How to Connect Kentico Website with database -

I just started working with Kentico and after Kentico Installation there is no setup files for my sql server database but I get the files are locally stored in the database(on localdb). So now I want to know that how can I connect with the existing database(sql server). As I try to change the web config but there are issue when we run the service from Kentico Service Manager.
Also I am having an another issue that how can this be possible with kentico that if the admin made certain changes in the text through interface and those changes should be reflected in database as well.So that next time when anybody tries to access the website it will reflect to him. Please let me know about it. Thanks in advance.

Please, refer:
Connecting your project to the database
Daabase Setup
Managed projects are connected to the database and contain Kentico EMS data by default.
If you're using an unmanaged project, you must connect the project to the database manually. You have two options to connect your project to the database:
entering the database credentials into the database setup wizard
adding a connection string to your application's web.config
Connection string template
<add name="CMSConnectionString" connectionString="Persist Security
id=USER_NAME;password=PASSWORD;Current Language=English;Connection Timeout=240;"/>


How to access SQLite DB from IIS hosted WCF Service?

I am trying to deploy a WCF service that uses a SQLite DB to read some data as well as connecting to another Database (MS SQL). The service itself is consumed by a ASP Web site running on the same server.
The problem is that only my user is able to fully use the website and service. Every other user can't seem to open the sqlite database file.
What kind of permissions or special access do you need to access a sqlite database from IIS?
The Application pool is setup with a domain account so that access to the MS SQL Database can be granted (Integrated Security).
The folder where the database is stored is accessible by the account. And I've even tried to make it accessible by Everyone and all users with no luck.
I feel I'm missing something obvious but I can't figure out what...
Update: The error is as follows:
An exception of type 'System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The underlying provider failed on Open.
Inner Exception:
Unable to open database file.
I was able to resolve the issue, I'm going to document it here for posterity. I took a few steps to do so, and I currently don't have the environment set up to be able to reproduce the issue consistently and quickly, so I'm not entirely sure which was the actual solution.
Disclaimer aside, here are my changes:
I created a new Application Pool and Website on IIS, on another directory entirely, not on "C:\inetpub\wwwroot". I used "C:\Sites\MySite" to deploy both my WCF service and the website which consumed it.
I changed the application pool identity account to a new AD Service account.
I placed the database inside of the Service Web App directory, within a directory called data. I removed all inherited permissions from the directory and the database file, and gave the both the service account and Everyone Full Control of the directory and database file.
I edited the connection string for sqlite to have the setting "Journal Mode=Off;".
I stopped and started both the Application Pool and the WebSite on IIS.
After this the service worked correctly, and I was able to access both the database file and the connection to SQL Server. If I get the opportunity, I would set up some kind of virtual network to replicate this and see if I could figure out exactly what caused the error in the first place.

No access to Database File

Last week I created a ASP.NET Web Application project on my machine. It was connecting to a SQL server database file for testing. The database was created in the server explorer part of visual studio and it created a database file with all of the information within it. I was using windows authentication to connect to the database.
Recently my computer has been migrated onto a new netowrk within my company. Now I no longer have access to the database file. The error I am getting is Login failed for user "DOMAIN/USER". I guess this is because the Domain has changed and my computer and the database server are in different domains. However I do not have access to the old domain to add a new login or user with priveladges to access the database.
How can i get arround this?
You cannot get around this, unless an admin is willing to give you a copy of the files from the old drive.
So, you must re-create your database.
Fortunately, if you took proper precautions, this will be easy.
Option 1: If your database is under source control, simply checkout the latest good version of the database.
Option 2: Load the latest backup of the database.

How to effectively set up MySQL Users and Roles in the production server WITHOUT Visual Studio?

