Publish forum replies with embedded user data - meteor

I am trying to publish forum replies to a specific thread, but I would like those reply documents to include extra information about the user that posted it.
I don't want to "save" that extra information on the reply itself but rather, publish an "improved" version of it.
I am doing something similar on client-side already with mycollection.find().map() and using the map function to embedded extra information on each of the returned documents, however, Meteor publish cannot seem to publish an array, only a Cursor, so the simple map function is off limits.
Is there a way to achieve this? Maybe a "map" function that returns a Cursor?
I am not using Meteor.methods so that I can have reactivity, because with them I could just return an array and use it as normal.
Here is an example of my code (that fails, but sends gives an idea of what I need):
Meteor.publish("forumthread", function(thread){
return forumReplies.find({thread: thread}).map(function(r){
// lets fill in additional data about each replies owner
var owner = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: r.owner});
return; // no owner no reply..
owner.forumStats = {};
owner.forumStats.postCount = 0;
owner.forumStats.postLikes = 0;
owner.forumStats.title = "The Newbie";
owner.forumStats.tag = "Newbie";
Meteor.users.update({_id: owner._id}, {$set:{ forumStats:owner.forumStats }});
r.ownerid = owner._id;
r.ownerUsername = owner.username;
r.ownerPostCount = owner.forumStats.postCount;
r.ownerPostLikes = owner.forumStats.postLikes;
r.ownerTitle = owner.forumStats.title;
r.ownerTag = owner.forumStats.tag;
return r;
Thank you.

Ended up doing this (found out that Christian Fritz also suggested it):
Meteor.publish("serverforumthread", function(thread){
check(thread, String);
var replies = forumReplies.find({thread: thread});
var users = {};{
users[r.owner] = r.owner;
var userids =, function(value, key){ return value; });
var projectedFields = {_id:1, username:1, forumStats: 1, services: 0};
var usrs = Meteor.users.find({_id:{$in: userids}}, projectedFields);
var anyUpdateToUsers = false;{
var changed = false;
owner.username = owner.emails[0].address.split("#")[0];
changed = true;
//owner.forumStats = undefined;
owner.forumStats = {};
owner.forumStats.postCount = 0;
owner.forumStats.postLikes = 0;
owner.forumStats.title = "the newbie";
owner.forumStats.tag = "newbie";
owner.forumStats.img = "";
changed = true;
anyUpdateToUsers = true;
Meteor.users.update({_id: owner._id}, {$set:{ forumStats:owner.forumStats }});
if(anyUpdateToUsers) // refresh it
usrs = Meteor.users.find({_id:{$in: userids}}, projectedFields);{
return [replies, usrs];
It works great with the following client side:
replyOwner: function(reply){
var owner = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: reply.owner});
console.log(reply, owner);
if(!owner || !owner.forumStats) return; // oh shait!
var r = {};
r.owner = owner._id;
r.ownerUsername = owner.username;
r.ownerPostCount = owner.forumStats.postCount;
r.ownerPostLikes = owner.forumStats.postLikes;
r.ownerTitle = owner.forumStats.title;
r.ownerTag = owner.forumStats.tag;
r.ownerImg = owner.forumStats.img;
return r;
ownerImgTab: function(){
return {src: this.ownerImg};
However, I am now facing another problem. Even tho I am restricting the fields I am publishing from the Users collection, it is still sending down the "services" field, that contains login data that shouldnt be sent, ideas?


New gtag google analytics add url _gl manually

I'm trying to add to URL the value of _gl in order to apply cross-domain.
Currently, I tried these options:
const decorateUrl = (urlString: string) => {
var ga = window.dataLayer;
var tracker;
if (ga && typeof ga.getAll === 'function') {
tracker = ga.getAll()[0]; // Uses the first tracker created on the page
urlString = (new window.gaplugins.Linker(tracker)).decorate(urlString);
return urlString;
const decorateURL = (url: string) => {
let destinationLink = false;
var ga = window[window['GoogleAnalyticsObject']];
console.log(ga,'ga test decorate')
if (ga) {
let tracker = ga.getAll()[0];
let linker = new window.gaplugins.Linker(tracker);
destinationLink = linker.decorate(url);
return (destinationLink ? url + '?' + destinationLink : url);
but none of these set _gl code to URL.
and I inject in the header this code
let gtagLinkScript = destinationWindow.document.createElement("script");
gtagLinkScript.setAttribute('async', 'true');
gtagLinkScript.setAttribute('src', `${ trackingID }`);
let gtagAnotherScript = destinationWindow.document.createElement("script");
gtagAnotherScript.innerText = `gtag('set', 'linker', {'domains': [\'${crossDomain}\']});gtag(\'config\', \'${ trackingID }\');`;
can someone help?
In a GA4 property the recommendation is to pass client_id and session_id over the url:

