Doctrine2: Unable to override generated value strategy? - symfony

I have a an entity with an ID as such:
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
I'm migrating data into this entity, and want to preserve existing keys. I looked at "Explicitly set Id with Doctrine when using "AUTO" strategy" and found that I should be able to do the following:
$newData = ... // array containing data to bring in
$newEntity = new MyEntity();
$newEntity->... // set other data fields
$metadata = $em->getClassMetadata('\CS\AcmeBundle\Entity\MyEntity');
$metadata->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator());
However, Doctrine is not using the provided ID. It's ignoring it when inserting. I've also tried this approach instead, since some people seemed to have had luck with it (even tried both):
But that doesn't change anything. ID's are still inserted automatically by the database. In the query log, I see that Doctrine isn't even attempting to insert the ID.
If I remove #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") from MyEntity annotations, then the migration will respect the provided ID I give it. But I want to override it just during the migration.
I'm using Doctrine 2.4.2.

For this technique to work, you must use the second of these:
$metadata = $em->getClassMetadata('\CS\AcmeBundle\Entity\MyEntity');
$metadata = $em->getClassMetadata('CS\AcmeBundle\Entity\MyEntity');
The problem is that Doctrine will return the same class meta data values for both.
They will both correctly identify the class file, read its annotations, etc. Obviously they are equivalent, except that one is an absolute namespace and the other is not.
But these strings will return different instances from getClassMetadata. Changes to one won't reflect in the other. If you want your intended technique to work, you must use the second form, because that is what UnitOfWork uses. It uses this normalization:
// \Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork->getCommitOrder()
$className = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity))->name;
$class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($className);
Note that in the linked-to question, the solution uses get_class($entity). That is probably sufficient to get the correct behavior.
Even more detail: after a lot of stepping through code, I noticed that \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory was memoizing both versions of the class name string in its private property $loadedMetadata. The version that was being used to actually flush the entities was the one without the leading slash, and I was editing the one with the leading slash.
Because both strings return the same data, I think this represents a bug in the implementation.

The differences between GeneratedValue strategies
Inside your entity
I am not sure whether you are using annotations or xml, or yml files. So better to change the xml or yml doctrine entity files inside your bundle config as well.


Getting a list of all properties in a group in API Platform

Using API Platform 1.2.
I've simplified my setup for the purpose of this question. Please excuse lack of following standards.
I have 2 entities: Book and Category. Book properties:
* #Groups({book:read})
* #Groups({book:read})
* #Groups({book:read})
The $category property is mapped to a Category entity. Category has a $categoryName property. This is also attached to the book:read group.
In the GET API call this the output contains all the Book properties plus the $categoryName property. This is great 👍
What I want to know is: Using API Platform, how would I go about getting all properties for a serialization group such as above?
I have found that I could tap into the \ApiPlatform\Core\Metadata\Property\Factory\PropertyMetadataFactoryInterface to get the property info but this requires knowing what classes and properties to check. Looping through all entities with a metadata lookup, then looping through all properties, performing another metadata lookup seems wasteful and slow.
Is there a better way to acheieve this? I basically want the same output as what the API produces by feeding am entity name and group name.

Entity Id validation

I am writing REST API, where resources are entities. There is a problem with Id field, which has NoBlank and NotNull constraints (which are logical) when creating new entity - obviously a new entity has no Id before writing to DB. However validation component of course says the entity is not valid. How to overcome this issue without removing the constraints from the Id field?
In my opinion you shouldn't have a constraint on your id.
Url of create should be [POST]/resource and url of edit should be [PUT]/resource/{id}.
(Or POST/PATCH depending on how strictly you are doing rest HTTP methods)
THis way the id is always mandatory.
If you don't want this routing logic, you can use validation groups
* #Assert\NotNull(groups={"create"})
private $id;
* #Assert\NotNull(groups={"create","edit"})
private $whatever;

Polymorphic attachments using a subset of the polymorphic relationship in doctrine 2

