cannot upgrade to orchard 1.8 -

I'm moving my old website from orchard 1.5 to 1.8. I have done in several steps moving 1.5->1.6.1, 1.6.1-> 1.7.3, 1.7.3 to 1.8 following the documentation:
prepare the new installation, copy app_data, media directories, dirs from themes and modules, and the migrations up to 1.7.2 went fine and the site is running.
At this point I'm following the procedure in the same server (2008 r2), but after I switch the home directory of the site to the 1.8 dir to start the upgrade i obtain the error message:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /
Am I missing something? the site configuration is the same as 1.7.3, just switching directory

found the problem: I have to exclude the dependencies directory in the app_data while copying


Check Glassfish version on domain folder

I've tried to check one way to discover the version of the glassfish server checking the domain folder but I didn't find it. I didn't find the version in domain.xml or another file. I know we can use "asadmin version" command to check the version, but I need to find it on the domain folder because the structure of my project and some limitations that there is. Do you know some way to check the version? One difference maybe, like one file that not exists in glassfish 3.0 domain folder but there is in glasshfish 4 domain folder...
Thank you so much!
You could check the index.html in the docroot of your domain folder. It contains the Glassfish Version.
The file is located in GLASSFISH_INSTALL/glassfish/domains/domain1/docroot
It should contain a line like
<title>GlassFish Server 3.1.1 - Server Running</title>
For Glassfish 4 it only contains a line like:
<title>GlassFish Server - Server Running</title>
So this is one option to distinguish.
If this is not specific enough, you can just parse the server.log file for the version. In the file GLASSFISH_INSTALL/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log you should find a string like:
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.1 (12) startup time : Felix (6.971ms), startup services(2.353ms), total(9.324ms)|]
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1 (1) startup time : Felix (6.175ms), startup services(5.352ms), total(11.527ms)]]

Wordpress Database Connection Error - PHP7 using MAMP

I have a localhost development environment using MAMP Pro, with a Wordpress website working successfully using PHP 5.6.8. Changing the host to PHP 7.0.13 (and changing nothing else) results in the error:
Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or
directory in [edited path]/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1538
Error establishing a database connection
This either means that the username and password information in your
wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database
server at localhost:3306. This could mean your host’s database server
is down.
Screenshot of Complete Error
wp-config.php definitely has correct username, password, hostname and the database is running. Solutions to similar issues/warnings suggest the MySQL socket path in php.ini file could be wrong, but I have compared that file across the two php versions and they are the same.
I am using the latest versions of MAMP Pro (4.1) and Wordpress (4.7.4), as well as OS X (10.12.4). Also, the website works fine again when changing the host back to PHP 5.6.8.
No idea what else to do/check. Any thoughts are much appreciated.
Wordpress 4.6 later version is not supported in Php 7.0 So please Reinstall Php 5.6 and check .so working
After updating to PHP7 you need to check the path to the mysql.sock.
Open the php.ini file and correct the path
mysql.default_socket = /Applications/MAMP/bin/IDONTKNOW...../mysql.sock

Deployment Symfony 2.4 on Microsoft Azure (git/composer)

For the last two days I'm trying to push my application on Azure but I'm facing problems about the Symfony 2.4 deps (with composer). The main error is :
symfony/icu v1.2.1 requires lib-icu >=4.4 -> the requested linked library icu has the wrong version installed or is missing from your system, make sure to have the extension providing it.
I saw on the internet that the problem could be about the php_intl extension not loaded. So after hours I managed to get it by creating a bin\ext\php_intl.dll in my root directory (the documentation does not mention the ext subdirectory, and it was not working for me when I put the intl into the bin directory).
Internationalization support enabled
version 1.1.0
ICU version 49.1.2
ICU Data version 49.1.2
But I always get the same error. Do you have any idea about this?
Try to add in your composer.json :
require: {
"symfony/icu": "1.1.*"
See, chapter "ICU and Deployment Problems"

IIS Failing to register

I have IIS Version 7.5 installed on my machine.
But when I am trying to register it using aspnet_regiis.exe -i(-ir) commands then the following error occurs:
Finished installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.17929).
Setup has detected some errors during the operation. For details, please read the setup log file C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\ASPNETSetup_00018.log
Steps Followed:
1. Installed VS 2012 First and then installed IIS.
2. Replaced applicationhost.config file from other machine where IIS was working with my file under folder C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config, but still not worked out.
3. Replaced the path in of applicationhost.config file with the absolute path but then also it didn't worked out.
4. Uninstalled IIS, VS2012 and then re-installed VS2012 and IIS, but then also success wasn't there.
Please help me to get out of this problem.

Mono's XSP webserver can't find MySql.Web.dll on Linux

I'm working on getting my ASP.Net project working on Linux. I've been testing my code using XSP on windows, but now I am trying to make sure that I can develop and test on Linux as well. To that end I've gotten Ubuntu running and have MonoDevelop and MySQL running. I've downloaded the latest MySQL Connector/Net and I think I have it installed correctly.
There is no package that will automatically install the MySQL Connector/Net for distribution so I downloaded the 6.2.3 zip file from the MySQL website. Now I've already discovered the issue with case sensitivity because the zip file contains filenames in lowercase, and Mono expects them in uppercase. So I've changed the names of the files to MySql.Data.dll, and MySql.Web.dll respectively. I've also used gacutil to install both files to the GAC. Likewise I have added the files to the Mono Lib directory. The following files do exist on my machine:
I've also created package files so that I can add references to the the assemblies in MonoDevelop. The folder /usr/lib/mono/2.0 contains two .pc files that I added.
Name: MySql.Web
Description: ASP Membership, Role and Profile providers powered by MySQL
Version: 6.2.3
Libs: -r:/usr/lib/mono/gac/MySql.Web/
Name: MySql.Data
Description: Provides connectivity to MySQL databases
Version: 6.2.3
Libs: -r:/usr/lib/mono/gac/MySql.Data/
At this point I can use the assemblies in projects inside MonoDevelop. The Assemblies appear in the list of available assemblies when I edit the project references. The project now compiles without error inside MonoDevelop. However when I run the compiled web project in XSP the following error is displayed in the browser:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Web.dll, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=C5687FC88969C44D' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
What is fustrating is that originally the error was that it could not load MySql.Data.dll and now the error message is that it can not load MySql.Web.dll. Which means that I somehow fixed the problem I was having with the Data dll, and now I have the problem with the Web dll. I have gone and re-done I learned to fix the problem for the Data dll, but I am unable to get the Web dll working.
Unfortunately I'm still pretty new to Linux and Mono (but not to ASP.Net) and I've run out of things to try. Likewise I haven't found anything on Google to try other than what has been described above which leaves me asking for help.
Can anyone help me find out why XSP can't find the assembly and what I can do about it?
You can try setting some environment variables which should tell you where all Mono is looking for assemblies:
MONO_LOG_LEVEL="debug" MONO_LOG_MASK="dll" xsp2
Not a perfect fix (I don't know why its going wrong), but if you're in a hurry, copy MySql.Web.dll to the bin directory of your app.