Reactive cursor without updating UI for added record

I am trying to make a newsfeed similar to twitter, where new records are not added to the UI (a button appears with new records count), but updates, change reactively the UI.
I have a collection called NewsItems and I a use a basic reactive cursor (NewsItems.find({})) for my feed. UI is a Blaze template with a each loop.
Subscription is done on a route level (iron router).
Any idea how to implement this kind of behavior using meteor reactivity ?
The trick is to have one more attribute on the NewsItem Collection Say show which is a boolean. NewsItem should have default value of show as false
The Each Loop Should display only Feeds with show == true and button should show the count of all the items with show == false
On Button click update all the elements in the Collection with show == false to show = true
this will make sure that all your feeds are shown .
As and when a new feed comes the Button count will also increase reactively .
Hope this Helps
The idea is to update the local collection (yourCollectionArticles._collection): all articles are {show: false} by default except the first data list (in order not to have a white page).
You detect first collection load using :
Meteor.subscribe("articles", {
onReady: function () {
articlesReady = true;
Then you observe new added data using
newsItems = NewsItems.find({})
addedBefore: (id, article, before)=> {
if (articlesReady) { = false;
NewsItems._collection.update({_id: id}, article);
else { = true;
NewsItems._collection.update({_id: id}, article);
Here is a working example:
Finally I managed it using a session variable for the current date /time:
Template.newsFeed.onCreated(function () {
var tpl = this;
tpl.loaded = new ReactiveVar(0);
tpl.limit = new ReactiveVar(30);
Session.set('newsfeedTime', new Date());
tpl.autorun(function () {
var limit = tpl.limit.get();
var time = Session.get('newsfeedTime');
var subscription = tpl.subscribe('lazyload-newsfeed', time, limit);
var subscriptionCount = tpl.subscribe('news-count', time);
if (subscription.ready()) {
}); = function() {
return NewsItems.find({creationTime: {$lt: Session.get('newsfeedTime')}},
{sort: {relevancy: -1 }},
{limit: tpl.loaded.get()});
tpl.countRecent = function() {
return Counts.get('recentCount');
tpl.displayCount = function() {
return Counts.get('displayCount');
'click .load-new': function (evt, tpl) {
var time = new Date();
var limit = tpl.limit.get();
var countNewsToAdd = tpl.countRecent();
limit += countNewsToAdd;
Session.set('newsfeedTime', new Date());


PROBLEM: I want to parse the elements in a page from another website, glue resulting elements in an object and insert it in a Mongo collection. Before insertion i want to check if my Mongo yet has an identical object. If it does it shall exit the running functions, otherwise i want the script to start parsing the next target.
I have a function that connects to a webpage and returns its body content
It is parsed
When <a></a> elements are met, another callback is called in which all parsed elements are merged in one object and inserted in a collection
My code :
var Cheerio = Meteor.npmRequire('cheerio');
var lastUrl;
var exit = false;
request("", Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
$ = Cheerio.load(body);
var k = 1;
$("div.content").each(function() {
var name = $...//parsing
var age = $....//parsing
var url = $...//parsing <a></a> elements
var r = request(""+url, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body) {
lastUrl = response.request.uri.href;// get the last routing link
var metadata = {
name: name,
age: age
url: lastUrl
var postExist;
postExist = Posts.findOne(metadata); // return undefined if doesnt exist, AND every time postExist = undefined ??
if (!postExist){
Posts.insert(metadata);// if post doesnt exist (every time go here ??)
else {
exit = true; // if exist
if (exit === true) return false;
Problem 1 : The problem is my function works every time, but it doesn't stop even if the object exists in my collection
Problem 2 : postExist is always undefined
EDIT : The execution must stop and wait until the second request's response.
var url = $...//parsing <a></a> elements
var r = request(""+url, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body) {
Looks like you want the second request to be synchronous and not asynchronous.
To achieve this, use a future
var Cheerio = Meteor.npmRequire('cheerio');
var Future = Meteor.npmRequire('fibers/future');
var lastUrl;
var exit = false;
request("", Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
$ = Cheerio.load(body);
var k = 1;
$("div.content").each(function() {
var name = $...//parsing
var age = $....//parsing
var url = $...//parsing <a></a> elements
var fut = new Future();
var r = request(""+url, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body) {
lastUrl = response.request.uri.href;// get the last routing link
var metadata = {
name: name,
age: age
url: lastUrl
var postExist;
postExist = Posts.findOne(metadata); // return undefined if doesnt exist
if (!postExist) {
Posts.insert(metadata);// if post doesnt exist (every time go here ??)
} else {
var status = fut.wait();
return status;
You can use futures whenever you can't utilize callback functions (e.g. you want the user to wait on the result of a callback before presenting info).
Hopefully that helps,
This is the opposite :
postExist = Posts.findOne(metadata); // return undefined if doesnt exist > you're right
if (!postExist){ //=if NOT undefined = if it EXISTS !
}else {
exit = true; // if undefined > if it DOES NOT EXIST !
You need to inverse the condition or the code inside