I need some help with doctrine 2 that uses "polymorphic associations". Let me clarify myself. Entitys can support file attachments using a subset of the polymorphic relationship. the File entity is used to safekeep this relationship where reference to the files are stored as records in the files table and have a polymorphic relation to the parent model. I want to create the same functionality as
But do not know how to make the relationship, and how, for example, put the attachment_type dynamic like attachment_id;
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="App\Domain\FileAttachment\Entity\FileAttachment", attachment_type="news_thumbnail")
private $thumbnail;
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="App\Domain\FileAttachment\Entity\FileAttachment", attachment_type="news_image")
private $image;
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Domain\FileAttachment\Entity\FileAttachment", attachment_type="news_files")
private $files;
An example of the files table.
I have some experience in trying to make polymorphism work (including polymorphic files) in symfony and by this time I think I can share a few of my insights with you in hopes that they would provide you with some useful information about this subject.
Firstly, I would suggest reading up on inheritance mapping in doctrine link. With doctrine inheritance mapping you would simply create one main File class and then make every other attachment extend it. Then, say you want to add a picture attachment to the user. You would simply create a oneToOne relationship between the user and the main File class. If the attachment you persist would be an instance of one of the attachment classes, Doctrine is smart enough to return you an object of that class, not the main File class.
So to answer you question, I will give you a specific example. Case:
ImageAttachment extends FileAttachment
User has a property called photo
Property photo is a OneToOne relationship to the FileAttachment entity
$image = new ImageAttachment();
Now in the database in the User table, in a column called something like photo_id the referenced ID would be the one in the FileAttachment table. When you would do $user->getPhoto(); it would return an object of class ImageAttachment since doctrine knows that you have persisted an ImageAttachment, not just a FileAttachment.
When it comes to collections, things would also be pretty simple. In this case, you would probably need to create an ManyToMany relationship between the file and the entity that you want to relate to the file. Say that a user can have many different types of attachments saved in the database. If you want to use this filesystem application wide it would probably make no sense for a file to know about the user it belongs to, because soon file would have to hold information on all different types of the relationships and that is just not a smart architecture choice if you want to have any type of modular system in place. Thats why my suggestion is to use ManyToMany relationships between some entity and the attachments. This way only user would know about the files in the database and filesystem would be agnostic and decoupled.
A third important point to be made when talking about polymorphism in doctrine is symfony support for this feature. Generally polymorphism is considered to be somewhat of a bad practice in certain cases, and especially in data persistence does not have much support in the community. So an important thing to consider is that symfony CollectionType HAS NO SUPPORT FOR POLYMORPHISM what so ever. Basically you will have to write your own Type if you were planning on using polymorphic form collections. But if you don't mind using a bit of ajax, this is not really a problem, you can simply avoid using SF forms for this purpose alone.

How can I use Doctrine Annotations to change a column name in an entity subclass?

I'm using FOSUserBundle with a new Symfony project that has to work with an existing schema. My user entity extends FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User as the instructions say, but the email column is named "email_addr" instead of "email". Since the parent defines $email I can't re-declare it to attach my annotation.
* #var string $emailAddr
* #ORM\Column(name="email_addr", type="text", nullable=false)
protected $email;
The exception I get is:
Property "email" in "Foo\DataBundle\Entity\User" was already declared, but it must be declared only once
My question is either:
How can a Doctrine2 subclass use an annotation to alter something defined in the parent?
Or how can I override column names in the FOSUserBundle?
I found an answer:
More about Doctrine implementations
If you need to change the mapping (for instance to adapt the field names to a legacy database), the only solution is to write the whole mapping again without inheriting the mapping from the mapped superclass. In such case, your entity should extend directly from FOS\UserBundle\Model\User (and FOS\UserBundle\Model\Group for the group).
It looks like doctrine 2.3 added these features. Unfortunately, SO decided that I had to duplicate information already present on their site to avoid a "trivial answer".
#AssociationOverride and #AttributeOverride in new Doctrine 2.3

Delete child entity when modifying parent entity

I'm working in modify file action in my controller. Child entity(StrOrigin) has the following relationship with File entity:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="File" )
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="STOR_FILE", referencedColumnName="id", onDelete="CASCADE")
Now in my modify action in the controller, I get the file to modify, set the form and do some tests then upload the file, persist file entity and override the StrOrigin (which is many strings from file) with the new modified file. I'm stuck in how to override the StrOrigin. I've tried deleting the old file when submitting and persisting the new one:
But that didn't seem to work.
Following up on the comments:
You don't want to remove your actual file. You are misinterpreting the onDelete="CASCADE"! It means that when you delete a file, all StrOrigin will also get deleted. It has nothing to do with what you want to achieve.
What you want is the following:
foreach($this_file_STROR->getStrOrigins() AS $strOrigin){
// now $this_file_STROR as no StrOrigins anymore
Also note that you don't need to flush at this point. A flush is simply persisting your current objects to the database. As long as you work with the objects, there is no need to flush. Normally you can flush right before your script ends, e.g. before you call render in your controller. If you flush several times, your application may be slow due to interaction with the database.
I found another solution which may be much faster:
It's described here and is called orphan removal. The idea is to simply remove the association and tell doctrine that related entities which are not refered to anymore shall be removed. In your case, you would do the following:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="File" )
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="STOR_FILE", referencedColumnName="id", orphanRemoval=true)
public function deleteStrOrigins(){
$this->strOrigins = new ArrayCollection(); // you can also try to use = null. I'm using ArrayCollections, so this is my way and I never tried the null approach.
Now calling in your code
should delete all related StrOrigins as long as they are not related anywhere else.
