Google Drive + Meteor - meteor

I'm planning on integrating some sort of realtime editing functionality in my tutoring app using Meteor. I've been using ShareJS till now, but I'd like to be able for users to edit spreadsheets and powerpoints as well as well as have more editing features. I've been thinking about how we could possibly integrate Google Drive's Docs,SpreadSheets, and Presentations interfaces into my API. Is this possible/legal using iFrames or is there any other format for doing so?

See their OAuth APIs for drive.files.list..
It doesn't seem as integrated with the Meteor Auth as I'd like, but I'm getting somewhere with it.
After setting things up with gapi.client.setApiKey, then gapi.auth.authorize and gapi.client.load{}).execute( function(r){ console.log(r); } );


Create firebase account on behalf of users

I'm trying to find a way to allow users to create and setup firebase project on their own google account from a client app, and get all their project information, urls and so on.
I took a look at the new project management api but can not figure out how to achieve this.
The management API currently does not support the creation of a new Google Cloud project. You are free to file a feature request for that, but it's worth pointing out that project creation is a complex issue and needs to be gated by abuse prevention measures.
You might also want to look into Google Cloud APIs for dealing with projects.

Integrating BuildFire with Firebase api

I would like to know or have sample of integrating the api key generated from firebase to buildfire mobile app. (Not using buildfire.js) Is there any other way to integrate the api key without having to code?
You can integrate using BuildFireStore which integrate with Firebase’s Firestore.
You can get this don’t through the BuildFire dev portal this will integrate with BuildFire with authentication and user tagging.
That being said, each plugin still needs to be coded to integrate with your own database and structure.
On a final note, generally people will on code the plugins they need to host on their firebase database. The rest can stay within the BuildFire CMS since no integrations are need for this like a Folder Plugin.
I hope this helps.

Fetch Firebase data from app to website?

I have built an iphone app that writes data to firebase. That works fine. Now I want to display that data on a website. I am totally new to programming, and had to learn swift from scratch.
So my question is; is there a easy way to display the data on the webpage? It dont have to look good as long as the data is displayed. I'm not sure if I'm able to learn another codelanguage just yet ☺
To build a web site you'd use a combination of HTML (for the layout of the web site), CSS (for the actual look of the web site) and JavaScript (for the logic of the web site). JavaScript is indeed a different language, but a second language should be easier than your first one.
I recommend studying the Firebase Database documentation for JavaScript and taking the Firebase codelab for web. They are the best ways to get started with Firebase.
You may use the Firebase JS SDK
use Nodejs to generate static HTML
use Express as the website framework, dynamically generate the pages

GetStream in React Native

I currently have a side project React Native app running everything through Firebase. I want to add a social feed. I've been able to use getstream in client mode by turning off the debugger, but after a day without the debugger I've realized that's unacceptable. So my options are:
Put the getstream related code in Firebase Functions:
get: This really could be on any server
follow/unfollow - Trigger from database update
addActivity - Trigger from database update
Write my own social feed code using Firebase. I hate reinventing the wheel and I think getstream would make potential future features like notification/aggregated feeds easier.
I was able to use Firebase Functions to generate the secret feed tokens. If only I could use the Chrome Debugger with getstream. It seems like I'm not in a very unique position and this should be supported.

Do I still need a backend like RoR or Django if I use Firebase?

I am a Front-end developer with limited backend knowledge.
My question is do I need other backend frameworks like Django or Ruby on Rails if I use Firebase as a backend? In other words, can I solely depend on Firebase as a backend and build a single page web application or Mobile application without writing a single line of backend code?
Thanks for your time viewing the question.
I was also looking for a platform to minimize server code and I found that firebase can help a lot.
You will get plenty of docs on net. You can start at angular fire + firebase doc
Following document was helpful for me to design my app, which requires some amount of off-line processing too.