Publishing Users information but without "secret" fields

I am publishing multi-user information (using Meteor.users collection) for the purpose of naming posts creators and have their names and other small details associated with those posts, but I do NOT want to publish the complete documents for each user as they have "secret" login information.
Here is the code I am using:
Meteor.publish("serverforumthread", function(thread){
check(thread, String);
var replies = forumReplies.find({thread: thread});
var users = {};{
users[r.owner] = r.owner;
var userids =, function(value, key){ return value; });
var projectedFields = {_id:1, username:1, forumStats: 1, services: 0};
var usrs = Meteor.users.find({_id:{$in: userids}}, projectedFields);
var anyUpdateToUsers = false;{
var changed = false;
owner.username = owner.emails[0].address.split("#")[0];
changed = true;
//owner.forumStats = undefined;
owner.forumStats = {};
owner.forumStats.postCount = 0;
owner.forumStats.postLikes = 0;
owner.forumStats.title = "the newbie";
owner.forumStats.tag = "newbie";
owner.forumStats.img = "";
changed = true;
anyUpdateToUsers = true;
Meteor.users.update({_id: owner._id}, {$set:{ forumStats:owner.forumStats }});
if(anyUpdateToUsers) // refresh it
usrs = Meteor.users.find({_id:{$in: userids}}, projectedFields);{
return [replies, usrs];
As you can see, I am only interested in publishing relies (posts) for a thread and their associated users username and small forumStats, I want to keep the "services" key secret, as it contains details that should not be published.
A sample output of the "console.log":
{ _id: 'hoRYFbRkXXbHYm8Ty',
createdAt: Tue Jun 03 2014 16:25:42 GMT+0100 (WEST),
emails: [ { address: '', verified: false } ],
{ postCount: 85,
postLikes: 5,
title: 'the newbie',
tag: 'newbie',
img: '' },
{ password: { srp: [Object] },
resume: { loginTokens: [Object] } } }
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
Have a look at the examples in the field specifiers section of the docs, and give this a try:
var projectedFields = {fields: {username:1, forumStats: 1}};
You'll get _id for free, and it will only include the other fields that you specify. Note that you can't mix inclusion and exclusion options, meaning you can't have both 0's and 1's.
If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll look more carefully.

Meteor - How can I pass data between helpers and events for a template?