So far I have been using the WebSite Administration Tool built in Visual Studio 2010 to manage Users and Roles along with MySQL Membership and Roles Provider.
Now, I have deployed the application to the production server and I am getting the following error:
Even if I tried to copy one of the roles and one of the users from my local DB to the one used by the production server, it didn't quite work and I keep getting the same error. At least, I'm sure that's the cause of the error because I did a remote debugging which led me to find it.
At this point I am very confused on how to get it working properly. So, any help or guidance would be really appreciated.
EDIT: At this point the User has been already authenticated in the login page using the connectionString to the production DB server. For that reason, I have dismissed any kind of problems related to the connectionString. I get this error while loading the masterPage where the role is needed in order to choose which menu to display.
The exception message says it all: It cannot connect to the database. Verify that your production DB server is running, that the connection string is correct and that you have network connectivity (including name resolution) from the web server to the DB server.
The solution for this problem was to create the mysql_aspnet_membership provider by granting full access through the machine.config and autogenerating the schema, instead of manually creating the membership tables in the database, which I though there could have been a valid way to create the db.
Afterwards, this didn't break anymore.

How Can I upload ASPNETDB Database to Server?

I have uploaded my database backup and it works fine. but since I've created a new user from ASP.NET Configuration I've that it saves the user information in the ASPNETDB.
I already published my database from MVS and open it in M SQL Server Management Studio 2008 to create the backup but I haven't find the ASPNETDB in it.
my question is:
doesn't this database just upload it automatically when I upload my database? coz when I publish my website it doesn't appear.
if not, How can I upload ASPNETDB so I can login to my site because I'm using authorization to this user ?
Ok im gonna make a few assumptions here and explain them because this could be many things:
Assumption 1 (connection string issue). the user credentials for a database running on your local sql server are likely to be valid on the server on which you deploy to (seems to be the way of the world) try connecting to the remote database using the credentials in the remote "published" copy of the websites configuration file. (connection string)
Assumption 2 (publish settings not correct). when you use the "publish" option from within visual studio you only deploy the website to my knowledge but some say you can configure it to deploy the database as well.
I would suggest making a change (eg add a table to the aspnet database) on your dev machine then using publish to see if that new table appears on the remote server, if it doesn't go to the server explorer in visual studio and run the wizard by right clicking on your database and clicking on "publish to provider" i tend to push the entire db to a script file then manually run that on the remote database (seems the cleanest option).
Assumption 3 (does the database even exist on the server). I could be wrong here but from what you're saying it sounds like you published the application and not the database to the server ... that results in some nice yellow server errors.
Check that the database exists if not ... do as suggested in asumption 2 and push the database manually.
I suppose you're using the Membership API.
If you are using ASP.NET on a machine with SQL Server Express Edition, the required by Membership API underlying data store is created automatically for you when you create the first user. This functionality is provided through the SqlMembershipProvider. The SqlMembershipProvider automatically creates a new database in the website’s App_Data special directory called ASPNETDB.MDB. This database implements the complete schema, which is necessary for storing and managing user information, role information, user-role assignments etc.
You can easily check it. In your web.config you should see something like:
<add name="ApplicationServices" connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
So this database should have been uploaded along with your web site.
Please consider this tutorial if you want to create aspnetdb or necessary tables in your own database (which is a good praxis).
May be you will be also interested in the similar discussion here. Besides if you still want to get this .mdf database in SQL Server Management Studio you can learn how to attach a database here.

Publishing ASP.NET site - No login database?

I have a very simple app on my local machine that uses the ASP.NET membership provider. This works fine on my local machine.
I have published the app to our web server, and I need to know the specifics of setting up the application for membership to work.
I have a basic understanding that it uses an MDF file and somehow connects to a SQL database (SQLEXPRESS I assume on my local machine) which holds the user/role information.
I keep getting an error that it cannot connect to a SQL database when running the published application on the web server.
I wish to use a SQL server on a different machine (SQL69) than my web server (WEB69)
I have created a new connection string, but how do I tell ASP.NET to use it instead of the "LocalSqlServer" connection string that is created by default?
Can someone explain what is required to me?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Use the ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool without any parameters to set up the SQL Server membership on your local machine. This will also update your config file:
You need to set up SQL Server DB membership on your local machine first. After you have this working, you can simply script the entire DB for your production environment. For this, you can use the Database Publishing Wizard in VS.
You can view a sample config file here:
