cant host a single website on two servers. Just imagine a website having 2 hosted urls..!! No way.. You can never do that.
You better create a new user and give access to him. Look carefully in the settings and be a admin. You will have a chance to approve or reject what the second user changes.
Hope this helps.

Migrating from Joomla to Wordpress advice

This is my first time migrating a website from Joomla to Wordpress. The website: www.sfspas.com
1- I am worried that the website will not transfer well or that I will loose functionalities.
Can I duplicate the code and just transfer that version to Wordpress? (Keeping the website live via Joomla and creating in parallel a new website www.sfpsas222.com in wordpress to test things out?)
The website has to be live 24h/7 and It can't just break. How can I make sure the inventory will be uploaded correctly and the website will look as it looks now?
2- Once transferred. If I want to change the appearance of the index.php can I simply upload a newly designed index page on Wordpress? How can I go about it? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated!
I recently transferred one of my sites from Joomla to Wordpress and I can say, that it's not just one-click action. Both frameworks have their own structure, you can't transfer content and users directly.
In short, for transfer you need to create a simple plugin which will take all require info from Joomla (articles, users, etc.) and inject it into Wordpress database, converting prior to that, if necessary.
And no, you CAN NOT do this on 24/7 running site. Don't even think about it. Duplicate your site, convert its database to WordPress, check, that everything works properly, and only then put it online.
It's not an easy process and it requires some knowledge. Even if some kind of Joomla-Wordpress converter exists, you'll have a lot of things messed 100% guaranteed. I've made a lot of transfers in my life, so I'm pretty sure of it.
Providing you have a required knowledge of database management and PHP, just be patient and spend some time. If you don't - hire a professional. There's no easy way here, because Joomla and WordPress are like car and bike. Both are a transport, both run fast, but you can't convert one into another without any effort.
