Export ng-Grid to csv not working in IE - angular-ui

Tried to implement export ng-grid to csv functionality using the ng-grid-csv-export plugin. But it did not work for IE.
Next, followed this blog. It uses node.js on server to return csv from webservice, however, we don't have access there.
Then followed this post to implement the form action for IE. However, this does not work as downloadCsv function is not getting called.
Please let me know if I'm missing out on something and request you to please post an example of a URL which accepts a POST request with JSON encoded object in the payload and return a CSV.

IE doesn't support the data URI link.
I got around the issue by detecting IE and falling back to an iFrame solution and using document.execCommand
Details can be found here.


Clickable link in email sent with the Trigger Email firebase extension

I am currently using the Trigger Email extension from Firebase to send emails whenever someone is invited to use the app by another user. I configured everything correctly and it is working perfectly except for one thing which is clickable links in the email.
I am using Handlebars with a template which is defined within a Firestore document. The template is made with HTML and looks like this:
<p>Hello {{invitedUser.firstName}},</p>
<p>You've been invited by {{user.fullName}} to join them on App Name here. By clicking on the link below you can accept this invitation.</p>
<p>Best,<br>App Name here</p>
The email will be delivered but the inviteUrl is not clickable, it does display the url within the email. I also tried it using three brackets like {{{inviteUrl}}}.
I have also tried the following:
<p>Hello {{invitedUser.firstName}},</p>
<p>You've been invited by {{user.fullName}} to join them on App Name here. By clicking on the link below you can accept this invitation.</p>
<p>Accept invitation</p>
<p>Best,<br>App Name here</p>
But in this case the email is not delivered at all.. I don't know whats going wrong there. If I do the same but define a url directly instead of using inviteUrl the url is displayed but not clickable.
I have also seen some weird cases where I pasted a html example of a link online in my html and it worked and it stopped working whenever I modified the url, even when I changed the url back to the original one which was working before.
Using helpers for handlebars is not really an option as far as I have read as I am using the Trigger Email extension.
Maybe something is going wrong with storing the HTML in a string field in Firestore but I tried everything I know which is why I am asking this question here.
Alright, found the answer myself...
I was creating the Firestore mail objects from node js and the url I was using was of type any, casting it to String made it work.
The data object was:
inviteUrl: dynamicLink,
Changing it to this fixed it:
inviteUrl: String(dynamicLink),
The working html is:
Accept invitation

Auto-Publishing from Integromat into Linked: Can't Share an Image Post

The documentation is limited on the Linkedin integration on Integromat: https://support.integromat.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006248613-LinkedIn
I can upload a text post just fine, but uploading an Image Post is giving me trouble.
What data is it expecting for:
file name (this seems self-explanatory but I get a Null error)
data (I tried using the image URL but this didn't work)
Thanks for the help
to get this to work, all we need to do is add the "HTTP" tool and map the image

Why the same URL gives different results?

On the following page, the number 2, 3 ... at the bottom all point to the same URL. Yet, the different tables will be shown. Does anybody know what specific techniques are used here? How to extract information in these tables using raw HTTP request (I prefer not to use a headless browser to do so)? Thanks.
It is using Javascript (AJAX) to make HTTP calls to the server.
If you inspect the Network activity in the Developer tools you will see calls to the following URL: https://services27.ieee.org/fellowsdirectory/getpageresultsdesk.html.
They send data from Javascript:
selectedJSON: {"alpha":"ALL","menu":"ALPHABETICAL","gender":"All","currPageNum":1,"breadCrumbs":[{"breadCrumb":"Alphabetical Listing "}],"helpText":"Click on any of the alphabet letters to view a list of Fellows."}
inputFilterJSON: {"sortOnList":[{"sortByField":"fellow.lastName","sortType":"ASC"}],"typeAhead":false}
pageNum: 2
You can see the pageNum property. This is how they request a specific page of results.
When you click the number buttons, some Javascript code makes an AJAX POST request to https://services27.ieee.org/fellowsdirectory/getpageresultsdesk.html;jsessionid=yoursessionid with formData including pageNum: 3 and some other formatting parameters. The server responds with the HTML block of table rows that get loaded into the page. You can look at the requests on that webpage in your browser's network inspector (in the developer tools) to see exactly what HTTP requests are happening.
The link has an onclick handler that changes the href onclick. Go to
In the console, enter:
This redirects to Aarons, Jules.
Now go back and enter window.location=getDetailProfileUrl('JJuL3J00kHdIUozoVAgKdg==');
This opens Aarts, Ronald.
Basically, when the link is clicked, the JavaScript changes the url of the link.
To extract them using php, use the file_get_contents() function.
echo file_get_contents('https://services27.ieee.org/fellowsdirectory/home.html#results_table');
That will print out the page. Now scrape it with JavaScript.
echo "<script>console.log(document.querySelectorAll('.name'));</script>";
Hope this helps.

