How to I create a button in shiny to launch an R script? - r

I would like my HTML page to have a text field where the user can enter the path to his R script and next to it I would like to have a button that actually executes the script. I have not seen any similar examples. How would I go about doing this?


Click button on element popup

Okay so I am trying to create an automation to click on a button once it appears. I was able to find the code within a javascript source file in the website's code files that creates the element that contains the button in question, however it is not always there. It is generated once a trigger on a different UI is enabled, then it shows up on my end. I want it to automate clicking the button as soon as it appears.
Is there a way to do this? I am super new to code.
An example of what I am trying to do:
Someone in one UI creates an account that needs to be approved, it pops up an element on my end with an approve or deny button. I want to automatically and basically instantaneously click one of those two buttons any time it appears.
This is not exactly what I am trying to do, but it is similar. I do not own the website I'm trying to go this on*
I have no clue what I'm doing at all....

How can I add a new page by clicking to link or button in r shiny app?

I want to add a new page to my R shiny application.
For instance, when clicking to button or a tag I want a new page to be opened. I have written a sample application which has both a ui and a server part where I read the csv file and can do some calculations according to that data(columns and rows).
Currently the working process of the app is that when you upload the csv file and enter the ID, it shows the row according to that id from csv file and there are some calculations using that data.
This process is for the bank side. I would like to add a Client side to my app, for this reason I want to add something (tab or button or tag) so that when clicking it I want a new page to be opened (I mean anempty page) and in this empty page I just want to add the same code but with password as well.
When the csv file is uploaded, the customer will enter his ID as well as his password. The working principle will be the same but in client side(in new page) the customer will additionally add his/her password.
Is it actually possible in R shiny?
Yes this is possible in R shiny. See here for some examples/discussions.

How to make Jupyterlab or Jupyter show source code in a popup window?

Writing in the below
or pressing Shift+TAB while cursor is in the 'sql' of sqlContext.sql will make it popup the docstring of it. Writing in the below will show the source code and the docstring.
Is there any hotkey for this? I dont wanna keep writing in 'something??' every time I want to see the sourcecode.

c# write results in console form

I have a windows form and I have a textbox on it and user will write a number in that and I want to do some calculation on that number. My form is like this:
If one of those radio button is checked AFTER clicking on the button I want to show a console and write my math calculation step by step on that.
What should I do?
(As I said I want to show the console after clicking on the button not before that by choosing console application on output in project -> properties )

Entering Text in Textbox of a jar File using Shell Script

I have a graphical interface in jar file. There is a text box in there and a button in the window. I manually enter the text into it and then click the button to get the required output.
Now I want to make this thing automatic using a shell script. I wish to pass my input file using redirection. The shell script should open the jar file copy the text in the text box and click the button automatically so that I get the result instantaneously. Could anyone suggest something?
I don't think there's a out of the box solution for this, what I can think about is :
Create a simple java class which is the launcher of your GUI java app and to perform operations like typing and button click like
Using java Robot class. Refer this post or
Using a GUI testing utility like fest to do those user operations automatically
