compile time error - object reference not set to an instance of an object -

I am getting the following error in the error list of an ASP.NET web site opened in visual studio 2012.
And in the Error window there is no line number/file name and clicking on the error does not take me to a line of code.
This is a compile time, not runtime error. The code runs fine on the web server and used to work in VS2005 (on another computer until the drive failed). I just can't get it working in 2012.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

I've had this in the past and it turned out Visual Studio was reporting an aspnet_compiler error as a "warning". Go to the Error List pane, and at the top there are toggle buttons for Error and Warning. Hit the Warning button till it shows you all the warnings, and you may well find the answer there.
It's also sometimes useful to run aspnet_compiler.exe from the command prompt, to see the output independently from the Visual Studio build.


dump_sys.exe google breakpad for mingw not working

I am trying to integrate google breakpad with my qt application in order to generate the dump file. this is working fine. dump file is getting generated whenever application is crashing but next step is to generate the symbol file for that exe.
to accomplish this dump_sys.exe is provided by the google breakpad, but whenver I am running that dump_sys.exe. I am getting the following error.
CoCreateInstance CLSID_DiaSource {4C41678E-887B-4365-A09E-925D28DB33C2} failed (msdia*.dll unregistered?)
I tried to install visual studio 2013 and registered all the needed msdia*.dll but still getting the same error. Please tell me how to resolve this. I am stuck at this from quite a time now.

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error - Config File path doesn't exist

Our typical .Net application path on our boxes:
The .Net application path that started the problem:
When I'm in debug in VS 2015 or VS 2017 and the code blows up, I get this "HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error" screen that pops up instead of a pointer in the code itself telling me where the issue is and a 'stack trace' of sorts. Please see the screenshot, sorry for the blur, I can't put up anything proprietary or I'll get in trouble!
It started when I brought down 'OurProduct_Release_18.2' (which a team mate had made changes and committed it using VS 2017 which is Framework 4.7 and C# 7.0) and I opened it using VS 2015 (Framework 4.7 and not C# 7.0) and I did a Rebuild on the entire solution. It flagged some code because of the differences in the C# code version. No biggie right?
I deleted the version I brought down starting at "OurProduct_Bad-Missing-path" on. The "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\NetApps\AppDir\" folder path always stays. When we work on something we pull down 'prod' and put in in under 'AppDir'. That is just the prod-relative-path we use in production so that's why we do it.
That is when I started getting the "HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error" window instead of Visual Studio just showing me where the code blew up anytime I had code blow up. Just typical code-dev work: Run, blowup, fix, run, all good, on to next item, run, blow up, fix, all good... etc...
I did a scan of my entire hard drive for the bad/deleted path (actually just the 'OurProduct_Bad-Missing-path' portion) and found it in several places and files. Mostly in a JetBrains Resharper cache folder path which I have since deleted. I still have the issue. I found it in websites.xml also. I deleted it and restarted my box but still have the issue.
It happens now using VS 2015 & VS 2017 so I'm thinking it is some sort of IIS issue. What can I do to get either VS or IIS to quit looking at that path for the SystemError.aspx screen?
HTTP Error 500.19

Can't run exe of VideoFrameAnalysis sample app

I've downloaded , build an ran the VideoFrameAnalysis app inside Visual Studio and it worked fine but when i try to open the exe I get an error and everything closes.
Is there any solution for that ? Thanks.
The wierd thing about this is that is actually does work but I have to open and close it around 4 times. For some unknowen reason it sometimes load and sometimes it doesn't. This is the error I am getting when it doesn't:

Visual Studio 2010 giving error "External Component has thrown an exception"

I am running Visual Studio Ultimate on Windows 7. Here is the description of my problem:
My VS 2010 had been running absolutely fine until today when it started giving error "External Component has thrown an exception" when I try to open a new website. Creating a new web application works fine though but I am unable to run any of them.
While trying to run the previously created websites/webapps, its giving error as "Unable to launch ASP.NET development server".
And when I try to debug the website/web app, I am getting error: "Unable to launch ASP.NET development server. An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed".
Similar errors are coming when I try to open Windows Form Applications and other projects.
No errors are getting logged on event viewer and I cannot see any other error information apart from what is mentioned above.
I searched all over internet but no help. I have already trying un-installing VS2010 using the script at this link (provided by MS). But when I re-install VS2010, it still shows me same error. To my surprise, after re-installing VS still shows the previous project list in "Recent Projects". I really doubt if VS is getting uninstalled.
I am totally clueless and any help would be highly appreciated. I am left with no other option but to format my OS if I don't find a solution here :( Please do let me know if any other details are required...
It might be caused by an adding or extension that you've installed, maybe without being aware of.
there are several ways to deal with that - one is to get inside add in manager and remove/ deactivate them.
if VS can't load there is a flag that should do the trick.
check this link for instructions on devenv flags.
you can use: /ResetAddin or /SafeMode

Crystal Reports runtime for Visual Studio 2010 not working in Server 2008

Our web application used the old Crystal Reports XI Rel 2 activeX to render the reports called from classic ASP. We would like now to have it run alongside the new Crystal Reports 13 run time to render reports called from ASP.NET.
We installed the exe found in (support pack 3). On our dev machines (windows XP) everything went alright, and we were able to design and render reports in both technologies. We tried to deploy it today to a client's server (Windows Server 2008 64 bit) and it obviously didn't work.
If we first try to open the new report then the old one, they both fail, but with completely generic and therefore useless error messages ones like "Error while creating report". the new one is OK, but the old one fails with message "Invalid TLV record".
Inversely, if, after restarting iis, we first try to open an old report (CR XI R2 from classic ASP), it shows correctly, but the new one (CR 13) gives this error:
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{F734A321-8381-4FFD-A614-139E8906DC83} failed due to the following
error: 80000003 One or more arguments are invalid (Exception from
HRESULT: 0x80000003).
We tried to google this error; the only meaningful result was this thread but it didn't help us.
Thank you
EDIT: ok, the first error was simply that the .rpt files were being left out of the deployed folder. So it really boils down to an incompatibility of the CR runtimes, maybe?
EDIT 2: Yes, it is definitely it. We moved the new report in another virtual directory running under another application pool and now they both work, regardless of what is instantiated first. So is there any way we can gradually migrate our existing records, ie have a period where both run times coexist and are used by the same virtual directory?
I had this problem. As I had just installed CR 13 without a reboot, I thought I'd try a reboot of the server. After the reboot, the problem went away.
I have the same error - reboot didn´t help.
Installed SAP Crystal Reports runtime on Win7 but got several errors registering components during installation - think that is the cause of the problem.
Downloaded and installed CR Runtime (32bit)
That installed without errors but didn´t work either :-(