I'm a bit new to Meteor and something I'm having trouble with is reactive data -- particularly in instances where I need to change the data shown based on a mouse or keyboard event. Doing this kind of stuff the normal js way seems to give me trouble in meteor since everything I change gets re-rendered and reset constantly.
So, I thought I'd see if this would be a case in which I could use Meteor's Deps object, however I can't quite grasp it. Here's the code I'm using:
var tenants = [];
var selectedTenant = 0;
var tenantsDep = new Deps.Dependency;
Template.tenantsBlock.tenantsList = function()
tenants = [];
var property = $properties.findOne({userId: Meteor.userId(), propertyId: Session.get('property')});
var tenancies = _Utils.resolveTenancies(property, true, null, true);
for(var i = 0; i < tenancies.length; i++)
if(tenancies[i].tenancyId == Session.get('tenancy'))
tenants = tenants.concat(tenancies[i].otherTenants, tenancies[i].primaryTenant);
tenants[selectedTenant].selected = 'Selected';
return tenants;
Template.tenantsBlock.onlyOneTenant = function()
return tenants.length > 1 ? '' : 'OneChild';
Template.tenantsBlock.phoneNumber = function()
for(var i = 0; i < tenants[selectedTenant].details.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].key) == 'Phone')
return tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.emailAddress = function()
for(var i = 0; i < tenants[selectedTenant].details.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].key) == 'Email')
return tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.addedDate = function()
return _Utils.timeToDateString(tenants[selectedTenant].created);
'click .Name': function(e, template)
var _this = e.currentTarget;
var tenantName = _this.innerHTML;
for(var i = 0; i < tenants.length; i++)
if(tenants[i].name == tenantName)
tenants[i].selected = "Selected";
tenants[i].selected = '';
^This seemed to be what they were getting at in the meteor documentation ( for dependency.changed() and dependency.depend(), but all this does is give me an infinite loop.
So can I modify the way I declare deps to get this to make data reactive? Is there a better way to do this all together?
Although I was skeptical to do so, I've been inclined to try to use Session.set/Session.get in a localized way. So, the next time I have to do this, I'll just do
Session.set('tenantsBlock' {tenants: [], selectedTenant: 0});
and then just access this variable from within helpers and event maps related to Template.tenantsBlock. That way they all have real time access to the data and they all get re-run when the data changes. Here's what I converted this script into (sorry these are both so large):
Template.tenantsBlock.created = Template.tenantsBlock.destroyed =function()
_Utils.setSession('tenantsBlock', {
tenants: [],
selectedTenant: 0
Template.tenantsBlock.tenantsList = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
localContext.tenants = [];
var property = $properties.findOne({userId: Meteor.userId(), propertyId: Session.get('property')});
var tenancies = _Utils.resolveTenancies(property, true, null, true);
for(var i = 0; i < tenancies.length; i++)
if(tenancies[i].tenancyId == Session.get('tenancy'))
localContext.tenants = localContext.tenants.concat(tenancies[i].otherTenants, tenancies[i].primaryTenant);
localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].selected = 'Selected';
Session.set('tenantsBlock', localContext);
return localContext.tenants;
Template.tenantsBlock.onlyOneTenant = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
return localContext.tenants.length > 1 ? '' : 'OneChild';
Template.tenantsBlock.phoneNumber = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
for(var i = 0; i < localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details[i].key) == 'Phone')
return localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.emailAddress = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
var selectedTenantDetails = localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details;
for(var i = 0; i < selectedTenantDetails.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(selectedTenantDetails[i].key) == 'Mail')
return selectedTenantDetails[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.addedDate = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
return _Utils.timeToDateString(localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].created);
'click .Name': function(e, template)
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
var _this = e.currentTarget;
var tenantName = _this.innerHTML;
for(var i = 0; i < localContext.tenants.length; i++)
if(localContext.tenants[i].name == tenantName)
localContext.tenants[i].selected = 'Selected';
localContext.selectedTenant = i;
localContext.tenants[i].selected = '';
Session.set('tenantsBlock', localContext);
You'll have to overcome the old-school way of doing it :) Meteor is a lot simpler than you think. A good rule of thumb is that if you're using jQuery to manipulate any DOM elements, you're probably doing it wrong. Additionally, if you're accessing any data without using the collection API, you'd better have good reason to do so.
In your case, you don't need to code up any manual dependencies at all. Manual dependencies are rarely needed in most Meteor applications.
The first thing you need to do is put all your tenants inside a Meteor.Collection, which will make them easier to work with.
Tenants = new Meteor.Collection("tenants");
Your tenantsBlock template should look something like this (modulo some different html elements):
<template name="tenantsBlock">
{{#each tenants}}
<li class="name {{selected}}">
<span>Primary Tenant: {{primaryTenant}}</span>
<span>Other Tenants: {{otherTenants}}</span>
<span>Phone Number: {{phoneNumber}}</span>
<span>Email Address: {{emailAddress}}</span>
<span>Added Date: {{addedDate}}</span>
Each document in Tenants should look something like the following:
primaryTenant: "Joe Blow",
otherTenants: "Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse",
phoneNumber: "555-234-5623",
emailAddress: "",
addedDate: "2005-10-30T10:45Z"
Then, all the code you would need is just for the selection/deselection, and you can delete everything else:
Template.tenantsBlock.tenants = function() {
return Tenants.find();
Template.tenantsBlock.selected = function() {
return Session.equals("selectedTenant", this._id);
'click .name': function(e) {
Session.set("selectedTenant", this._id);
Once again, I reiterate that you should never be doing DOM manipulations with Javascript when using Meteor. You just update your data and your templates will reactively update if everything is done correctly. Declare how you want your data to look, then change the data and watch the magic.
Meteor has really evolved since I posted this back in 2013. I thought
I should post a modern, superior method.
For a while now you've been able to create a ReactiveVar and now you can append those directly to templates. A ReactiveVar, similar to Session, is a reactive data store. ReactiveVar, however, holds only a single value (of any type).
You can add ReactiveVar to the client side of your project by running this in your terminal from your app's root directory:
$meteor add reactive-var
This javascript shows how you can pass the variable between the template's onCreated, onRendered, onDestroyed, events and helpers.
Template.myTemplate.onCreated = function() {
// Appends a reactive variable to the template instance
this.reactiveData = new ReactiveVar('Default Value');
'click .someButton': (e, template) => {
// Changes the value of the reactive variable for only this template instance
template.reactiveData.set('New Value');
theData: () => {
// Automatically updates view when reactive variable changes
return Template.instance().reactiveData.get();
This is superior for a few reasons:
It scopes the variable only to a single template instance. Particularly useful in cases where you might have a dozen instances of a template on a page, all requiring independent states.
It goes away when the template goes away. Using ReactiveVar or Session variables you will have to clear the variable when the template is destroyed (if it is even destroyed predictably).
It's just cleaner code.
Bonus Points: See ReactiveDict for cases in which you have many instances of a template on a page at once, but need to manage a handful of reactive variables and have those variables persist during the session.
