ASP.NET web application life-cycle/lifetime -

In PHP (Apache + mod_php) the interpreter is restarted on every request. This is the execution model even if using PHP-fpm which keeps a few interpreters ready for requests.
Does an ASP.NET web app persist in IIS application pool waiting for requests or is there a new thread/process per request?
For example, would a static class variable persist across requests when one of those requests initializes it?

Yes, the value is persisted across requests.
A static class variable's (a field's) value is persisted and shared across all usage of the class (whether via an instantiated object or through the class reference itself). See


addScoped service lifetime in an ASP.NET Core multithreaded application

I know that AddSingleton() creates a single instance of the service when it is first requested and reuses that same instance in all the places where that service is needed.
If my ASP.NET Core application is multi-threaded, does that mean all HTTP requests from all users will share the same object instance created by dependency injection (DI)?
If so, that would be not a good way if the application process data to be stored. Are there any best practices?
As mentioned in Microsoft documentation, Service lifetimes, it depends on your specific case.
Presumably, if you have a service, A, and you want to create a new instance on every single request, you can use AddScoped() rather than AddSingleton(). A scoped lifetime service would be created per client request.
If for example, it was some shared data that possibly doesn't change between requests such as some values that are computed at application startup and reused throughout the lifetime of the application, then that is a usable scenario.

Web Api And Static Classes

With regard to Web Api, are static classes loaded into memory at every request? If not, what should be used to use the same static class for every request and load it into memory once? I am thinking of loading a class containing a dictionary.
A static class is loaded once and static members are shared between all instances - if you wish to share a dictionary, then declare it as a static member of a class (the class itself does not need to be static).
One thing that is important to note: if your app is running under IIS and you configure it to allow multiple process instances, then those instances will NOT share static class instances since they are in different processes. This is not the default - if you use default IIS settings, then only one process will service requests and you will be fine - otherwise you will need to have a different approach, for example a secondary shared in-memory cache or service or database that then becomes the shared storage for the dictionary.
A static type is initialized only once per application domain and only when referenced. Web API 4.x and previous (not core version) are hosted in IIS which hosts the site in their own application domain 1 domain per site.
If you want a shared readonly dictionary then you could make use of a static type, it will be loaded once and all your loaded instances could reference that same dictionary regardless of what request they were on. I am not advocating this idea as that would be going into the realm of opinion, I am simply stating that this is possible.

ASP.NET Global/Static storage?

I have a thread-safe object which is part of an API previously used in windows service/client scenarios. This thread-safe object is essentially a singleton and stored in a static variable so that all callers can access the same state.
This API has recently started being used in an ASP.NET application, and I suspect that some funky behavior we're seeing may be due to unexpected AppDomain/lifecycle behavior. So I was wondering if I could get some verification:
Is a static variable reliably available for all requests, or does ASP.NET do any trickery with having multiple AppDomains for multiple requests?
I understand this would be the case for a web garden ... but our IIS is configured to use only 1 process, and is configured to only recycle once a day
Static variable should be the same for all requests in 1 worker process. I would suggest you to add logs to your application, especially in application_start/stop and in static constructor of a singleton to see what's happening.
Hope this helps.

Ihttpmodule ,Ihttphandler .NET

I have some doubt over HttpModule and HttpHandler Please help me to clarify
1)In HttpModule I have noticed methods Init called only once . context_BeginRequest and context_EndRequest etc method calling for each request.
Is it guaranteed that for a module Init will call once for different users(or different request) and BeginRequest etc will call every time for different users (or different request) ?
2)Is there any possibility that Application_Start(global.asax) can run more than once because there may be more than one application object
3) Since application object can be different (from application pool) In this case how Application data is shared between different users?
4) In HttpHandler ProcessRequest method will call for each request (or for each user).
"Is it guaranteed that for a module Init will call once for different users(or different request) and BeginRequest etc will call every time for different users (or different request)?"
The init method will be called when the app pool starts / when the application is started for the first time. This is when the module is loaded.
The BeginRequest method is called every time the application starts handling a new HTTP request.
"2)Is there any possibility that Application_Start(global.asax) can run more than once because there may be more than one application object"
There is not more than one application in a particular folder. IIS doesn't work that way. Only one global.asax per application, and Application_Start will only be called once for each application unless the app pool is reset.
"3) Since application object can be different (from application pool) In this case how Application data is shared between different users?"
Depends where you're storing this application data and what you're using to retrieve it. I'm not sure what you mean about this. Session data should be scoped to an individual application (certainly for in-process session state server, and if properly configured also for out-of-process session state server)
"4) In HttpHandler ProcessRequest method will call for each request (or for each user)."
Yes, but only for requests which are mapped to your handler. Conversely, HttpModule can be called for ALL requests.

ASP.NET: Static Class in App_Code

If a static class is put in App_Code, does that imply only one instance will be created, shared by different http requests?
Or each request still brings one request?
The static instances will be shared between all requests. See this question:
Are static class instances unique to a request or a server in ASP.NET?
You will have one instance for each worker process. You can have several worker processes on one machine handling requests for the same website (a "web garden").
The instance will be shared for all requests in that worker process only.
In addition, there can be two worker processes running for a short time during AppPool recycling, since it's done using a roll-over process (the old worker continues to process old requests while the new worker handles new ones).
There will be no instance at all!
static classes are never instantiated.