ASP.NET RSS Feed giving style sheet error

Hey im wondering why I am receiving the following error in my rss feed
"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."
from a bit of research ive done this is becuase I dont have a stylesheet attached. But I have done plenty of RSS Feeds before and normally they pick up the default look and feel as below
I am just wondering why this one is giving the above error ?
Most likely, the content-type of your feed is not correct, so IE is treating it as raw XML.
What is the URL of your feed? What browser are you using?
the tbray.org URL returns a
Content-Type: application/atom+xml
What is the content-type header returned by your misbehaving feed?
('wget --save-headers ...' may be useful)
my guess is that you need to make sure you declare your namespaces.
Take tim bray's feed and save it locally as test.htm. bring it up in firefox and it will show nicely. now if you remove a namespace in that's being used like :thr the content will disappear. if you remove the base namespace you'll just get plain text.

Problem passing parameters via Iframe in IE

I'm trying to execute an HTTP GET from my website to another website that is brought in via iframe.
On Firefox, you can see in the source that the correct url is in the iframe src along with it's correct parameters-- and it works.
On IE, you can see in the source that the correct url is in the iframe src along with it's correct parameters-- and it doesn't work...
Is there something about IE that doesn't let you pass parameters through an iframe in the querystring?
I've tried refreshing the iframe in IE, I've tried refreshing my page & the iframe in IE, and I've tried copying the url and re-pasting it into the iframe src (forcing it to refresh as if I just entered it into the address bar for that iframe window). Still no luck!
Anyone know why this is happening, or have any suggestions to try to get around this?
Edit: I cannot give a link to this because the site requires a password and login credentials to both our site and our vendor's site. Even though I could make a test account on our site, it would not do any good for the testing process because I cannot do the same for the vendor site. As for the code, all it's doing is creating the src from the backend code on page load and setting the src attribute from the back end...
//Backend code to set src
mainIframe.Attributes["src"] = srcWeJustCreated;
//Front end iframe code
<iframe id="mainIframe" runat="server" />
Edit: Problem was never solved. Answer auto accepted because the bounty expired. I will re-ask this question with more info and a link to the page when our site is closer to going live.
By the default security settings in IE query parameters are blocked in Iframes. On the security tab under internet options set your security level to low. If this fixes your problem then you know that is your issue. If the site is for external customers then expecting them to turn down their security settings is probably unreasonable, so you may have to find a work around.
Let's say your site is www.acme.com and the iframe source is at www.myvendor.com.
IIRC, most domain-level security settings don't care about the hostname, so add a DNS CNAME to your zone file for myvendor.acme.com, pointed back to www.myvendor.com. Then, in your IFRAME, set the source using your hostname alias.
Another solution might be to have your Javascript set the src to a redirector script on your own server (and, thus, within your domain). Your script would then simply redirect the IFRAME to the "correct" URL with the same parameters.
If it suits you, you can communicate between sites with fragment identifiers. You can find an article here: http://tagneto.blogspot.com/2006/06/cross-domain-frame-communication-with.html
What BYK said. I think what's happening is you are GETting a URL that is too large for IE to handle. I notice you are trying to send variable named src, which is probably very long, over 4k. I ran into this problem before, and this was my code. Notice the comment about IE. Also notice it causes a problem with Firefox then, which is addressed in another comment.
var autoSaveFrame = window.frames['autosave'];
// try to create a temp form object to submit via post, as sending the browser to a very very long URL causes problems for the server and in IE with GET requests.
var host = document.location.host;
var protocol = document.location.protocol;
// Create a form
var f = autoSaveFrame.document.createElement("form");
// Add it to the document body
// Add action and method attributes
f.action = protocol + '//' + host + "/autosave.php"; // firefox requires a COMPLETE url for some reason! Less a cryptic error results!
f.method = "POST"
var postInput = autoSaveFrame.document.createElement('input');
postInput.type = 'text'
postInput.name = 'post';
postInput.value = post;
// Call the form's submit method
Based on Mike's answer, the easiest solution in your case would be to use "parameter hiding" to convert all GET parameters into a single URL.
The most scalable way would be for each 'folder' in the URL to consist of the parameter, then a comma, then the value. For example you would use these URLs in your app:
Which would be the equivalent of these:
This is pretty easy on Apache with .htaccess, but it looks like you're using IIS so I'll leave it up to you to research the exact implementation.
EDIT: just came back to this and realised it wouldn't be possible for you to implement the above on a different domain if you don't own it :p However, you can do it server-side like this:
Set up the above parameter-hiding on your own server as a special script (might not be necessary if IE doesn't mind GET from the same server).
In Javascript, build the static-looking URL from the various parameters.
Have the script on your server use the parameters and read the external URL and output it, i.e. get the content server-side. This question may help you with that.
So your iframe URL would be:
And that page would read and display the URL:
Try using an indirect method. Create a FORM. Set its action parameter to the base url you want to navigate. Set its method to POST. Set its target to your iframe and then create the necessary parameters as hidden inputs. Finally, submit the form. It should work since it works with POST.
