Cloud management and cloud brokering with Cloudify 3.0 [closed] - cloudify

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is the approach of Cloudify about the Cloud management and the Cloud broker system?

Cloudify uses a template model to describe the application blueprint - the blueprint describes installation and post installation processes. The blueprint is completely abstracted from the underlying infrastructure. The specific mapping to the underlying infrastructure is done through a cloud driver. There are couple of built-in cloud driver implementations such as OpenStack, CloudStack, Vmware, as well as BYON. We also leverage JClouds as a generic cloud driver implementations.
The upcomming release - Cloudify 3.0 is based on TOSCA which provides a standard based blueprint implementation.
To learn more on that regard see


Coming from Firebase 8.9.1, are there any big differences with the new version of Firebase v9? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I'm planning to build a web app in such a short time. I'm planning to just use what I've learned in Firebase 8.9.1. However, I've learned that there was a new version of Firebase. These are the functions that I would most probably be using:
Database: Firestore
Will be using Firebase Authentication
The usual CRUD operations
Queries and distributed counters for functions similar to inventories
Firebase Hosting
Are there any big differences between the two versions? And is it alright if I'll just stay with version 8.9.1?
The difference is mostly the syntax but all services work as they used to. I would recommend updating to newer version so you get all the new features from Firebase.

Can Driverless AI instance utilize K80 GPU for faster performance in GCP? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am experimenting with the performance of running experiments on H2o Driverless AI instance on GCP. I have attached a K80 GPU to the instance but when I run the experiments selecting "GPU enabled" , it doesn't appear to be utilizing GPUs. Are there any installation steps that are needed so that the H2o software can begin to utilize this GPU?
Yes, you can use the GCP marketplace offering directly:
Or install the required nvidia drivers manually yourself.

How can I rent and use my own servers for cloud functions? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to use my own servers for cloud functions instead of relying on Google's to eliminate the cold start of functions, how can I do this?
firebaser here
There is currently no native way to run your Cloud Functions on your own server. You can run the Firebase emulator suite to emulate functions, but those are not ready for production use.
The more common approach is to set up your own server, using something like Express. But you won't get the other trigger types that Cloud Functions offers, as those are only available within Google's infrastructure at the moment and you'll have to take care of scaling with the load yourself too.

How do I build a custom backend for firebase? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How do I do my business logic on server-side on firebase?
Will the web app still have the benefits of progressive web app if I do this?
Reason to do this: Anybody can run Javascript code on your website if the person knows how to use the developer tools available in modern browsers.
Is firebase Queue (NodeJS on AWS) the way? I am a noob to all this.
You need to write more of your business logic on font-side than traditional way. To make it safe, you need to write access rules carefully on firebase console.
And it's not enough, you also need a server-side, nodejs is a good choice, there are many useful library, such as firebase, firebase-queue, firebase-admin. You can deploy these servers on the google cloud with docker.

How do I integrate omnipay Sage Pay Server driver with Sylius? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently looking to create a Sage Pay Server integration for my Sylius store and I have installed ("omnipay/sagepay": "~2.0") the Omnipay SagePay driver. There is currently a lack of documentation on the Sylius project regarding integrating other payment methods.
I am aware that the Payum bundle supports Omnipay Sage Pay and so Sylius should also, but there is some integration to be done.
My question is can someone outline the steps required for me to write the integration and any resources with similar implementations?
There is no need in "omnipay/sagepay": "~2.0". The SyliusOmnipayBundle is already shipped with Sylius Standard edition. It helps you integrate Omnipay payment gateways.
Look here the documentation:
As you can see in the list of implemented gateways: it works with Sage Pay Server.
